Die 24 Oct., 1906.
MAR - 8 W60
IN the following pages some details have been given of
the Catholic Missions in this country from the breach with
the Apostolic See to our own times. The story of the
English Catholics, or the ' Romance of the Recusants ' as it
has been happily termed, during that long period of trial
and proscription forms as interesting a narrative as any to
be found in the pages of modern history.
The downfall of the great and ancient Church in these
realms after the centuries of her flourishing existence is an
event which Newman, in a passage of the noblest eloquence,
has termed almost a miracle.1 Tremendous, however, as was
the overthrow, the rise of the ancient faith — kept alive here
and there in the ancient halls and lowly cottages of the land —
from generations of political oppression and social ostracism,
is no less a wondrous proof of ' the vivifying principle ' of
the 'old religion ' and God's protecting power. When the
close of the eighteenth century ushered in such momentous
changes in the state of European governments and society,
the wrecked remnant of the ancient Church in England had
yet within her the unquenched sparks of vitality which seemed
1 ' A great change, an awful contrast, between the time-honoured Church of
St. Augustine and St. Thomas, and the poor remnant of their children in the
beginning of the nineteenth century ! It was a miracle, I might say, to have
pulled down that lordly power ; but there was a greater and a truer one in
store. No one could have prophesied its fall, but still less would anyone have
ventured to prophesy its rise again.' — Tlie Second Spring.
to say in encouragement to her scattered and dejected
children, ' Eesurgam ' — ' I shall arise.'
With regard to the historical introduction to the present
work, no attempt has been made to narrate the events which
marked the commencement of the Reformation in the reigns
of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. or the short-lived Catholic
restoration under Queen Mary. As most writers assign the
final and definite establishment of Protestantism in England
to the reign of Elizabeth, it is from the first year of her
accession that we propose following the rapidly declining
fortunes of the ancient Church. Moreover, the subject is
one wThich deals mainly with English Catholicism in the
days of its depression, far removed from the historic
splendours of the mediaeval religious polity.
The author is aware that many of the remarks in the
ensuing notices of missions are of a scanty and fragmentary
nature. Every effort has been made to exclude error, but
in a work like the present it is well nigh impossible to
prevent mis-statements from appearing, considering the
obscurity of much of the subject and the difficulty of
obtaining reliable information. Most publications of this
nature are only perfected in course of time, and the writer
will be grateful for any corrections that may be brought
to his notice. For the rest, reliance has been placed on
Catholic magazines, newspapers, county histories, private
memoirs and letters of the past hundred years. By means
of these auxiliaries, the author trusts that he has put forward
a book which will be found useful for casual reference, and
if this aspiration is realised he will feel that the labours of
thirteen years have not been in vain. In conclusion, he begs
to acknowledge his obligations to W. Simpson, Esq., Park
Place, Mitcham, for the use so kindly afforded of a select
and valuable library, to the Very Eev. Henry Canon Cafferata
for several practical suggestions, and the Rev. J. Wilhelm,
D.D., of Battle, for kindly supervising the proofs.
C.J. .
C.P. .
Fr. .
M.R. .
O.P. .
S.C. .
S.J. .
V.A. .
V.F. .
V.G. .
= Congregation of Josephites.
Congregation of Passionists.
- Canons Regular of the Lateran.
- Congregation of the Most Holy Re
- Father (used in this book for both
secular and regular clergy).
= Institute of St. Andrew.
= Missionary Rector.
= Missionaries of the Sacred Heart.
= Order of Discalced Carmelites.
= Order of Friars Minor.
= Order of Preachers (Dominicans).
= Order of St. Benedict.
= Order of St. Francis.
= Order of Franciscan Capuchins.
= Order of Religious Servants of the Holy
Virgin, Servites.
= Salesian Congregation.
= Society of Jesus.
= Vicar Apostolic.
= Vicar Foraneus, Vicar Forane, or
' Rural Dean.'
= Vicar Apostolic of the London District.
= Vicar Apostolic of the Midland District.
= Vicar Apostolic of the Northern District
= Vicar Apostolic of the Western District.
= Vicar-General.
The following are the chief sources of information consulted in drawing up
the present work :
1. 'Eecords of the English Province of the Society of Jesus,' by Brother
2. Mr. J. Orlebar Payne's ' Old English Catholic Missions ' and ' Kecords of
the English Catholics of 1715.'
3. ' The Catholic Church in England and Wales during the last two Centuries,'
edited for the XV. Club (Burns and Gates, 1892).
4. ' Catholic England in Modern Times,' by Kev. J. Morris, S.J. (Burns and
Gates, 1892).
5. ' Troubles of Our Catholic Forefathers,' by the same.
6. ' Historical Memoirs of the English, Irish, and Scottish Catholics,' by
C. Butler (London : John Murray, 1819).
7. ' The Catholic Magazine,' 1832-35.
8. ' The Catholic Miscellany,' 1823-24.
9. The ' Orthodox Journal,' 1839-42.
10. The ' Tablet,' weekly newspaper, 1840-1906.
11. Lewis's ' Topographical Dictionary of England and Wales.'
12. Lingard's ' History of England.'
13. Challoner's ' Memoirs of Missionary Priests.'
14. ' Religious Worship Census,' 1851 (Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1853).
15. ' Bibliographical Dictionary of the English Catholics,' by Joseph Gillow,
(Burns and Oates).
16. 'The Laity's Directory,' 1793 and 1824-38.
17. ' The Catholic Directory,' 1838-1906.
18. 'The London Catholic Directory and Almanac,' 1900-1906.
19. ' The Downside Review ' (various numbers).
20. ' Catholic London a Century Ago,' by Mgr. Canon Ward.
21. 'The Franciscans in England,' 1600-1850, by Rev. Father Thaddeus,
O.F.M. (Art and Book Co., 1898).
22. 'The History of Sedgley Park School,' by Mgr. F. C. Husenbeth
(Richardson and Son, 1856).
23. ' The Catholic Times,' weekly newspaper, from about 1892.
24. ' Collections,' by George Canon Oliver, D.D. (London : Charles Dolman,
TILL the researches of modern historians proved the contrary,
a widespread belief existed in this country that the accession
of Elizabeth was hailed by the majority of the nation as
the deliverance of an enthralled and coerced people from the
bondage of Kome. In view, however, of known facts, even
hostile critics are forced to admit that the final establishment
of the tenets of the Eeformation in England was the out
come of a slow process of evolution — assisted, it is true, by a
protestant legislature and several favourable local circum
stances, but still an evolution — which lasted the greater part
of a century. At the outset, little if anything presaged the
ultimate and mighty change, The Queen received the con
gratulations of the episcopate with approbation and caused
Masses to be duly sung for her sister's soul. In her own
domestic chapel she continued to be present at the august
sacrifice of the Catholic Church, frequently availed herself
of Confession, manifested respect for sacred images and
pictures, and was ' indulgent to the affectionate practice of
praying for the souls of the departed.' In a word, she
showed by her whole demeanour her resolution of abiding by
her solemn oath to the late Queen * to live and die a true
Roman Catholic.' L
1 Mackintosh, History of England) vol. iii. ohap. 1.
Of the relative religious belief of her subjects it is not
so easy to speak. It may perhaps be safe to say that about
two-thirds of the middle and lower classes were professedly
Catholic. London and the eastern home counties contained
a large number of protestants. With regard to the nobility
and superior gentry, ' they had,' writes one of the foreign
ambassadors about this time, ' no other religion but their
own interest, and were ready at the call of the ruling power
to embrace Judaism or Mahometanism.' l This verdict is
amply endorsed by the conduct of the governing classes of
the day. In the second parliament of Edward VI. Cranmer's
Book of Common Prayer had been extolled as ' the work of
the Holy Ghost,' while the same assembly in the first year
of the reign of Mary denounced the doctrines of protestantism
as ' a new thing imagined and devised by a few of singular
opinions ' and acknowledged that they and their countrymen
had been guilty of ' a most horrible defection from the true
Church of Christ.' It soon, however, became apparent that
the predilections of the new Sovereign were in the direction
of the [Reformers. On Christmas Day 1559, as the Bishop
of Carlisle was vesting for Mass, he received a royal order
not to elevate the Host. ' My life,' replied the prelate, ' is
the Queen's, but my conscience is my own.' The sacred
rite proceeded, but the Queen retired after the Gospel.
Shortly after this, a royal proclamation appeared command
ing certain parts of the liturgy to be read in the vulgar
tongue, and all parish churches throughout the land were
ordered to model their services after the rites and ceremonies
observed in her Majesty's Chapel Royal.
Alarmed by these and other sinister prognostications, the
bishops sorrowfully but firmly refused to assist at the
coronation of a princess so filled with disaffection towards
the Church. Eventually, Oglethorp of Carlisle was induced
to pontificate at the ceremony and placed the royal diadem
1 Jjetter of the Venetian ambassador, MSS. Barberini, 1208.
on his Sovereign who swore ' to maintain the laws, honour,
peace and privileges of the Church as they existed in the
time of King Edward the Confessor.' The almost immediate
violation of this solemn engagement by the Queen is said to
have hurried the prelate to his grave.
Foreseeing the coming storm, the Convocations of York
and Canterbury hastened to declare their unanimous belief in
all the doctrines of the Ancient Church, including, of course,
the very keystone of ecclesiastical unity and discipline, the
supremacy of the Apostolic See. The matter had, however,
passed from theologians to legislators, and already the
Cabinet was drafting the bill which was to sever England
from the Universal Church.1
On January 25, 1559, the Queen convoked her first
Parliament. The session, which was to be so full of detri
ment to Catholic interests in the country, opened with a
solemn high Mass at which her majesty and the Court
attended. The principal business of the legislature, thus
strangely inaugurated, was the suppression of the spiritual
jurisdiction of the Holy See, and declaring the Queen the
* supreme governor ' of the English Church. A copy of the
resolution of Convocation referred to above had been pre
sented to both Houses by the ecclesiastical authorities as being
the written pledge of England's union with the Universal
Church. Another document — couched in similar terms of
obedience to the Roman pontiff — was at the same time pre
sented by the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. The
struggle in Parliament was long and severe, notwithstanding
the fact that ten out of the twenty-six sees were vacant and
five new peers, ' of protestant principles,' had just been added
to the upper chamber. The religious revolution abolishing
1 Many of the members of this Cabinet, notably Burleigh and Walsingham,
had distinguished themselves in the previous reign by their pretended zeal for
Catholicism and active persecution of the protestants. See Milner, Letters to
a Prebendary.
the papal supremacy and restoring, with some slight modifica
tions, the second Prayer Book of Edward VI. was accom
plished by the narrow majority of three !
When the oath of acquiescence in the new order of things
came to be administered, the bishops, with the exception of
Kitchen of Llandaff, ' the Calamity of his See 3 as Camden
calls him, refused to subscribe and were deprived. Their
example was followed by about two hundred and twenty-
nine heads of colleges, canons, prebends, and inferior clergy.
Dodd, in the second volume of his Church History, gives the
number of parochial rectors who refused the oath as one
hundred and fifty. With regard to the rest of the clergy,
their conduct is but another instance of what so frequently
happens in times of religious revolution when worldly
advantage is balanced against the dictates of conscience.
The majority took the oath, some subscribing unwillingly,
others with reservations. To many it was not administered
at all. In hundreds of parishes, especially in the north, the
sacrifice of the Mass and the other liturgical rites of the old
religion continued to be practised for years. The great
officers of State do not seem to have been greatly troubled,
at least at the outset, on the subject of the royal supremacy.
Sir Anthony Browne, Lord Chief Justice of the Common
Pleas, in spite of his known attachment to the ancient
Church, was confirmed by Elizabeth in his high office which
he held till his death in 1567.
However many of the clergy may have outwardly con
formed at the time the Act of Uniformity was passed, it is
equally certain that numbers of these afterwards repented of
their conduct, resigned their livings, and left the country.
From 1560 to 1568 the land was almost destitute of ministers.
So great was the dearth, that, as Hallam observes, ' it was
a common practice to appoint laymen, usually mechanics, to
read the services in the vacant churches.' ' So many churches
in country towns and villages were vacant/ says Neal, ' that
in some places there was no preaching nor so much as read
ing a homily for many months together. In sundry parishes
it was hard to find persons to bury the dead.' Heylin re
marks that the new clergy ' was made up of cobblers, weavers,
tinkers, tanners, card-makers, fiddlers, tailors, bagpipers
&c.' l In the diocese of Ely a hundred parishes were without
ministers during the year 1560, and in 1562 two-thirds of
the benefices of the diocese of Norwich were unoccupied.
The Bishop of Bangor about the same time complained
that he had but two preachers in his diocese. In 1563
Thomas Wylliams, Esq., Speaker of the House of Commons,
drew attention to the fact that many of the great market
towns were without either school or preacher.
In no quarter was the change in religion more severely
felt than at Oxford. For several years after 1559 the
exodus of the fellows and students was so great that, ac
cording to the antiquarian Wood, ' the University seemed
destroyed.' Jewel, Bishop of Salisbury, complained that
there were not above two men at Oxford of the reformed
opinions and these ' so dispirited as to be good for nothing.'
As late as 1578 seventy-six out of the eighty members of
Exeter College are described by Strype as being ' secret or
open Koman affectionaries.' 2
More eloquent than the protests and resignations of
Church dignitaries and scholars was the far-famed Northern
Kising of 1569. Led by the Earls of Northumberland and
Westmoreland, and having for object the restoration of the
Ancient Faith and the liberation of the Queen of Scots from
her English prison, it speedily assumed the proportions of a
crusade. Thousands of the northern gentry and yeomanry
flocked to ' The banner of the Five Wounds.' At Durham
1 History of the Reformation. Hallam, Constitutional History.
• Annals of the Reformation. The Inns of Court in London were also
regarded as ' a nest of papists.' These hostels of the law seem to have had n
attraction for Catholics. In Bishop Challoner's time, 1745 81, the library of
the clergy of the London district was in Gray's Inn.
the Calvinistic Bibles and Prayer Books were publicly burnt,
and the Mass sung for the last time in the Cathedral Church.
The ill-starred movement, as is well known, ended in the
horrible vengeance of the Court, which afforded Wordsworth
a theme for some of the most pathetic lines in his ' White
Doe of Kylstone.' In his report to the Queen relating to
the state of the country after the suppression of the rising,
Lord Sussex, the royal commander, assured her majesty that
* there were not ten gentlemen in Yorkshire that did allow
(approve) the proceedings in the cause of religion.'
The year of the Northern Rising marks an epoch in
the history of ecclesiastical affairs in England. The places
of the clergy and bishops deprived for refusing the oath of
supremacy had been, to a great extent, filled up by protestant
divines who had fled abroad to escape the persecution in the
previous reign. Great numbers of these on returning home
brought with them the rigid tenets and republican principles
of puritanism which in the succeeding century were to have
so large a share in the great Civil War, the subversion of
the monarchy and the execution of Charles I. Their exces
sive zeal for ' a thorough Godly Reformation ' was for a time
kept in check by the authority of the Queen and some of the
more moderate among the protestant bishops. * Up to 1570,'
remarks the eminent author of the ' Life of Father Campion,'
* Catholic practices had been allowed to linger in the Estab
lishment ; now after the defeat of the northern rebels the
Puritans found themselves strong enough to repress by force
what they had been obliged to connive at.' The Convoca
tion of 1571, presided over by Archbishop Grindal, gave
expression to the wishes of the extreme party. ' The Com
munion was no longer to be put into the communicant's
mouth but into his hand ; all ceremonies and gestures not
prescribed in the Prayer Book were to cease ; people were
to communicate three times a year, not like the Papists
at Easter or Christmas, but on Ash Wednesday and one of
the two Sundays before Easter, Whitsunday, and Christmas.
All altars were to be pulled down and the altar stones de
faced and put to common use. All prayers for the dead
at funerals or commemorations for the dead to cease ; no
person was to be allowed to wear beads or pray upon them
in Latin or English or to burn candles on the feast of the
Purification, or to make the sign of the Cross as he entered
the church.' l
In places where Catholic customs and traditions were
strong these and similar orders remained for a considerable
time a dead letter, but wherever the doctrines of the Ee-
formation had taken root the devastation that ensued was
irreparable. Sculptured effigies of the Saviour and His
blessed Mother, painted windows and carved roods fell in
countless fragments beneath the axes and hammers of de
stroying fanatics. The resting places of the dead shared
the same fate. Sepulchral brasses and funeral monuments
were torn up and disposed of by hundreds till at length
Elizabeth herself had to intervene to save the ecclesiastical
fabrics of the country from being reduced to little more
than heaps of ruins.2
It has commonly been alleged that Elizabeth's chief
motive for rejecting the spiritual authority of the Pope and
pursuing a hostile policy towards the Catholics was the
refusal of the reigning Pontiff, Paul IV., to recognise either
her legitimacy or title to the crown, in view of the superior
claim of the Queen of Scots as ' the nearest legitimate de
scendant of Henry VII.' The State papers of Lord Salisbury
1 Visitation articles of Archbishop Grindal quoted at large in Richard
Simpson's Edmund Campion (London, 1867). Out of hatred for the Mass,
the altar stones were often placed at the threshold of church doors * to be
trodden under the feet of men.'
2 About 4,000 monumental brasses are known to exist in England at the
present day. The number destroyed during this period has been estimated
at 12,000. The Queen's proclamation against this sacrilegious vandalism was
signed with her own hand (1560).
at Hatfield give a totally different version of the current
legend. Sir Edward Carne, the English ambassador at
Borne, in his letter to Elizabeth states that although the
French Court had been urging the Pontiff to publicly recog
nise the Scottish Queen as true heir to the English crown, yet
the Pope absolutely refused to do anything against Elizabeth
or her people ' unless the occasion be given first thence.' The
Queen herself, if we are to believe Lansac, the French
envoy extraordinary, owned to him that the spiritual supre
macy belonged to St. Peter's successors, but that reasons of
State compelled her to assume it.1 Neither was the animus
of Elizabeth's government against the Catholics the result of
Pope Pius V.'s Bull of Deposition (1570). The persecution
had practically commenced with the Act of Supremacy in
1559 and was intensified in severity by the statute of 1563,
which adjudged the dreadful penalties of treason on all who
twice refused to abjure the spiritual authority of the Pontiff,
which, needless to say, was equivalent to a renunciation of
the Catholic faith.
So various had been the religious changes of the past
few years in England, that at first the majority of Catholics
in this country hoped that the schism of the realm from the
Universal Church would be of but short duration. As time
wore on and the outlook grew blacker every day, it became
apparent that vigorous measures would have to be taken to
keep alive the ancient faith. The number of ' Queen Mary's
priests,' some of whom resided in every county, grew less
and less every year, and others had to be supplied to take
their place. The exigencies of the time were met by
Cardinal Allen's establishment of Douai College in 1568,
and to its halls the Oxford professors and students, opposed
to the recent innovations, flocked by scores. Douai, in fact,
became Oxford across the sea, and by 1580 upwards of a
hundred of its alumni had gone forth to brave the hardships
1 Answer to Sir Edward Coke's Reports, p. 365.
and dangers of the English Mission. The missionary
priests * served as chaplains in private families. By stealth,
at the dead of night in private chambers in the secret lurk
ing places of an ill-peopled country, with all the mystery
that subdues the imagination, with all the mutual trust that
invigorates constancy, these proscribed ecclesiastics cele
brated their solemn rites, more impressive in such conceal
ment than if surrounded by all their former splendour.'1
The remote shires of Lancashire, Yorkshire, and North
umberland were the chief scenes of their Apostolic labours,
though there is scarcely an old manor house in the country
which has not ' a priest's hiding-place ' — hidden behind the
wainscot or buried far down beneath the hearth — to tell of
the heroic stand made by lord and squire for the faith of St.
Augustine and St. Anselm.2
The Douai students, while taught to prefer their religion
to every worldly consideration, were also carefully instructed
to acknowledge Elizabeth's title to the throne notwith
standing the papal excommunication against her, and all
questions on the Pope's deposing power were forbidden to
be discussed even in private. When Babington's plot to
depose Elizabeth and liberate the Queen of Scots became
known (1586), the divines of the college warned the Catholics
of England against disturbing the government, and bade
them rely on * prayers and tears ' as the only means of
bettering their miserable condition.
The several plots against the life and regal dignity of
Elizabeth were, for the most part, the work of foreign
associations hostile to the Queen on political grounds, or the
phantom conspiracies of Walsingham and Burleigh for the
purpose of casting odium on the Catholic cause. These
1 Hallam, Constitutional History, chap. 3.
2 Hundreds of these secret refuges were made by an ingenious carpenter
named Littlejohn. Little is known about him except that he was a hunchback,
a man of prodigious strength, and a constant sufferer for the Catholic faith.
ministers had in their pay a large number of renegade
Catholics and others of dissolute life, whom they employed
in the odious business of conspiracy makers. The small
number of real plots by native Catholics were the acts
of a few men rendered desperate by violent and increasing
persecution, and can certainly not fairly be charged to the
general body of English Catholics, whose loyal conduct
during the Armada crisis ought to leave their patriotism un-
It must, however, be admitted that the persecution was
to a large extent fanned by the conduct of an Englishman,
rightly considered by historians as one of the most remark
able of his time. The story of Robert Pearsons or Parsons,
the Jesuit, is that of a life spent in devotion to a cause.
The son of a blacksmith of Nether Stowey, he was already
one of the leading lights of Balliol College, Oxford, when a
quarrel with Dr. Squire, the president, brought about his
public expulsion. He returned from Rome six years later
a Jesuit priest, and at once engaged upon the hard and
perilous labour of a proscribed missioner. Before leaving
the Eternal City, he had been admonished by the General of
the Society to avoid all meddling with affairs of State, but
a residence of some months with Mendoza, the Spanish
Ambassador in London, would seem to have insinuated a
passion for political intrigue. From a secret press at East
Ham he issued those admirably written and argued contro
versial pamphlets which nearly a century and a half later
evoked the unqualified admiration of Dean Swift. The
persecution which had been ' very severe ' at the time of his
landing now increased in fury, and in 1581 Parliament made
1 The long existence of Douai College in France (1568-1792) only served
to accentuate the thoroughly English character of its students. Charles
Butler, the well-known lawyer, who was there in 1763, declared that ' every
victory which the English gained over the French was a triumph to the
English boys,' and the signal for patriotic outbursts which the magistrates of
the town magnanimously tolerated,
it a capital offence to be reconciled to the Church.
Campion, the proto-martyr of the Society of Jesus, suffered
in December, about which time Pearsons returned to
It is outside the scope of the present work to trace even
in outline the methods adopted by this indefatigable person
age for the accomplishment of his task. He founded an
English College at Eu, afterwards transferred to St. Omer,
and for years was the presiding genius of that little band of
refugees who looked to the King of Spain for the liberation
of the Queen of Scots and the restoration by force of arms of
the ancient Church in these realms. The raid of Euthven,
Throckmorton's conspiracy, and the overthrow of the
Armada, mark the graves of these high hopes, though to the
last Pearsons clung to the belief that the sword of the most
Catholic King would yet effect the spiritual deliverance of
his countrymen in the faith.
The spectacle of an individual plotting the subjugation
of his country to an alien yoke, however repulsive to our
modern notions of patriotism, was by no means unique at
that time. * He [Pearsons] was all for Spanish interference
in England,' writes Mr. Andrew Lang, 'just as Squire
Western and the Jacobites at large were all for French in
terference .... Both Popes and foreign Sovereigns, Philip II.
for one, disliked the interference of the Jesuits. Like Mr.
Harry Foker they thought it a pity that the clergy should
interfere. But granting that Parsons intrigued with a
foreign power against the Government of England, we
must remember that the Presbyterian ministers were in
triguing with a foreign power against the Government of
But no act of hostility on the part of Pearsons aroused
more widespread resentment at home than the publication
of his celebrated ' Conference about the Succession to the
Article by Mr, Andrew Lang in The Pilot, October 12, 1901,
Crowne of Ingland.' It was an historic plea for the claims
of the Infanta as the successor of Elizabeth, and the right
of the people to depose their rulers for heresy. A special
Act of Parliament made it death for anyone to have a copy
of the book in his possession, and the fury of the Govern
ment of course fell on the whole body of English Catholics.
That body indignantly repudiated the obnoxious book, the
publication of which was declared by the Nuncio at Brussels
to be highly offensive to the Pope. The loyal services of the
recusants during the invasion of the Armada, as well as their
innocence on the present occasion, were ignored, and the
penal enactments inflicted with a relentless hand.
The unhappy influence of Pearsons, it is alleged, was no
less disastrously felt in matters other than high politics.
The difficulty about a supply of priests having been sur
mounted by the establishment of ' seminaries beyond the
sea,' a desire arose among the great majority of English
Catholics for episcopal government in place of the extinct
hierarchy. The ' great want of a bishop in England ' had
been acknowledged by Pearsons himself, yet it is asserted that
no sconer did he become rector of the English College at
Eome (1597) than he opposed any such appointment as
inopportune. It is further alleged that it was his advice
which led the Curia to adopt the archpriest form of govern
ment. In 1599 the Kev. Geo. Blackwell, M.A., of Trinity
College, Oxford, came to England with powers to grant or
withdraw the faculties of the secular clergy, consecrate the
Chrism, and administer Confirmation.
Blackwell's position in this country was one requiring
tact amounting to genius, but tact even of the ordinary kind
he does not seem to have possessed. He is described as
unconciliatory ; he was perhaps needlessly severe, and in
November 1600 thirty-three priests petitioned Propaganda
for his removal.
The seculars chose as their delegates to Eome Dr.
William Bishop, afterwards Vicar Apostolic, and Mr.
Eobert Charnock, a Lancashire gentleman of ancient lineage.
These were further charged to petition for bishops in ordinary
and to request that the clergy abroad might be restrained
from writing against Elizabeth and her ministers, as such
publications had no other effect than to increase the penal
The delegates were arrested in Rome as factious persons
and confined in the English College, whence they were
only released at the intercession of Cardinal Perron, the
French Ambassador. The odium of their imprisonment has
been laid on Father Pearsons, who regarded the opposition
to the archpriest as springing from a spirit of rebellion.
Meanwhile the conduct of that dignitary was precipitating
a crisis. He suspended several of the clergy, and the matter
was carried on appeal from the Nuncio at Brussels to the
Sorbonne. On the affair going to Rome, the Pope wrote
exhorting him to be more prudent, and thus matters stood
when Elizabeth died and James I. ascended the throne in
Catholics, while appreciating the literary and maritime
glories which shed so bright a lustre over this period of their
country's history, have nothing but the darkest memories
to associate with the reign of Elizabeth. One hundred
and twenty-eight priests, fifty-eight laymen, and two gentle
women suffered death for ' the spiritual felonies and treasons '
which were added to the statute book during this reign.
Several thousand Catholic recusants died in prison from the
effects of torture and other hardships, while very many noble
and ancient families were reduced to ruin by the enormous
monthly fines for non-attendance at the parish church.
The accession of the Scottish King, James VI., to the
English throne was hailed with joyful expectation by the
Catholics of the Southern Kingdom. As the son of the
unfortunate Mary, he was generally regarded as looking
with favour on his mother's co-religionists, and, in the hope
of good things to come, the Nuncio at Brussels took the pre
caution of warning the Catholic body in England ' to abstain
from even the appearance of disobedience,' and to show the
most perfect loyalty to the Government. The reigning
Pontiff, Clement VIII., also forwarded to the King his heart
felt wishes that his Majesty and Consort ' might have a long
and glorious reign.' James, on his part, was not indifferent
to these overtures. He remitted the fines for recusancy,
liberated several priests from prison, and raised some
Catholic gentlemen to the peerage. In private, moreover,
he was wont to speak of the Roman Church as ' the Mother
Church,' and the Pope as ' the Patriarch of the West.'
These slight marks of royal favour excited the fiercest anger
of the Puritans, who from a small dissentient body had
become one of the most influential parties in the Kingdom.
A large number of the State clergy held their opinions on
grace and predestination, as well as their uncompromising
hatred of all that savoured of the Ancient Church. An
imperative demand for repressive measures against the
recusants arose, and James bowed to the storm. The penal
laws were re-enacted with increased severity, so that the worst
days of the late reign seemed to be suddenly revived. Four
hundred and nine families were convicted of ' Romish
recusancy ' in Herefordshire alone, and 20,000 in the West
Riding of Yorkshire !
In view of the intolerable state of things under which
they lived, it is certainly not remarkable that a few of the
most desperate among the Catholics should have embarked
upon the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, as a drastic means of
putting an end 'to the wickedness of the time.' A similar
design had been resorted to a few years before by the pro-
testants of the Netherlands against their Spanish oppressors,
and horrible as the whole affair appears to us of the present
day, the circumstances of the case must be strictly borne in
mind when passing judgment on the ' Gunpowder treason
and plot.' It is further to be remarked, that of the con
spirators, some, like Sir Everard Digby, Kobert Winter,
Eookwood, and the two Wrights, seem only to have been
engaged to raise the insurrection in the midlands, while
several of the band had for some time outwardly conformed
to protestantism and were, in fact, considered by Catholics
to have abandoned their faith. On the other hand, of the
five peers who exerted themselves in exposing the conspiracy,
the Lords Monteagle, Worcester, and Northampton, were
known to profess the Catholic religion.
The plot struck a blow at the Catholic cause in England,
the effects of which are felt at the present day. In vain did
King James himself publicly exonerate the great body of the
recusants from all guilt in the proceedings, and equally in
vain did the Pope and the Archpriest Blackwell denounce
the design as ' a damnable conspiracy.' Eighteen priests
and seven laymen suffered death for the exercise of the faith,
while a batch of new statutes were added to the already
grievous penal code. Henceforward, Catholics were de
barred from following the professions of law and medicine,
were forbidden to be guardians or executors, or civil,
military, or naval officers. Their approach within ten miles
of London was interdicted, and children going abroad to
receive the education they could not get at home forfeited
their real property to the next protestant heir.
The oath which the Government about this time pro
posed for Catholics as a means of obtaining some mitigation
of the penal code, served to distract and perplex that body
more than the combined enactments of the past or present
reign. It condemned the deposing power of the Pope as
'heretical and damnable,' and although such power has
never been an article of Catholic faith, the condemnatory
words were held at Rome to be unlawful, and the oath
itself was condemned by Paul V. as ' containing many
things contrary to faith and salvation.' The oath, however,
was intended to divide the Catholic camp, and only too
well did it do its work. The Archpriest Blackwell sub
scribed to it under fear of death, and exhorted several of the
clergy and laity to do so too. The refusal of the great
majority was an excuse for the enforcement of the penal
laws, and several priests suffered at York and Tyburn
The Archpriest, having lapsed into schism, was formally
deposed. Two successors, Dr. George Birkhead, ' a clergy
man of wise and moderate counsels,' and Dr. William
Harrison, held the difficult post between 1608 and 1621.
The unsatisfactory office ended two years later when the
Pope appointed Dr. William Bishop, Bishop of Chalcedon,
first Vicar Apostolic of England with leave to exercise those
prerogatives and faculties * such as ordinaries enjoy and
exercise in their cities and dioceses.'
The Vicar Apostolic — a graduate in arts of Oxford and a
doctor of the Sorbonne — had already laboured for several
years as a priest on the English mission. He landed at
Dover on the night on July 23, 1623, and proceeded on foot
to the house of Sir William Roper, kinsman of the Catholic
Lord Teynham. His administration in England, however,
was of but short duration. He instituted a dean and
chapter, and gave Confirmation at various places near
London. In March 1624 he was seized with his last ill
ness at Bishop's Court, the seat of Sir Basil Brooke, and
here he expired on April 16, in the seventy- first year of
his age.
The European struggle known as the Thirty Years'
War was not without its influence on political affairs in
England. The defeat of Frederick Prince-Palatine, son-
in-law of James, by the Imperialists at Prague, made the
House of Commons resolve that ' the Catholics at home
should suffer for the success of Catholics abroad.' A bill
was prepared making two-thirds of the property of recusants
the possession of the Crown, and the existing laws were
rigidly enforced. The legislature was continually crying
out for fresh penalties, and at this period proceeded to a
step worthy of ' the worst days of the Roman Empire when
the senate house was profaned by spies and informers.'
Each member of the Commons was required to denounce
by name every papist in his vicinity, and the odious list
was sent up to the Lords for increased additions. That
assembly, which still had a large proportion of Catholic
peers, declined taking any part in the proceedings, and the
matter was dropped.1
In spite of the almost impossible conditions under which
the old religion then existed in England, her pastoral zeal
never, perhaps, shone with greater lustre. Thanks to the
heroic labours of the missionary priests, the lamp of the
faith was never extinguished in the land once renowned
throughout the western world as the Isle of Saints and
most devoted daughter of the Church. A multitude of
persons, whom fear of punishment or worldly considera
tions had induced to abandon their religion, were reconciled
to Catholicism, and in 1623 the Jesuit Fathers alone
reckoned their conversions in England at no less than
26,000 ! In 1629 the Franciscan Province— extinct in this
country since 1559 — was revived by Father John Gennings,
and henceforth the devoted sons of St. Francis took their
part with the disciples of St. Ignatius and the secular
clergy of Rome and Douai in labouring for the spiritual
welfare of their distressed countrymen at home.2
1 Mackintosh, History, vol. iv. chap. 8. According to the list thus drawn
up, there were thirty-six Catholics holding minor public offices in England.
Even as late as this the Catholic peers numbered nearly one-third of the
House of Lords.
- Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers, edited by the Rev. John Morris
-S.J. (first series 1872, second series 1875), The Franciscans in England,
1600-1850, by Rev. Father Thaddeus, O.F.M. (Art and Book Co. 1898).
So far, therefore, from benefiting by change of rulers,
the recusants sank during the reign of James into that
state of utter bondage from which they did not commence
to emerge till the close of the eighteenth century. The
personal goodwill of the King towards them was continually
frustrated by the implacable intolerance of the Puritan party.
Twenty-seven persons suffered death for the exercise of the
Catholic religion during this reign, while thousands ' of
good estate ' were brought to indigence by ruinous fines.
Over and above these hardships the Catholic nobility and
gentry lost those numberless traditional rights and privileges
which make the condition of an English gentleman of
easy fortune one of the most enviable social positions in
the world.1
The year of the accession of Charles I., 1625, witnessed
also the arrival of Dr. William Smith, Bishop of Chalcedon,
the second Vicar Apostolic. He settled the old dispute
between the secular and regular clergy on the vexed
question of ' faculties ' or canonical permission to say -Mass,
hear confessions, etc. The bishop likewise sent the Rev.
Joseph Harvey, Archdeacon of the English Chapter, to
assist in the formation of the college at Lisbon for the
further supply of the mission with priests (1625-6). The
college, which still flourishes, has always maintained its
strongly national feeling — a trait that was dramatically
illustrated by an incident that arose during the Peninsular
War and which is commemorated in one of the college songs.2
1 See charge of the Lord Chief Justice Cockburn to the jury at the
Tichborne trial, 1874.
2 The president, Dr. Allen, being asked to a banquet by the French
Commander would only drink to the toast of ' Vive 1'Empereur ' on condition
that the French officers reciprocally honoured ' God save King George.' The
verse recalling the incident runs thus :
' Nor forget we when " Vive 1'Empereur " was the toast
How the Briton undaunted defied the proud boast :
How gallant the spirit that feared not to fling
In the teeth of the Frenchman his " God save the King ! " ;
The first year of the ill-fated monarch's reign opened with
sinister forebodings for Catholics. The House of Commons,
which had long become the most intolerant legislative body
in Europe, lashed itself to fury over a book that had recently
appeared entitled ' An Appeal to Csesar,' written by one of
the king's chaplains. The object of the book was to promote
the reunion of the Anglican with the Catholic and Koman
Church, * The mother and mistress of all Churches.' The
immediate result of the publication was a vote of the House
of Commons for the enforcement of the penal statutes.
Lord Scroop, president of the North, was charged with
favouring popery ' by putting Catholics in the Commission
of the Peace and in neglecting to disarm Lord Ewre, a
notorious recusant in the East Eiding of Yorkshire.'
Happily for Catholics and Anglicans, Charles at this junc
ture dissolved Parliament.
The presence of a Catholic queen at Court tended not a
little to revive the ancient faith. In the royal chapel at
Somerset House there were several Masses every day, and
such crowds resorted there for confession on Saturdays and
the vigils of great festivals that many had to wait their turn
for hours. The sermons explanatory of the several articles
of Catholic faith resulted in numerous conversions. On the
other hand, Henrietta Maria was not always prudent. The
public parade of the splendid rites of the Church was cal
culated to excite the Puritans to frenzy, as was her pious
custom of resorting from time to time to Tyburn to pray
beneath the gallows consecrated by the sufferings of so many
martyred priests and laymen.1
The state of the Catholics in England had long been a
cause of solicitude at Kome, and in 1634 Urban VIII. sent
Father Leander, a Benedictine monk, to this country to
draw up a report. The envoy was a graduate of Oxford
and personal friend of Archbishop Laud. His mission was
1 The Court and Times of Charles I. (London, 1848).
one of extreme difficulty. Many of the clergy were dis
satisfied with the Vicar Apostolic, and looked forward to the
restoration of the hierarchy. Worldly laymen like Francis
Lord Cottington and Sir Francis Windebank were opposed
to the visit of the envoy ; others feared his presence would
irritate the Government and increase the penal laws. Amid
these difficult circumstances, Leander behaved with a dis
cretion that cannot be too highly praised. He advised the
clergy to abstain from all manner of offensive controversy
and to rely for the conversion of their countrymen on earnest
prayer and peaceful expositions of the Catholic religion, which
would be listened to by all of good will. In his report he
advised a return to the archpriest system and advocated the
arranging of a concordat between the Pope and the English
Government as the best means of securing a modus vivendi
for the Catholic subjects of the King.
The number of the clergy on the mission is given by
Leander at nearly a thousand. He praised their ' great
learning in philosophy, ethics> and theology,' and declared
that ' scarcely any Catholic kingdom can display a more
splendid priesthood.'
The date of the envoy's visit was marked by a persecu
tion of great severity against the Catholics, during which the
Vicar Apostolic, after a short sojourn at Lord Montague's
residence of Cowdray, in Sussex, was forced to retire to Paris.
Father Arrowsmith was convicted at Lancaster of being ' a
popish priest contrary to the King's laws ' and executed
August 28, 1628. The dissolution of Parliament in 1629
resulted in no other being called for ten years, and in con
sequence Catholics had a little peace. Nevertheless, even
during this period of comparative quiet, no fewer than 11,970
persons were convicted of * Romish recusancy ' in the
southern shires alone, from which it may be judged what the
state of things must have been when the persecution was at
its height.
The mission of Father Leander not proving satisfactory,
his place as delegate was taken by Gregorio Panzani, an
Italian Oratorian of considerable diplomatic skill. Panzani
proposed that an oath of allegiance should be drawn up at
Borne to replace the one of James I. condemned by the Holy
See. He was informed, however, by Cardinal Barberini, the
papal Secretary of State, that such an oath would be made in
England the subject of a parliamentary discussion, and con
sidering the notorious hostility of that body, little good
could be expected from such an expedient.
The statistics given by Panzani throw an interesting light
on the numbers and condition of the recusants. According
to his computation, the professing adherents of the old
religion amounted to about 160,000. Most of the nobility
and gentry kept chaplains in their residences, and these
priests ministered to the poorer class of Catholics in the
neighbourhood. There was also another set of persons,
who, although they conformed to the tenets of protestantism,
were nevertheless Catholics at heart. ' While I was in
London/ writes Panzani, ' almost all the principal nobility
who died, although generally reported protestants, died
Catholics ; whence with great probability some infer that
the English are generally aware of their bad state and there
fore to secure their salvation die Catholics.' The fact that
the priest could not always be found at the last moment
was regarded by our informant as ' the just judgment of
During the period immediately preceding the Civil War
the recusants again came in for their share of parliamentary
attention. In 1640, upon the King venturing to reprieve
John Goodman, a Douai priest, sentenced to death at the
Old Bailey for exercising his religious functions, the Long
Parliament raised a furious clamour against Charles and
insisted on the sentence being carried out. To relieve the
King from his difficulty, Father Goodman actually peti-
tioned to be hanged, with the result that his persecutors
were abashed and he was allowed to linger out his days in
The chapels of the ambassadors had been privileged by
special enactment, and until the mitigation of the Penal
Code in 1778 they were the only places where Catholics
could worship with any security. The ambassadors were
often deeply religious men, and their intercession was fre
quently used on behalf of convicted priests. In 1641, the
house of the Venetian Ambassador was forced and his
chaplain, Father Cuthbert Clapton, arrested on the ground
that he was an English priest. Upon the intervention of
the King he was released. In 1643 Father Kichard
Worthington, who resided with the Spanish Ambassador,
was seized while returning from administering the last
Sacraments to Lady Tresham. In this case the remonstrances
of the embassy were attended to and the priest was dis
Before entering upon the subject of the Civil War it may
be remarked that twenty-four priests underwent the extreme
penalty during this reign and divers other persons suffered
the minor punishments of fine and imprisonment. In 1632
George Calvert, Lord Baltimore, founded the colony of
Maryland in America as a refuge for Catholics, and one of
the fundamental laws of the new state was full religious
toleration for all protestants who might settle in the place.
Whatever sufferings were heaped upon the Catholics during
this period must be attributed to the Parliament and not to
the King, who if he had had his own way would gladly
have seen his Catholic subjects left in peace. Historians of
the partisan type have waxed eloquent over the ' unconsti
tutional conduct ' of Charles, but if the King chastised a few
individuals who resisted his by no means exorbitant taxa
tion, and ruled so long without a parliament, it must in all
fairness be conceded that he was really in want of money,
while, as subsequent events proved, the Lower House was
bent on reducing the Crown to a mere figurehead in the
State.1 If the King erred through circumstances, in insist
ing on prerogatives that had grown obsolete and shutting
his eyes to the growth of public opinion, the Parliament
sinned by sheer opportunity, in using its uncontrolled in
fluence to harass beyond endurance a large section of the
community for adhering to the faith that had been that of
the nation for upwards of a thousand years.
The open rupture between Charles and the Parliament was
the signal for a magnificent display of Catholic loyalty. * The
Winchesters and Worcesters, the Dunbars, the Bellamonts, the
Carnarvons, the Powises, the Arundells, the Fauconbergs, the
Mollineuxes, the Cottingtons, the Monteagles, the Langdales,
with an equal proportion of Catholic gentry and yeomanry,'
were seen flocking to the royal standard. The prowess of
these cavaliers was worthy the descendants of the men who
drove back the Saracens at Ascalon and closed with the
mailed chivalry of France at Agincourt. Of the five hundred
noblemen and gentlemen who gave their lives for the royal
cause, no fewer than two hundred were of the Catholic
faith. Their names and glorious deeds are writ large in
such memorable achievements as the relief of Basing House,
held by the Marquis of Winchester (1643-45), the defence
of Wardour Castle by Lady Arundell, and the relief of
Pontefract by Sir Marmaduke Langdale.2
1 The Act of 1641 made Parliament independent of the King. The bill
of 1642 proposed depriving the Crown of the command of the militia and
fortresses. With regard to Charles's attitude towards Catholics, a recent
authority remarks : ' . . . it was the protection which Charles I., under the
influence of the Queen, extended to Roman Catholics, that cost him his life,
and that but for this he might have governed as he pleased.' The Historical
MSS. Commission, « Standard,' Friday, October 14, 1904.
2 The names of the Catholic royalists killed are given in Challoner's
Memoirs of Missionary Priests. See also Lingard's Catholic Loyalty
Vindicated, &c. Basing House was relieved by the Catholic Sir Henry Gage,
Governor of Oxford. See notes under ' Oxford.'
The support so freely bestowed upon the father was
given with equal generosity to the son. Charles II. after the
rout at Worcester entrusted his life to no fewer than fifty
Catholics, including Francis Whitgrave, Esq., of Moseley, and
the Penderel family, of ' Eoyal Oak ' fame.
Their services to the royal cause during the war and the
Declaration of Breda, which set forth that ' no man shall be
disquieted . . . for differences of opinion in matters of
religion,' naturally inspired the Catholic party with great
hopes at the period of the Restoration . Loyal addresses
were forwarded to the King by the Dean and Chapter of the
missionary clergy and Lord Arundell on behalf of the laity.
The only reply to these was a demand that all recusants
should take the condemned oath of James I. When
Charles's declaration of Indulgence was defeated by Parlia
ment in 1662, the immediate outcome of the movement was
a call for the enforcement of the penal law's and a command
to all * Seminary priests to quit the Kingdom.'
The year 1669 was rendered remarkable by the accession
of the Duke of York, afterwards James II., to the Catholic
faith. One of the intermediate causes of the change was a
diligent perusal of the * History of the Reformation ' by Dr.
Heylin, Prebend of Westminster. The Prince, however, had
given some thought to the subject long before in Paris.
The King, who had studied ' the Catholic claims ' when in
hiding at Moseley after Worcester, shortly afterwards
declared, in a secret council, his attachment to the ancient
Church and the hardship of having to profess a religion in
which he did not believe. As the ' secret treaty of Dover '
was then in process of negotiation, it was deemed advisable
to take no steps in the matter till that transaction had been
1 James when at Paris in 1649 had been introduced to the Prioress of the
Carmelite Nuns by his mother, Queen Henrietta Maria, who expressed a wish
that her son would become a Catholic and asked the Rev. Mother to undertake
The conversion of the Duke was speedily followed by
that of the Duchess — Anne Hyde, daughter of the Chancellor
and historian, Lord Clarendon. The secession of these
two exalted personages caused the greatest excitement.
Complaints were made of the growth of popery as evidenced
by the recent event, that High Mass was said in many
private houses, especially in those of the nobility, and that
the chapels of the ambassadors were little better than
conventicles for papists. The disturbed feeling throughout
the country foredoomed to almost instant failure the
1 Declaration of Indulgence,' put forward by Charles in 1672
with a view of secretly assisting the Catholics, whose faith
he inwardly believed. The third Dutch war, which inter
vened at this juncture of affairs, banished for a time the
acrimony of controversy from the minds of parliament
and people.
The splendid victory of the British fleet, led by the naval
genius of the Duke of York at Southwold Bay, hastened the
conclusion of peace. The royal admiral, who invented the
flag- signalling system, which wrought a revolution in naval
tactics, soon found his services repaid by the Test Act
rendering him and his co-religionists incapable of holding
any public office. The ' Test ' — which required, among other
things, a formal repudiation of Transubstantiation and the
Papal supremacy — was subsequently proposed to be applied to
the members of both Houses, but the King, who saw in it the
latent intention of excluding his brother from the throne,
settled the matter by dissolving Parliament (June 1675).
The general unrest made matters ripe for Titus Oates's
fabrication known as the Popish Plot, which from 1678 till
1681 convulsed the nation and caused the effusion of no
his conversion. ' Madam,' replied that personage, ' it belongs to God to change
hearts. I am not clever enough to enter into controversy, but I shall beg God
to influence the Prince's heart.' James, on his side, ' promised to pray for
light to see the true faith,' a practice which he continued for twenty years
French Chronicles of the Discalced Carmelites.
little blood. The story of the intended murder of the King
and the setting up of a popish government by means of French
aid found widespread credit, in spite of the manifest dis
crepancies of Gates when examined before the King in
Council. It is no part of the present narrative to enumerate
the trials and executions that ensued, or to dilate on the long
acknowledged innocence of the twenty-four victims from
Edward Coleman, secretary to the Duke of York, to the
venerable Viscount Stafford and Dr. Plunket, Archbishop
of Armagh.1 The acquittal of Sir Thomas Gascoigne, Bart.,
from the charges connected with the clumsy concoction
known as the ' Yorkshire Plot ' was mainly secured by the
overwhelming evidence of a long list of Yorkshire gentle
men who came forward on the old baronet's behalf.
Great as was the guilt of Gates, Bedloe, Tonge, and the
other professional perjurers, a place must be reserved in the
pillory of history for the Earl of Shaftesbury — * the false
Achitophel ' — who lent the full weight of his talents and
influence for the furtherance of the imposture. Some have
even charged him with the authorship of the Plot, and
certainly, judging by his lack of scruple, he had, as Clarendon
said of Hampden, * a head to contrive, a heart to conceive,
and a hand to execute any villainy.' He died an attainted
exile in Holland in 1683, leaving behind him a name for
uncommon talents and uncommon wickedness, and one that
in the early ages of Christianity would have undoubtedly
found a place in the * De Mortibus Persecutorum.'
The moral weakness of Charles in consenting to the
deaths of men whom he knew to be entirely innocent,
roused in his voluptuous heart the keenest pangs of remorse.
The victims of the Plot were even in their own day regarded
1 At the trial of Father Whitebread, April 24, 1678, before Lord Chief
Justice Scroggs, eight boys of the English Catholic College of St. Omer were
brought over to prove that at the time the accused was stated to have been
engaged in conspiracy in England he was actually at the College. See
Centenary Record of Stonyhurst College, 1894.
as martyrs by the common opinion of the Catholic world,
and the Queen, Catherine of Braganza, who had a great
devotion to them, caused their portraits to be hung in her
room. The King never entered her apartment without
kissing their features and invoking their intercession. He
would often on his knees ' make a most hearty protestation
of his fault and of their innocence, concluding by saying
that they were in a place where they knew of a truth that
he had been forced, and that they would pray to God for
him to pardon his crime.' l
The immediate civil effect of the Popish Plot was the
Act excluding the Catholic peers from the House of Lords,
It met with some opposition in the Upper Chamber, as by
its nature it seemed to many of the peers ' to strike at the
very principle of their order.' The measure, however,
became law, and remained in force for over a hundred and
fifty years.
Thus, without a shadow of guilt on their part, and to
satisfy an implacable faction, were the Catholic nobility
deprived of their last remaining privilege and their de
scendants condemned to generations of social oblivion. The
peers affected by the law were : the Duke of Norfolk, and
the Earls of Shrewsbury, Berkshire, Portland, Cardigan,
and Powis ; the Viscounts Montague and Stafford ; the
Barons Mowbray, Audley, Stourton, Petre, Arundell, Huns-
den, Bellasyse (Fauconberg), Langdale, Teynham, Carring-
ton, Widdrington, Gerard of Bromley, Clifford, and Ewre of
From the day that Shaftesbury ' presented ' the Duke of
York to the grand jury of Middlesex as ' a Popish recusant,'
the Whigs had been untiring in their efforts to exclude that
1 Stonyhurst MSS., vol. ii. p. 101. Excerpta P. Glover. Among the things
taken from the victims of the ' Plot ' was a piece of the true Cross which the
Queen gave the King, who wore it with great reverence to the day of his death.
Prince from the throne. The bill introduced into Parlia
ment to effect this was viewed with abhorrence by three-
fourths of the nobility and landed gentry as violating the
established custom of royal right. Its ultimate defeat both
in London and at the session held amidst the classic retreats
of Oxford in 1681 was mainly due to the firmness of the
King, whom fraternal affection had for once aroused from
his accustomed round of vicious pleasures. During the
debates in the Commons various alternatives were offered
by the Tories to the Opposition to turn them from their
purpose. Among these may be enumerated one for ' banish
ing all considerable papists ' from the realm and preventing
the * fraudulent conveyance of their estates.' The triumph
of the Court, however, rendered these subterfuges unneces
The death-bed repentance and conversion of Charles II.
has ever been regarded by Catholics as one of those * miracles
of grace ' which God sometimes vouchsafes to the most
inveterate sinners. His reign is remarkable as being the
last in which blood was shed for the faith, and, with the ex
ception of the brief reign of his brother, the old religion
passed into the darkness of social oblivion from which it did
not emerge for over a hundred years.
There is little else to remark upon with regard to this
reign except that during it flourished the Rev. John Gother,
whose learned and temperate expositions of the Catholic faith
in the ' Papist Misrepresented and Represented/ and similar
works, had a wide circulation and led to innumerable con
versions. Among these was that of the poet John Dryden,
much of whose theological argument in the ' Hind and the
Panther ' may be traced to the famous apologia of the pious
Lisbonian priest. Father Philip Thomas Howard, a
1 To save their lands from going to the next protestant heir, as the law
directed, Catholics often made over their real property to some protestant
friend in trust. This state of things lasted till 1778.
Dominican monk, and cousin of the Duke of Norfolk, was
appointed ' Lord Almoner ' to Queen Catherine of Braganza
in 1665, and ten years later was created a cardinal. He
re-established the Dominican province in England and
opened a college for the noviciate at Bornhem in Flanders.
He died in Kome in 1694, leaving behind him a reputation
for piety and discretion which was acknowledged even by
those most opposed to the principles he professed.
The reign of James II. is a woeful example of an
obstinate personality throwing prudence to the winds and
turning a deaf ear to the most well-timed advice. The
King, though he did not stretch his prerogative farther than
the sovereigns who went before him, yet relied too much on
his supremacy and ' the loud professions of passive obedience
which were rife among the English Protestant clergy.'
Like his father, he forgot that times had changed and
what was legally permissible might in practice lead to the
direst results. Moreover, his causing High Mass to be
publicly celebrated— sending an ambassador to Rome — call
ing Catholics to the Privy Council, and appointing Catholic
officers in spite of the Test Act, were all steps in the wrong
direction, considering the blind hatred of the old religion
then existing throughout the country. The forcing of
Catholics on the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge was
equally misguided, and only served to set those institutions
against the throne.
Since the death of Bishop Smith of Chalcedon at Paris
in 1655, the Catholics of England had been without
episcopal government. At the request of James, Pope
Innocent XI. — than whom no one living more strenuously
condemned the royal policy — sent Dr. John Ley burn, Pre
sident of Douai College, to England with the title of
Vicar Apostolic and Bishop of Adrumetum. The bishop
' boldly told the King that the fellowrs and students of
Magdalen College were grievously wronged, and that resti-
tution ought to be made to them on religious as well as
political grounds.' Count Ferdinand d'Adda, Archbishop of
Amasia, the Papal Nuncio, brought similar advice from
Innocent, which was to let existing religious and civil
institutions alone, to respect the laws, and seek to obtain for
Catholics a gradual toleration by the exercise of prudence
and forbearance.
In 1687 Bishop Leyburn visited Wigan, Preston,
Durham, Newcastle, and other places in the north, where
he gave Confirmation to upwards of 20,000 persons. In
London and some of the provincial towns, schools were
opened by the Jesuits and Franciscans. As the instruction
was of a high-class nature, free and open to all without
reference to creed, the schools attracted crowds of pupils.
The direction of the Chapel Royal, St. James's, was given to
Benedictines and that of the Queen's chapel at Somerset
House to the order of St. Francis. On January 11, 1688,
Innocent XI., at the request of James, divided the country
into four vicariates, each governed by a titular bishop. Dr.
Leyburn was named first Vicar Apostolic of the London
district, and the other prelates, Bishop Giffard of the Mid
land district, Bishop Smith of the northern, and Bishop
Philip Ellis, O.S.B., of the western, were consecrated by
the Papal Nuncio in April and May of the same year. The
vicariates — increased to eight in 1840 — lasted down to 1850,
and were a benefit to the Church in this country, the
importance of which can scarcely be estimated.
When the Revolution of 1688 saw the end of Stuart rule
in England, the Catholics entered upon their last and most
trying epoch, which has not unfitly been termed the ' era of
bloodless martyrdom.' The King had fled, and upon the
unoffending body of his co-religionists at home now descended
the full force of Whig retribution. They were with the
Unitarians excepted from the Toleration Act, and two of
the Bishops — Lejburn and Giffard — were sent to the
Tower. Of course, the chapels and schools opened during
the late reign were almost immediately destroyed, and in
not a few instances the private residences of Catholic gentle
men — as Courtfield, the ancestral home of the Vaughans, and
Hathersage Hall, that of the Eyres — were raided by Orange
mobs. A few Catholics had recently been admitted to the
professions of law and medicine, but their practice was again
forbidden by the Act of 1690. L At the General Sessions
held at Thirsk in Yorkshire in October of this year, 1,755
persons were ' prosecuted for Romish recusancy.' But
nothing told so severely against the Catholics as the Act of
1700, ' for further preventing the growth of Popery.' This
statute placed the estates of Papists at the disposal of the
next protestant heir and offered every common informer a
reward of £100 for apprehending priests, who on conviction
were to be imprisoned for life. This Act supplemented the
celebrated statutes 13 and 27 of Elizabeth, adjudging the
penalty of death against priests saying Mass or otherwise
exercising their religious functions, and really brought those
for whom it was intended more surely under the law. A
protestant jury might hesitate before sending the accused to
death merely for saying Mass, but would have less scruple
where only imprisonment was concerned. No sooner was
the measure passed than a crop of informers sprang up eager
to earn the promised reward. These were, for the most
part, apostate priests and persons of notoriously bad character,
such as Richard Hitchmough and one Mottram who had
been expelled from Cambridge for his evil living. The
trouble these wretched men caused was incalculable. In
1706 Bishop Giffard was compelled on their account to
change his lodgings fourteen times to elude pursuit, ani had
1 In October 1692, Dr. Betts, sometime physician to Charles II. and
James II., was expelled the College' of Physicians in pursuance of this Act, and
Mr. Serjeant Piggott had to quit a lucrative practice at the Bar for the same
been in durance so frequently that he compared his lot to
that of St. Paul — in carceribus abundant ius, 'in prisons
more frequently.'
King William's cabinet of papers contained a document
which set down the Catholic population of English at 13,856
— a figure certainly incorrect. In 1717 the number was
reckoned at 70,000, and the clergy on the mission at about
500. When Bishop Smith confirmed at Lower Hall,
Samlesbury, Lancashire, in July 1709, Catholics are reported
to have come to his lordship ' in crowds.' At Ribblesdale
the population remained Catholic throughout the penal
times owing to the influence of the local gentry.1 In the
West Riding of Yorkshire the return of papists comprised
229 knights and esquires, commencing with Sir Charles
Ingleby, Serjeant-at-law, temp. James II.
The attachment of many English Catholics to the cause
of the exiled Stuarts was perfectly natural, considering the
efforts — injudicious though they were — of James II. on their
behalf, and the ever-increasing hardships which successive
governments after the Eevolution heaped upon them.
Moreover, there was the principle of divine right underlying
the whole current of English politics, and the Jacobite party
embraced men of every creed. The failure of the rising of
1715 brought the Catholic Lord Derwentwater and about
eight gentlemen of note to the scaffold, the estates of all
Catholics in any way concerned were confiscated, and by the
Act of 1722 all papist landowners were subjected to a double
land tax. Lord Stanhope's project for obtaining for the
recusants some amelioration of their hard lot was frustrated
by his death, though, as his descendant, Lord Mahon,
observes : ' I do not think that he or any other man at that
period would have been able to effect it.' 2
1 Abram, History of Blackburn. In 1717 the Ribblesdale population
contained ' 1,023 avowed Papists out of a total of 1,800 families.' Ibid.
2 History of England, vol. i. chap. ix.
During the rising of 1745, but one Catholic of note joined
Prince Charles Edward in Lancashire, while in London
Bishop Challoner, coadjutor to Bishop Petre, the Vicar
Apostolic, exerted himself to prevent some persons well
affected to the Chevalier from espousing his cause. No new
enactment was made against the recusants during this reign,
though by Lord Hardwicke's Marriage Act of 1752 — to check
the scandalous ' Fleet marriages ' — Catholics entering into
wedlock were compelled to be united in the protestant
church. By the 2 Geo. III. cap. 20, all persons joining the
Militia had to take an oath containing the words : * I do
swear that I am a protestant.'
Throughout this period, the chapels of the nobility and
gentry continued to be almost the only places of worship for
Catholics outside those of the ambassadors. A chapel known
as ' the Penny Hotel 'was opened at Moorfields, London, in
1733, and in a few of the larger provincial towns there was
a ' Mass house ' hidden away behind some mean alley where
a few persons assembled by stealth on Sundays. Even as late
as 1733, Bishop Williams, Vicar Apostolic of the northern
district, had ' to fly to remote places to escape prison,' and in
1747, the year after the last Jacobite rebellion, Bishop York,
coadjutor of the western district, wrote to Propaganda, ' We
are compelled to fly from house to house, and from city to
city.' In London Bishop Challoner preached on Sunday
evenings at a public-house off Holborn called ' The Ship,'
the congregation having pipes and pewter pots by them to
avoid suspicion. Dr. Challoner 's services to the cause of
Catholicism in England cannot be too highly estimated.
His numerous learned writings wTere the comfort and
instruction of his co-religionists in their afflictions, while
their depth, piety, and charity made them eminently suited
for diffusing a sound knowledge of Catholic belief and
practice among protestants, whose prejudices they did so
much to dispel.
In spite of the contempt and obscurity to which they
had been consigned by generations of oppression, the little
remnant of Catholics could boast some members that would
have done honour to any party. Alexander Pope, the poet,
has written his name large on the triumphal tablets of
fame, and the witty epigrammatist, in spite of his world-
liness, lived and died a member of the Catholic Church.
Contemporary with him flourished Dr. Hawarden of Douai,
who received the public thanks of the University of Oxford
for his brilliant defence of the Trinity against Dr. Samuel
Clarke. The discussion, it may be observed, was carried on in
the presence of the controversy-loving consort of George II.,
Queen Caroline of Anspach. Bishop Walmesley, of the
Western district, and Fellow of the Koyal Society, was
consulted by the government of the day with reference to
the reform of the calendar in 1752, while his several
mathematical and scientific treatises had a European vogue.1
The Catholic Dr. Arne has obtained lasting celebrity as the
composer of the patriotic c Rule Britannia ' and scores of
beautiful melodies. In the department of the law, James
Booth, John Maire, and Matthew Duane rose to the highest
eminence as conveyancers ; after the Bar was thrown open
to Catholics in 1791, their pupils and successors, Francis
Plowden, D.C.L., and Charles Butler, acquired a solid
reputation in the courts as cogent pleaders. The latter, who
was a prolific writer on a variety of subjects, is best known
for his ' Historical Memoirs of English, Irish, and Scottish
Catholics/ and, as a barrister, for an able essay on Fearne's
1 Contingent Remainders ' which did much to elucidate that
abstruse work.
Still, as long as they were excluded from all professions
1 De Inequalitatibus Motuum Lunariorum ; Analyse des Mesures des
Rapports et des Angles; Thtorie du Maniement des Apsides, <fec. &c. He is
said to have relinquished his mathematical studies on account of a distraction
these once caused him while saying Mass.
and shut out from the public life of the nation, there was
little chance of the recusants being able to do anything to
better their miserable condition. In 1772 Pope Clement
XIV. who had just entertained Prince William of Gloucester,
brother of George III., at Rome, sent Monsignor Caprara,
afterwards Cardinal, to England to make inquiries. His
report is dismal reading. The Catholics were broken and
dejected ; neither were they entirely free from the prevail
ing spirit of ' philosophic scepticism.' Not a few of the
leading personages among them had either conformed or
were about to conform to protestantism ' to enter parliament
and obtain places under government.' A parliamentary
report of three years before had given the number of
Catholics in England at about 69,000, and there is reason to
fear that this number tended to decrease. In 1773 Bishop
Challoner reported that there were only 700 Catholics and
seven priests in Sussex. Twenty years later the numbers had
fallen to 550 laymen and five priests. Between 1765 and 1771
the notorious informer Paine caused the prosecution of
numbers of priests, the last of whom was the Hon. and Kt.
Eev. Bishop Talbot, who was indicted at the Old Bailey in
February 1771. All of these except one were acquitted,
through the judges insisting on the informer proving that the
accused were priests and that they had actually said Mass.
The exception was the Kev. John Baptist Moloney, who was
sentenced to perpetual imprisonment, but subsequently
The list of ' Conforming ' nobility and gentry during the
eighteenth century is a long one, and in each case it meant
not only a family of influence lost to the faith, but also the
closing of a chapel, the dismissal of the priest, and the final
extinction of the Catholic religion in an entire district.
Things, however, reached their climax in 1778. The
American war was then at its height, and the Government
was anxious to conciliate all classes at home. A loyal
petition of a fulsome nature, signed by ten Catholic peers
and 163 landed gentlemen, was presented to the King, was
well received, and Parliament followed suit by a small
measure of relief — the famous bill of 1778. In return for
repudiating the Pope's ' deposing power ' — the mythical
nature of which we have already referred to — and abjuring
the Pretender — * taking upon himself the style and title of
Charles III.' — Catholics were allowed to acquire landed
property by purchase ; heirs educated abroad were to be
exempt from forfeiture, and the penalty for saying Mass was
reduced to six months' imprisonment. All rewards for in
forming were taken away, and from that day prosecution of
' Seminary priests and Jesuits ' ceased in England.
The fanatical outburst known as the Gordon Riots, which
greeted this slight concession, is familiar to all. It raged
for a week (June 2-8, 1780), burning and destroying Mass
houses, ambassadors' mansions, and peers' residences with
perfect impartiality. Then 20,000 soldiers were let loose on
the mob. Charges with the bayonet and raking volleys of
musketry quickly asserted the supremacy of law and order,
and, for the first time in their history, the recusants found
themselves the object of pity and commiseration. They had
duly taken the prescribed oath and were entitled to protec
tion. The damage done to their property was made good
out of the rates. Sympathy for the long-suffering Catholics
had indeed been steadily gathering force from about the
middle of the eighteenth century. Burke advocated their
cause in Parliament, and when the French Revolution was
at its height, reminded his countrymen that it was ' a most
absurd and contemptible idea ' to suppose that if Catholicism
were destroyed, Protestantism could survive the calamity.
Dr. Johnson on more than one occasion expressed his appre
ciation of some of the more distinctive doctrines of the
Church, such as the Real Presence and Purgatory.1 The
1 Boswell's Life of Johnson, chap. 17.
Bev. George Crabbe, one of the most pathetic of poets, sang
the fallen condition and sorrowful lot of
The Church of Rome, who here is poor and old.
Monsignor Caprara during his visit in 1772 had observed the
general good feeling on the part of the Court and ' governing
classes ' towards Catholics, and this feeling fostered by the
events already narrated led up to the second Belief Act of
1791. It is true that during the interval between 1780 and
the last named year, Catholics had their own domestic
troubles to occupy them, troubles arising from the officious
interference of the ' Catholic Committee ' and its schismatical
tendencies.1 But in spite of these obstacles the cause of
emancipation made steady progress. The Act of 1791,
piloted through Parliament by Mr. Mitford, legalised Catholic
worship, chapels, and schools, and threw open the professions
of law and medicine to adherents of the old religion. Bishop
Douglass, Vicar Apostolic of the London district, voiced the
gratitude of his co-religionists when he eulogised in his
Pastoral (June 14, 1791) ' the humane and generous
legislature ' for redressing ' the grievances of which we com
The French Bevolution, as is well known, contributed
in large measure to the restoration of the Catholic Church
in England. The exiled French clergy, who were so
generously assisted by all classes of society in this country,
were to bo found in almost every district either as
missioners to scattered congregations or tutors in schools
and families. Their general edifying conduct and learned
explanations of Catholic doctrines and practices did much to
1 The ' Catholic Committee ' was a mixed board of clergy and laity formed
in 1783 to bring about the repeal of the penal laws and the establishment of
a regular hierarchy. The mere extreme members claimed the right of
appointing the Vicars Apostolic and of treating exclusively with the Govern
ment on Catholic questions. Bishop Milner was a vigorous opponent of the
committee, which after the Relief Act of 1791 became the ' Cisalpine Club,' but
the old spirit of opposition happily soon died out.
dispel the deep and inveterate prejudices against Papists.
Many of our most flourishing missions at the present day
owe their origin to the zeal and energy of the emigre clergy
who were so long a familiar feature in English social life.
It was at this time that the several British colleges
abroad returned, stripped of all material possessions, to
recommence their careers in their own land, after a pro
scription of over two centuries. Stonyhurst College in
Lancashire dates its foundation from 1794, Oscott from 1795,
and Ampleforth from 1802. The College of Douai — sup
pressed by the Republicans in 1792 — wasrefounded at home
at Crookhall, near Durham, in 1794, and removed to the
present Ushaw in 1808. Many of the Douai students, how
ever, recommenced their studies at the ' Old Hall Green
Academy,' in Hertfordshire, founded by Bishop Talbot,
coadjutor to Bishop Challoner, in 1769, which in 1795 was
enlarged and renamed St. Edmund's College.
Thus free from the drag and restriction of penal laws,
and with the necessary ' higher education ' provided for,
Catholics were enabled to face the future full of courage and
full of hope. The years that passed before the crowning
triumph of Catholic Emancipation in 1829 — won by the in
domitable perseverance of Daniel O'Connell and the political
organisation controlled by his genius — were years of quiet
progress for the Church in England. The Government that
had so long penalised the profession and practice of the old
religion now veered round and actually demanded a voice in
the appointment of its bishops ! This led to the long and
bitter Veto controversy which reached its height about 1814.
The proposal was only finally defeated by the combined
action of Bishop Milner in England and the hierarchy in
Ireland, who foresaw the dangers to British Catholicism that
would arise from this species of State control.1
1 The enslaved state of the Church in France since the Concordat between
Pius VII. and Napoleon in 1801 is an eloquent proof of the wisdom that
directed the opposition to the government veto in England,
The shrunk and attenuated number of English Catholics
towards the close of the eighteenth century has already been
referred to, but, from the dawn of better times, statistics
show a marvellous improvement. The chapels, which in
1780 were reckoned at 200, rose to 346 in 1824, to 417 in
1834, and 506 in 1844. In 1853 there were eleven colleges
in England, eighty-eight religious houses, and 616 churches
and chapels. In 1903 the churches, chapels, and stations
amounted to 1,563. The clergy, secular and regular, have
of course kept pace with the general expansion. The 350
priests, secular and regular, of 1773 rose to more than
double that number in 1803, owing largely, of course, to the
presence of many of the exiled clergy of France. In 1903 the
roll of the clergy included 3,073 names. By 1800 the 69,376
Catholics of 1780 had risen to 100,000, and in 1850— the
year of the restoration of the hierarchy by Pius IX. — the
Catholic population was computed to be about a million.
This large increase was due to three great causes : first, the
decay of prejudice and spread of a true knowledge of the
Catholic religion among Englishmen, arising partly from the
writings of such popular exponents as Bishop Milner (' End
of Controversy/ 1817), William Cobbett, M.P. ('History of
the Reformation,' 1824), and the sympathetic appreciation of
the Ancient Church as the historic Church of Christianity,
aroused among intellectual persons by the Oxford or
Tractarian Movement (1833-50). This phase of thought
was indirectly prepared in England by Sir Walter Scott's
novels, which banished the supremacy of classicalism from
literature and turned public attention to the aims, ambitions,
political and social institutions of the Middle Ages. The
number of adherents which the Tractarian Movement
brought the Church amounted to thousands of every rank
and condition of life. Nearer our own time, the general
tendency of protestant bodies to forsake the fundamental
truths of Christianity, such as the doctrine of the Trinity,
divinity of Christ, etc. etc., no less than the almost
endless questions turning on the inspiration, interpreta
tion, and authority of the Bible, have all served, in a
greater or less degree, to swell the number of ' Rome's
Catholics of course freely acknowledge that, side by side
with the spiritual and material progress which has marked
the history of the Church in this country during the past
century, there has been much falling off from among their
numbers, or * leakage,' as it is sometimes called. This has
been due to a variety of causes — the natural waywardness of
human nature — the inherent inclination to follow ' sweet
will ' and neglect obvious but irksome duties — the struggle
for existence amidst evil surroundings and pauperising
influences — the scarcity of Catholic missions and schools
and the consequent ignorance of religion that results there
from. These remarks refer to the 'rank and file,' but with
regard to those who have joined the Church and then gone
back the causes of defection are far less numerous. Leav
ing out the very general one, amour prop-re and spiritual
pride, as equally subversive of all exterior authority, whether
religious or otherwise, it must be conceded that the bulk of
these persons never were real Catholics at all. Pure reason
led them through the gates of the Church and pure reason
led them out again, because they had not disposed their hearts
for the light of faith by prayer. Faith and reason are not,
as some suppose, antagonistic, far from it, but the latter
often exists without the other. ' Faith to the supernatural
order, intellectual conviction to the natural. The one is
from God, the other from man. Faith is not brought into
the soul by intellectual activity and dialectical skill. Non
in dialectics complacuit Deo salvum facer e populum suum
(St. Ambrose). Faith canre^h. by hearing; the Catholic
Church is the oracle o/f£&etH£$W world. The deposit of
faith is with her. This must be recognised and the rest
follows — submission to the Divine teacher.' l
The second cause of the prevalence of Catholicity in
England is the great influx of Irish. During the Peninsular
War and Waterloo periods Ireland proved a superb recruit
ing ground for the British Army, and it has been estimated
that no fewer than 100,000 Irish soldiers fell in Spain
alone. When the great peace of 1815-54 commenced, and
railway construction was undertaken, the same stalwart
arms that had driven the bayonets through the legions of
Napoleon were again in demand to shape and fashion the
iron road. The great famine of 1845-7 added its tens of
thousands to the already considerable Irish population in
England, and, whatever may be said to the contrary, the
presence of the more boisterous Celt had a very salutary
effect in correcting the air and habit of timid reserve so
long noticeable in the bulk of native English Catholics.
The third and no less important reason for the present
satisfactory state of English Catholicism lies in the restora
tion of the hierarchy in 1850, and the splendid freedom en
joyed by the Church in her once 'own fair land.' The
system of Vicars Apostolic, as we have seen, did much to
consolidate the spiritual government of the persecuted
recusants, but it was at best a makeshift of penal days
which was bound in happier times to give place to ' that
which is more perfect.' The question of bishops in ordinary
with titles derived from English sees had been warmly
taken up by the Catholic Committee of 1782, and the idea
was subsequently adopted and advocated by William Pitt's
Government when the Veto question was on the tapis. At
Borne the Curia was long divided as to the expediency of
the movement, but when Gregoiy XVI. increased the four
Vicars Apostolic to eight in 1840, it was felt that the
1 The Study of Butler's 'Analogy,' by Fr. Reginald Buckler, O.P.
(Pastoralia, January 1905).
problem was on the verge of solution. The revolution of
1848 and flight of Pius IX. to Gaeta delayed the settlement,
but the suspense ended in September 1850 when the Pope
issued the famous Letters Apostolic, Universalis Ecclesiae,
restoring the Catholic hierarchy in England. The storm of
fury throughout the country at this ' act of insolent aggres
sion ' was met by Cardinal Wiseman, Archbishop of West
minster, with courage and dignity, and his ' Appeal to the
reason and good feeling of the English people ' had a power
ful effect in allaying the popular excitement. The Cardinal
pointed out that no territorial aggrandisement was sought
by himself or the Catholic bishops, and that the recent act
of the Holy See was only to secure for his countrymen in
the faith a more convenient and perfect government in
spiritual matters than could be afforded by the Vicar
Apostolic system, which was but an expedient of the penal
During the archiepiscopal rule of Cardinal Wiseman
the Church in this country may be said to have entirely
shaken the dust of the dreary past off her feet and to have
entered upon a new phase of life. He found the laity old
fashioned, timid and reserved ; the clergy imbued with
customs and traditions that had come down from the days
of persecution, the churches, schools, and religious houses
few and far between. He taught his co-religionists to take
their share in the public life of the country and to use their
political privileges. He multiplied churches and religious
orders, and infused a new spirit into the whole body of the
priesthood. In the midst of all these labours, he charmed
and impressed those outside the ' household of the faith ' by
his acknowledged abilities as a public lecturer on literary
and artistic topics. Full of the most genuine piety, but
without the least bit of bigotry, he gradually came to
inspire general admiration for his worth, and when his
strenuous life closed in February 1865, his countrymen of
all creeds and classes honoured his remains with a funeral
recalling that of the great Duke of Wellington in 1852.
With the return of Catholicism in England to a normal
state of existence, this brief and imperfect sketch of its
post-Eeformation history closes. The laborious work of
building up afresh the ruined fabrics, and replanting among
our countrymen the faith of St. Augustine and St. Gregory,
is still in progress. The question is sometimes asked of Catho
lics if they really think that Britain and its colossal empire
will ever receive the Church as their mother and their queen,
or, in a word, if the dead and buried past can live again.
The answer that might be given is that greater marvels
than this have been accomplished, and that compared to,
say, Arianism, which threatened the existence of Christianity
in the early ages, the revolt from Rome in the sixteenth
century is but a mere incident in the history of Catholicism.
If the downfall of the Ancient Church in England was some
thing absolutely wondrous, her rise in recent times is even
more amazing. In spite of kings and governors, and the
perils arising from false brethren, she has fought the good
fight and kept the faith, and can with full hope look forward
to the abundant harvest that springs from seed sown amidst
sufferings, self-sacrifice, and tears. What difficulties and
dangers of the future has she to fear whose journey has
been through storm and stress, the manifold vicissitudes of
things ? Per tot discrimina rerum I
N.B. — In the lists of the Clergy only the names of the head priests
or ' rectors ' are given. The dates of appointment are approximate.
war Je).
The congregation of the Filles de
Jesus, expelled from France under
the Law of Associations, established
a convent here in 1904. The chapel,
which is open to the public, is for
the present served from Plum-
N.B.— The name of the locality
is derived from Lesnes Abbey, an
Augustinian house, founded in 1178
by Richard de Lucy, and dedicated
to St. Thomas of Canterbury. It
was among the number of smaller
monasteries suppressed by Cardinal
"Wolsey, 1524. The revenues were
granted to New College, Oxford, as
an endowment.
WARWICKSHIRE (Birmingham).
The Jesuit Fathers occasionally
visited Evesham to say Mass and
administer the sacraments for the
benefit of the faithful few that clung
to the old religion in spite of the
penal laws. Fr. T. Roper, S.J.,was
priest at Evesham from 1693 to
about 1700. This excellent priest
was a near relation of the Lords
Teynham, the lineal descendants of
the Blessed Thomas More. After
the dissolution, Henry VIII. granted
Abbots Salford and Evesham Abbey
to^Sir Philip Hoby. The property
ultimately passed to the Stanfords,
one of whom, Charles Stanford,
built the Hall, 1610. Mrs. Stan
ford, the last of the family, lent the
Hall to some Benedictine nuns ex
pelled from France by the Revolu
tion. The community resided here
from 1807 to 1838. The property
is now owned by the Eyston family.
Priests since 1727.
Rev. Francis Southcot, 1727.
Francis Bruning, 1730.
John Daniel, 1760.
Thos. Ballyman, 1768.
Edmund Hadley, 1775.
Richard Reeve, 1778.
Edw. Wright, 1781.
J. Conzi, 1797.
P. F. Chandon, 1800.
Chris. Louvel, 1804.
Ralph Shaw, )
James Norman, j- 1808-1818.
Stephen Barber,)
Thos. Wassal, O.S.B., 1818.
Thos. Lawson, 1823.
L. Barber, )
J. Kenyon, [1830-37.
John Abbot, )
Joseph Short, 1837.
S. Barber, O.S.B., 1838.
Henry Richmond, 1844.
Ambrose Courtenay, 1853.
Rev. Edw. Kenny, 1854.
Pat. Hartigan, 1858.
A. Crane, 1882.
Wm. Stoker, 1885.
Canon McCave, 1889.
John B. Caldwell, 1892.
A. Crane (second time), 1893.
F. Sutherland, 1896.
Canon O'Hanlon, 1901.
James Giblin, 1901.
James Bredin, 1904.
YORKS (Leeds).
This mission, according to the
statement of the Rev. John Robin
son, was founded|in 1786. In the
later part of the eighteenth century
it would appear to have been served
by Benedictines. Fr. Steare, O.S.B.,
was priest at Aberford in 1765, but,
as there was then no chapel, he
resided at Parlington, a few miles
distant. The registers date from
1806, but no priest's signature ap
pears in them before 1810, when
the Rev. W. Chew had charge of
the mission.
Priests since 1824.
Rev. Allerton.
„ J. Robinson, 1829.
„ A. Atkinson, 1843.
,. F. Williams, O.S.B., 1866.
„ G. Fazakerley, O.S.B., 1877.
„ Jos. Warden, O.S.B., 1892.
„ Jn. Carew, O.S.B., 1893.
„ F. Hickey, O.S.B., 1896.
SHIRE (Neivport). St. Michael.
A Franciscan mission was es
tablished here 1687. The house
of the Order was in Frogmore
Street, and was the gift of Peter
Morgan, Esq., who gave it in trust
to Mrs. Mary Roberts. Mrs. Gun-
ter and Mrs. F. Watkins were also
early benefactresses of the founda
tion. The Franciscan title of the
mission was that of the Immaculate
Conception. The building was en
larged, 1793, owing to a bequest of
Mr. Weld, of Lulworth, and other
benefactions from Mr. Jones and
Miss Prodger. The place ceased
to be an official residence of the
Preses or Guardian in 1809,
though priests of the Order con
tinued to live there till 1847. A
Chapter was held here in 1835.
In 1850 the Catholic population
was about 400; in 1856, 600; in
1864, 800. The old chapel having
long become inadequate, the present
church was commenced in 1858
and finished May 1860. The cost
of erection was largely defrayed
by Mrs. Andrus. A fine painted
window recalls the memory of
Baker-Gabb, Esq., another bene
factor, who died September 16,
1858. One of the lights represents
Fr. Augustine Baker, O.S.B., a
native of the town, who suffered
at Usk for the faith in 1679, during
the Titus Oates plot. The mission
was taken over by the Benedictines
in 1857.
' Guardians ' of the Mission.
Rev. Pacificus Williams, 1687.
„ Chas. Watkins, 1701.
„ Mat. Pritchard, 1713. Bishop
of the Western District,
„ Chas. Watkins, 1716.
„ Lewis Lewis, 1725.
„ Chas. Watkins, 1726.
„ Leo. Barker, 1738.
„ Gregory Powell, 1740.
„ Anselm Copley, 1755.
„ Gregory Powell, 1764.
„ Alexius Whalley, 1767.
„ Andrew Weetman, 1770.
„ Augustine Hickins, 1773.
„ Angelus Ingram, 1774.
„ Gregory Watkins, 1776.
Rev. Geo. Lancaster, 1779.
„ Andrew Weetman, 1781.
„ Gregory Watkins, 1782.
„ Hy. Waring, 1785.
„ Bernardine Fleet, 1787.
Gregory Watkins, 1788.
Paschal Harrison, 1791.
Greg. Watkins, 1794.
Thos. Cottrell, 1800.
Greg. Watkins, 1803.
Peter Jones, 1805.
Stephen Grafton, 1806.
Greg. Watkins, 1808.
From 1825 the priests in charge of
the mission have been :
Rev. Ignatius Richards, O.S.F.
„ Francis Hendren,O.S.F., 1826,
Bishop of Clifton, 1850.
„ Anselm Millward, O.S.F., 1839.
„ F. Wilfrid Price, O.S.B., 1857.
„ J. B. Caldwell.
„ A. P. Wilson, 1863.
„ J. B. Caldwell (second time),
„ Robt. Guy, 1877.
„ Henry J. O'Hare, 1885.
„ Romuald Morgan, 1888.
„ C. Wray, to date.
SHIRE (Newport). St. Mary.
The town, which is engaged in
the iron- smelting industry, ' lies
deep in the wildest of the wild
recesses among the hills.' When
the Franciscans established the
mission here in 1874, the place was
in the utmost spiritual destitution.
Occasionally ' the poor people would
trudge over the hills to Pontypool
or Abersychan ' to have a child
baptised or get the priest to a sick
call, but beyond this no signs of
Catholicity were manifested. The
first ' chapel ' was a club-room in a
public-house. The foundation-stone
of the present ' plain simple chapel '
was laid by Bishop Hedley, then
coadjutor of Newport, October 5,
1875. The building, which was
opened 1877, was for some time
served from Brynmawr, but now
from Pontymister.
mouth). SS. Mary and Edmund of
The mission was established
through the zeal and liberality of
the late Sir George Bowyer, Q.C.,
M.P. Mass was said on March 6,
1856, in the library of his house by
Bishop Grant, of Southwark. The
aisle and chancel of the present
church were blessed by Mgr. Virtue,
afterwards Bishop of Portsmouth,
September 30, 1857. The style of
the building is decorated Gothic ;
architect, W. Wardell. The edifice
was completed October 1865. A
bell cot was added to the building
in August 1884. The cemetery
was consecrated by Bishop Grant,
June 1, 1858.
Rev. J. O. Toole, D.D., 1857.
„ Robert Kavanagh, 1876.
„ Edward Collins, 1881.
„ Francis Canon Kelleher, 1885
to date.
The Sacred Heart.
When the Catholic- chapel was
built in 1852, the Catholics of
Accrington numbered 500. The
new church was commenced 1867,
the congregation then numbering
3,000, with 1,200 regular com
municants. Fr. Maguire, who had
charge of the mission about 1860,
obtained the site from J. Peel, Esq.,
and started the church building-
fund. The style of the building
which was opened in 1868, is
thirteenth century Gothic, designed
by Messrs. Wilson and Nichol. The
accommodation is for 1,000 per
sons. The total cost was about
Priests (Jesuits).
Eev. Joseph Walmesley, 1853.
Edw. Whyte, 1855.
Hy. Shea, 1857.
James Maguire, 1860.
Thos. Brindle, 1870.
Thos. Swift, 1888.
Edw. Lucas, 1891.
Arthur Yates, 1895.
Joseph Martin, 1899 to date.
Sacred Heart.
The present church was erected
in 1846 by Lady Tempest, at a cost
of £10,000. The church, which is
described as ' a beautiful gem,' was
designed by Mr. Myers. A chapel,
served by the Jesuit Fathers, was
opened at Pontefract (q.v.) in 1710.
The mission does not figure as such
till 1863, when it was served from
Pontefract. In 1875 the mission is
marked ' vacant.'
Hectors from 1883.
Rev. Joseph Schropp.
„ Bernard Speet, 1888.
„ James Canon Glover, 1896.
„ Charles Walsh, 1901 to date.
minster). Our Lady of Lourdes.
A Benedictine mission formerly
existed at Acton, but when com
menced or given up does not appear.
The present mission was opened by
Fr. Joseph Butt, of Hammersmith,
August 2, 1848. Bishop Moil-is, of
Troy, officiated, and the Hon. and
Rev. Fr. Spencer preached. From
1853 the chapel was served from
Turnham Green (see CHISWICK).
The district was described about
this time as ' the poorest and most
needy mission in the diocese,' the
schools being supported by ' chari
table contributions.' After 1856
Acton became part of the Chiswick
' parish,' but reappeared as an in
dependent mission 1879, when a
temporary chapel was opened at
2 Gloucester Villas, Shakespeare
Road. By 1883 an iron church
had been erected in Strafford Road.
The present Romanesque church,
designed by E. Goldie, Esq., was
opened September 28, 1902, by
Mgr. (now Bishop) Fenton. Seat
ing capacity for over five hundred.
Cost of church £5,000. Murillo's
' Good Shepherd ' hangs in the east
transept, and the sanctuary has
recently been decorated with fres
coes after Perugino and Benozzo
Gozzoli. The magnificent high
altar is in memory of Cardinal
Yanghan. Number of the con
gregation about two thousand.
Rev. Joseph Butt, 1848.
„ H. Green, 1848.
„ Thos. Heptonstall, 1849.
„ J. Clark, 1852.
„ John Bonus, LL.D., 1853 ;
till 1879, mission served
from Turnham Green and
„ James O'Connell, 1879.
„ Cornelius Bidle, 1882.
„ H. T. Bradbee, 1885.
„ C. E. Rivers, M.A., 1893 to date.
Mass was said here throughout
the penal times in the mansion of
the ancient family of Smythe.
From 1748 till 1856 the priests
lived at the Hall. In 1792 the
Visitation nuns flying from the
fury of the Revolution settled here
for a short time before proceed
ing to Shepton Mallet (q.v.) Two
years later, the Benedictines of
Lambspring in Bavaria came to
England and opened a college at
Acton Burnell in a house presented
to them by Sir Edward Smythe,
Bart. They removed to Downside,
near Bath, in 1814. In March
1846, a new Gothic church, dedi
cated to St. Peter, was opened at
Acton Burnell, mainly owing to
the benefactions of Mr. and Mrs.
Smythe. Mr. C. Hansom was the
architect ; the rich stained-glass
window over the high altar is the
work of Wailes. Other stained-glass
windows in the beautiful mortuary
chapel represent various members
of the Smythe family in attitudes
of devotion. The high altar, dedi
cated to St. Edward the Confessor,
was consecrated at the date of
opening. The cemetery was laid
out in 1858.
Priests at Acton Burnell — all
Rev. Francis Rook wood, 1748.
„ Ambrose Elliot, 1762.
,, Bernard Bradshaw, 1762.
,, Thomas Ballyman, 1774.
„ Peter Kendal, 1795.
„ Ralph Radcliffc, 1814 (died
suddenly while going to a
sick call, 1842).
„ Bernard Paillett, 1842.
,, Augustine Rolling, 1842.
„ Cuthbert Smith, 1846.
„ F. Stanislaus Giles, 1856.
„ John B. Caldwell, 1876.
„ John B. Davey, 1878.
„ James Riley, 1885.
„ James Talbot, 1886.
„ John Stutter, 1889 to date.
The mission was started in 1904,
the first priest being Father Alfred
Galli. The chapel at present con
sists of two rooms at the top of
a private house. Addingham is
famous as being the birthplace of the
Blessed Richard Kirkman, priest,
who suffered for the faith at York,
August 22, 1582, and also of the
Blessed Richard Horner, who suf
fered at York for the same cause,
September 4, 1598.
(Liverpool}. The Sacred Heart.
A school chapel was opened here
August 15, 1878. The building,
which was presented by T. Weld-
Blundell, Esq., accommodates about
Rev. W. Spencer, 1878.
Win. Lennon, 1888.
George Rigby, 1890.
Wm. Smith, 1892.
J. McFarlane, 1893.
F. Soden, 1902.
Edward O'Reilly, 1904 to
brongh). SS. Mary and Joseph.
The old chapel was erected 1812,
at which time the registers com
mence. The present chapel was
opened July 4, 1878, by Bishop
Cornthwaite, of Beverley, on a site
presented by Lord Beaumont. The
cost was bequeathed by Lady
Throckmorton. Messrs. Goldie
and Child were the architects ;
accommodation for 250 ; cost about
£1,700. The building is described as
resembling in appearance an old
village church.
Eev. McQuaide.
Jos. Sherwood, 1831.
Geo. Keasley, 1860.
Laurence McGonnell, 1863.
Edw. O'Leary, 1866.
L. McGonnell, 1870 (second
Lawrence Schoch, 1877.
James Griffin, 1881.
Wm. O'Connor, 1888.
Mission served from North-
allerton, 1891-5.
„ James Butler, 1896.
„ Richard Lewis, to date.
(Birmingham}. Our Lady and St.
The mission was established in
1889, and served from Coughton
by Fr. Francis Doyle, O.S.B. In
1896 Fr. Lawrence Larkins, O.S.B.,
was rector. His successors have
been : Eev. Eobt. Kershaw, 1897 ;
David Bede Eyan, O.S.B., 1902
to date.
In 1904 a community of Ursuline
Sisters, long established in France,
acquired Thellusson Lodge at Aide-
burgh, where they have commenced
a boarding school. The chapel is
open to the public, and for the time
serves the mission. The Eev.
Henry Mosiiier, chaplain.
mouth}. St. Joseph's.
In 1869 Bishop Grant, of South-
wark, sent Father J. Purcill to
establish a permanent mission in
the town, exclusive of the existing
military chapels at North and
South Camps. A disused tavern
was acquired, and by some archi
tectural manipulation transformed
into a temporary chapel. This
place of worship was opened July 29
by Bishop Morris, of Troy. By
August 14 of the same year the
congregation amounted to 200 re
gular attendants. Efforts are at
present being made to erect * a
National Memorial Church ' in
memory of Catholic soldiers killed
in South Africa (1899-1902).
Eev. J. Purcill, 1869.
, Louis Hall, 1871.
, E. Davis, 1875.
, Justin Mooney, 1881.
, Edw. Eiordan, 1885 to 1902.
, Francis O'Farrell, 1902 to
tingham). St. Mary.
The church was opened June 3,
1883, by Canon McKenna, V.G.
The style is Gothic, the building
consisting of nave, chancel, and
sacristy. The bell turret was pre
sented by Father D. Meenagh, first
priest of the mission. The seating
accommodation is for about 120.
On Sunday, October 20, 1901, the
fine east window of painted glass
was wilfully destroyed.
St. Mary.
The district was one of the many
served by the Jesuit ' College ' or
residence of St. Michael the Arch
angel, temp. James I., but no
records of the history of the mis-
sion are available. The foundation
of the chapel is given as 1807. The
registers commence in 1816. Like
the neighbouring mission of Knares-
borough, Allerton Park owes its pre
servation as a centre of Catholicity
to the noble family of Stourton.
The name of the place disappeared
from the ' Cathoh'c Directory ' in
1853, but was again inserted in
1894. During that time the priest
resided at the adjoining Stourton.
Kev. Thos. Boiling, 1824.
„ Chas. or Thos. Weston, 1835.
„ Jn. Bridge, 1842.
„ James Canon Glover, 1894.
„ Julius de Baere, 1897.
„ Joseph Dewe, 1898.
„ Ernest Levick, 1900 to date.
(Hexham and Newcastle). St.
In 1752 Mrs. Mary Butler be
queathed some property to Fr. H.
Sheldon, S.J., and from the pro
ceeds of this the mission was estab
lished in 1755. The property in
question was held in trust for the
society by Ralph Clavering, Esq.,
of Callaly Castle. Joined to the
bequest was the obligation of a
monthly Mass for the Ord family.
The old chapel or Mass-house was
in Barliffgate Street. Fr. Francis
Howard 'introduced' the people
into ' the new chapel in Alnwick '
August 14, 1796, and Bishop Gibson,
V.A., confirmed twenty-seven per
sons on the 2] st of the same month.
The present chapel was opened Sep
tember 8, 1836, and in July 1857
the Jesuits handed over the mission
to the bishop of the diocese.
Eev. H. Sheldon, 1755.
„ Nicholas Saunderson (died
Rev. Francis Howard, 1790.
„ John Beaumont, 1802.1 This
priest was a lineal descen
dant of Francis Beaumont
the dramatist.
John Fishwick, 1833.
J. Woollett, 1853.
J. Gibson, 1856.
Edward Robert, 1891.
M. Forster, 1906 to date.
ALSTON, LANGS (Liverpool).
Our Lady and St. Michael.
' Where the Wilsons, the Catons,
the Edmondsons and the Cowbans,
sterling good old priests — some of
the last, some of the present cen
tury — laboured for the good of souls
and the honour of their Heavenly
Master.' (Tablet, September 12,
1857.) The old chapel or ' Mass-
house,' dating from 1761, was super
seded in September 1857 by a
handsome church in the Early
English style of architecture, capa
ble of seating 600 to 700 persons.
The structure is of stone, from the
designs of E. Welby Pugin. The
building cost about £ 1,500. Bishop
Goss, of Liverpool, was present at
the opening. The bulk of the
money for the erection of the
church was collected by the Rev
H. Sharpies, the then priest of the
Priests since 1874.
Rev. Thos. WTalton.
„ Thos. Bridges, 1897 to date.
mingham). St. John.
Till 1833 Catholics in and about
Alton were ministered to by the
1 N.B. The Abbe Gautier, an emigre,
assisted Fr. Beaumont for a short time.
priest at Alton Towers, the resi
dence of the staunchly Catholic
Earls of Shrewsbury. In that year
a fine church in the Gothic style was
erected by John, sixteenth Earl of
Shrewsbury, to whose piety and
munificence so many of the churches
and chapels in the north and west
of England are due. The church
measures 90 feet by 30 feet, and is
wainscoted in oak. The handsome
altar of gilt-bronze stands in an
oriel recess, lighted by a iimllioned
window adorned with figures of the
four Evangelists. Copies of the
' Transfiguration ' by Rafaelle and
the ' Communion of St. Jerome '
also adorn this church. In the
sanctuary are, or were, two pictures
by Pietro Perugino. In a niche
outside the church, stands a pre-
Reformation stone statue of St.
Peter, the patron of the parish.
Attached to the church are schools
for boys and girls, also founded by
Lord Shrewsbury. In 1834 the
Catholics of Alton numbered 100.
At present they exceed 400.
Priests at Alton.
Rev. Daniel Rock, D.D., 1827
author of ' Hierurgia ' &c.
Canon of Southwark 1851
died 1871.
Henry Winter, D.D., 1840.
John 'O'Connor, 1866.
A. B. Gurdon, 1871.
W. J. Butler, 1879.
John Ullathorne, 1882 to date.
(Cheshire). St. Vincent of Paul.
The mission of Altrincham was
started in 1847 in a small house in
George Street. The number of
Catholics there at that time is not
recorded, but when the stone of the
new church was laid on Thursday,
May 27, 1858, the congregation
amounted to about 400. The exiled
members of Louis Philippe's family
are said to have worshipped here.
The new school at Hale Moss was
opened February 2, 1872, and en
larged 1885.
Rev. M. O'Reilly, 1847.
J. Berry, 1853.
W. Walton, 1855.
H. Alcock, 1858.
J. Canon O'Brien, 1876.
W. Stanley, 1898.
C. Ryder, 1903 to date.
(Hexham and Neivcastle). St.
The mission was served from
Felton in 1877, during which year
the present church was built. The
Catholic population in 1890 num
bered about 250, scattered over
a wild district abounding in old
families that had never lost the
faith. One of these was the Scrow-
ther family, of East Chevington,
where a station for mission pur
poses was held during the eight
days' mission preached at Amble
in April 1890, by the late Fr.
Jerome Vaughan, O.S.B.
Rev. Edw. Robert, 1885.
„ Jn. Roth, 1888.
„ Mat. Culley, 1890.
„ M. Forster, 1893.
„ Chas. Dunne, 1897 to date.
(Hexhain and Newcastle). Our
Lady of Ambleside.
Mass was said here for the first
time on Sunday, July 21, 1878, by
Fr.J.McAuliffe, O.S.B. The chapel
was an * upper room ' in a private
house. In 1880 Canon Curry of
Doddingcon said Mass here on alter
nate Sundays during the summer.
A Gothic iron church was opened,
August 1887. The altar-piece
(Mater Amabilis) is by Sassofer-
rato. Fr.A. G.Brady, M.A. (Oxon.),
was the first resident priest. Catho
lics of the district numbered eighty-
five in 1890. In 1893 a Premon-
stratensian priory was erected, and
the mission served for several years
by that Order. The church is now
attended on Sundays from Kirk-
stone Brow (1905).
YORK (Middlesbrough). St. Law
rence's Abbey and College.
The dilapidated and deserted
church and cloister of St. Lawrence,
Dieulouard, in the province of Lor
raine, were offered in 1606 as a gift
to the English Benedictines. The
foundation from 1020 to 1602 had
been an endowed canonry. The
new occupants quickly raised the
value of the property by skilful
agricultural and brewing enter
prises. In 1779, the house became
the school of humanities for St.
Gregory's, Douai, and so remained
till suppressed by the Revolution,
1792-3. Prior Marsh, the fathers
and students, after many vicissi
tudes, escaped to Treves and thence
to England. The community re
mained for some time at Acton
Burnell, under the patronage of Sir
E. Smythe, Bart., and after various
brief sojourns at Birkenhead,
Scholes, Vernon Hall, etc., finally
settled at Ampleforth Lodge in 1802.
This house, with thirty-two acres
of land, had been given by Lady
Fairfax as a place of retirement to
her aged chaplain, Fr. Bolton,
who made the property over to
Prior Applcton. In 1803 the com
munity consisted of two priests,
five religious and nine boys. Six
years later the first ordination took
place at Ampleforth. The Vicar
Apostolic was Bishop Gibson. The
' west wing ' served as the college
chapel for fifty years ; the ' east
wing ' from 1815 till 1854 contained
the old dormitories and college class
rooms. The fine Gothic church,
commenced 1855, was completed in
1857. The new college block of
class and lecture rooms was erected
1859-61. The much-needed monas
tery was started in 1894 and finished
1897. In 1900 Ampleforth was
raised to the dignity of an abbey.
The centenary of the college was
celebrated July 21, 22, and 23, 1903.
(Liverpool). St. Joseph.
The first stone of the church was
laid August 31, 1862, by Bishop
Goss, of Liverpool. The style is
Early English. The Stonors have
a ' family tribune ' in the church.
The seating accommodation is for
about 400 persons. At the west
end of the building is erected
an ancient pre- Reformation cross,
which stood at Anderton some four
centuries ago. The church was
opened in December 1863. Charles
J. Stonor, Esq., of Anderton, gave the
church site and much of the mate
rials with which the edifice is built.
The schools were enlarged 1884 and
again in 1894. Church and presby
tery re-roofed 1889.
Rev. Canon Greenhalgh, 1861.
„ Peter Kane, 1862.
„ Michael Donnelly, 1881.
„ J. Webster, 1883.
„ Thos. Smith, 1900 to date.
ANDOVER, HANTS (Portsmouth).
The Eev. Dr. Val d'Eremao, of
Basingstoke, opened the mission
here on January 5, 1886. The
chapel was at first in a private
house, but afterwards temporary
premises were rented. About twenty
persons assembled for Mass on the
first day. Fr. d'Eremao, after hear
ing confessions at Basingstoke on
Saturday, went down to Andover
by the last train, and on Sunday
morning said Mass at 8.15, return
ing to Basingstoke to say his second
mass at 11. From about 1897 the
mission has been served from Win
ward). The Holy Child and St.
Anthony of Padua.
Until 1878 the nearest mission
was at Norwood. On October 25
of that year an iron church was
opened in the Genoa Eoad. Canon
A. Bethell, who purchased the church
site, also erected the presbytery. He
resigned in 1891, and shortly after
wards the temporary place of wor
ship had to be given up. The
present edifice of brick, opened
May 14, 1898, consists of two
stories, the upper being used as a
chapel and the lower one as a
school. The estimated Catholic
population in 1 900 was about 450.
Eev. A. Canon Bethell, 1878.
„ Edmund Miller, 1891.
„ W. Thompson, 1900.
„ Thos. Neville, 1905 to date.
ward). St. Wilfrid.
The church was opened in 1872
and was the gift of the present
Duke of Norfolk. The Catholic
population of the district is about
100. Till the appointment of the
present rector, the Eev. E. Von
Orsbach, in 1902, the mission was
served from Arundel.
An iron chapel costing £250 was
opened here by Canon Croskell of
the Cathedral, Leeds, on Sunday,
May 13, 1906. The chapel, which
has been mainly erected for the
use of the navvies employed on the
construction of a new reservoir for
the Bradford Corporation, is for the
present served from the Cathedral.
LAND (Hexham and Newcastle).
St. John the Baptist.
The mission was established in
1863 and for several years after
wards was described as being
' greatly in need of help.' A chapel
was erected in 1866, and the new
Church opened June 24, 1906.
Eev. John O'Dwyer.
„ Henry Walmesley, 1881.
„ David Scott, 1899.
„ John Chapman, 1904 to date.
WIGHT (Portsmouth). St. Peter's
The Benedictines of Solesmes,
near Nantes, expelled from France
by the anti- Christian policy of M.
Combes and his government, settled
here in 1900-1. The splendid
Gothic abbey and church of the
Order in France is represented by
a moderately commodious mansion
and iron chapel. A school of Gre
gorian or Plain Chant has been
opened at the monastery, and
already its influence is being felt
in the liturgical world. It may be of
interest to remark that the Abbey
of Solesmes which was confiscated
for the first time during the Great
Revolution, was reoccupied by the
Benedictines in 1830. The choir
stalls have curious carvings repre
senting the genealogy of Our Lord.
The Community also possesses its
valuable library of ancient MSS.
and a sacred Thorn, which came
into their possession at the time of
the first Crusade.
See Widnes.
The church of the Convent of the
Good Shepherd Order was opened
March 29, 1859, by the Hon. and
Bt. Rev. Dr. Clifford, Bishop of
Clifton. The style is Lombardo-
Byzantine. The sanctuary is
lighted by a perforated arcade of
five arches filled with stained glass.
Mr. C. Hansom, of Clifton, was the
ARUNDEL, SUSSEX (Southward).
St. Philip.
Owing to the adherence of the
Dukes of Norfolk to the Catholic
faith, a chapel was maintained here
throughout a considerable portion
of the penal times. The domestic
chapel of St. George, within the
precincts of Arundel Castle, re
mained the place of Catholic wor
ship down to about 1790, when
Charles, eleventh Duke of Norfolk,
being then engaged in enlarging
the Castle, removed the chapel to
the site of the old College of the
Blessed Trinity founded by Richard,
Earl of Arundel, in 1380. The old
ruins were restored, and the place
continued to serve the purpose of
a church till the erection of the
present magnificent building. The
most noted priest at Arundel in
recent times was the late Canon
Mark A. Tierney, F.R.S., F.S.A.,
the well-known author of the ' His
tory of Arundel ' (2 vols., 1834), and
continuator of Dodd's 'Church
History from 1688 to 1800.' Canon
Tierney was incumbent from 1824
till his death in February 1862.
In 1873 the present cathedral
church of St. Philip Neri, com
menced in 1868, was opened by
Bishop Danell of Southwark. The
munificent donor was Henry,
present Duke of Norfolk, who, it is
said, expended over £100,000 on the
building. The style is fourteenth
century Gothic. A superb series of
stations of the Cross by Messrs.
Bolton have recently been erected
in memory of the late Bishop Butt.
Near the entrance of the church are
two memorial brasses to Privates
Madden and Glossop, natives of
Arundel, who were killed in the
great Boer War of 1899-1902.
Fifty years ago the number of
Catholics in Arundel is said to have
amounted to only 100; at present
(1904) it is over 1,200 — more than
half the population. By a judg
ment of the High Court about
twenty years ago, half of the parish
church, known as the ' Arundel
Chapel,' was reserved for Catholic
uses. Here are buried many gene
rations of FitzAlan Howards, for
the repose of whose souls Mass is
offered up occasionally at the high
altar. The magnificent east window
depicting members of the Howard
family assisting at the Holy Sacri
fice was put in by the present Duke.
With regard to the old chapel in
use from 1791 to 1873, it measured
42 ft. by 20 ft., and had a fine altar
adorned with gilt bronze, which,
among the uninitiated, passed
for ' real gold ' ! The altar-piece j
was a painting of the ' Adoration of j
the Shepherds.' A cottage school
was established by Fr. Butt in King
Street in 1858. The present fine
schools in the Tudor style, were
opened in 1885, and were the gift
of the Duke of Norfolk. The sacristy
of the church is rich in reliqua
ries and plate, including splendid
Louis XV. silver candelabra, a
silver relic case (Flemish, sixteenth
century) embossed with scenes from
the life of King David, said to have
belonged to Philip II. of Spain, &c.
Rev. Charles Cordell, 1748.
„ Joseph Addis, 1772.
„ - Fiswick, 1780.
„ Philip Wyndham, 1785.
„ Mark Canon Tierney, F.R.S.,
F.S.A., 1824.
„ John Butt, 1862 (assistant to
Canon Tierney, 1858 ; Canon
of South vvark, 1871 ; Bishop
of Southwark, 1885 ; re
signed, 1896 ; died, 1899).
„ John Burke, 1885.
„ A. S. MacCall, M.A., 1898 to
ASCOT, BERKS (Portsmouth).
St. Francis.
The first stone of the new Fran
ciscan church adjoining the monas
tery at South Ascot was laid by
Bishop Virtue of Portsmouth,
Tuesday, May 8, 1888. The build
ing was opened and consecrated
July 4, 1889. The style is Early
English, the accommodation being
for 500 persons. The Monks' choir
is behind the high altar. The cost
of erection was about £2,500. The
site was generously given by E. F.
Devenish Walsh, Esq., of Ascot.
Prior to the erection of the church,
Catholics in the neighbourhood of
Ascot were allowed to attend Mass
at the residence of C. J. Stonor,
Esq., and also at the Convent of the
Institute of the Blessed Virgin.
(Nottingham). All Saints.
For some time prior to 1888, the
only place of Catholic worship was
' a contemptible old building.' The
mission was established in 1848.
As a result of numerous appeals, a
plain but convenient Gothic church,
designed by Simpson, was opened,
August 26, 1888. Between 1850
and 1854, the mission was served
from Mary vale and St. Wilfrid's.
Rev. Wm. Daly, 1848.
R. Raby, 1855.
Jn. Cantwell, 1876.
Wm. O'Dwyer, 1879.
W. Otty, 1885.
J. O'Haire, 1888.
T. Middleton, 1892.
Hubert de Burgh, 1899.
Fredk. Brown, to date.
ASHFORD. KENT (Souihwarty.
St. Teresa.
This was one of the places served
by the Jesuit College or residence
of St. Ignatius as far back as 1619.
No record of the mission, however,
has been handed down. Calehill,
near Ashford, was the ancient seat
of the Catholic family of Darell, and
their chaplains attended Catholics
in the neighbourhood till after the
establishment of the Ashford mis
sion. In 1857 Fr. Sheridan, of
Calehill, hired a room in New Street,
Ashford, for Mass on Sundays.
The premises are now a public-
house known as the ' Three Ones '
(1 1 1). In 1859 a temporary
chapel was opened in Chart Terrace,
afterwards removed to 20 Queen
Street, the residence of Mrs. Wood,
whose husband was the priest's
right-hand man. The mission was
also greatly assisted about this
time by a Mrs. Piddlesden, who
1 kept the handful of Catholics to
gether and arranged for a priest to
come and give Mass on Sundays.'
The present church on Barrow
Hill was opened by Bishop Grant,
August 22, 1865. £800 of the build
ing expenses were contributed by
Lady Tufton. Archbishop Manning
preached (St. Luke i. 46). The
Dover choir, under the direction of
Fr. Laws, sang the Mass. A stone
altar was erected in March 1867,
and the sanctuary was completed
1892. The presbytery was erected
1888. A school in the Victoria
lload was opened October 1, 1899,
at a cost of £2,015 13s. Id. A Con
vent High School, under the direc
tion of the Sisters ' de 1'Enfance de
Jesus,' was established in 1903.
The Darell family is now extinct,
the last member, Major Darell
(60th Rifles), dying in 1869. The
Confirmation records at the old
family chapel are as follow? : con
firmations by Bishop Poynter, De
cember 8, 1812 ; by Bishop Brams-
ton, July 11, 1830; by Bishop
Griffiths, November 14, 1844;
by Bishop Wiseman, September
23, 1849; by Bishop Grant, May
24, 1858, October 28, 1860, April
19, 1863, August 22, 1865.
Chaplains at Calehill.
Rev. John Bullock, 1791-1819.
„ John Russell, Peter Portier,
Hy. Riley, James Crosby,
„ Joseph Addis, 1819 21.
„ Thos. Percy, 1821.
„ Francis Tiiite, 1825.
John Tuomy, 1826.
Wm. Ryan, O.S.B., 1827.
John Kyne, 1842.
J. R. Hearn, 1845.
Hy. S. Philips, 1846.
Rev. Wm. Harris, 1848.
„ Jn. McDonald, 1850.
„ Jn. Butfc, 1852 (Bishop of
Southwark, 1885-96).
„ J. P. O'Toole, 1854.
„ H. C. Logan, 1855.
„ Edw. Sheridan, 1857.
Priests at Asliford.
\ Rev. Edw. Sheridan, 1857.
,, A. Oromi, 1859.
„ Thos. Moore, 1871.
„ Daniel Spillane, 1872.
„ Thos. Quinn, 1883. Mission
served from Ramsgate,
„ F. Reynaert, 1885.
„ C. Turner, 1897.
„ P. Mason, 1904.
In 1899 the Sisters of the Order
of the Good Shepherd acquired
1 Ecclesfield,' a commodious man
sion and extensive estate adjoining,
for use as a female inebriates' home.
The chapel, which is open to the
i public, is so arranged as to keep
I the inmates unseen by the external
worshippers. A site for a mission
! church was purchased September
1908 (£200) and the building will
be opened for worship in December.
Rev. R. D. Browne, 1899.
„ E. M. Daniell, 1904.
„ — Cave, 1906 to date.
LAND (Hexham and Newcastle).
St. Aidan.
The mission was started in 1892
and served from Morpeth till 1895.
The church was opened 1895. The
present rector, Fr. John O'Hear,
O.S.B., was appointed the same
i year.
mingham). Our Blessed Lady and
St. John the Baptist.
The chapel, * a neat and commo
dious edifice,' as the ' Catholic
Miscellany ' of the day described
it, was opened October 29, 1823.
The first title of the mission was
St. Brigit. For some time it was
served in conjunction with Cobridge.
Fr. Egan was appointed first resi
dent priest in 1827.
Rev. Egan, 1827.
„ Holland, 1828.
„ Gates, 1835.
„ E. Hodson, 1840.
„ F. McGrath, 1849.
Mission served from Swyn-
nerton Park, 1861, et seq. ;
at present from Eccleshall.
A new chapel and altar of Our
Lady of the Holy Rosary was
solemnly dedicated Sunday, No
vember 6, 1887. These additions
to the church were erected by the
Eev. Dean O'Reilly and the con
gregation, in memory of Robert
Tolver, first Lord Gerard, who died
March 15, 1887. Lord Gerard was
a great benefactor to the mission,
which was commenced in 1822,
when the old chapel of St. Oswald
was built. There were no Catholic
schools in 1830, but fifteen years
later there were both day and
Sunday schools, with about 300
pupils; 145 children and adults
were confirmed at the chapel on
Sunday, September 14, 1845, by
Bishop Sharpies. The church was
rebenched, refloored, and supplied
with new altar rails in 1891,
Mission established 1857. In
1868 (August) the ' poor chapel '
of the place was nearly destroyed
by an anti- Catholic mob incited by
one Murphy, a notorious Protestant
lecturer. The large crucifix was
injured by pistol shots, and win
dows and pews broken. The priest,
Fr. J. Beesly, endeavoured to obtain
compensation, but, after a trial of
the case before the Salford Hun
dred Court, was non-suited on the
ground that ' the mob did not in
tend entirely to demolish ' ! Several
of the rioters, however, were con
victed before Mr. Justice Hannen
at the assizes, and sentenced to
various terms of imprisonment.
The chapel at Ashton-under-Lyne
was built 1858-59 by the zealous
Fr. W. Crombleholrne, who died
at Lawrence, Mass., U.S.A., in
January 1884.
Priests since 1886.
Rev. Geo. Richardson.
„ Adolphus Coelcubier, 1888.
„ Martin Meagher, 1899.
„ James Murray, to date.
ASPULL, near WIGAN (Salford).
Our Lady of the Immaculate Con
The foundation-stone of the church
was laid March 19, 1857. The cere
mony took place in the presence of
about one thousand persons, mostly
miners, the ground being cut and
prepared by a body of Irish
labourers ' as a free-will offering to
the work.' The Bishop of Salford
at the conclusion of the function
explained to the assembled multi
tude the doctrine of the Immacu
late Conception. Fredk. Gerard,
Esq., brother of Sir R. Gerard,
Bart., laid the second stone. The
building was opened April 25, 1858.
Rev. Hy. Jones, 1857.
P. O'Beilly.
T. Allen, 1874.
Jos. Crilly, 1882.
H. Schiirgers, 1889.
Jn. Welch, 1896 to date.
CASHIRE (Salford). The Holy
Infant and St. Anthony.
The chapel was opened July 22,
1877, and served from St. Mary's,
Bolton, till 1882. The congregation
is now estimated at 1,000.
Rev. Maximilian Jiittner, 1882.
„ Pius de Witte, 1885.
„ P. M. O'Beilly, 1888.
„ John Darby, 1893.
„ A. M. Vantomme, 1894 to
TONSHIRE (Northampton).
Wm. Plowden, Esq., a staunch
Jacobite and supporter of James II.
at the Boyne, settled here shortly
after the Revolution. He rebuilt
the mansion at Aston-le-Walls, but
being a Catholic soon acquired the
resentment of his Whig neighbours.
His coach-horses were seized by
virtue of the Act against Nonjurors,
and Mr. Plowden in disgust quitted
the neighbourhood. The hall was
pulled down with the exception of
one wing, which was turned into a
farmhouse. This branch of the
Plowdens was connected by mar
riage with the Butlers, the original
owners of Aston-le-Walls. One of
them was Chas. Butler, of Lincoln's
Inn (1750-1832), the eminent Con
veyancer and Catholic publicist. It
is probable that a chapel was main
tained here during the eighteenth
century and down to the building
of the present chapel in 1827. No
mention is made of the mission in
the ' Laity's Directory ' till 1833.
Rev. J. Fox ; J. Perry, 1835.
„ J. B. Marsh, 1850.
„ Jn. Duff, 1853.
Rev. Wm. Canon Hammond here,
1872, and till 1901.
„ Harold Squirrell, to date.
(Birmingham). St. Michael.
A very old mission. Aston Hall
was for centuries the seat of the
ancient Catholic family of Heven-
ingham. The last male repre
sentative wras Sir John Hevening-
ham, whose daughter married Sir
James Simeon, Bart., of Brightwell,
and their only daughter married
Humphrey Weld, Esq., of Lulworth
Castle. In 1814 the Franciscans
opened their noviciate at Aston
with the full approval of Bishop
Milner. In 1826 it was decided
not to take any more novices in
England. The estate subsequently
passed into Protestant hands, but
the house and a few acres were
made over by the Welds to the
V.A. of the Midland District for the
purpose of continuing the mission.
In 1842 the Passionist Fathers com
menced a foundation at Aston. The
chapel was still in the large room
over the kitchen. The stone of the
new church was laid May 21, 1847,
by Bishop Walsh, V.A.M.D., Bishop
(afterwards Cardinal) Wiseman
preaching the inaugural sermon.
The Hon. Fr. Ignatius Spencer sang
the Mass. The Hon. Miss Lang-
dale presented £100 to the building
fund. The church was opened
1849. The Passionists gave up
the mission 1854, after which it
was served from Stone for some
years. During the rectorate of
Mgr. E. Hulme (1840-42) the relics
of St. Chad were discovered be
neath the altar of the Aston chapel.
They had been removed from Lich-
field Cathedral at the time of the
Eeformation by Prebendary Arthur
Dudley, and, after being preserved
by the Fitzherberts of Swynnerton,
were sent to Aston for safety.
Priests since 1858.
Rev. Edward Canon Huddlestone.
„ Stuart Bathurst, 1877.
(Mission served from Stone,
„ M. Glancey, 1898.
„ Jn. Price, 1900.
(Birmingham). St. Scholastica's
The Benedictine nuns of St.
Benedict's Priory, near Colwich,
took over the premises from the
Dominicans and opened a branch
house here in May 1859. The
nuns are strictly enclosed, have no
schools, and a chief feature of the
spiritual life of the place is the
perpetual adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament. The church was con
secrated by Bishop Ullathorne,
September 4, 1861. The house
and chapel were commenced No
vember 4, 1837, and opened as a
Dominican Convent in September
1889. The chapel, which measures
58 ft. by 23 £ ft., from the very first
proved a great attraction, and was
described as being ' crowded every
Sunday ' with persons mostly pro-
ATHERTON, LANCS (Liverpool).
St. Eichard.
The mission was established at
Chowbent, 1890, and for some years
served from Tyldesley. It became
a separate mission 1895.
Eev. Andrew Flynn, 1895.
„ Jules Maurus, 1899.
,, Geo. Walmsley 1904, to date.
(Liverpool). St. Mary.
The great growth of Catholicity
in and around Aughton led to the
old chapel (1784) being fitted up as
schools (1850-51). The necessary
alterations and extension to accom
modate upwards of 1,000 children
were carried out by Mr. White,
architect. The chapel was built
1823, before which time Mass was
said in the priest's house. Before
1784 the district was served from
Moor Hall, the ancient seat of the
Eev. Simeon Bordley, 1784 ; d.
1798, <zt. 90.
Jas. Dennett, 1798.
Dr. Crook, 1845.
Edmund Power, 1847.
Peter McGrath, 1869.
Eobt. Bridges, 1871.
Alf. Snow, 1878 to date.
(Birmingham). St. Joseph.
Mass was said here for the first
time since the Eeformation on
May 10, 1852, at Bitham House,
the residence of Thos. Perry, Esq. ;
Fr. Wm. Tandy, D.D., was the
celebrant, about fourteen persons
being present. The church, opened
in 1855, was largely due to the
munificence of the before-men
tioned Mr. Perry and another con-
vert gentleman residing in the
Eev. W. O'Grady, 1855.
,, Evan Hunter, 1867.
„ Walter Norris, 1871 (?).
„ Bernard Pannier, 1877.
„ Arthur Doyle, 1892.
„ Hugh Taylor, 1896.
„ Win. Dobell, 1899 to date.
St. Mary.
In 1763 Mass was said at Hilary
House, where a chapel was fitted
up by John Knight, Esq., member j
of the ancient Catholic family of j
Knight, to whom Catholics of this
place are much indebted. Mr.
Knight died in 1801 at. 69, and in
1830 his son Henry built the
chapel of Our Lady, which was
opened by Bishop Baines,V.A.W.D.,
August 15, 1831. The same family
of Knight built the present fine
church, which superseded the old
chapel in May 1862. The style is
fourteenth century Gothic. It con
tains some handsome Stations of the
Cross painted in oil by M. Alcan, of
Paris. The altar and pulpit are of
Caen stone. A memorial tablet
commemorates Mr. H. Knight, the
founder of the second chapel, who
died in 1858.
Priests since 1822.
Bev. Cornelius Magrath, 1822.
Eobt. Platt, 1824.
Eobt. Gates, 1827.
Henry Eiley, 1828.
Chas. Fisher, 1834.
Jn. Swabrick, 1834.
Henry Norrington, 1837.
Patrick Kelly, 1849.
H. Keary, 1850.
Thos. Lynch, 1852.
Eev. Jn. Canon Toohey, 1856.
„ Michael O'Reilly, 1898 to date.
In 1843 Bishop Wareing, V.A.,
secured a room for Mass at Ayles-
bury. Before that time the nearest
chapel was twenty miles distant.
Now and then a priest from Oxford
shire would go over to Aylesbury
to administer baptisms and attend
to sick calls. The district in 1844
is described by Fr. Duncan, the
first priest, as 'furiously anti-
Catholic.' After taking up his
abode at Ajiesbury, Fr. Duncan
opened a chapel in his house,
and on a subsequent occasion went
to Ireland to collect funds to build
a church, but without much suc
cess. In September 1844, how
ever, he took a larger house and
fitted up a poor, but more commo
dious, chapel. The 'altar' was
nothing more than a common deal
table. Mass was only said on Sun
days and holy days, the chapel being
used during the week as the priest's
sitting-room ! Fr. Duncan died
worn out with labours in 1846, and
was succeeded by Fr. J. Brogan,
who does not seem to have re
mained long. Latterly the mission
of Aylesbury figures very irregu
larly in the ' Catholic Directory,'
being some years omitted alto
gether. In 1880 it was served
from Weston Underwood every
alternate Tuesday. In 1885 the
priest came from Wolverton and
said Mass 011 the first Wednesday
of every month in the house of
Mr. James Eoche, 2 St. Mary's
Eow, at 9.30 A.M. In 1890 the
temporary chapel was at 33 Bi-
cester Eoad ; Fr. J. Collins rector.
Fr. J. Mayne was his successor.
TYNE (Hexham and Newcastle).
St. Edmund, Martyr.
The temporary chapel was opened
1883, the mission till recently being
served from Annitsford. The pre
sent church in the Gothic style was
opened 1903.
Eev. James O'Dowd, 1902.
BACUP, LANGS (Salford). St.
Mary, Bankside.
The mission was commenced
1852, and the church opened 1857.
Kev. Henry Mulvany, 1852.
„ Thos. Steele, 1881.
„ John Lane, 1885.
„ Wm. Moran, 1904 to date.
WARWICKSHIRE (Birmingham).
The Franciscan School of Edg-
baston was removed here by Fr.
Ingham in 1792. Fr. Collingridge,
afterwards Bishop of Thespiae in
partibus and V.A., was President
from 1794-8. The school was
closed in 1829, and now the house
has been since 1850 the convent of
the Poor Clares. Baddesley Clin
ton Hall was for generations the
seat of the Ferrers family, a good
old Catholic stock, and heirs to the
barony of de Ferrers. The last of
the race was Edward Marmion
Ferrers, who died August 25, 1884,
aged seventy. The old chapel
erected by the Franciscans in 1800
was rebuilt in 1870, but not conse
crated till 1894.
Priests since 1830.
Kev. Hy. Davey, 1851.
P. O'Farrell.
Barthol. Crosbie, 1853.
Hugh McCarten, 1870.
Joseph Verres, 1879.
Edw. Delaney, 1882.
Bernard Grafton, to date.
BAGSHOT, SURREY (Southward).
Convent of the Poor Clares.
The community opened their
convent here in 1904, and their
chapel for the time being serves the
mission, which is attended by the
mingham). The English Martyrs.
A mission was opened here
Sunday, December 23, 1888, by
Fr. McKey, of Hassop, when Mass
was said for the first time in 300
years. The original chapel was a
stable-loft, replaced by an iron
church for 200 persons, in the
Granby Road (February 1890).
Fr. J. W. Brown was first resident
priest. The mission is at present
served from Hassop (1905).
war Jc). The Holy Ghost.
The mission was started in 1887,
when Mass was said at 25 Ravens-
wood Road, by Fr. J. Simon. The
present church opened April 17,
1897. It is a plain Gothic building,
and is still unfinished. The Con
vent of the Adoration Nuns adjoins
the church. Fr. J. V. Warwick,
B.D., some time professor at Lisbon,
has been rector since 1896. The
Catholic population of the district
is estimated at about 2,500.
BANBURY, OXON. (Birmingham).
St. John's.
In 1629 the manor of Warkworth
was purchased from the Chetwodes
by Philip Holman, a London
scrivener (stockbroker), whose son
George became a Catholic. This
latter is described by Anthony
Wood as ' a melancholy and
bigoted convert.' The last of the
family was Wm. Holman, Esq.,
upon whose death in 1740 the
manor of Warkworth devolved
upon his nephew, Francis Eyre of
Hassop. His son, Francis Eyre,
became Earl of Newburgh in 1814,
in succession to Anthony James
Radcliffe, fourth earl. Earl Rad-
cliffe, in 1806, built a chapel at
Overthorp, near Banbury, and this
continued to serve the mission till
the opening of the present church
in 1838. The style is Gothic, and
the interior lofty and spacious. In
1846 the Sisters of Charity opened
a convent in the parish on the site of
part of the premises of the Hospital
of St. John of Jerusalem, suppressed
by Henry VIII.
Priests at Banbury. (Early list
Rev. John Gother, 1689. This
priest was the eminent
author of the ' Papist Mis
represented and Presented,'
„ Alban Butler, 1749. Author
ofjthe ' Lives of the Saints '
etc. Died President of
Douai, 1774.
„ Charles Bedingfeld, O.S.F.,
Bernard Stafford, 1761.
Pierre Hersent 1793.
Joseph Fox, 1833.
Wm. Canon Tandy, D.D., 1835.
J. H. Souter, 1864.
C. J. Bowen, 1873 to date.
N.B. Bishop Challoner, V.A.L.D.,
was, as a boy, converted to the
faith at Warkworth, and received
his early instruction from the Rev.
J. Gother prior to proceeding to
Douai. He was consecrated Bishop
of Debra in 1741, and died 1781,
aged ninety years.
BARKING, ESSEX (Westminster}.
SS. Mary and Ethelburga.
The mission of Barking was
started in 1857, but the chapel was
only a school room, and the priest
for several years had to reserve the
Blessed Sacrament in his house.
He was also obliged to say a second
Mass at Grays, fourteen miles dis
tant, every Sunday. The temporary
place of worship continued till 1869,
when the present church was erected
during the rectorate of Fr. J.
Gilligan, and on a site granted by
Lord Petre. The schools, opened
1857, had an average attendance of
300 in 1900. At the opening of the
church in August 1869, Archbishop
Manning preached. The size of
the building is 60 ft. by 30 ft. E. W.
Pugin, architect. The Catholic
population of the district was
reckoned at 1800 in 1905. About
430 children are on the registers of
the schools, which, although re
cently enlarged, are said to be
insufficient 'to accommodate the
pupils in attendance.'
Eev. J. Gilligan, 1857 till 1887.
„ David Hickey here in 1888.
„ A. Clement, 1895 to date.
(Hcxham and Newcastle}. St.
The Catholics of Barnard Castle
numbered 200 in 1847, at which
time the nearest chapel was at
Lartington Hall, the ancient seat
of the Witham family. This latter
was scarcely able to contain fifty per
sons. In January 1847 ' a public
building ' — probably a room in the
town hall — was hired and used as a
chapel on Sundays. In March of
the same year a chapel was opened
and consecrated by Bishop Eiddell
(March 31 and April 1). Fr. W.
Allen, of Ushaw, was appointed to
the mission. In December 1849
a fine painting of the Crucifixion,
copied from the original by Le
Brim, at Lartington Hall, was
placed over the altar. The sanctuary
of the church was adorned and
new and commodious schools com
menced, December 1867. The cost
of the latter was defrayed by 0.
Longstaff, Esq.
Eev. W. Allen, 1847.
Geo. Meynell, 1857.
John Dunderdale, 1861.
Eobt. Franklin, 1871.
Wm. Gillow, 1873.
E. J. Barnett, 1877.
James Shea, 1879.
Bernard Darley, 1904 to date.
maculate and St. Gregory the
Great, Union Street.
This locality was described nearly
fifty years ago as ' one of the most
bigoted places near London.' The
mission dates from April 24, 1849,
when Fr. Ivers, of Kentish Town,
fitted up a small room as a chapel.
Mass was said for the first time on
Sunday, April 29, about forty per
sons being present. Fr. Faa di
Bruno was appointed priest, and
under his auspices the school was
opened for the benefit of the many
Catholic children in the district.
Mass was said in the schoolroom
on Sundays. Fr. di Bruno being
summoned to the Continent to
make collections for Church work
in England, his place was taken by
a priest from Tottenham, who, how
ever, did not remain long. Fr. Bruno,
being delayed by the Franco- Aus
trian war of 1859, did not return
for many months, and meanwhile
the mission was practically closed.
In June I860, Fr. G. Bampfield,
B.A;, served the chapel, and also
that of Waltham Cross (q.v.}, and
in December of the same year
Cardinal Wiseman confirmed about
thirty candidates from the two mis
sions. The estimated Catholic popu
lation in 1864 was 200. A new Lady
Chapel was added to the church in
1877, and the interior of the build
ing entirely redecorated. Fr. Bamp
field died January 20, 1900, and
was succeeded by Fr. Francis Spink,
the present rector. The mission is
in charge of the Institute of St.
Andrew, a community of secular
priests living under rule, founded
by Fr. Bampfield. Large schools
for ' boys of the middle and poorer
classes ' were commenced in June
1868, and at present have about
seventy pupils. In addition to the
Barnet mission, the Fathers also
serve the neighbouring districts of
Bushey, New Barnet, &c.
St. Joseph.
At Easter 1897 Fr. H. Marchal,
chaplain at Broughton Hall, the
residence of the Tempest family,
started the mission, and in 1901 lie
bought an old school for £380,
which he had altered for a chapel.
In 1906 a site for a church was
secured in the Gisburn Road, at a
cost of £636, and an iron building
erected. The accommodation is
for about 200. In 1897 the Catholic
population of the district was about
sixty, but it has since increased to
over 350. The new church was
opened Sunday, September 9, 1906.
(Leeds). Holy Cross.
The chapel was opened June 7,
1832, Fr. Tate of Sheffield, preach
ing at the High Mass to a large
mixed congregation. The schools
were erected in 1858, the stone
being laid by J. Lock, Esq., M.P.,
a noted railway engineer.
Rev. J. Rigby, 1832.
„ H. Cook, 1840.
,, Theophilus Cauwenberghe,
D.D., 1876.
, Jn. Hill, 1895 to date.
mouth). The Immaculate Con
In July 1827 a chapel was fitted
up in the mansion of Tawstock by
Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart., who had
married a Catholic lady. The same
generous benefactor also erected a
poor school. Bishop Baines, V.A.,
confirmed twenty persons in the
chapel, August 26, 1832. In 1843
Sir Bourchier purchased from Chas.
Roberts, Esq., a site for church and
presbytery. The present handsome
place of worship was consecrated by
Archbishop Errington and Bishop
Vaughan, October 24, 1855. Sir B.
Wrey was received into the Church
at Dover, September 15, 1856. The
registers of the Barnstaple mission
date from 1836.
Rev. Peter Hartley, 1827.
„ Wm. O'Meara, 1829.
„ Jn. \Villiams, 1831.
,, Maurice O'Connor, 1833.
„ L. Calderbank, 1835.
„ M. Crowe, D.D., 1835.
„ Thos. Costello, 1837.
„ Jos. Dwyer, 1837.
„ Jn. Larkan, 1837.
„ Wm. Casey, 1839.
„ Patrick Kelly, 1840.
„ Thos. Fergusson, D.D., 1844
,, Jn. Lynch, 1846.
,, Jos. Kerrin, 1849.
„ Ralph Canon Brindle, 1850.
„ Wm. Musworth, 1890.
„ James S. Burns, 1893.
„ Wm. Unsworth, 1903 to date.
(Liverpool). St. Mary.
In 1865 the Catholic population
of the district amounted to about one
thousand. The nearest chapel was at
Ulvcrstone, ten miles distant. Fr.
Bilsborrow, afterwards Bishop of
Salford, used to come over from
time to time to attend sick calls,
administer baptisms, &c. A site
for a church having been generously
granted by the Duke of Devonshire,
the present building was erected,
and opened Aug. 28, 1867. E. W.
Pugin was the architect, the seating
capacity being for 700. A tower and
spire were added 1891, and in 1894
the church was enlarged and redeco
rated. The Sacred Heart Convent
was opened in Furness House,
October 1897. In 1903 the esti
mated Catholic population of the
mission was 3,489. St. Patrick's
School Chapel, Barrow Island,
opened 1877 and enlarged 1885,
is served from St. Mary's.
Eev. John Bilsborrow, 1866.
„ James Parkinson, 1874.
., Wm. Gordon, 1877.
„ Edward Caffrey, 1879.
„ John Miller, 1899 to date.
SHIRE (Nottingham). St. Alban.
Some time prior to 1839 Fr.
"Woolfrey gave lectures on Catholic
doctrine at Barrow in reply to 'a
flood of anti-Catholic tracts ' scat
tered broadcast by the Rev. Mr.
Gwatkin, a protestant minister.
The lectures were well attended,
and many persons were received
into the Church. In March 1839
the present chapel, a neat structure
in the Grecian style, was opened
for worship. The cost was defrayed
by the contractors of the Eastern
Counties Railway. The mission,
which was long served from Lough-
borough, is now served from Sileby.
The Sisters of Our Lady of Charity
of Refuge, a congregation founded
by theVen. John Eudes, of Caen, in
1641, opened their convent here in
1863. Robt. Biddulph Phillips,
Esq., was a great benefactor to the
foundation. The work of the nuns
is ' the reformation of young women
and preservation of girls in danger
of falling.' The chapel is open to
the public.
SHIRE (Nottingham}. St. Augus
tine Apostle of England.
The mission was established in
1841-42, being served alternately
from Brigg by the priest of that
place. The mission, which has been
an independent one since about
1843, is served by Benedictines. It
owes its origin to a convert gentle
man and a Mr. Aistrip of Hull.
Rev. J. Egan (of Brigg), 1841.
Jn. Taylor, 1844.
P. Perry, 1845.
S. Ward, 1848.
Geo. Burge, 1850.
J. Bernard Murphy, 1890.
Ralph Pearson, 1892.
J. B. Davey, 1893.
Robt. Fishwick, 1894.
Joseph Watmore, 1895.
Thos. Feeny, 1899.
Joseph Flanagan, 1900 to date.
CHESTER (Salford). All Saints.
The nucleus of this mission was
the domestic chapel of the Tratford
family. A school was built here in
1822 by Fr. Thomas Sadler, who
in 1827 erected a public chapel at
Barton. The mission was served
in conjunction with the chapel at
Trafford Park. The chapel of 1827
quickly became too small for the
congregation, and many years later
was described as ' a wretched gar
ret.' The present fine Gothic church
— the gift of the Trafford family,
the traditional patrons of the mis
sion — was consecrated by Bishop
Turner of Salford, June 9, 1868.
At that time the congregation num
bered 1,600. The cost of erection
was £15,000.
Kev. James Haydock, 1792.
Thomas Sadler, 1808.
Henry Newsham, 1830.
John Ball, 1834.
Joseph Westhead, 1840.
John Hill, 1843.
Mgr. John Canon "Kershaw,
James Canon Hayes, M.R.,
Monsignor Charles Canon
Gadd, V.G., 1901 to date.
mouth). The Holy Ghost.
Mass was said here once a month
by a priest from Woolhampton,
1869. Canon Crookhall, of the
latter place, and Mr. Riviere are
regarded as the two chief founders
of the mission. By dint of great
exertions, Fr. C. Paul erected
the present small church (1878).
Bishop Vertue, of Portsmouth,
confirmed here for the first
time, December 12, 1883. Fr. Val
d'Eremao, the distinguished Orien
tal scholar, author of the ' Serpent
of Eden ' &c., was priest of the
mission in 1884. The present rec
tor is the Rev. A. S. Scoles.1
1 The Marquis of Winchester, who
held Basing House for Charles I. against
the forces of the Parliament (1643-45),
Benedictines. St. John the Evan
King James II. visited Bath in
1687 and while there attended
Mass in the chapel served by Fr.
Anselm Williams, O.S.B. This
oratory was in Beltre House
rented from the Corporation at
£8 a year. The priests after this
were : Fr. Bernard Quinn, 1713 ;
F. W. Banester, 1726; Francis
Browning or Bruning and Dr.
Lawrence York, 1730. Dr. York
was consecrated Bishop of Niba in
partibus and created V.A. of the
Western district 1741. During the
rebellion of 1745, an attempt was
made to get his Lordship into
trouble by means of a forged letter
purporting to have come from
Prince Charles Edward Stuart. The
Mayor of Bath, who was his friend,
called on him privately and advised
him to withdraw for a time, which
he did. Fr. Bernard Bradshaw,
O.S.B. , acted as Vicar-General dur
ing the Bishop's absence. Bishop
York ultimately retired, worn out
with labours, to St. Gregory's Col
lege, Douai, where he died April
14, 1770. Fr. Bradshaw had al
ready given up missionary work in
1757. His successor, Fr. Placid
Naylor, died at Paris, 1793, during
the Revolution. Fr. John Bede
Brewer, D.D. who came to Bath
in 1776, built a chapel in St. James
Parade. Barely had it been
opened when it was burnt by a
' No Popery ' mob desirous of
emulating the Lord Geo. Gordon
Rioters in London (June 9, 1780).
Bishop Walmesley's splendid
library perished in the flames, but
his Lordship and the Catholics
was a devout Catholic, and patron of
several missionary priests. The Basing-
stoke Canal now crosses the site of the
historic mansion.
obtained compensation to the value
of £3,734 19s. Gd. The Bene
dictine Fathers then built another
chapel in Corn Street.1
Fr. Baines, afterwards Bishop,
in 1817 opened another chapel in
Pierrepont Street, which was numer
ously attended. This second was
known as Portland Chapel, and
before its acquisition by Fr.
Baines had been a dissenting place
of worship. Catholicity in Bath
made great strides after 1840.
Commenting on this the Bath
and Cheltenham Gazette for Janu
ary 1849 said : ' The Mission
ary Chapel at Brunswick Place,
under the spiritual charge of the
V. Rev. Dr. Bewe, has become a
place of great resort to the Protes
tants of Bath, notwithstanding the
strong Puritanical spirit there. A
great number of conversions have
been the result of his untiring
exertions.' Among these latter
were Sir T. Broadhead, Bart., and
the Hon. John Sanderson, some
time Chief Justice and President of
the Privy Council of the Isle of
Grenada. He died at 2 Nelson
Place, near Bath, January 10, 1849,
aged eighty-one years.
The time having arrived for a
really fine Catholic church to
take the place of the conventicle-
like buildings of less happy times,
the stone of the present church in
the South Parade was laid Octo
ber 2, 1862. The opening and con-
1 A tradition at Bath relates that on
the first night of the anti-Catholic riots
of 1780 a constable went to one of the
local magistrates and breathlessly ex
claimed : Pleaze, your worship, the mob
ha' set the Cath'lic chappel a' vire (sic).
What shall us do ? ' 'Do!' was the
reply, ' why, if it had happened yesterday
while we wer' a zitten (sic) I'd a told ee
— but as tiz,' he added, scratching his
heal, Til caal (sic) a Haal (sic) o'
Mundee ! '
secration by Bishop Clifford, of
Clifton, took place a year later, on
October 7, 1863. This fine Gothic
pile is of Bath stone and of com
modious proportions. Mr. C.
Hansom, of Bath, was the architect.
Beneath the high altar, which is of
marble supported by six columns of
the same material, is a handsome
shrine containing the corpo santo
or body of St. Justina, presented to
the Church by Prince Doria of
Rome, son-in-law of the Earl of
Shrewsbury. The fine spire of the
building (222 ft.) was completed in
September 1867.
BATH (Clifton). St. Mary's,
Julian Eoad.
The first stone was laid by Arch
bishop Errington, June 24, 1879,
and the building was opened May 3,
1881, by Cardinal Manning, who
preached on Luke xvi. 8, with
reference to the Bradlaugh agita
tion against official oaths and de
clarations. The style is Early
Decorated from designs by Dunn
and Hansom, the seating capacity
being for 400.
Rev. Francis Canon Loughnan,
„ Arnold Matthews, M.R. 1888.
„ Michael McCarthy, 1889.
„ Edward Bates 1891 to
BATLEY, YORKS (Leeds). St.
Mary and the Angels.
A dirty room over a ' rag ware
house ' was the first ' chapel ' of this
mission in 1854. For this ' horrid
and disgusting room,' as the pastor,
Fr. T. O'Connell, called it, a rent-
age of £12 per annum was charged.
The number of Catholics living at
Batley was then about 600, which
in five years increased to 1,000. In
1859 the Earl of Wilton generously
presented a site for a school chapel,
valued at about £200. In March
1859 'the first social gathering of
Catholics and Protestants since the
Eeforination ' was held at Batley,
and a collection made for the
schools. The 'chapel,' however,
remained but ' a horrid garret ' till
December 15, 1870, when the
church was opened. The style is
thirteenth century. The accom
modation is for G50. The cost of
building was £2,374. The Catholic
population of Batley in 1870 was
about 3,500. Archbishop Manning
preached at the opening on Luke i.
28. A new sanctuary and wing
were added to the church in October
1884. New schools for GOO children
were opened in 1897 at a cost of
£4,000. The mission is much in
debted to the Colbeck family for
several generous benefactions.
Eev. T. O'Connell, 1853.
„ J. Wells, 1855.
Patrick Lynch, 1860.
Thos. Eigby, 1870.
Wra. Gordon, 1873.
Chas. Gordon, 1879.
James Canon Gordon, 1898.
John Lea, 1902 to date.
(Southward). Our Lady of Mount
Carmel and St. Joseph.
The mission was founded in 1868
by the late Canon Drink water. A
small church — now the Lady
Chapel — was opened November 22,
1869 ; the rest of the building
(Gothic) in 1875. The high altar,
said to be one of the finest in Lon
don, was presented by the late Sir
John Stuart Knill, Bart. Schools
! were erected 1871, and enlarged
subsequently at a cost of 1,3002.
i The interior of the church was re-
I decorated 1904. A notable feature
i of the church is the handsome
pulpit, put up some twenty years
| ago in memory of the founder of
the mission.
1 Eev. T. Canon Drinkwater, 1868.
„ W. J. Connolly, 1881.
„ Albert Whereat, D.D., 1894.
,, Joseph Newton, 1903 to date.
(Southward). The Sacred Heart.
Just before his death, Don Bosco,
! founder of the Salesian Congre-
, gation, arranged for a settlement
j of his Institute in England. In
| November 1887, some Fathers and
Brothers came to London and were
given charge of the Trott Street
Mission, Battersea, by Bishop Butt,
of Southwark. A small iron church
at first sufficed, but in a short time
the growth of the congregation
demanded a larger building. On
August 3, 1892, Bishop Butt blessed
the first stone of the present church,
which was opened on October 14-15,
! 1893. The High Mass was sung by
Archbishop Cagliero, of Magida,
Er. P. Fletcher preaching in the
morning and Canon G. Akers in
the evening. In style the church
is thirteenth century Eomanesque,
from design of Mr. F. A. Walters,
and is an imitation of the church
of St. John at Turin. The splendid
high altar was presented by the
late Madame Whiting. The strik
ing scheme of decoration of the
interior is the work of Fr. G.
Fayers, S.C., and other members
of the Salesian Congregation. The
schools (primary) attached to the
church were erected 1890, and now
accommodate some five hundred
children. In 1895 Surrey Lodge, in
Surrey Lane, by Orbel Street, a large
roomy mansion, was purchased for
a boys' secondary school, which is
now in a highly flourishing condi
tion. New dormitories and class
rooms were added in 1898 and
1901-2. One section of the school
is devoted to the teaching of arts
and crafts.
Rev. Edward McKiernan, 1887.
„ C. B. Macey, 1889, Provincial
C.S., 1903.
„ E. Rabagliati, 1908 to date.
BATTLE, SUSSEX (SouthwwrJc).
Our Lady Immaculate and St.
The abbey was erected by Wil
liam the Conqueror 10G7, on the
spot where Harold fell, and was
dedicated to a soldier-saint, St.
Martin of Tours. At the time of
the dissolution, the abbey, one of
the wealthiest in the land, was
granted by Henry VIII. to his
favourite, Sir Anthony Browne, first
Lord Montague. This family re
mained Catholic down to the time
of the seventh Viscount (1728-87),
who, however, was reconciled to the
Church on his death-bed, when he
publicly declared ' that nothing but
libertinism in theory and practice
had induced him to abandon the
faith of his fathers.' A local tradi
tion narrates that after the rise of
the Reformation, Catholics of Battle
used occasionally to assemble by a
well near the ruined abbey to recite
the rosary and hear instructions
from disguised priests. Fr. Thomas
Pilcher, or Pilchard, who was mar
tyred for the faith at Dorchester,
March 21, 1587, was a native of
Battle. Mass was not said in the
district for the next 300 years.
In 1882 Bertram, fifth Earl of
Ashburnham, built the present
church for the few Catholics of the
locality, at that time estimated
at about twenty. The fine presby
tery was erected by his lordship in
1902, on a site obtained from the
Duchess of Cleveland. It may be
of interest to note that Reginald
de Hesseburnham, ancestor of the
present earl, gave lands to the
Church at Battle in the eleventh
Rev. Michael Gorman, 1882.
Charles Kimpe, 1893.
Thomas Mahon, 1899.
Ernest Blackborrow.
Enea Tozzi.
J. Wilhelm, D.D., 1900 to date.
In 1823 Mr. Wm. Henry Butt,
a convert Catholic gentleman,
descended from an old family in
Gloucestershire, opened ' a classical
academy ' at Spring Terrace, Rich
mond, Surrey. In 1828 he removed
it to its present site — Baylis House,
Salt Hill, near Windsor. For nearly
ninety years this excellent private
school has remained under the
tuition of various members of the
Butt family, and it still preserves
an undiminished reputation. The
chaplain at this time was the Rev.
J. Wilkinson, of Clewer. The pre
sent chaplain, who has also charge
of the mission which the domestic
chapel serves, is Fr. Ravmond Colin,
minster). St. Mary of the Angels,
Westmoreland Road.
The church was commenced in
1850, but, for want of funds, not
completed till 1857, when it was
opened by Cardinal Wiseman
(July 2). A south aisle and Lady
chapel, designed by J. Bentley,
were added later. The style of the
building is Gothic. Dr. Manning
was rector till 1865, when he suc
ceeded Cardinal Wiseman. The
Oblates of St. Charles have had
charge of the mission since the
commencement. A splendid east
window was presented to the chapel
of St. Charles in 1889 by Mr. and
Mrs. J. O'Grady. Among the
valuable relics preserved by the
community are a large green
chasuble, ' constantly used by St,
Charles,' and a valuable crystal
sixteenth century reliquary of Italian
or Spanish workmanship, contain
ing a relic of their holy patron.
WINDSOR (Portsmouth). St. Stan
Beaumont or Bowmans Lodge,
near the confines of Windsor Great
Park, was formerly the residence of
William Duke of Cumberland, of
Culloden notoriety, and Warren
Hastings. In 1854 it became the
noviciate of the Society of Jesus,
and in 1860 was opened as a col
legiate school for the sons of the
upper and middle classes. The
course of studies was completely
reorganised in 1903, and the estab
lishment has been lately officially
recognised, in connection with pre
paratory military and naval studies.
The junior school was completed
in 1887.
Rectors (S.J.).
Rev. James Eccles.
„ Thos. Welsby.
„ Francis Cassidy, 1876.
„ Fredk. O'Hare, 1885.
„ Wm. Heathcote, 1892.
„ Jn. Lynch, 1895.
„ Gerald Tarleton, 1897.
,, J. Bampton, to date.
ton). St. Benet's Minster.
The mission was established from
Bungay, 1888. A portion of the
church was built 1889. The style
is transitional Norman, consisting
of nave, two side aisles, and chapels
of Our Lady and St. Joseph. A
tower is in course of construction.
The interior is very ornate, the
high altar of stone and marble being
especially noteworthy. Fredk.
Smith, Esq., of Bungay, bequeathed
a sum sufficient for completing the
church and adding the tower. The
congregation — said to be mostly
converts — numbers about three
Priests (O.S.B.).
Rev. Hugh Ford, 1889.
„ F. M. Fulton, 1895 to date.
N.B.— The Corpus Christi Guild,
established in the mission, is a re
vival of the celebrated guild founded
here in 1354. Like the other
English guilds, numbering some
30,000, it was confiscated under
Edward, VI. One of the rules of
the guild enacted, ' That the body
of Our Lord Jesus Christ be
honoured with all possible reve
rence, that it be placed in a gilt
cup and be carried on a decorated
feretory, accompanied by four priests
in procession on Corpus Christi
Day,' &c. — See Downside Review,
July 1895, p. 228.
wark). The Transfiguration and
St. Benedict.
The mission was commenced by
Fr. W. Kirwan 1891, but does not
figure in the ' Catholic Directory '
till 1893. The cruciform church
was commenced in October 1895
and opened by Bishop Butt 1896.
Fr. Thomas Bullivant, D.D., a dis
tinguished priest and convert, was
a frequent worshipper here after
his reception into the Church. He
died at Eome, August 18, 1901.
Rev. W. Kirwan, 1891.
„ W. Alton, 1902.
, W. Kilmartin, 1903.
BEDFORD (Northampton}. Holy
Child Jesus and St. Joseph.
The first Mass said at Bedford in
recent times was on Christmas Day
1863, when Fr. John, afterwards
Canon Warmoll, started a mission
in the town. The chapel on this
occasion was ' a crowded room
eleven feet square.' The bigotry
against Catholics in Bedford was
then so great, that when, on March
27, 1865, Fr. Warmoll attended the
cemetery to bury one of the con
gregation, a hostile crowd sur
rounded the grave and behaved in
the most outrageous manner. A
great change for the better in
public opinion with regard to
Catholics had taken place in
October 1872, when the founda
tions of the new church were laid
by the Bishop of Northampton. Mr.
Gilbert Blount was the architect,
the cost of erection being about
£3,000. This beautiful church
was completed during the course
of 1873. A handsome carved stone
and marble altar and reredos were
added to the Sacred Heart Chapel
! by Fr. Wrigglesworth in May 1887.
| Messrs. Purdie and Boulton were
the architects and sculptors, re-
j spectively, of this fine addition to
the church.
I Rev. J. Canon Warmoll, 1863.
„ Geo. Wrigglesworth, 1885.
„ Geo. Canon Osman, 1888.
„ Eobt. Middleton, 1890, to date.
Leigh, St. Joseph's.
(Birmingham}. St. Francis of
By the zeal and exertions of the
Capuchin Fathers this mission was
placed on a permanent footing in
February 1881. On Sunday, March
5, 1881, Stations of the Cross were
erected, and two sacred statues
were unveiled in the chapel by
the generosity of benefactors. The
new Catholic Church, which was
built 1882-83, accommodates some
150 persons. The schools for 100
children were erected at the same
time. For several years the mis
sion was served from Nuneaton
and Weston. It is now attended
by the Premonstratensians.
In 1904 the Nuns of the Con
gregation of the Blessed Sacrament
acquired the mansion known as
the ' Towers,' where they have com
menced a high-class girls' school.
The chapel is open to the public.
Chaplain, Rev. A. Marcellin.
The mission was commenced
1885 and for some time was served
from the Cathedral, Nottingham.
In February 1887, Fr. G. V. Bull
was appointed resident rector. On
the first Sunday of Lent, the same
year, nine persons were confirmed
by Bishop Bagshawe. The church
designed by G. Hart was opened
by Canon Douglas in May 1898 ;
accommodation for 150.
A monastery— known as St.
Philip's Priory — for the ' training
and education ' of novices for the
Servite Order was opened here on
Tuesday, January 5, 1897. High
Mass was sung by the Rev. Bona-
venture Ceirano, prior of the founda
tion, the sermon being preached by
the Bishop of Birmingham.
LAND (Hexliam and Newcastle).
St. Oswald.
The foundation of this mission is
dated 1749. A chapel was built in
1794, from which j-ear the baptismal
register commences. That of deaths
commences 1775. On June 20,
1839, ' a neat and convenient
chapel in the Gothic style of archi
tecture ' was opened by Bishop
Briggs. The Bishop and two
Catholic gentlemen contributed
liberally towards its erection. One
of these was W. Charlton, Esq.,
High Sheriff of the County, 1838.
Priests since 1800.
Eev. Geo. Turner.
„ Dinmore, 1832.
„ A. Macartney, 1834.
Eev. N. Brown, 1838.
„ E. Hothersall, 1852.
„ Geo. Flint, 1862; till after
„ Harold Tate, 1902.
ham, and Neivcastle). St. George.
The church was opened 1869.
Eev. Thos. Clavering.
,, Francis Kuyte, 1885.
,, James Canon Stark, 1904 to
FORD (Newport). Pro-Cathedral of
St. Michael.
This fine church and Benedictine
Priory adjoining were erected by
the late F. E. Wegg-Prosser, Esq.,
at a cost of upwards of £17,000.
The style of the church is cruci
form, and, like the priory, was de
signed by E. Welby Pugin. From
its situation on the Belmont estate,
the place is often spoken of as the
Benedictine Priory, Belmont, and
for more than forty years it has
been the noviciate of the English
province of the Order. The opening
of the Priory took place November
21, 1859, the anniversary of the day
on which Abbot John Feckinham
took possession of the Abbey of
Westminster, temp. Queen Mary.
Abbot Sweeney was superior of St.
Michael at the time of the opening.
He was born at Bangalore, India,
1821, his father being a British officer
and one of the friends of Napoleon
at St. Helena. Abbot Sweeney is
the author of the well-known ' Life
of Father Augustine Baker, O.S.B.,'
the martyr ; ' Lectures on Faith
and Practice ' &c. He died at St.
John's Priory, Bath, April 17, 1883.
The pro-Cathedral was still un
finished when the Jubilee was
celebrated in September 1885.
BENTHAM, YORKS (Leeds'). St.
The church was opened in 1866.
Kev. Joseph Hill, 1866.
„ Thos. Croskell, 1888.
„ S. Y. Morgan, 1898 to date.
The Most Holy Trinity, Parker's
This mission is famous as being
one of the first to be started with
out the aid or patronage of any of
the foreign ambassadors. In May
1773 Fr. Gerard Shaw gave Bishop
Talbot, coadjutor of Bishop Chal-
loner, £500 — afterwards increased
to £700 — to found a mission at
Bermondsey. He likewise pre
sented a silver chalice for use in
the chapel. In the Latin document
concerning these bequests is a
clause requiring one of the chap
lains at Bermondsey to be able to
speak both Irish and English.
The baptismal registers date from
1776, but no priest's name appears
in them at that time. A Miss
Byrne also endowed the mission at
the outset with the sum of £200.
The first chapel, or ' Mass-house,'
was in East Lane. There is a tra
dition that during the Gordon riots
in 1780 the ' No Popery ' mob came
to Bermondsey to destroy the
chapel, but were unable to find it.
Bishop Chal loner is said to have
preached and confirmed here. In
1799 Fr. Broderick established a
school which was supported by
Irish merchants and tradesmen in
London. A few years later the
Baroness de Montesquieu, daughter-
in-law of the author of the Ij Esprit
des Lois, who had emigrated at
the Revolution, gave a site for a
new school and £5,000 for a church.
The double schools (for boys and
girls) were in Paradise Street,
Kotherhithe. Baptisms amounted
to 177 in 1834; 251 in 1862;
385 in 1881. Fr. Butler, who
came to Bermondsey in 1832,
supplied the church with the
benches that are still in use. On
Monday, August 3, 1834, the
first stone of the new church was
laid by Bishop Bramstone, V.A.L.,
assisted by Bishop Griffiths. The
sermon by Fr. Harrington was
heard with great attention by up
wards of 4,000 spectators. The
building was opened in June 1835.
Bishop Bramstone sang the Mass,
and among the choir was Madame
Stockhauser, the celebrated canta-
trice. Bishop Griffiths preached
and in the course of the sermon he
asked prayers for the Baroness de
Montesquieu, then dying. This
great benefactress to London Catho
licity died on July 13 following,
and was interred beneath the
church she did so much to found.
The style of the building is perpen
dicular Gothic with galleries above
the aisles — additions which gave
great offence to the architect E.
Welby Pugin.
New permanent confessionals
and a large additional sacristy were
added in 1900. The rich east win
dow is the gift of the Pauling family
of Effingham, Surrey. On the side
walls of the church are mural
tablets and brasses to past rectors
of the mission, and near the en
trance a fine Calvary group, in
memory of Provost Bamber of
Southwark (died 1886). The Eev. E.
Murnane, M.K., is the present
rector. It was at this mission that
the Catholic Boys' Brigade — now
so widely spread over London — was
first started by Fr. P. Segesser,
the present rector of Deptford.
The Convent of Mercy which ad
joins the church was opened in
1838. Among the first sisters to
be professed here was Lady Barbara
Eyre, daughter of the Earl of New-
burgh, a descendant of the Jacobite
Earl of Derwentwater, beheaded in
1716. Several of the nuns went to
the Crimea in 1854 as hospital
nurses, and their services to the
sick and wounded soldiers were
gratefully acknowledged by Miss
Florence Nightingale, whose por
trait hangs in the Community room
of the Convent.
N.B.— The Ven. Henry Heath,
O.S.F., who suffered for the Faith
at Tyburn in 1643, was arrested at
the Star Inn, Bermondsey, a site
now occupied, we believe, by the
Star Music Hall in Abbey Street.
S.E. (Southward). St. Gertrude.
The district between South Ber
mondsey and the Old Kent Koad,
which up to 1885 was mainly a
waste, had by 1890 become a
densely populated area. A site for
a church was acquired by Bishop
Butt in 1892, but the building was
not erected till 1902. The style is
Komanesque from design by the
late F. Tasker. A generous bene
factress defrayed the cost of build
ing. Above the altar hangs a large
Flemish crucifix modelled after the
celebrated picture by Sir Anthony
Van Dyck. Fr. Martin Gifkins was
the first and the Kev. H. Evans is
the present rector.
UMBERLAND (Hexham and New
castle). Our Lady and St. Cuth-
The town was one of the places
visited by the Jesuits of the St.
John the Evangelist ' residence '
after 1623. No record, however,
remains of their labours. The
mission afterwards passed under
the care of the Benedictines, but no
registers appear to have been kept
till 1793. The chapel in Eavens-
down Street was opened in 1829.
In 1846 Fr. Withain proposed the
erection of a more commodious
chapel, ' neat, but not gaudy,' in
the Early English style, to take the
place of the existing building
which was 'far too small for the
accommodation of the people.' We
have not, however, been able to dis
cover if this suggestion was carried
Priests since 1824.
Mission vacant, 1825.
Kev. Wm. Birdsall, 1826.
„ E. Smith, 1839.
Thos. Witham, 1844.
A. Macdermott, 1848.
Thos. Hanegan, 1856.
\Vm. Markland, 1858.
Denis Buckley, 1864.
John O'Connor, here 1871.
James Farrell, 1874.
Wm. Gillow, 1880.
James Stark, 1881.
Wm. Smythe, 1885 to date.
(Westminster). Our Lady of the
In 1903 Cardinal Vaughan re
quested the Augustinian Fathers
of the Assumption, expelled from
France, to take charge of this newly
established mission. A temporary
j chapel was opened at North Pas-
sage, Green Street, near the presby
tery, 24 Globe Road, afterwards
removed to 184 Cambridge Road.
Fr. Gelase Urginet is the Superior.
The Polish Chapel.
The mission was commenced in
November 1904, Mass being said
for the first time here on Sunday,
December 4 following. Count
Lubienski and Mr. Pace are the
treasurers of the chapel, which is
under the care of Fr. Gregory
Domanski, of the Salesian congre
brough). St. John.
Before the establishment of this
mission, March 1846, the nearest
Catholic chapel was at Hull, some
7 1 miles distant. The first chapel
was a room hired by Fr. Astrop.
In 1850 Beverley became the terri
torial See of the Bishop of the old
Yorkshire district, but the occu
pants of it were installed at St.
George's, York, in which city they
resided. Owing to the growth of
the diocese, it was divided into two
Sees, that of Leeds and Middles
brough, 1878.
The Lord Bislioi^s of Beverley.
(1) Rt. Rev. John Briggs, born
1789 ; educated at Ushaw,
and ordained July 9, 1814 ;
president of the College, 1832-
36 ; Bishop of Tracliis, 1833 ;
Vicar Apostolic of the York
district, 1840; translated to
Beverley, 1850 ; resigned No
vember 7, 1860; died Janu
ary 4, 1861.
(2) Rt. Rev. Cornthwaite, born May
9, 1818 ; consecrated by Car
dinal Wiseman, November 10,
1861 ; translated to Leeds,
December 20, 1878; died,
June 16, 1890.
Rev. Wm. Astrop, 1846.
Bernard Branigan, 1852.
Henry Walker, 1856.
Thos. Smith, 1858.
M. Bisenius, 1882.
James Humphreys, 1885.
Francis John Hall, 1891.
Prosper Coppin, 1897.
Thomas R. Murphy, 1905; to
(Southward). St. Mary Magda
In the spring of 1893 the
Fathers of Charity opened a tem
porary chapel which served the
mission till the erection of the
present fine church.
Rev. Richard Richardson, 1893.
,, Alfred Knight, to date.
mingham). St. Edith's Priory.
A school chapel was opened in
1885 and served from Hethe ; later
on from Souldern. The Olivetan
Benedictine nuns erected a priory
here in 1903.
Rev. F. Venance, 1903.
„ A. Costedloat, 1905.
LAND (Hexham and Newcastle).
Biddlestone Castle is the ances
tral seat of the Selby family, who
have always been staunch to the
Faith. The chapel is said to have
been built in the year 1200. After
the year 1623 the place was served
by the Jesuit Fathers. Fr. Robt.
Widdrington appears to have been
th e first resident missioner at Biddle-
stone. This worthy priest was here
after the Restoration and is note
worthy for having assisted in the
Conversion of James Drummond,
Duke of Perth. The last Jesuit
chaplain here was probably Fr.
Newton 1750. The congregation at
that time was returned at ' about fifty
or sixty ' and the remuneration as
' £10 and diet.' After this the care
of the missions seems to have de
volved on the Benedictines. The
registers date from 1767. Fr. J.
Naylor, O.S.B., was here for many
years and till about the end of
the eighteenth century. A return
set forth in 1837 gave the congrega
tion at eighty-two, exclusive of ten
Priests since 1824.
Rev. J. Abbot ; Mission vacant
„ Jn. Fisher, 1837.
„ - Howard, 1839.
„ Thos. Hogget, 1842.
„ Henry Cartmell, 1888.
„ Win. Drysdale, 1891.
„ Robt. Kerr, 1892 to date.
mouth). The Sacred Heart.
The first chapel was a mission
room at the Public Rooms (1888),
Fr. J. Burns being the first priest.
The new church was built in the
grounds attached to the priest's
house, the foundation stone being
laid in August 1892 by the Bishop
of Plymouth. The sermon at the
ceremony was preached by Fr.
Langdon, of Launceston (St. Matt,
vii. 24-25). The building is cruci
form, and measures 58 ft. by 22 ft.
Mr. Lethbridge of Plymouth was
the architect. The church was
opened in December 1892. In the
autumn of 1893 the building was
enriched by a new pulpit and a
LAND (Hexliam and Newcastle).
St. Bede.
A Benedictine Mission estab
lished in 1876 for the benefit of the
many Catholics employed in the
local colliery and nail-making in
Rev. Francis Hickey, 1876.
Jerome Watmough, 1882.
Charles Wray, 1885.
Charles Smith, 1890.
James Furness, 1892.
Wm. Baines, 1899 to date.
A mission-chapel has been esta
blished here (1906), and Mass is
said once a month by Fr. E. King
of Shefford. An evening service is
given by the same priest every
Sunday, and it is hoped that a
priest may soon be appointed to
take charge of this growing centre
of Catholicity.
mingham). Holy Trinity.
During the cholera epidemic of
1832 Fr. Francis, afterwards Bishop
Mostyn, and Fr. O'Sullivan * were
indefatigable in their exerti ~>ns to
afford every spiritual and c )rporal
assistance ' to the sufferers. They
received many into the Church, and
so deep was the impression made
by their apostolic labours, that
many protestants joined in peti
tioning Bishop Walsh, V.A.M.D.,
to erect a Catholic chapel in the
town. Aided by James Wheble,
Esq., and the Baroness de Montes
quieu, the Bishop was enabled to
open the desired chapel — to accom
modate 500— in April 1834. In
1832 the Catholic population of
Bilston amounted to about half a
dozen families, but the number had
greatly increased at the time a
regular mission was established.
For several years the priest had to
attend Wednesbury, Darlston and
Willenhall. A fine new chancel
by Pugin and a window by Wailes
were added to the church in August
Priests at Bilston.
Kev. F. Mostyn and O' Sullivan,
„ Thos. Sing, 1836.
„ G. Fox, 1838.
„ S. Longman, 1844.
„ M. Crewe, 1848.
„ John Sherlock and Robt.
Swift, 1851.
„ P. Davies and H. Terry,
„ John O'Connor, M.R., and
John Clarke, 1864.
„ James McCave, D.D., 1867.
„ M. Power in 1870.
„ AV. Stone, 1889.
„ W. Waugh, 1890.
„ G. Bunce, 1898.
„ William Sutherland, 1904 to
Sacred Heart.
A school chapel was erected
here 1873, at which time there
were many Catholics engaged in the
worsted, paper, and iron manufac
tures of the town. For some short
time prior to the opening of the
school chapel, a ' station ' had been
established in the town and served
from Shipley.
Eevs. Edmund de Thury, D.D.,
Aloysius Puissant, 1880.
Alfred Watson, 1882.
Thos. Parkin, 1891.
Thos. Bradley, 1897.
Honore Fove, 1903 to date.
(Liverpool}. St. Mary.
The oldest mission in Lancashire
(alleged). The Hall, the residence
of the Andertons, was built in 1588,
and in 1618 the chapel. The family
were great sufferers for the Faith.
A secret printing press was set up
in the house from which ' many
Popish pamphlets were printed.'
Fr. Robert Anderton was executed
in the Isle of Wight 1586 for being
a priest contrary to the laws, and
two others of the race fell in the
cause of Charles I. during the Civil
War. Fr. Jn. Penswick, who served
the mission for forty-six years and
died October 30, 1864, was the last
of the Douai priests. He erected
the present church, opened June 20,
1828. The schools were inaugurated
October 29, 1860. The chancel
and presbytery were built by Fr. J.
Wrennall (1872).
Kev. Eoger Anderton, 1645.
„ Thos. Jameson alias Sedden,
„ Richard Jameson (brother),
„ Thos. Lancaster, 1719.
„ Emerick Grimbaldestone,
Rev. Hy. Dennett, 1786.
Jn. Penswick, 1804.
Patrick Fairhurst, 1850. Died
in India, May 19, 1858.
Jn. Hardman, 1855.
Thos. Walton, 1865.
Jos. Wrennall, 1869.
Austin Powell, 1872 to date.
(Liverpool). St. Joseph's.
In 1880 Birkdale was the abode
of * cormorants, seagulls, and other
sea fowl.' By 1860 the place had
become a city of ' stately villas
and abodes of wealth.' On Oc
tober 14, 1865, Bishop Goss, of
Liverpool, laid the first stone of
the church on a site given by T.
Weld-Blundell, Esq., the Lord of
the Manor, who also contributed
£1,000 towards the erection. The
Gothic building designed by E. W.
Pugin was opened in May 1867.
The seating accommodation is for
about five hundred. Fr. J. Abra
ham, who used to attend the few
Catholics of the district before the
establishment of a regular mission,
presented the Campanile with a fine
bell. In 1883 the congregation had
grown so numerous that a school
room had to be used as a chapel of
ease. In July 1884 a school chapel
dedicated to St. Theresa was opened
for worship by the Bishop of Liver
pool. The chapel was provided at
the expense of Mr. and Mrs. Weld-
Blundell, on whose estate it is
built. Fr. John Gardner was ap
pointed priest in charge of the new
Rev. Chas. Canon Teebay. 1867.
„ Jas. Canon Taylor, 1883.
„ Jn. Canon Wallwork, M.E.,
1 Kev. Jn. Kelly, 1891.
„ John Canon Walmsley, 1895.
,, William Canon Gordon, 1897.
(Shrewsbury}. Our Lady of the
Immaculate Conception.
The establishment of a chapel
at Birkenhead dates from 1837.
At that time the Catholic popula
tion was hardly 200 and the chapel
was generally regarded as ' too
large.' By 1845 the Catholics
numbered 5,000 ! There were then
300 children in the schools. The
' Catholic life ' of the place was,
however, reported to be very back
ward, great numbers neglecting
their « duties.' Fr. Collier, of New
Mills, opposite Birkenhead, did
much to revive religion in the mis
sion. New schools of Stourton
stone, from the design of E. W»
Pugin, were erected in 1857. In
1861 the Catholic population was
estimated at 10,000. Next year
(May) the church to seat about
1,000 was opened by the Bishop of
Shrewsbury. The style is ' severe
French Gothic.' E. W. Pugin was
the architect. In 1875 a hand
some pulpit was presented by Fr.
Slaughter. The chancel was com
pleted 1877. Bishop Mostyn, V.A.
of Wales, was consecrated here in
July 1895. The high altar of stone
and marble was erected June 11,
Rev. John Rogerson, 1857.
„ Canon Daly, 1863.
Monsignor Slaughter, 1872.
Rev. Francis Mostyn, 1891 (Bishop
of Menevia, 1895).
,, Jn. Canon Barry, 1895.
(Shrewsbury}. St. Werburgh.
For some notice of recent Catho
licity in the town, see account of
the Church of the Immaculate
Conception. The mother church of
the district was opened August 22,
1837, the mission having been insti
tuted the previous year by Fr. John
Platt, assisted by the Earl of
Shrewsbury. A chapel for emi
grants, near the docks, was esta
blished by Canon Browne, 1854.
Rev. John Platt, 1836.
W. Henderson, 1810.
Edw. Canon Browne, 1847.
Ixobt. Canon Chapman, 1857.
Eugene Canon Buqiiet, 1882.
Thomas Canon Marsden, V. G.,
1898 to date.
BIRKENHEAD. St. Lawrence's
Erected in 1875 at a cost — in
cluding furniture, &c. — of £11,000.
The congregation in 1887 numbered
5,000. In February of that year
arbitration was commenced between
Fr. Michael Craig, rector of the
church, and the Mersey Railway
Company, in consequence of the
subsidence of the church due to the
company's tunnelling operations.
On May 16, 1886, the church
showed signs of being unsafe, and
the building was shortly afterwards
closed. With the £'7,911 paid as
compensation by the Railway Com
pany, a new church was erected
between March 1889 and 1890.
The architect was Edmund Kirby.
In 1897 new Sacristies and Lady
Chapel were added, and in 1899
a choir gallery.
Rev. Robt. Brundrit, 1865.
,, Edward Lynch, 1876.
„ Thos. Geraghty, 1878.
Rev. Canon Marsden, 1880.
., Michael Craig, 1885.
,, Gerald Canon Kcegan, 1895
to date.
On March 23, 1687, the founda
tion stone of a Catholic chapel at
Birmingham was laid by Fr. Leo
Randolph, O.S.F., ' in ye presence
of many Protestants as well as
Catholics.' King James II. pre
sented twenty-five tons of timber
from Needwood Forest for use in
the new building, which was opened
and consecrated September 4, 1688,
by Bishop Giffard. His lordship
ordered the anniversary of the
opening to be kept on the first
Sunday of September, On Novem
ber 2, 1688, two days before the
landing of the Prince of Orange, a
protestant mob, acting under orders
from Lord Delamere, razed the
chapel to the ground. The building
was dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen.
It was 95 ft. long by 33 ft., and the
high altar was adorned ' by four
large pillars carved with Corinthian
capitals.' The site of this chapel
is, or was, called ' Mass - house
Lane.' After the destruction of the
chapel, Fr. Randolph retired to
Edgbaston, near the town, where
he opened a small chapel and
started a school. The school was
greatly helped by Lady Curson of
Waterperry, who in 1719 bequeathed
j to the priest in charge some money
| for ' four weekly Masses.' The
\ school and chapel always remained
j separate establishments, and in
1735 it was provided by the Pro
vincial of the Franciscans in Eng
land that the incumbent of the
chapel should pay the master £16
per annum for his board &c. A
new house was rented for the school
in 1750. The chief benefactors to
the establishment after this were
Mrs. Mary Weld, who left £350 to
the school in 1782, and Sir James
Brockholes, of Lancashire, who in
1787 presented it with £"400. In
1789 the school was removed to
Baddesley (q.v.).
St. Peter's
In 1786 Frs. J. Nutt and J.
Hawley, the priests of the mission,
resolved on erecting a larger chapel,
and shortly afterwards a tine struc
ture dedicated to St. Peter was
opened; Fr. Joseph Berington
preached on the occasion to a
crowded congregation. In 1802
the chapel was enlarged, many
protestants contributing to the
fund. Fr. Nutt died in 1799. His
successors were Messrs. Filkington,
Kimble, Summer, Hawley, and
Edgeworth. In 1824 the Francis
cans gave up the mission to the V.A.
of the Midlands, when the Rev. J.
McDonnell was appointed to the
chapel. He built the presbytery,
added side galleries to the chapel,
and opened a Catholic burial
ground. These undertakings loaded
him with debt, from which he was
fenerously relieved by the Earl of
hrewsbury. The enlarged chapel
held about six hundred persons. In
1833 the Society of the Sacred
Heart was established in the church.
The present handsome Gothic
church of St. Peter in Broad Street
was opened by Bishop Ullathorne
in 1871.
BIRMINGHAM. Holy Family.
St. Chad's.
The old church of St. Chad was
commenced in 1806 and finished
1809, during the incumbency of Fr.
Edward Peach. In 1834 a meeting
was held at the church when it was
resolved ' that it is highly desirable
that a commodious and splendid
church be erected in Birmingham.'
This resolution was effectively real
ised in June 1841, when the present
magnificent Cathedral was conse
crated by Bishop Walsh. The style
is perpendicular Gothic, from the
design of A. W. Pugin. In 1847
365 persons were confirmed here by
Bishop Wiseman. Bishop Walsh,
who died in 1849, oct. 83, is buried
in the crypt. On the re-establish
ment of the hierarchy in 1850,
Dr. Ullathorne was enthroned as
Bishop of Birmingham (October
27), upon which occasion Cardinal
Wiseman preached (Matt. xiv. 25,
26). The diamond jubilee of the
church was celebrated in 1901.
Additional sacristies were built by
Canon Greaney, 1883. The St.
Chad's Grammar School, opened
on Summer Hill 1858, is now
represented by St. Philip's Gram
mar School. The Chapter of the
Cathedral was erected June 24,
1852, Monsignor Henry Weedall.
D.D., being the first Provost.
Among the benefactions to the
Church may be noted : a fifteenth
century brass lectern and carved
oak pulpit — from the Church of
St. Gertrude, Louvain — presented
by John, sixteenth Earl of Shrews
bury ; the rich high-altar, given by
J. Hardman, Esq., &c. There are
memorial windows to Thomas
Canon Flanagan, the ecclesiastical
historian (died July 21, 1865) ;
George Wareing, Esq. (died 1844),
Rev. E. Peach, 1806-39.
„ T. McDonnell, 1839.
„ J. Moore, 1842.
„ H. Weedall, D.D., 1849.
In 1850 the City became the
See of Birmingham with Dr.
Ullathorno as first bishop. Since
llion the chief administrators under
the bishops have been :
Key. Geo. Canon Jeffries, V.G., 1851.
„ Michael O'Sullivan, 1800.
„ Thos. Canon Longman, 1877.
„ W. Greaney, 1885.
„ Fredk. Canon Keating, 1898.
BIRMINGHAM. St. Francis,
Hunter l\oad.
Opened ' with considerable cere
mony ' by Cardinal Vaughan in
1894, and has since been ' beautified
by the addition of much internal
decorations.' The building was
consecrated by Bishop Ilsley,
Thursday, June 21, 1900.
BIRMINGHAM. St. Michael's,
Moor Street.
In May 1862, a Unitarian meet
ing house was purchased, and con
secrated for use as a Catholic church
by Bishop Morris, who pontificated
at the High Mass and preached.
The style of the building is Doric,
and by a clever architectural mani
pulation some old vestries adjoin
ing the church were converted into
a chancel connected with the rest
of the building by a By /.an tine
arch. These and other alterations
were carried out by the architect,
Mr. Bates. The * Mass-house,'
destroyed by Lord Delamero in
1688, stood near the site of this
church. The celebrated natural
philosopher, Dr. Priestley, often
preached at the Unitarian meeting
house, which is now the Catholic
church. When the purchase of
the place was in negotiation, the
diocesan authorities received very
generous treatment from the Uni
tarian body iu Birmingham, a eir
eumstance quite in keeping with
the general good feeling existing
between Catholic's and the membeis
of this persuasion arising from their
suffering so long together from the
operation of the penal laws.
The congregation of St. Michael
numbered about 4,000 in ISO,'..
The first priests were Frs. ,1 . Sherlock
and J. Power. Frs. J. Hanlon and
W. O'Dowd are in charge of the
mission at present.
BIRMINGHAM. St. Patrick's,
Dudley Boad.
This church was opened Octo
ber 29, 1895, by Bishop Ilsley.
The style is French Gothic. A
conspicuous feature of the interior
is the fine red stone columns.
The accommodation of the building
is for 500. Prior to the opening of
the present edifice, an iron ehurch
did duty as a place of worship.
The line belfry bell was presented
by Admiral Tinklar, and the
alabaster font by — Brady, Esq.
and Newcastle). St. Joseph.
A Mass -house is said to have
existed here in 1690. In 1820 the
Jesuits had charge of the mission.
Fr. Higginson, O.S.B., was rector
in 1832. The Catholic population
was reckoned at about one hundred,
1 mostly miners.' In July 1842, the
stone of the new church was laid by
Fr. W. Biddell, of Newcastle, during
the rectorate of Fr. Sheridan. The
building (Gothic) was opened by
Bishop Mostyn, May 8, 1842. Mr.
Dobson was the architect. Several
fine" stained-glass windows were
presented to the church by J. Todd,
Esq., of Newcastle. The church
was enlarged 1862, during the
rectorate of Fr. Jn. Swale, O.S.IJ.
I r. F. Seannell. O.S.Ii., i
{ I Ic.i'.hu in Utitl, Nf'JDCdnfic).
St. Wilfrid'8 Church, in 'the
old Gothic style,' WEB opened
I .'day, October 13, 1846, by
Bishop Kiddeil, V.A. The Heating
eapaeit.y of the building wa.s for
400. Jiefore the opening of this
church, Mass was said occasionally
in ' a mean room,' by Fr. William,
afterwards Bishop Hogarth, who,
on the Sundays when no Mass
was said, used to com? over
from his mission at Darlington,
read prayers for the congregation,
and catechise the children. The
schools were erected in 1861.
Before that time a large disused
granary was kindly lent for the
purpose by J. Peacock, Esq., a
protestant gentleman. During the
'mission' given by the Itedernp-
torist Fathers in August 1881,
2,8(K) persons approached the Sacra
ments, and 798 were confirmed by
Bishop Chadwick, of Hexharn and
BISHOP EATOX (Liverpool). Our
Lady of UK; Annunciation.
The church of the liedemptorist
Fathers was opened on Thursday,
July 15, 1858, by Bishop Goss of
Liverpool. The style is Early
Perorated. E. Welby Pugin drew
the plans. A new wing was added
in 1889 from lesigns by Messrs.
Sinnott and lowell. The Pre
paratory College was opened 1894.
The Itedemptorists first carne to
Liverpool in 18ol at the request of
Bishop Browne.
(W<-Ht,ini/nnif,r). St. .Jo:-;eph and the
V.\\'rL\'vA\ Martyrs.
Tin- temporary church WM
opened Wednesday, November 7,
1900. The number of )
1 Catholics in the vicinity at this
time did not exceed eleven. For
many years prior to the opening of
the church, Mass was said occa
sionally over the shop of a Mr.
Fitzgerald, a sadler, by one of the
priests from St. Edmund's, Old
Hall. Then St. Mary's Convent,
Wind Mill Lodge, was established,
and the chapel of the institution
enabled the few Catholics of the
district to hear Mass on Sundays.
The church of the mission was
opened by the Bishop of Clifton,
on behalf of Cardinal Vaughan.
Since the commencement of the
mission, the spiritual care of the
district has been given to the
Bedemptorist Fathers.
N.B.— The exact date of the cora-
mem-r-nient. of the m:--ion WM
January 1880, and the first priest
Fr. D. Nicols, of Ongar.
(York*). St. Joseph.
The register of baptisms corri-
menceH May 7, 180.'}. The ohapel
was built about 1809. Fr. (Canon)
Matt, rector here 1813 57, was
popularly known as ' good old
Fr. Platt.' He died at Bruges, Feb
ruary 1, 1862. In August 1860, two
fine coloured windows were erected
in the church, one of St. Joseph
and the Holy Child, and the other
depicting the marriage feast at
Rev. Bichard Talbot, 1803.
„ Charles Saul, died June 5,
Rev. James Canon Platt, 1818 till
A. Macartney, 1858.
Robt. Canon Thompson, 1861.
W. Arnold, 1863.
Geo. Brnnner, 1870.
Herman Gcurts, 1876 to date.
mouth). The Holy Cross.
Prior to 1888 the mission was
served from elsewhere. In May
1888, Fr. T. J. Doyle was appointed
first resident priest. The church
was consecrated August 1902. St.
Mary's Home for ' waifs and strays '
is in the parish, and is under the
direction of the Portsmouth Dio
cesan Bescue Society.
St. Bonaventura.
The Franciscan mission was esta
blished here in 1890. Until the
opening of the church on March 14,
1901, the adjoining school served as
a chapel. The friary and church
in Egerton Road now form a con
spicuous landmark of the town. The
style is thirteenth century style of
Gothic (nave, chancel, side chapels,
baptistery, and choir at the west
end). Seats for 360. The cost of
erection about £4,000.
Convent of the Sacred Heart of
Mary, established 1904, chapel open
to the public. Fr. F. Cabaret,
ford). St. Alban.
Abram, in his history of Black
burn, says that owing to Catholic
landlords and gentry, the population
of Ribblesdale remained attached
to the old religion throughout the
penal times. When Bishop Smith,
V.A., held a visitation here in July
1709, crowds of Catholics came to
be confirmed at Lower Hall, Samles-
bury, Blackburn, the residence of
Mr. Walmesley, where his lordship
resided during his stay in the dis
trict. According to a letter written
about this time by the Rev. J. Holm,
vicar of Blackburn, to the Arch
bishop of Canterbury, Catholics in
this part of the country had both
' power and interest.' In 1717 Dr.
Gastrell, Bishop of Chester, de
clared that out of 1,800 families
in Blackburn 1,023 were ' avowed
Papists.' The first chapel in Black
burn, between King Street and
Chapel Street, was erected by
Fr. Wm. Dunn, D.D., about 1783.
The congregation increased so
rapidly that, although the build
ing was shortly afterwards en
larged, it was found too small.
Fr. Dunn died suddenly, after
Mass, October 27, 1805. In 1824
the old chapel was sold for a work
shop. The second chapel was
built by Fr. Albert, 1826, and en
larged 1883. It served the mission
till the erection of the present
church in December 1901, at a
cost of £20,000. The late Mgr.
Nugent, so famous for his active
charities, was curate here in 1846.
The Catholic population of Black
burn has increased as follows : — •
1820, 1,200; 1857, 12,000; 1882,
ford). St. Ann's.
A new school chapel in connec
tion with this mission was opened
in the St. Silas Eoad, for teaching
purposes, January 14, 1901, and for
devotion on February 17 following.
The school attendance in 1901 was
about sixty. The school is dedicated
to the Sacred Heart.
Joseph's, Audley.
In June 1874, Bishop Vaughan
sent for Fr. Maglione, of Fairfield,
and said to him, ' If you take the
train from Manchester to Blackburn
you will find Audley. There is no
church, no house, no school ; you
have to build all ! ' By August
1877 Fr. Maglione had erected ' a
beautiful Italian church ' and com
modious schools. A men's club-
room was inaugurated 1896. This
energetic priest and learned canon
ist was created a monsignor, 1901,
and died January 13, 1905. Canon
Muescley is the present rector.
(Southward). Our Lady Help of
About 1859, St. Mary's Orphanage
for Boys was founded by Canon
Todd, D.D., B.A. (d. 1877). The
chapel, which was open to the
public, was enlarged to accommo
date an additional 300 in June
1879. The orphanage was closed
1903-4. The present fine mission
church (Decorated Gothic) was built
1890-1, at the sole expense of
Charles Butler, Esq., a gentleman
of old Catholic family resident in
the district. The accommodation
is for about four hundred persons.
Mr. Purdie was the architect. The
church was consecrated by Bishop
Amigo of Southwark, Monday,
August 13, 1906.
Priests since 1877.
Kev. Joseph Wright, 1877.
„ T. Ford.
„ Francis Sheehan, to date.
and Newcastle). Our Lady Im
In 1856, Canon Kearney built a
church here, but before the edifice
was complete it was blown down
by a storm. Aided by the Catholics
of the neighbouring village of Esk,
the Canon was enabled to make
good the damage, and the church
was opened in 1857. Fr. Thos.
Smith was the next priest. Canon
Gillow is the present rector.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
The mission was started by Fr.
! Hubbard in 1851. The Ecv. Dr.
Donovan was priest in 1853. The
church was opened during the rec
torship of Dr. Dillon in 1855. The
: next priests were : Kevs. P. Ver-
meulen, Mgr. Provost Croskell, E.
Goetgeluck, Pi. Liptrott, J. Billing-
ton, P. Vermeulen (second time).
A new infants' school and parochial
hall were erected during the course
of 1901.
SHIRE (Birmingham). Our Blessed
Lady and St. Alphonsus.
The Hornyold family received
Blackmore Park and Hanby Castle
by grants from Edward VI. and
Elizabeth. The old mansion, pulled
down in 1861, contained many
priests' hiding-places, and during
the penal times parties of pur
suivants and priest-hunters often
visited the house. The old chapel
was in the upper part of the build
ing, and continued to serve the
mission till 1846, when the splendid
Gothic church and presbytery were
erected by J. V. Hornyold, Esq.
Dr. John Hornyold, Bishop of
Pliilomelia in partibus and V.A.
of the Midlands 1752-78, was a
member of this family. A duke
dom was conferred on the family
by late Pope Leo X. about 1895.
Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary.
Before the opening of the church
in December 1857, the nearest
Catholic chapel was at Lytham.
The church was erected by Miss
Monica Tempest, sister of Sir
Charles Tempest, Bart., of Brough-
ton Hall. The plans were drawn
by E. Welby Pugin, the design
being the decorated style of pointed
architecture. Fr. G. Bampton, S.J.,
was the first resident priest. The
schools in Talbot Road accommo
date 370 children, and were opened
in March 1898.
A school chapel was opened
August 15, 1880. The church (De
corated Gothic), for 500 persons,
was opened in June 1890. J.
O'Byrne, Esq., was the architect.
New sanctuary windows, represent
ing the Adoration of the Lamb,
were unveiled June 23, 1895. New
infant schools were opened 1899. J
The Catholic population is about
Rev. Edward Lupton, 1880 to date.
and Newcastle). St. Joseph.
The mission was commenced
1897, and served from Stella till
1898, when the present rector,
Fr. James Corboy, was appointed.
(Birmingham}. St. Peter.
Towards the end of the eighteenth
century T. Purcell, Esq., proprietor
of East Fields, in this district, left
some money for the support of a
priest here. Mass after this was
said once a month at the residence
of the Partridge family. The chapel
was at the top of the house, the
number of communicants being at
this time about twenty. About
1800 the Eev. James Gordon left a
sum of money for the endowment
of a mission, and the Rev. J. Perry
purchased a small house and shop
near Bloxwich, which by some
alterations was turned into a chapel
for eighty persons. The Abbe J.
Norman (Normand ?) and the Abbe
L. Bertrand were the next priests.
In 1807 the number of communi
cants was fifty. Fr. Francis Martyn,
of Oscott — the first priest wholly
educated in England since the
Reformation — who came here the
same year, enlarged the chapel to
hold 300. In 1819 this energetic
priest established a second mission
at Walsall (q.v.). The old chapel
having become inadequate was
superseded by the present struc
ture, opened 1869,
Priests after Fr. Martyn.
, Jn. Dunne, 1828.
E. Bagnall, 1831.
J. O'Farrell, 1842.
F. Turvile, 1844.
Thos. Longman, 1851.
W. Ilsley, 1853.
H. Davey, 1857.
Andreas Gauvois, 1860.
P. Davies, 1863.
L. Torond, 1888.
P. O'Toole, 1895 to date.
POOL, LANCS. St. Joseph.
The church was the gift of Col.
Bhmdell, of Crosby, and his sister,
Miss Blundell. It was opened by
the Bishop of Liverpool in Novem
ber 1886. The style is Early Eng
lish, from the designs of A. E.
Purdie. The Rosary window in
the Lady Chapel was the gift of
Mr. S. Sharman, Col. Blundell's
agent. Dr. Paterson, Bishop of
Ernmaus, preached on the evening
of the day of opening. The east
window, in honour of St. Joseph,
was erected by Mrs. Frances
Eev. Nugent, 1886.
„ Patrick Cahill, 1887.
„ W. Lennon, 1890 to date.
(He.rham and Newcastle). Our j
Lady and St. Wilfrid.
The mission was commenced in !
1860, and till the opening of the |
church in 1862 was served from !
Cowpen Hall, the ancestral seat of
Henry Sidney, Esq. Mr. Dunn
\vas the architect, the cost being j
about £2,200. The accommodation
is for 600,
Eev. P. W. Dromgoole, O.S.B.,
,, Boniface Jas. MacKinlay,
1892 to date.
St. Mary's Priory.
On July 11, 1845, the Tablet
announced that a religious com
munity from Brittany would shortly
take up missionary work at Bod-
min. The following year a suitable
church in ' Early English Gothic '
style was opened through the exer
tions of Fr. W. Young, who did
much to revive Catholicity in Corn
wall. Bishop Ullathorne, V.A. of
the Western District, preached both
on the day of opening (Septem
ber 24, 1846) and the following
Sunday ' to vast crowds, who as
sembled to witness the cere
monies.' The mission was the
first in that part of Cornwall for
upwards of three centuries. In
June 1881 the Canons Eegular of
St. Augustine, expelled from France,
settled at Bodmin, and took charge
of the mission. They are the
monastic representatives of the old
canons driven from Bodmin at the
Dissolution (1536-39). They trans
formed the old presbytery into a
priory under Fr. F. Menchini. On
September 3, 1882, took place the
first profession of English novices
since the settlement of the com
munity in this country.
BOGNOR, SUSSEX (Southwark).
Our Lady' of Seven Dolours,
Clarence Eoad.
The mission was established in
1880, when Mass was said in a
temporary chapel between the
' Steyne ' and the Railway Station
by Fr. Lawrence. The new church
of the Servite Order, commenced in
September 1881, is in the Early
English style, consisting of nave,
transepts, and eight chapels. Mr.
J. Hansom was the architect, the
cost of erection being £5,143. The
Catholic population of Bognor in
1880, including visitors, was about
sixty. The building was opened
Wednesday, August 1G, 1882, by
the Bishop of Portsmouth in place
of the Bishop of Southwark. Pro
vost Crookall, D.D., sang the Mass.
The Duke of Norfolk was present
as the chief representative of Sussex
(Hcxliam and Newcastle}.
A chapel of case was erected
here by the Harton Coal Company
for their Catholic employes and
opened 011 Tuesday, May 12, 1896,
by the Bishop of Hexham and New
castle. Mass (cor am Episcopo) was
celebrated by Fr. Taylerson of the
mission at Tyne Dock. At present
the mission is served occasionally
from Tyne Dock.
(Shrewsbury}. St. Gregory.
In June 1830, Fr. J. Hall, of
Macclesfield, fitted up two cottages
as a chapel. The congregation
then numbered 200. A protestant
gentleman, Mr. Turner, of Shrigley
Hall, generously gave a site, and
1 Bognor owes its rise to Sir Bichard
Hotham, ' who in 1785 by an extensive
erection of elegant buildings' converted
an obscure fishing village into a place of
fashionable resort.
the present church was erected
1834. The apse was adorned with
panels setting forth the events of
Our Lord's Passion, 1857. The
mission was served from Maccles
field till 1841. A school was
opened 1866.
Rev. K. Glassbrook, 1841.
„ Edw. Kenrick, 1842.
„ Jn. Rich, 1845.
„ Jn. Shanahan, 1846.
„ Pat. Power, 1852.
„ Wm. Hilton, 1858.
„ Pat. Mulligan, 1860.
„ Samuel Bolton, 1867.
„ Wm. Fennelly, 1871.
„ P. Donovan, 1876.
„ P. Coleman, 1884.
„ B. Thompson, 1887.
„ H. Gore, 1894.
„ P. Cleary, 1895.
BOLNEY, SUSSEX (Southivar'k).
The chapel is a private one
attached to the residence of Lady
Auckland, and is served by Fr. F.
Hopper, late of Haywards Heath.
The chapel, which is open to the
public, was established about three
years ago.
BOLTON, LANGS (Salford). St.
In 1800 Mass was said in a small
house in Old Acres. The Catholics
of the place consisted of ' seven poor
families.' The Catholic population
is at present estimated at over
22,000 (1906). The chapels of the
city are as follows : —
(1) SS. Peter and Paul, Pilkington
Opened 1800. Catholic popula
tion of the district, 5,000.
Rev. James Shepherd.
„ Jn. Anderton, 1826.
Jn. Glover, 1837.
Jn. Dowdall, 1840.
E. Canon Carter, 1848.
Thos. Billington, 1876.
Henry Canon Browne, 1882.
John Canon Gornall, 1885.
Thos. Allen, 1888.
C. Canon Wood, 1892.
E. Holmes, M.R., 1901 to date.
(2) St. Mary.
The church (Gothic) was opened
September 13, 1847, by Bishop
Brown, V.A. The plan comprises
nave, chancel, and porch. Accom
modation for about 500. Catholic
population about 3,800 (1906).
Rev. Thos. Smith, 1847.
„ James Snape, 1857.
„ Win. Taylor, 1860.
„ Denis O'Brien, 1879.
„ W. L. Fowler, 1899 to date.
(3) St. Patrick, Great Moor Street.
The church, in the Early English
style, was commenced March 1860,
and opened March 17, 1861. The
congregation is estimated at 1,400
Rev. Denis Byrne, 1861.
„ Chas. McDcrmott Roe, 1877.
„ Joseph Canon Burke, 1889 to
(4) St. Joseph, Horace Street.
Founded March 30, 1879.
(5) St. Edmund, St. Edmund Street.
Opened September 15, 1861.
Catholic population, 2,500.
Rev. James Conway, 1862.
„ Angelus Dumalie, 1863.
„ Henry Browne, here 1871.
„ Peter Maringer, 1882.
„ H. Averdonk, 1885 to date.
(6) St. Ethelbert, Chapel of Ease
to SS. Peter and Paul.
Opened 1905.
(Liverpool). St. Mary of the
Mass was first said here in 1868
in a barn lent by H. Clarkson, Esq.
The present church was commenced
in 1882, and consecrated by Bishop
Cornthwaitc, of Leeds, May 6, 1884.
The style is Early Decorated.
Sittings for 200. Miss Coulston, of
Hawkeshead, defrayed the cost of
erection. E. Simpson, Esq., of
Bradford, was the architect. New
schools were opened January 7,
Rev. Geo. Braithwaite, 1868.
„ H. Gibson, 1888 to date.
The manor of Bonham came into
the possession of the Stourton
family about the end of the fifteenth
century. The mission was esta
blished there early in the eighteenth
century by Lord Mowbray and
Stourton. The Benedictines served
the chapel. The Rev. John Pant
ing was priest in 1783. Two
years later the property was sold
by Charles Philip, sixteenth Lord
Stourton, who, however, reserved
the chapel and presbytery for
the use of the mission. In
September 1801, Fr. Jos. Ha war
den, O.S.B., was appointed to the
mission. He opened a school,
which became highly successful,
but in 1823 was removed ' for
breaking his vows.' He was finally
reconciled to the Church on his
death-bed, April 21, 1851.
Priests since 1823.
Rev. Thos. Wassail, O.S.B., 1823.
„ E. O. Davis, O.S.B., 1830.
„ Ignatius Stuart, O.S.B., 1832.
„ James Funny, O.S.B., 1888.
Kev. Henry Bulbeck, O.S.B., 1892.
„ Jn. Richards, O.S.B.
„ Thos. Matthews, O.S.B., 1901
to date.
BOOTLE, LANGS (Liverpool). St.
The mission was commenced in
1862, when Mass was said in an old
hay-loft. The church, in the Gothic
style, was opened December 1867.
E. W. Pugin was the architect. In
1878 a chapel of ease had to be
erected in Brasenose Road, and six
years later extensive alterations to
the church were completed at a cost
of £2,600, the accommodation being
increased so as to raise the sittings
from 500 to 800. The building
was redecorated January 1898.
A Catholic commercial high school
was opened August 1887. The
Catholic population of the district
was estimated at 7,341 in 1903.
Rev. S. Walsh, 1862.
„ Ed. Powell, 1870.
„ Michael Canon Beggan, 1885
to date.
BOOTLE, LANCS (Liverpool).
St. James, Marsh Lane.
The mission was founded in June
1845 in an old house on the canal
bank. In March 1846 a new chapel
was opened in Marsh Lane. New
schools were opened 1871, and en
larged at various times up to 1880.
The church, presbytery, and schools
were purchased by the Lancashire
and Yorkshire Railway Company in
1884. In February 1886 the new
church was opened by Bishop
O'Reilly. New schools for 1,200
children were inaugurated the year
previously. In 1890 a new marble
altar and Communion rails were
presented to the church by Mrs.
Lynch, of Green Lane. A new Lady
altar and marble pulpit were erected
in 1892 and 1893 respectively.
Rev. Hy. Sharpies, 1845.
Geo. Fisher, 1846.
J. Anderton, 1848.
D. Hearne, 1849.
Thos. Spencer, 1851.
Thos. Kelly, 1862.
P. L. Kelly, 1887 to date.
BOOTLE, LANCS. St. Winefride,
Derby Road.
In 1894 Messrs. A. Wood and B.
Cain secured the present building —
then a Baptist chapel — for the mis
sion. The church was opened by
Bishop O'Reilly, August 11, 1895.
A Catholic seamen's club is esta
blished in the mission. The esti
mated Catholic population is 3,400.
Church of the Precious Blood, Red
Cross Street, S.E.
Though the mission is of recent
foundation, the neighbourhood
abounds in some interesting Catho
lic memories of post-Reformation
times. In Kent Street (now
Tabard Street) stood in 1767 ' a
popish Mass-house,' where, on
February 17 of the same year, the
Rev. John Baptist Moloney was
arrested for exercising his ecclesi
astical functions. (See Croydon.)
In the early part of the last century,
schools for boys and girls were
opened in Glasshouse Yard, Gravel
Lane, and Price's Street, Southwark
Street. These schools were after
wards removed to Great Guildford
Street, and finally to Brent's Court,
off the Borough (1872). The founda
tion-stone of the Church was laid
by Bishop Butt of Southwark,
Saturday, September 27, 1891, an4
the building was opened in 1892.
The style is Early Italian, both
the interior and exterior being very
plain. The side buttresses are
pierced to admit of a passage way
round the church. Dimensions,
130 ft. by 42 ft. ; accommodation
for about 700 ; cost of church, site,
and presbytery, £11,000 ; architect,
F. A. Walters, Esq. The congre
gation is estimated at about 3,000.
Eev. W. Canon Murnane, 1891.
„ Geo. Newton, 1898.
„ John Moynihan, 1904 to date.
HANTS (Portsmouth). Corpus
The mission was established in
1887, but the present church was
not commenced till August 22, 1895.
The opening took place the follow
ing year. The building, which is
the gift of the Baroness Pauline
Von Hugel, Miss Mary Yateman,
&c., cost about £9,000. The style
is Early English, the seating ac
commodation being for about 500
persons. This mission is under the
spiritual charge of Fathers of the
Society of Jesus.
The Institution of St. John of
Beverley for the deaf and dumb
was opened June 9, 1870, at Hands-
worth Woodhouse by Mgr. Canon
de Haerne, D.D. The school is
under the care of the Sisters of
Charity, and till recently was the
only foundation of its kind in Eng
land. The boys are trained in
shoemaking, printing, tailoring, &c.,
and the girls in needlework, domes
tic work, &c. The support of the
place mainly depends on voluntary
contributions, but by the Elemen
Education (Blind and Deaf
Children) Act of 1893 the school
authorities have power to defray cost
of maintenance of children in such
institutions. The Rev. E. Dawson
is the chaplain and secretary.
tingham). St. Mary.
The district was visited occa
sionally during the eighteenth
century by Jesuit Fathers from
Lincoln. There was reported to
be not a single Catholic in the
town in 1781. The present church
was erected by the Jesuits in 1827.
It is a plain oblong building to hold
about 200. The Fathers of the
Society served the mission till
1858, when it was made over to
the Bishop of Nottingham. Fr. A.
Chepy was priest for several years
after this. Canon Croft, now of Lin
coln, erected the stone high altar
(by penny subscriptions). Canon P.
0'Donoghue,the present rector, has
done much to improve the mission
by building a convent and intro
ducing the Sisters of St. Paul. The
church has been entirely re
decorated and the schools greatly
enlarged. Much of the expense of
these undertakings has been gene
rously defrayed by Miss Smith.
mouth). Oratory of the Sacred
In 1860, Bournemouth was little
more than a large fishing village,
with a population of about 5,000.
The nearest Catholic mission was
St. Mary's, Poole, Dorset. The
only Catholic resident of Bourne
mouth was Mr. Maurice O'Connell,
staff drill sergeant to the 4th Hants
Volunteers. Between 1862 and
1865, Lady Catherine Petre sup-
ported a ' Catholic Oratory ' in the
Belle Vue Assembly Rooms. Mr.
Thos. Long was then the only
resident Catholic, Mr. O'Connell
having left the place. In 1866-7
Lord Howard of Glossop had a
private oratory at ' Brunstath ' on
the East Cliff. In 1868, Mr. Har-
nett, an Irish visitor, defrayed the
cost of an omnibus to take the few
local Catholics to Mass on Sundays
at St. Mary's, Poole. In that year,
however, the Jesuit Fathers opened
a chapel at Astney Lodge, St.
Stephen's Eoad. Aided by Lady
Herbert of Lea and Mr. O'Connell,
Fr. Maurice Mann, S.J., selected a
site on Richmond Hill, where a
wooden chapel was built, and this
continued to serve as a place of
Catholic worship till the opening of
the Oratory of the Sacred Heart
in 1874, during the rectorate of Fr.
Augustus Dignam, S.J. In 1887
Fr. Henry Schomberg Kerr, S.J.,
commenced to collect funds for a
new building. The foundation
stone was laid in April 1896, and
the first part of the structure — chan
cel, side chapels, and transepts —was
opened in March 1900. The style
is Early English, 'judiciously tem
pered and lightened by the delicate
tloral ornamentation of the massive
pillars.' Alfred J. Pilkington, Esq.,
of Lincoln's Inn, was the architect.
The Catholic population of Bourne
mouth was estimated at about
2,000 in 1900.
the same year. Fr. F. M. do
Zulueta, S.J., was the first priest
in charge.
mou tli).
This ancient town derives the
latter part of its name from the
Norman family of Tracey, one of
whom, Sir William Tracey, assisted
at the murder of St. Thomas
a Becket.1 He built the parish
church as some sort of reparation
for the sacrilege. Mass was again
restored at Bovey Tracey on Sep
tember 4, 1904, when the Holy
Sacrifice was offered up for the first
time since the Reformation by
Fr. Moulinet,of St. Michael's, New
ton Abbot. The ' chapel ' at pre
sent is only a hired room, but it
is hoped that a more convenient
structure may soon take its place.
(Westminster) . The Holy Name
and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
In 1891 a temporary chapel was
established at 187-9 Devons Road,
under the care of Fr. Gordon
Thompson. The church in St.
Paul's Road was consecrated by
Cardinal Vaughan June 30, 1894.
Congregation about 1,500.
Rev. Gordon Thompson, 1891.
„ James Carey, 1905 to date.
Mary Immaculate, Middle Road,
This oratory was first started at
Lynnecourt, Maryborough Road,
Bournemouth, on April 9, 1893,
through the kindness of Mrs.
Teixeira. It was removed to its
present address in December of
BOW, LONDON, E. (Westmin
ster). Our Lady and St. Catherine
of Sienna.
This handsome church, in the
1 In allusion to the ill-luck tliat per-
sued the family for the crime of their an
cestor, an old rhyme says :
' All the Traceys
Have the wind in their faces ! '
Early English style, designed by
Geo. Blount, was opened by Arch
bishop Manning in 1870. The
congregation is estimated at about
Rev. Thomas Thacker, D.D., 1370.
„ Thomas Doyle, 1899.
„ Eobert Kelly, 1903 to date.
The mission was commenced
here Sunday, October 26, 1890,
when Mass was said for the first
time in a cottage, 37 St. John's Koad.
The two rooms on the ground floor
were knocked into one, and the
place transformed into a chapel,
' with a pretty altar surrounded with
hangings and stations of the Cross.'
These latter were given by Fr.
Kyan, of Watford. About twenty-
seven persons were present at the
first Mass, which was said by the
Eev. Francis Spinks, I.S.A. The
Catholic population of Boxmoor in
1890 was about sixty. The mission
was started by an anonymous
donor, who placed £100 in the
hands of the Rev. II. J. Hardy for
the purpose.
mouth). St. Joseph, Stanley Road.
In the summer of 1881, Mrs.
Roche, a Catholic lady, rented Ben-
field Park, Bracknell, the residence
of the Dowager Lady Downshire,
and converted one of the wings of
the mansion into a chapel for the
use of Catholics in the district.
Before the opening of the mission
Mass was said at Cruchfield House,
Windsor Forest, the seat of Thos.
Hercy, Esq., J.P., but the chapel
was discontinued some time prior
to 1880. The present ' roomy iron
church ' was erected in 1894, when
Fr. G. Dolman was appointed first
resident priest. For several years,
however, the mission has been
served from Farnborough and
Wokingham. On Septuagesima
Sunday, 1906, the second Mass
(11 A.M.), which had been discon
tinued for some time, was restored,
to the great satisfaction of the con
gregation. The mission has recently
been placed in charge of the Fran
ciscan Fathers of Ascot.
Early in the last century the
only Catholic in Bradford was a
publican in Silsbridge Lane, then a
rustic thoroughfare. About 1821
some Irish woolcombers settled in
the place, and on Sundays they
used to go over to Chapel Lane,
Leeds, to attend Mass. As the
Catholics of Bradford increased, a
priest was obtained from Ireland,
and Mass said on Sundays at the
Roebuck Inn, a site occupied in
1885 by Messrs. Brown & Muff's
shop. A chapel was afterwards
fitted up in a house in Well Street,
but the landlady, a Wesleyan, ob
jected, and it had to be removed to a
house in Nelson Street. In 1824, a
regular chapel was built on Stott
Hill. Bishop Baines preached the
opening sermon, on ' Faith, Hope,
and Charity.' The priest of the
mission was Fr. Brenan. Fr. Kay
subsequently enlarged the chapel
and built the presbytery. In 1826,
the Catholics of Bradford numbered
400. Fr. Kay was succeeded by
Canon Harrison. The Catholics of
the place were now in a flourishing
condition, and a new church was
greatly needed. The result was
that in 1852 St. Patrick's Church
was erected, and a separate mission
attached to it. Fr. Lynch was
the first priest. He was succeeded
next year by Canon Thos, Harrison,
afterwards of St. George's, York.
His successors have been : Kev.
Jacob Illingworth, 1863 ; Canon
Motler, 1865. For his work in
Bradford, see ST. JOSEPH'S. The
twenty - first anniversary of the
opening of St. Mary's was cele
brated in August 1846. Mass was
said at five o'clock for the benefit
of the mill-workers, and no fewer
than 400 were present. At ten a
High Mass was sung by Bishop
Murphy, of Adelaide, Australia.
Bishop Briggs, V.A., assisting in
cappa. Eighty priests were present.
The schools had then 160 day and
160 night scholars.
BRADFORD, YORKS. St. Joseph's.
In 1865 Canon Motler came to
Bradford. In 1881 he established
another mission — St. Joseph's — and
erected a school chapel. The first
stone of the new church, built at a
cost of £7,000, was laid July 11,
1885, by the Bishop of Leeds. The
building, a handsome Gothic struc
ture capable of accommodating 800
people, was opened Wednesday,
September 14, 1887, by the Bishop
of Leeds and Northampton. E.
Simpson, of Manningham, was the
architect. The altar is a handsome
structure of stone and alabaster.
The cost of building the church was
about £7,000.
BRADFORD. St. Peter's.
A school chapel served from St.
Mary's. The site of the old schools
was acquired by the Corporation
for £3,500, and new buildings
erected. They are 'plain and
commodious ' and will accommo
date 600 pupils. Mgr. Motler who
opened the old schools thirty-twa
years ago, presided at the inaugura
tion of the new ones, September 10,
mingham). SS. Peter and Paul.
The ancient Catholic family of
Bishop kept the faith alive here
during the time of persecution. Dr.
William Bishop, Bishop of Chalce-
don in partibus, the first of the
Vicars Apostolic of England, 1623-4,
was a scion of this house. Fr.
G. Bishop served the mission of
Bradford from about 1718 to 1742,
when he went to Irnham. It was
during his incumbency that the
present mission was established
(1726). The chapel was enlarged
in 1836.
Priests since 1824.
Eev. Jas. Duckett.
Wm. Hilton, 1863.
James Oliver, 1871.
Jn. Nock, 1889.
J. Thompson, 1891.
Jn. Donworth, 1893.
Wm. Stoker, 1897 to date.
mouth). St. Joseph and St. Wal-
This mission, though only esta
blished recently, may claim to be
the representative of the ancient
one at Canford, in the same district.
Sir John Webb purchased the Can-
ford estate early in James I.'s
reign for £14,000. This gentleman
fell under suspicion of the Govern
ment on account of his religion,
and in consequence endured a long
imprisonment in London The
chapel at Canford was long served
by the Jesuits, among them by Fr.
Couche, who was chaplain here in
1773. The Webb family, which
later on became allied by marriage
with the unfortunate Earl of Der-
wentwater, beheaded in 1716, be
came extinct on the death of Sir
Henry Webb in 1874. The church
at Branksome, opened in 1895, was
for some years served from Poole.
Fr. J. Carroll is the first and present
On October 2, 1897, the late Car
dinal Vaughan opened the convent
of the Franciscan nuns at Bridge
House, Bocking, near here. The
chapel, erected 1897-8 from designs
by Mr. John Bentley, is attended
by the missionaries of the Sacred
Heart, and serves the mission till
the opening of a public church.
The chapel of St. John was opened
in 1856. It was formerly a Dis
senting meeting house, ' devoid of
architectural pretensions.' The first
priest was Fr. J. Bonus, D.D.
Most of the congregation then con
sisted of the Irish labourers on the
Great Western Railway. Fr. J. H.
Dale, who was the priest in 1859,
acquired a house for a presbytery.
The number of Catholics in 1864
was estimated at 1,000. The same
year a freehold site for church,
presbytery, and schools was bought
for £360. The temporary chapel,
which was inconveniently situated,
accommodated about 100. The pre
sent church was opened by Arch
bishop Manning in 1866. The
Catholic population then = 600 ; en
dowment, £J20 a year.
Rev. J. Bonus, D.D., 1856.
„ J. H. Dale, 1859.
Eev. G. Burder, 1861.
„ Maurice Clifford, D.D., 1863.
„ G. Burden, 1866.
„ Wm. Lloyd, 1871.
„ Victor Toenens, 1874.
„ Jos. Redman, D.D., 1879.
„ Jas. Horan.
„ Ar. Ryan, 1892.
„ Jn. Arendzen, D.D., 1903
to date.
minster). St. Helen.
Before the establishment of this
mission, the chapel was at Pilgrims'
Hatch, and was served by Fr. Dias
Santos. It was vacant from 1833,
and finally closed 1836. Catholics
then attended Lord Petre's domestic
chapel at Thorndon Hall. As the
inconvenience of this arrangement
was very great, a Gothic church
was erected, and consecrated by
Bishop Griffiths October 26, 1837.
The present church (64 ft. by 28 ft.)
was built May 1860 and 1861,
on a site given by Lord Petre, who
had also liberally supported the old
chapel. The building was con
secrated by Archbishop Manning
June 15, 1869. A burial ground
adjoining the church was blessed
by Bishop Griffiths 1841.
Rev. Bernard Jarrett, 1838.
„ Thos. Molteno, 1842.
„ Eugene Reardon, 1847.
„ P. Cranshaw, 1853.
„ Joseph da Salva Tavares, D.D.,
„ Jn. Kyne, M.R., here in 1870.
„ Angelo Lucas, 1881.
„ Thos. Norris, M.R., 1889 to
ham). St. Mary.
On the death of Thomas Giffard,
Esq., of Chillington, in 1718, his
widow, Mary, daughter of John
Thimelby, Esq., of • Irnham, ' a
lady of great piety,' retired to
Longbirch, where she died February
13, 1753, aged ninety-five. She had
a chapel in her house, which became
the centre of a mission. Her first
chaplain, Fr. John Johnson, ' a
true friend of Douay College,' died
in 1739. He was succeeded by Fr.
J. Hornyold, who in 1752 became
Bishop of Philomelia and V.A. of the
Midland district. From this time
the Vicars Apostolic of the district
resided at Longbirch till 1804, when
Bishop Milner removed to Wolver-
hampton. Fr. Hubbard in 1819
doubled the size of the chapel,
which then measured 41 ft. by 20 ft.
The number of communicants at
this time was about ninety-six. In
1842 it was resolved to unite the
two old missions of Longbirch and
Black Ladies and build a new*
chapel at Brewood. The building
was commenced 3843, and opened
for worship on the Octave Day of
Corpus Christi 1844. The then
rector, Fr. 11. Richmond, died
within seven days of the opening,
and was interred near the chancel
end of the church. He was suc
ceeded by his nephew, Fr. W. Rich
mond, who did not long survive
Priests (at Longbirch} .
Rev. J. Johnson, 1718.
„ J. Hornyold, 1739.
„ Ed. Eyre, 1779.
„ - - Wright, 1795.
„ J. Kirk, D.D., 1797.
„ Thos. Walsh, 1801 (Bishop
of Cambysopolis 1825 ; died
„ Abbe Fautrel, 1804.
„ J. Bowdon, D.D., 1806.
,. Robt. Richmond, 1808.
„ R. Hubbard, 1811.
„ R. Richmond (2nd time),
„ W. Jones, 1821.
Rev. R. Hubbard (2nd time), 1831.
„ J. North, 1837.
At Brciuood.
Robt. Richmond, 1843.
Win. Richmond, 1843.
James Canon Jones, 1849.
Philip Kavanagh, 1856.
Michael O' Sullivan, 1858.
H. Davey, 1861.
Edw. Acton, D.D.
James Nary, 1874.
Louis Groom, 1877 to date.
The mission was commenced
on Sunday, October 10, 1897, when
Fr. F. C. Hays preached at the
High Mass to a crowded congrega
tion. For some months after the
opening of the mission services
were conducted on Sundays in the
Castle Pavilion at Trent Bridge.
bury) . St. John.
Mass was said here for the first
time since the Reformation on
Sunday, March 11, 1849, in a house
opposite the Cross Keys Tavern,
in High Street. The celebrant was
Fr. P. Grey, O.M.I., who also
preached at the Vespers in the
evening. The chapel on this
occasion is described as being
' crowded to excess.' Fr. Grey
resided at Aldenham Park, as there
was no presbytery at Bridgnorth.
The new chapel was completed in
1857, and was well filled Sunday
after Sunday. Fr. F. O'Neill was
the priest then. The Bishop of
Shrewsbury confirmed fifty-four
persons here in October 1892, and
spoke of the necessity for building
a new church. In four years this de
sirable end was accomplished, the
Church of St. John being opened
in 1896. The schools were also
enlarged at the same time.
Eev. F. O'Neill, 1855.
Jn. O'Callaghan, 1871.
Michael Brady, 1872.
Pat O'Eeilly, 1874.
T. A. Crowther, 1875.
Jn. O'Callaghan, 1877.
J. G. Walsh, 1883.
Aug. Tremmery, 1898 to
(Clifton). St. Joseph of Ari-
The old church, in honour of the
traditional founder of Glastonbury
Abbey, was opened February 24,
1846, by Bishop Baggs. For
several years Mass was said here
only once a week. In March 1852
Fr. Thos. Booker was appointed
resident priest. The old building
was superseded by the present
structure, commenced in October
1881, and opened the following
year. Fr. C. Kennard, of Canning-
ton, laid the foundation stone.
Bev. Thos. Canon Booker, 1852.
„ John Bouvier, 1868.
„ John Corbishley, 1877.
„ John Archdeacon, 1879.
„ Alex. Scoles, 1882.
„ Thos. O'Meara, 1892.
„ B. Canon Wadman, 1895 to
RIDING, YORKS (Middlesbrough).
Our Lady and St. Peter.
Mass was said here in the
summer of 1883. The chapel was
served from Driflield by Fr. O'Hal-
loran. Canon Fisher, Frs. J.
Murphy and Connery also laboured
here. The present church, in the
Early Gothic style, was commenced
in August 1893, and opened 1894.
At each end of the north and south
aisles is a chapel, dedicated to the
Sacred Heart and Our Lady re
spectively. The accommodation of
the building is for 300 persons.
Mrs. Mousley was the chief bene
factress to the church.
St. Mary and St. Catherine.
The good example given by the
few local Catholics in attending
Mass on Sundays at Chidiock,
greatly prepossessed their fellow
townsmen in their favour. This
good opinion was further height
ened by a discussion held at the
Town Hall (June 15, 1841), when
Frs. Wm. Bond, Wm. Vaughan,
and F. M'Donnell explained the
faith of Catholics to over 600
' influential persons.' The stone of
the church was laid September 8,
1845, and the building was opened
by Bishop Ullatborne, V.A.W.D.,
July 1, 1846. The Hon. W. Weld,
Col. McDonnel, and Messrs. Thos.
and Wm. Tucker were great
benefactors to the mission, which
for some years was served in con
junction with Chidiock.
Bev. Jn. Dawson, 1863.
„ Bemigius Canon Debbaudt,
„ Thos. Skuse, 1902 to date.
mingham). St. Mary.
The mission was established
1854, and for several years served
from Stourbridge. The growth of
the congregation made a church
imperative, and the first stone of
the present building was laid in
1872 and opened by Bishop Ulla-
thorne October 15, 1873. Style,
Early English ; size, 80 ft. by 30 ft. ;
seating for 400. A pulpit of Caen
stone was presented by J. F. Has-
kew, Esq., and a font by Mr. W.
Bright. Architect, E. W. Pugin.
Eev. James Oliver, 1860.
Thos. Eevill, here in 1871.
Stephen Johnson, 1874.
Edward Plaetsir, 1877.
Thos. Whelahan, 1882.
P. Eoskell, 1888.
J. Ellis, 1902 to date.
The Holy Trinity.
The mission was established from
Nelson in 1896.
Eev. Thos. Chronnell, 1 896.
,, James Youldcn, 1903 to date.
tingham). The Immaculate Heart
of Mary.
The Webb family had a residence
at Worlaby, near Brigg. Their
chapel was served by the Francis
cans. Fr. Anthony Caley, O.S.F.,
was here 1783, and Fr. Ignatius
Casemore, O.S.F., about 1788-9.
The altar picture belonging to the
chapel was afterwards removed to
Gainsborough. (See ' The Francis
cans in England, 1600-1850,' by
Fr. Thaddeus, O.F.M.) A public
chapel at Brigg was opened 1815.
About 1874 Valentine Carey- El wes,
Esq., on his conversion to the Faith,
turned the stable of his residence,
Billing Hall, Brigg, into a chapel
and opened it to the public.
Eev. J. Mill, 1825.
„ McDermott, 1838.
„ Eichard Wall, 1841.
,, James Egan, 1843.
„ J. Naghten, 1849.
„ H. Swale, 1856 ; served from
Gainsborough 1862 to after
„ Julian Le Quintrec, 1877.
„ Patrick Conaty, 1882.
„ Charles Carrigy, 1885.
„ Michael Kirby', 1889.
,, John Macdonnell, 1901.
„ J. Alyn Wenharn, 1904.
St. Joseph.
This mission was served from
Huddersfield from 1867 to about
1878, when Fr. Alfred Watson was
appointed as resident priest. In
1882 (May) the chapel— opened
July 1879— was threatened by an
i anti-Irish mob enraged at the
recent murder of Lord F. Caven
dish and Mr. Burke in the Phoenix
Park, Dublin, but happily no dam
age was done. The Catholic popu
lation of the district was estimated
at 500 in 1877. Fr. Thos. Bradley
is the present rector.
St. John the Baptist.
The mere fishing village of
' Brighthelm stone,' owing to the
patronage of the Prince of Wales,
afterwards George IV., became
' London-by-the-Sea ' between 1784
And 1820. Before the establish
ment of the mission in 1799, the
few Catholics of the place were
attended occasionally by the priest
of the ancient mission of West
Grinstead, and by the chaplain of
the Duke of Norfolk when his
Grace accompanied the Prince to
In 1799 Fr. W. Barnes was ap
pointed resident Catholic priest at
Brighton by Bishop Douglas, V. A.L.
In 1804 the Abbe, J. Mouchel, an
emigre, took charge of the humble
chapel in Middle Street. The Rev.
Dr. Bew, of Oscott, was rector from
1811 till 1817, when Fr. E. Cullen
was appointed. He was priest of
the mission till his death in 1850.
In 1822 a chapel was erected in
the High Street, and continued to
be the Catholic place of worship till
1835, when the present church was
consecrated and opened by Bishop
Griffiths. The style is Classical ;
the marble altar and handsome
altar piece were the gift of the Earl
of Egremont. Mrs. FitzHerbert,
the lawful wife of George IV., lies
buried in this church, to which she
was a great benefactress. Her
death took place at Brighton in
1837. The schools in connection
with the mission were established
by Canon Eymer, who died at
Fontainebleau in 1889. The church
was lengthened in 1866, and altar
rails and pulpit erected by Mgr.
Johnston, the present incumbent,
in 1892. The Catholic population
of the mission numbered about
1,000 in 1902.
Magdalen's, Upper North Street.
1 This was Charles, eleventh Duke of
Norfolk, born 1746. He ' conformed to
the Established Church ' in 1780 to take
his seat in the House of Lords, where
he became leader of the Whig peers. He
rebuilt a greater part of Arundel Castle.
At his death in 1815 he was reconciled
to the Church.
This, the second Brighton mis
sion, was started in 1856 by Fr. G.
Oldharn, in a house called Sillwood
Lodge, the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Munster. Four years later the
church was built on the present site.
The style is Transitional Gothic ;
the tower and spire were added in
1863. Fr. Oldham supplied most
of the building fund, and the church
is provided with three altars, and
a handsome font — the gift of the
late Captain Roe. Canon Bamber,
who was priest here in 1885, was
succeeded by the present rector,
Provost Moore.
Elm Grove.
The large number of Catholic
soldiers in the Preston barracks
made this mission necessary. A
room in a small house in Elm
Grove was fitted up as chapel and
opened April 20, 1866. 'A rough
brick building ' was erected shortly
afterwards, and used for worship
till the opening of the present fine
fourteenth-century Gothic church
on a site given by Mr. Munster.
Mrs. Shelliee and Mrs. Haddock
defrayed the cost of erection. The
building was opened May 13, 1869.
Number of congregation about 850
Eev. Neil Crispin, 1866.
„ Nicholas Broder, 1873.
„ Einile du Plerny, 1888.
„ Joseph Livesey, 1899.
„ G. B. Tatum, M.A., 1905 to
Heart, Norton Road, Hove.
This church was partially fin-
ished in 1881, and opened by Car
dinal Manning on June 14 of the
same year. The mission owes its
foundation to a legacy of £6,000 left
by Fr. Geo. Oldham, of St. Mary
Magdalen's, who died in 1875. By
the munificence of the late Charles
Willock Dawes, Esq., the building
was completed in October 1887.
The church furniture and handsome
organ were presented by the same
generous benefactor. The style
of the edifice is thirteenth-century
Gothic. The high altar is the gift
of Madame de Laski. Fr. S. A.
Donnelly, the first priest, was suc
ceeded by the present rector, Mgr.
James Connelly.
PRESTON, LANGS (Liverpool}. St.
The Gerard family established
the mission about 1680, and placed
it under the Benedictines, by whom
it has since been conducted. A
chapel was built 1780, and greatly j
enlarged 1843. In 1845 much |
scandal was caused by one of the
congregation, Mr. Eastwood, J.P., |
noisily refusing to pay the penny j
entrance fee charged for the sup- |
port of the chapel. The matter
finally came before Mr. Justice
Wightman at the Lancaster As
sizes, and his lordship upheld the ;
legality of the admission charge on '
the ground that a clergyman has j
the right to make regulations for j
the conduct of his place of worship.
In 1896 the Lady chapel was en
larged and a new altar erected |
(October). Fr. Michael Brown, j
O.S.B., is the present rector.
BRISTOL (Clifton}.
Sketch of recent post-Reforma
tion Catholicity, St. Joseph's,
Trenchard Street.— A. Mass-house
was opened here in 1686, but at the
Revolution the priest was brought
to trial at the assizes. Owing to the
absence of the Lord Chief Justice, Sir
Edward Herbert, he was remanded
to the King's Bench prison. In
1743 Messrs. Evans & Co. allowed
their Flemish zinc workers the
exercise of their religion. The
priest in Bristol at this time was
Fr. J. Lallart, S.J. He died at Bou
logne the same year, aged fifty-one.
His successor, Fr. Scudamore, fitted
up a chapel in an upper room at
Hooks Mills on Ashley Down.
After a time the chapel was re
moved to St. James's Back. This
excellent priest died April 8, 1778,
aged eighty-two. The register was
started about 1777 by his assistant,
Fr. Jn. Fontaine. He was succeeded
by Fr. Thos. Brewer, 1780. A chapel
was erected by the next priest,
Fr. liobert Plowden, in Trenchard
Street June 27, 1790. Schools were
built about the same time at a cost
of £1,000. He had a dispute with
Bishop Collingridge, V.A.W.D., over
an alleged want of orthodoxy in
one of his lordship's pastorals,
1815, and left the district for Wap-
penbury, where Bishop Milner gave
him the charge of the mission.
The priests at Trenchard Street after
this were : Rev. James Tate, who,
like Fr. Plowden, had a dispute
with the bishop, on the subject of
an appointment to a mission, and
left the vicariate 1822 ; John
Williams, 1821 ; John Burke,
1823; Francis Edgeworth, O.S.F.,
1825 ; William Rowe, S.J., 1828 ;
Patrick O'Ferrall, O.S.F., 1830
(these last two priests assisted Fr.
Edgeworth) ; Rev. James Dawson,
1842; Thomas Rooker, 1843.
When Bishop Ullathorne became
V.A.W.D. he wrote to Fr. Lythgoe,
Provincial S.J., requesting him to
again take over the Trenchard
Street mission, which had been
withdrawn from the care of the
Jesuits by Bishop Baines, 1829-
30. Fr. George Bampton, S. J., was
therefore sent down as rector from
October 31, 1847, but was removed
to Farm Street, London, December
6, 1849. Fr. William Johnston
was his successor at Trenchard
Street. He remained down to
about 1860. The mission was
attached to St. Mary's on the Quay
1862. Fr. Peter Sherlock, S.J.,
was rector 1863. The mission of
Sfc. Joseph's, Trenchard Street, was
shortly afterwards given up, owing
to the opening of other churches
and chapels, which rendered its
continued existence no longer
BRISTOL. St. Mary on the Quay.
About 1842 an Irvingite church
came into the market, and was pur
chased by Fr. F. O'Ferrall, of St.
Joseph's, Trenchard Street. The
building was opened for Catholic
worship by Bishop Baines, V.A.,
July 5, 1843. A gallery was added
in July 1845. The mission has
been served by the Jesuits from
Rev. P. O'Ferrall, 1843.
Mgr. Canon English, 1857.
Wm. Johnson, 1860.
Matthew McCann, 18G3.
Ignatius Grant, 1866.
Thos. Dykes, 1871.
Thos. Hill, 1873-93.
Thos. Greenan, 1893.
Thos. Brown, 1897.
Francis Grene, 1901 to date.
BRISTOL. St. Nicholas, Penny-
well Eoad.
Founded by the Augustinians,
and opened September 21, 1850.
At this time only the nave was
complete. A belfry and north and
south aisles were added 1861. A
chancel was added in October 1873,
bringing the accommodation of the
building up to 700. E. Hansom
was the architect. During the
rectorate of Canon Coxon, vestries
have been added to the church and
the schools improved. The church,
having been freed from debt, was
consecrated by Cardinal Vaughan
in 1895. Present number of con
gregation about 700.
Rev. N. O'Donnell, 1849.
„ Canon Illingworth, 1853.
„ Thos. Hoskins, 1857-73.
„ Septimus Canon Coxon, 1873,
to date.
BRIXTON, S.W. (Southward).
Corpus Christi.
The mission was opened on Sun
day, June 2, 1881. The chapel was
in the presbytery — a fine roomy
mansion in the main road near
j Hayter Road. Brixton was the
| tenth new mission carved out of
| the old St. George's district. In
! July 1886 the first stone of the
new church was laid by Bishop
Butt, of Southwark. The style of
the church is of the Early Second
| Pointed period. The plan includes
a nave, aisles, side chapels, bap
tistery, and sacristy, but only the
sanctuary and transept are now
(1904) complete. The stained-glass
windows, put in by Fr. E. Van
Doorne, are very rich. The present
incumbent, Fr. W. Curran, is mak
ing great efforts to complete the
building. The opening of a por-
tion of the church took place in
June 1887. The number of Catho-
lics at Brixton amounted that year
to 1,000. In 1880 it was only
about 75.
(Nottingham). The Immaculate
Opened September 1896 by Mgr.
Sabela. The site of the building, j
which affords sitting accommoda- |
tion for about 300 persons, was I
presented by Lord Howard of
Glossop. The day of the opening
was marked by a public procession j
of Catholic guilds, &c., of Hadfield j
and vicinity. Great numbers of
protestants were present in the
church, where a ' short and appro- !
priatc address ' was delivered by •
Fr. Murphy. A fine pipe organ
was presented to the church at i
the close of the ceremony by Mr. !
Wyatt, of Gamesley, a protestant i
gentleman, who also offered the i
gratuitous services of an organist.
Star of the Sea.
On Thursday, August 2, 1888, an
iron chapel was opened at Broad-
stairs to take the place of a small
chapel attached to a private re
sidence (Laurel House), started j
1879. A freehold site having been !
given to the Benedictines of Rams-
gate, who serve the mission, they
at once erected the above-men
tioned chapel near the railway
station. Fr. Swithbert Palmer, :
O.S.B., sang the first Mass in the
new structure, the sermon being
preached by Fr. Elphege Power,
O.S.B. The mission is served from
St. Augustine's, Ramsgate.
(Birmingham). St. Saviour's Re
This mission was established in
1827-8 by Fr. John Augustine
Birdsall, O.S.B., who founded the
mission at Cheltenham 1809. A
burial ground, which was laid out
at the same time as the church was
erected, proved a great boon to
local Catholics as previously the
deceased faithful had to be buried
in protestant churchyards with the
protestant service. In 1850 the
Passionists took over the mission,
where they erected a monastery.
Rev. A. T. Birdsall, 1827.
„ C. F. Kershaw, 1839.
„ Thos. Bonney, 1841.
,, Jas. Kendal, 1845.
„ F. Vincent, 1851.
„ F. Raphael. 1855.
,, Bernard O'Loughlin, 1857.
„ F. Salvian Nardocci, 1863.
„ F. Alban Cowley, 1867.
Alph. O'Neill, 1874.
Raymund Disano, 1877.
Michael Watts Russell, 1879.
Gregory Callaghan, 1882.
Reginald Magee, 1885.
Raymund Disano, 1888.
Chrysostom Rothwell, 1890.
Rd. Foy, 1897.
Malachy Gavin, 1900.
Michael Watts Russell, 1903
to date.
wark). St. Mary Magdalen.
Thirty-five years ago Brockley
was a rural Kentish suburb. Now
it is a region of villas. About 1864
the large cemetery was opened, and
a part of this was reserved for
Catholics. Sir Stuart Knill, Bart.,
late Lord Mayor of London, built
the handsome mortuary chapel in
the Catholic reserve, but no mission
was established at Brockley till
1895, when the fine schools were
opened by Bishop Butt (September).
In 1896 the children numbered 250.
A room in the school fitted up as a
chapel served for Mass on Sundays.
By the kindness of Bishop Bourne
a sum of money was advanced
sufficient to raise the structure
which was opened in the Comer -
ford Boad on March 16, 1899.
Bishop Bourne preached the in
augural sermon, the High Mass
being sung by the Archbishop of
Pario. The style of the building is
Roman, the accommodation being
for about 300. Over the high altar
is a fine copy of Guido Reni's
picture of ' Our Lady of the Seven
Dolours.' The large crucifix near
the entrance is in memory of Mrs.
Wilson. Fr. J. Sprankling, the first
priest of the mission, did much to
work up local Catholicity to its
present high pitch of excellence.
He was called to St. George's
Cathedral, Southwark, in June
1904 as administrator. Fr. J.
Hayes, now of Forest Hill, was his
BROMLEY, KENT (Soutliwar~k}.
St. Joseph.
The Sisters of the Holy Trinity
started a convent at ' Freelands,'
the Dower House of the Sundridge
Park property, a spacious red-brick
Georgian mansion. On Sunday,
March 17, 1889, the little chapel of
the convent was formally opened
for public worship, Mass being said
by Fr. O'Meara. Mgr. Goddard,
of Chiselhurst, preached in the
Rev. J. O'Meara, 1889.
„ Thos. Ford, 1895 to date.
minster}. The Oratory of St. Philip
The Fathers of the Oratory of
St. Philip Neri commenced their
London labours in a chapel situated
in King William Street, Strand,
during the course of 1849. The
community comprised the Revs.
F. W. Faber, J. D. Dalgairns, R. M.
Stanton, W. A. Hutchison, T. F.
Knox, F. F. Wells. Most if not
all of these were converts of the
' Oxford Movement,' and their dis
courses on the doctrines of the
Catholic Church drew enormous
crowds of listeners, which included
some of the most distinguished
personages of the day, as Thackeray,
Charlotte Bronte, &c. In 1853 the
Fathers left King William Street
for Brompton, where, on March 22,
1854, a temporary but spacious
church of brick was opened for
worship. Of the several chapels,
that of St. Mary Magdalen, con
taining the relics of St. Eutropius,
martyr, was perhaps the most note
worthy. In July 1856, the dis
trict was canonically erected into a
mission. The site chosen for the
present church was a commanding
one in the Brompton Road, on a
spot occupied at that time by Blem-
mel House, a large boarding school
kept by Mr. Pollard. The plan
selected was that of Mr. Herbert
Gribble, the design of the building
being that of a cruciform Classic
church, somewhat after the style
of St. Peter's at Rome. The cere
mony of consecration took place
April 16, 1884. The gathering on
this occasion was a notable one,
comprising the Cardinals Manning
and Newman, the Catholic hier
archy of England, and representa
tives of the leading laity. Until the
opening of the Westminster Cathe
dral the Oratory was the largest
Catholic church erected in this
country since the breach with the
Holy See. The noble facade of the
building was completed in 1901.
The interior of the Oratory is one
of extreme richness, caused by the
harmonious blending of the varie
gated marbles used for the several
columns and side altars. The high
altar is adorned on either side
by frescoes, one representing the
famous saluting of the students of
the English College, Borne, by St.
Philip Neri, and the other the death
of the saint. Among the other
notable features of the church are
the life-sized Calvary group, the
Chapels of Our Lady and the Sacred
Heart, &c. Adjoining the church
is the residence of the Fathers of
the Oratory, famous for its valuable
and extensive library.
KENT (Southward}. Our Lady.
The church was opened Tuesday,
May 12, 1896, by Bishop Bourne,
of Southwark. The sermon was
preached by Mgr. J. Vaughan.
Among those present on this occa
sion was the late Admiral Andoe,
who, in responding for the United
Service at the luncheon after the
ceremony, spoke of the general fair
treatment meted out to Catholics
in the Navy. Fr. T. McMahon is
the first rector.
KENT (Southward). St. Paulinus.
The founder of this mission was
Fr. Plunkett, who in 1793 opened
a small chapel which is described
as being ' a very fair, creditable
building for Catholics of that day.'
About 1805 it was pulled down to
make way for the artillery barracks,
but with the money given by
Government in compensation a
chapel was built at the back of two
small houses that formed the
presbytery. By subsequent en
largements the building was made
to hold about 350 persons. In
1857 the great increase of Catho
licity in Chatham and the large
number of Catholic soldiers always
in garrison, made it necessary to
erect in that town a separate mis
sion (q.v.).
The Abbe Salmon, an emigre,
who succeeded Fr. Plunkett at Old
Brompton about 1802, was rector
till 1830. He did a great work
among his fellow-countrymen, the
French prisoners of war, who were
confined at Chatham and em
ployed on fort - building. The
various Irish regiments stationed
at Chatham during the long French
war that ended in 1815, also came
in for a good share of the worthy
priest's ministrations, though he
never could master the spelling of
Irish surnames, as the baptismal
and other registers of the church
prove. On his death in 1830 he
was succeeded by Fr. John Meany.
St. Paulinus's Church was served
from Chatham 1875, and till 1892,
when Fr. W. Alton was rector.
Fr. Bolger was rector 1902 and
SHIRE (Birmingham).
The church of St. Peter, in the
Worcester Road, Bromsgrove, was
opened in September 18G2. The
building is oblong, with apsidal east
end. The furniture, altar, candle
sticks, and crucifix were brought
from the Shrewsbury Chapel at
Alton Towers. The chapel can
accommodate about 400 persons.
Adjoining the chapel is the school,
and also presbytery. The Kev. J.
Fanning was the first priest of the
Rev. J. Fanning, 1862.
„ Geo. Canon Jeffries, here in
„ Hy. Davy, 1870.
,, James Canon O'Hanlon, D.D.
(Hexliain and Newcastle). SS.
Mary and Joseph.
Pontop Hall, the residence of the
Swinburnes, is regarded as ' the
cradle of Catholicity in these parts.'
Fr. Leckonby, S.J., was chaplain
here in 1748, and for more than
fifty years afterwards ' an old-
fashioned congregation ' .met for
Mass and prayer in an upper room
of the Hall. In 1794 sixteen
French emigre priests settled in
the town, where a presbytery was
generously erected for them by Sir
John Lawson, Bart., Fr. Eyre, Mr.
Smith, and the Silvertop family.
In 1802 the first public chapel was
erected. Dr. Lingard, the historian,
ministered here for a time. The
enormous growth of the congrega
tion owing to the foundation and
development of the Consett Iron
works about 1850, made the enlarge
ment of the chapel an absolute
necessity. This addition forms the
vestry of the present Romanesque
church, opened by Bishop Chadwick,
of Hexham, October 25, 1869. The
districts of Blackhill, Byer Moor,
and Stanley, formerly served from
Brooms, are now independent mis
sions, the Catholic population of
the four church areas being 9,000
in 1896.
Priests, Pontfyp Hall.
Rev. — Leckonby, S.J., 1748.
„ Jas. Johnson, 1778.
„ Hy. Rutter, 1791.
,, Thos. Eyre, 1791-1803.
During this time there were
also : —
Rev. Jn. Worswick, 1792.
„ Thos. Storey, 1794.
„ Nicholas Gilbert, 1794-5.
„ Thos. Smith, 1795.
„ John Lingard, 1796-1803.
Priests at Brooms.
Rev. John Bell, 1803-6.
„ Jn. Yates, 1824.
„ Wm. Fletcher, 1828.
„ Thos. Gillet, 1838.
„ Jn. Ward, 1845.
„ Henry Newsham, 1845.
„ Robt. Smith, 1846.
„ Francis Canon Kearney, 1849-
„ Eugene McGarrity, 1890.
,, Augustine Magill, 1892, to
brough). St. Anthony.
Mission opened 1895 in a room
over a joiner's shop. After this a
miner's club room was used for
Mass on Sundays, and then for
some weeks in June and July 1905
a disused Salvation Army barracks.
The stone of the present church
was laid Wednesday, August 23,
1905, during rectorate of Fr. Grys-
peert, by Mgr. Dawson. The
building was opened on Easter
Wednesday 1906. Mission still
served from Loftus.
RICK, YORKS (Middlcslrour/lt}.
St. Paulinus.
The preservation of the Faith in
this district is mainly owing to the
baronetal family of Lawson, the
owners of Brough Hall. The Bene
dictines are said to have served the
mission from about the time of the
Reformation to 1700, since when it
has been in the charge of the
Jesuits. The church was built by
the late Sir Win. Lawson, Bart.,
and opened May 8, 1837. J.
Bonomi, Esq., was the architect.
The jubilee was observed with
much solemnity, May 1887, in the
presence of the Bishop of Middles
brough and a great assembly. The
design of the building is Gothic,
after that of the ancient archi-
episcopal chapel at York.
Rev. Thos. Lawson, 1700.
,, Jn. Champion, 1714.
„ Hy. Corbie, 1735.
„ Chas. Hodgkinson, 1745.
„ Fr. Blundell, 1752.
„ Robt. Knatchbul, 1758. (This
priest had to leave in 1765,
in consequence of the threats
of the vicar of the parish,
for baptising a Catholic in
„ Thos. Aspinall, 1765.
„ Ralph Hoskins, 1769.
„ Thos. Ferby, 1794.
„ Jn. Laurenson, 1807.
„ Jn. Dilworth, 1830.
„ Robt. Johnson, 1834.
„ Jn. Rigby, 1841.
„ Felix Pole, 1847.
„ Jn. Rigby, 1849.
„ W. Clifford, 1852.
„ W. Smith, 1863.
„ Luke Burke, 1864.
„ Alf. Watson, 1869.
„ Win. Canon Arnold, 1872.
„ Jas. Glancey, D.D., 1892.
„ Law. Levett, 1893.
„ John Murphy, 1895.
„ Francis Nelson, 1897.
„ Wm. Strucken, 1899 to date.
(Leeds]. The Sacred Heart.
The Tempest family have been
seated here since the reign of
Henry VI. The domestic chapel
dates from 1453.
(Salford). St. Mary.
Fr. Henry Brewer, O.S.B., was
sent here from St. Mary's, Liver
pool, 1822. He built the present
church, opened 1826, and served
the mission till 1846. In 1850 the
schools had an average attendance
of 400 pupils. The rectors after
Fr. Brewer have been : —
Rev. T. Walker, 1847.
,, Austin Pozzi, 1885.
„ Thomas Clarkson, 1902 to
The mission was founded from
Hereford about 1860, the first
priest being Abbot Gregory, O.S.B.
In 1881 the church was redecorated
and restored at the expense of Col.
Cox, a member of the congregation.
The Rev. R. Davis is the present
Rev. Abbot Gregory, 1860.
A. Van den Heuvel, 1877.
Athanasius Rogers, 1882.
Thos. Contarin, 1885.
Achille Ooghe, 1895.
R. Davis, 1902.
(Plymouth). Immaculate Heart of
St. Mary's Abbey, founded in
1137 by Ethelwerd, son of William
de Pomeroy, and affiliated to the
Cistercian monastery of Clairvaux
1138. It is said the abbots had
power to execute offenders. The |
abbot at the time of the dissolu
tion was Gabriel Dunne, and he
surrendered the abbey to Henry
VIII. 's commissioners, February 25,
1538. In October 1882, it was pur
chased, ' on specially advantageous
terms,' by the Benedictines of Pierre
qui Vire from the proprietor, Dr.
Gale, of Plymouth. Various re
storations and additions were put in
hand, and on April 27, 1886, the
south side of the abbey was opened.
Mass, however, was said at the
abbey from October 29, 1882. Lord
Clifford acted as chairman of the
restoration committee, the plans
being prepared by Mr. F. A. Walters.
The old walls and buildings were
skilfully incorporated with the new
additions. On the day of the open- ,
ing, High Mass was celebrated by the
Bishop of Clifton, the sermon being
preached by Fr. Jerome Vaughan,
of Fort Augustus. At the dejeuner
which followed the service in the
church, the Earl of Devon in his
speech assured the Abbot of Buck-
fastleigh of the delight it gave him
at ' seeing the successors of the old
monks again in their old home,'
Dr. Gale, the former proprietor of
the place, also expressed his pleasure
at seeing the abbey once more in
monastic hands.
BUCKINGHAM (Northampton).
St. Bernardine of Sienna.
The English province of the
Franciscans opened a mission at
Buckingham in July 1892, when
Mass was said on Sundays at
22 West Street, where a temporary
chapel was fitted up in their
house of residence. The town
was anciently under the protec
tion of St. Rumwald. The Rev.
Fr. Thaddeus, O.S.F., was the first
resident priest. The priests after
him have been :
Rev. Fr. Anthony, 1895.
,, „ Dunstan, 1897.
,, „ Anselm, 1899.
„ „ Norbert, 1902 to date.
BERKS (Portsmouth}. St. George.
The old domestic chapel of the
Throckmorton family was built in
1725. The present fine church,
erected ' by the pious munificence ' of
Sir Robert Throckmorton, Bart., was
opened on Low Sunday 1846. The
style is fourteenth-century Gothic,
from designs by C. Hansom. Canon
Daniel Rock, D.D., author of
'The Church of Our Fathers,'
' Hierurgia,' &c., was chaplain at
Faringdon from 1840 to 1853.
In 1850 the Catholic population of
Faringdon numbered over 200.
Priests since 1793.
Rev. Joseph Berington (a great
opponent of Bishop Milner
on the ' Catholic Committee '
question, and author of ' A
Literary History of the
Middle Ages').
„ Jn. Hutchinson, 1828.
„ Daniel Canon Rock, D.D.,
1840 (author of ' Hierurgia,'
' The Church of Our Fathers,'
&c. ; died at Kensington
„ Francis Azzopardi, 1854.
„ Hy. Clark, 1855.
„ E. Sheridan, 1860.
„ Jn. Norris, 1863.
„ R. Davis, 1881.
„ H. Russell, 1885.
„ J. Arundel, 1892.
„ C. Arthur, 1903.
BULLINGHAM (Hereford).
In October 1862 a few Sisters of
Charity came to Bullingham at the
invitation of Mr. and Mrs. Boden-
ham, and established a boarding
school. Shortly after this an ele
mentary school was opened under
Government inspection. In 1883
the children in the boarding school
numbered 200, and those in the ele
mentary school 100. The chapel
of the convent served the mission.
The first mention of Bullingham
as a mission appears in the ' Catholic
Directory ' for 1883, when Fr. T.
Bardet was chaplain. A new con
vent was erected 1885-6 to take
the place of the 'old Manor House,'
which had been the home of the
community since its settlement at
Bullingham. The Rev. D. Vende
is the present rector. A new chapel,
the gift of the Superioress, the
Hon. Frances Arundell, was opened
by Bishop Hedley in July 1906.
The style is Early English ; cost,
about £4,000.
ton}. St. Edmund.
The opening of the church on a
site given by the Duke of Norfolk,
June 18, 1823, attracted consider
able attention in the town, and the
High Mass was attended by many
of the protestant local gentry. By
the kind courtesy of Bobt. Mann,
Esq., the bells of the parish
church did not ring their accus
tomed peal for the anniversary of
Waterloo till after the service.
The building was enlarged by a
new chancel and sacristy in 1889 —
the gift of a generous benefactor,
who in 1900 erected the fine
schools at a cost of £2,000. He
presented a baptistery to the church
Rev. M. Eairclough, 1822.
Hon. and Rev. E. Clifford, 1827.
Rev. Jos. Wilson, 1829.
John Jenkins, 1837.
A. J. Duck, 1839 or 1840.
Thos. Rolling, 1846.
Michael Sinnot, 1850.
Patrick Leary, 1852.
Thos. Brindfe, 1854.
Henry Sutton, 1867.
Thos. Caldwell, 1874.
E. Anselm Glassbrook, 1882.
Eplirern Guy, 1885.
Fleming, 1899 to
St. Joseph's, Lamb's Passage.
In April and May, 1849, Fr.
Hodgson, the well-known missioner,
preached here in a hired room
during the evenings of several
weeks, and by his exertions brought
back many to the Faith. On Sunday,
May 13, 1849, Bishop Wiseman
concluded the sermons &c. by
giving a discourse to upwards of
1,300 persons. In 1856 a semi-
Gothic church was built. The ac
commodation was for about 400
persons. In 1854 the Catholic
population of Bunhill Row was
estimated at between 4,000 and
5,000 persons. A painted window
over the high altar has a represen
tation of the titular patron of the
church, St. Joseph. The edifice
was built on land formerly belong
ing to the ' Associated Catholic
Charities ' — a society founded about
1797 by some humble Catholics
who met for the discussion of busi
ness at the ' Mariner's Arms.'
They subscribed one penny a week
each to a common fund for the
education &c. of poor Catholic
children. When Canon Keens con-
eluded the ' mission ' in December
1889 upwards of 500 persons
received Holy Communion. The
fine school chapel recently erected
is now regarded as a chapel of ease
to St. Mary's, Moornelds, from
which it is served.
warty. St. George's Be treat.
This institution for persons
suffering from mental maladies was
opened in 1869 ' in spacious build
ings situated on an estate of 250
acres in a picturesque and healthy
neighbourhood.' The patients are
under the care of the Nuns of St.
Augustine, a congregation founded
in 1841 by the late Canon Maes, of
Bruges, for the special treatment of
the mentally afflicted. A highly
qualified physician resides in the
house. The Bev. Albert Dearn
was the first and the Rev. J.
O'Meara is the present rector.
TER, YORKS (Leeds).
The foundation of this mission
is ascribed to ' the time of the
Reformation.' The Tasburghs of
Flexton, Suffolk, had a hall or
residence here, and it is to them
that the maintenance of the Faith
in the penal times is due. The
chapel was served by Jesuits in the
eighteenth century, the earliest
Father of the Society here being
Fr. J. Messenger, 1725-52. He
was succeeded by Frs. James
Lewis, John Shaw, and Robert
Saunderson. The latter remained
till his death in 1781. Later
on the chaplains were French
emigres, viz. Abba Betiry, 1798;
Jn. Poisnel ; Peter Dubuisson,
1803. The Abbe Louis le Roux,
formerly vicar of Courbevoye,
diocese of Paris, was priest here
from 1828 to 1845. The register
dates from 1761. From 1846 to
the present time the mission has
been served from Doncaster.
The Sacred Heart.
A community of French nuns of
the Sacred Heart settled here in
1889. The convent chapel served
the mission till the opening of the
church. The church was con
secrated by the Bishop of Clifton in
June 1890. The building, a hand
some and well-proportioned struc
ture, was designed by Canon
Scoles, of Bridge water.
St. Mary's, East Gate, Burnley,
was opened March 25, 1846, and
! consecrated August 2, 1849. The
cost of building was £16,000. The
Catholic population then numbered
1,300 ; at present it is about 6,000.
Rev. J. Worthy, 1846.
J. Boardman, 1849.
Jn. Canon Rimmer, 1851.
Thos. Flanagan, 1860 (?).
M. Dillon, here in 1871.
Jn. Canon Rimmer, 1874.
Jas. Canon Morrissey, 1891.
Thos. Canon Corbishley, 1904.
Mgr. J. B. Cooke, 1905, to date.
St. Mary Magdalen.
A new church and presbytery in
the Gannow district of the city was
opened Sunday, December 11, 1904,
by the Bishop of Salford. The cost
of erection was about £5,000. From
1887 till 1904, a school chapel
served the mission. The Catholic
population of the district is about
Eev. Octave Eaymond, 1887.
,. Thomas Harrison, B.A., 1902
to date.
(Liverpool}. St. John.
The mission history dates from
1700. The schools in connection with
St. John's Catholic Chapel, built
in 1815, were opened in November
1850. The style of the edifice is
Gothic, the accommodation at time
of opening being for 120 children.
The chapel was built by Fr.
Coghlan. The Catholic population
of Burscough in 1860 was 400 ; in
1901 580.
In 1568 the Earl of Derby sum
moned the chief Catholic gentry of
the district before him at Lathom
House, and the most ' obstinate '
were sent to prison. The Austin
Canons had a priory in the neigh
bourhood until the dissolution.
The Burscoughs of Lathom Hall
were Catholics, and great sufferers
for the Faith. The family became
extinct about the end of the
eighteenth century.
The upper room of Burscough
Hall Farm was used as a chapel
about 1732. In 1759 the chapel
was improved at a cost of £80.
Bishop Gibson confirmed forty-eight
persons here 1793. In 1819 a new
chapel and presbytery were erected.
Fr. B. Hodgson added a gallery
about 1855. In 1885-6 the chapel
was redecorated and partly re
Bev. James Gorsuch, 1712.
Bd. Walmsley, 1734 (?).
James Brown, 1741.
Hy. Kellett, 1790.
Wm. Coghlan, 1810.
Jn. Anderton, 1836.
Bd. Hodgson, 1850.
Canon Fisher, 1871.
Jn. Kelly, B.A., 1877.
Jn. Daly, 1878.
Pat. Cahill, 1884.
T. B. Allan, 1885.
Jas. Eager, 1885 to date.
ham). St. Joseph's, Hall Street.
Though many Catholics were
reported to be living in the district
in 1850, it was not till 1895 that a
mission could be established. Mass
on Sundays was said at 31 Church
Square by Fr. J. Hymers. The
congregation was estimated at
(Birmingham). SS. Mary and
When the mission was founded
here, in January 1852, there was
much protestant opposition, owing
largely to the recent excitement
over the re-establishment of the
hierarchy. The Gothic school
chapel (48 ft. by 20 ft.), opened
on Trinity Sunday the same year,
was described by a contemporary
journal as ' the handsomest and
most correctly ecclesiastical build
ing in Burton.' The present Gothic
church was opened by Bishop Ulla-
thorne in 1879. It may be of in
terest to remark that in 1811 there
was only one Catholic family in
Burton, but by 1852 the congrega
tion was estimated at some hun
Eev. W. O'Grady, 1852.
„ T. Telford, 1856.
„ C. McCabe, 1870.
„ J. Flynn, 1877 to date.
luark}. SS. Anthony and George.
The ancient Catholic family of
Biddulph inherited the estate of
Burton Park by the marriage of
Richard Biddulph, Esq., with Anne,
daughter and heiress of Sir Henry
Goring, of Burton. This Richard
Biddulph died 1G79. There was a
domestic chapel at the park. The
last member of this family was
Anthony John Wright Biddulph,
Esq. This gentleman built the
present church (Gothic) on a site
in the park. The building was
consecrated by Archbishop Man
ning for Bishop Grant, August 18,
1869. The accommodation of the
building is for about 100 persons.
After the death of Mr. Wright
Biddulph the estate passed out of
Catholic hands, but the mission is
administered by lay trustees. For
some years past the church has
been served from Crawley.
Priests from 1825.
Rev. Peter Duval.
„ Thos. Brogan, 1833.
„ Simon O'Carroll, 1841.
„ E. Hood, 1849.
„ Peter Coop, 1851.
,, Joseph McSweeny, 1857.
„ Eugene Reardon, 1861.
„ Reginald Fowler, here in
„ Thos. Canon Lalor, 1879.
„ Nicholas Broder, here in 1889
till 1895, since when the
mission has been served
from Crawley.
WILLOWS, LANCS (Liverpool).
A school chapel was opened
October 1886 on a site generously
given by John Mercer, Esq., of
Alston Hall. An additional class
room for fifty children was added in
1888, and in 1890 the school was
again enlarged. For twelve years
after the opening, the mission was
served from Sutton. The first
resident priest was Fr. Peter
Morgan (1898), who still retains
the incumbency.
BURWASH, SUSSEX (Southward).
St. Joseph's.
The church and presbytery were
presented to the diocese of South-
wark by Madame de los Heros, of
Southover Hall. The first Mass in
the building was said by Bishop
Butt on Tuesday, October 11, 1887.
The style of the church is cruci
form. Mr. B. Whelan was the
architect. The mission was for
several years served by secular
priests of the Southwark diocese,
but for some time past has been
transferred to the Salesian Fathers,
who have their novitiate here. The
Catholic population of Burwash in
1888 was practically confined to
the family and servants of South-
over Hall. In 1890 it was esti
mated at 100.
BURY, LANCS (Salford). Our
Blessed Lady.
In 1821 there \vere not more
than five Catholic families in the
town, when Mass was said once a
month in the upper room of a wool
warehouse. In 1834 the first resi
dent priest was appointed. The
church, erected 1841-2, is a Gothic
structure (90 ft. by 40 ft.), with
gable and octagonal tower ; east
window by Wailes. Total cost of
schools, church, and presbytery,
about £3,000.
Rev. Hy. "Walmesley, 1834.
,, James Peacock, 1835.
James Canon Boardman, 1851.
John Canon Rimmer, 1874.
James Morrissey, 1891.
Michael Byrne, 1897.
David Walshe, 1902 to date.
(Northampton}. St. Edmund.
In the reign of James II. the
Benedictine monks of the Rue de
St. Jacques, Paris, negotiated for
the purchase of a portion of the
old Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds,
but an outcry having been made
against this, the monks, at the re
quest of the king, desisted from
the purchase.1 About 1732 Fr.
Alexius Jones, O.S.B., took up his
abode at Bury St. Edmunds, and
remained here as missionary priest
till 1737, when he went as chaplain
to Hengrave Hall. His place was
taken by Fr. Howard, O.S.B., who
remained at Bury St. Edmunds
till his death, December 12, 1755.
Fr. J. Dennett, S.J., who died here
March 1, 1789, aged eighty-seven,
is said to have been long on the
mission at Bury St. Edmunds.
The full list of English missions,
with names of clergy, hours of ser
vices, &c., was first given in the
1 Laity's Directory ' for 1824. The
1 Tim persons who raised the outcry
afterwards purchased the abbey pro
perty for themselves.
church, which is in the Classical
style, was thoroughly renovated
and redecorated in the autumn of
Priests since 1824.
Rev. Thos. Angier, 1824.
„ Hy. Wright, 1828.
J. Laurenson, 1832.
Jos. Tate, 1835.
Hy. Brigham, 1840.
Bernard Jarrett, 1846.
Jas. Brownbill, 1855.
Jos. Lazenby, 1874.
Walter Strappini, 1885.
Thos. Parkinson, 1888.
Roger Perrin, 1896.
F. Jones, 1898.
Jos. Kenny, 1904 to date.
tingham). St. Anne.
In August 1845 Fr. O'Farrell,
of Leek, started the mission of
Buxton by saying Mass there every
Sunday at 7.30 A.M. Up to that
time, the nearest Catholic chapel
was twelve miles distant. That of
Buxton was a small room, into
which fifty persons used to crowd.
In June 1846, when Dr. Gilligan,
Bishop of Raphoe, was at Buxton,
he said Mass at Mr. Campbell's
house in Higher Buxton. The first
stone of the present church was
laid in July 1860, and the solemn
opening took place in July 1861.
The site was obtained from the
Duke of Devonshire. The style is
Gothic, and the building, which is
of Reeve Edge Ripping stone, cost
£720, exclusive of external fittings.
The patroness is St. Anne, to whom
' the holy wells ' of Buxton were
dedicated in pre-Reformation times.
Mgr. (afterwards Cardinal) Man
ning preached on the occasion of
the opening. The building, which
will accommodate 200 persons, is
' a neat edifice of the Early English
period of architecture.' The cost
of erection was defrayed by P.
Hewitt, Esq., the plans being drawn
by Fr. A. J. Scoles.
Rev. Edw. McGreavy, 1861.
„ W. A. Margison, 1863.
— Driscoll, here in 1872.
(Vacant 1875).
Rev. John Power, 1876.
., Theodore Canon Hoeben,
„ Fredk. Kind, 1902 to date.
DURHAM (Hexliam and Newcastle).
The Sacred Heart,
In 1830 the population of this
district was under 150 inhabitants.
By 1860 the place had become so
greatly developed that a Catholic
chapel was a necessity. A school
chapel was erected here in 1869.
The new church at Lintz Green
was opened 1876. A cemetery was
laid out at the same time.
Rev. Patrick Mathews, 1869.
„ Jn. Wilson, 1879 to date.
TYNE (Hexliam and Neivcastle).
St. Lawrence.
The new church was solemnly
opened April 24, 1898. The Mass
was sung by Prior Buckler, of St.
Dominic's, from which mission the
chapel is still served.
ivarlf). St. Tarcisius.
This place was formerly known
as Cambridge Town. The mission
was established in 1872 by Lady
Southwell, who generously gave a
site for church and presbytery. The
chapel is an iron building, capable
of holding about 100 persons ; it
was opened by Bishop Coffin, of
Southwark, April 27, 1884. The
fine statue of Our Lady of Lourdes
was presented to the church by
Miss Ross. Major Stafford and the
late Col. Henderson, lecturer on
tactics at the Staff College, were
also generous benefactors to the
Rev. John McKenna, 1872.
M. O'Neill, 1882.
John Golden, 1888.
Thos. Ford, 1891.
Alexander McAuliffe, 1895.
W. Fichter, 1896.
F. S. Bennett, 1898.
P. Twomey, 1906 to date.
(Southwark). The Sacred Heart.
The mission was opened on
Easter Monday 1860, when Mass
was said at De Crespigny Lodge,
Denmark Hill, by the late Fr.
Claude Bernin, of Lyons. The
district was then largely one of
•strawberry fields and market
gardens. The next chapel was at
Chepstow Cottage, which also served
as the presbytery. This in turn
was superseded by a chapel formed
out of two or three cottages in
Thomas Street, now Becket Street.
A lay committee ably managed the
temporalities of the mission, and a
flourishing school was commenced
under Mr. William Geoghegan. In
1862 a temporary church was
erected at a cost of £600, and opened
by Bishop Morris. Fr. Bernin left
in 1864, and for a time the church
was served on Sundays by Fr.
Power, afterwards of Canterbury.
The next rector, Fr. Ed. Cahill,
enlarged the church, and introduced
the Sisters of Notre Dame as
teachers in the girls' and infants'
schools. The temporary church
of 1862 was replaced by the present
one in the Camberwell New Road,
opened by Bishop Morris, February
16, 1870. New schools for boys
and girls were shortly afterwards
built in Pitman Street. A second
aisle and clerestory to the church
were opened by Bishop Danell,
August 12, 1872, the sermon being
preached by Archbishop Manning.
The presbytery, for three priests,
was completed in 1875. Fr.
McGrath, under whom these build
ing developments were carried out,
was appointed to the mission in
1869, and in 1882 became Canon of
Southwark. He removed to Wey-
bridge 1898, when he was succeeded
by Canon W. Murnane, of Red
Cross Street, the present rector.
(Plymouth). St. John the Baptist.
In the eighteenth century the
Catholics of Camborne were some
times able to hear Mass at Tolfrey,
the residence of the Couche family,
where there was a chapel and resi
dent chaplain. Fr. Hayman died
here April 30, 1756, aged eighty-
seven. The present mission dates
from 1851. The number of Catholics
at Camborne at that time is re
ported to have been scarcely fifty.
Mass was said occasionally in a small
hired room by a priest from Pen-
zance. In 1853 the congregation
had increased to 253. Mr. Pike, a
convert gentleman, fitted up a stable
loft as a chapel. In 1858 the
Catholic population had risen to
one thousand, owing principally to
Irish immigration. The stone of
the new Gothic church was blessed
and laid by the Bishop of Plymouth
on June 24, 1858. Fr. James
Carey was priest at this time. The
building was opened May 26, 1859.
Rev. Eichard Mansfield, 1853.
James Carey, 1857.
William Cassey, 1860.
Leo Croutelle, here in 1872.
Arthur McKey, 1882.
John McCarthy, 1885.
Edward Barry, 1892.
Laurence O'Loughlin.
CAMBRIDGE (Northampton).
Our Lady and the English Martyrs.
Though it was not until 1854 that
the B.A. degree of the universi
ties of Oxford and Cambridge was
opened to Catholics, several distin
guished adherents of the old religion,
as the Duk-3 of Norfolk, LordEdward
Howard, and Cardinal Acton, made
their higher studies at Cambridge.
Kenelrn Digby, the well-known
author of ' Mores Catholici,' joine
the Church from the university
in 1825, and Mr. Ambrose Lisle
Philipps in 1838. Some time after
1820, when Sir Thomas Keddington
was at Cambridge, his mother, who
resided near his college, opened her
dining-room as a chapel on Sundays
to enable the Irish agricultural
labourers of the district to hear
Mass. In 1841 the first mission in
Cambridge was established by Fr.
Shenley. The chapel was in a cot-
tage at Barnwell, a suburb of the
town, the requisites for offering
Mass being borrowed from the
chapel at Sawston House, the resi
dence of Major Huddlestone. Such
I numbers attended Mass on Sundays
! that Fr. Shenley resolved on build-
I ing a church. Great indignation
was manifested at this in the Uni-
j versity when the project became
i known. On November 5 a large
i body of students assembled to tear
j up the foundations, but retreated at
the prospect of an encounter with a
body of burly Irishmen and a force
of special constables under the com
mand of the mayor, Thomas Fisher,
The church, designed by Pugin,
was opened on the feast of St.
George 1843, by Bishop Wareing,
V.A. of the Eastern district. Bishop
Wiseman preached to a crowded
congregation. The church, dedicated
to St. Andrew, Apostle, was pro
nounced by the Camden Society to
be ' a hidden gem.' By the ' early
eighties ' it was totally inadequate
for the size of the congregation, and
a new building was resolved on by
Canon Scott, M.A., the resident
priest. The cost of this new build
ing was borne by Mrs. Lyne
Stephens, a great benefactress to
the Catholic Church in England.
The foundation stone of the church
and presbytery was laid by Bishop
I 2
Riddell, of Northampton, June 80,
1887. Messrs. Dunn, and Hansom
were the architects. The building
was opened with much ceremony
in 1890. The style of the church is
Gothic. The interior of the struc
ture is very ornate, and the belfry
is provided with a fine peal of bells
playing musical chimes.
The new church, in the Per
pendicular style (temp. Henry IV.
and V.), was opened on Septem
ber 3, 1891. Fr. Lloyd, the rector,
was mainly instrumental in erecting
it. He was assisted to a large ex
tent in the good work by the Earl
of Gainsborough, who, in addition to
monetary aid, presented the site.
The stones of the old chapel at
Westington were utilised for the
new building. The Papal arms,
with those of the Earl and Countess
of Gainsborough, are displayed in
the church. A statue of St.
Catherine, the patroness of the
church, stands in a niche over the
main entrance. The altar of the
Lady Chapel is in memory of Lad}7
Constance Bellingham. W. Lunn,
Esq., of Malvern, was the architect.
A school chapel was opened here
in September 1869, and used for
worship till the opening of the pre
sent church.
Rev. Vincent Ferreri, here in 1869
till after 1886.
„ Bernard Lloyd, here in 1888.
„ John Wenham, 1898.
„ Felix May, 1902
„ Ignatius Gurd, 1904.
tori). The Holy Name.
The mission was founded when
the first Lord Clifford of Chudleigh
received the estate from Charles II.
in 1672. A chaplain was main
tained there till about 1768, when
the mission appears to have been
closed, the last priest being Fr.
W. Sullivan. In 1807, Charles sixth
Lord Clifford gave Cannington
' Court House ' to a community of
Benedictine nuns, whose chaplain
attended to the spiritual welfare of
the revived mission. It is interest
ing to note that a Benedictine con
vent was founded at Cannington
in the troubled reign of Stephen by
Robert de Courcy,the establishment
consisting of an abbess and six or
seven nuns.
Fr. Richard O'Meara was chap
lain at Cannington in 1827. In
1831 the nuns removed to Little
Hey wood, in Staffordshire, but they
made over the house and chapel at
Cannington to the V.A. of the
Western district for the use of the
mission. The priests after this
were : —
Rev. T. Burgess and Abbe Pre-
mord, 1832.
Dr. Tuomy, 1833.
T. Costello, 1835.
James Platt, 1838.
A. Byrne, 1841.
T. Danson, 1845.
E. Scully, 1845.
F. English, 1851.
Jn. Bouvier, 1864.
Septimus Coxon, 1866.
C. Kennard, 1875.
The present rector is the Rev.
John Archdeacon.
ham). The Sacred Heart and Our
In 1876 Bishop Ullathorne, of
Birmingham, sent Fr. F. Duckett,
of Eugeley, Staffordshire, to start a
mission at Carmock. Aided by Sir
Charles Clifford, a school and presby
tery were erected at a cost of £2,000.
The school children numbered 180
in 1885. In 1899, a house known
as Hall Court was transformed into
a church. It was opened Decem
ber 8 the same year. In December
1901, the decorations of the sanc
tuary were completed and stations
of the Cross erected.
Rev. F. Duckett, 1876.
,, James B. Keating, 1879.
„ Thos. Dickenson, 1882.
„ James Giblin, 1891.
,, Rowley O'Keefe, 1893 to
ward). St. Thomas of Canterbury.
Prior to I860, the chapel was at
Hales Place (q.v.). In January of this
year a temporary chapel was opened
in a public dancing room at Canter
bury. Two smaller rooms under
neath served as schools for the
' scores of Catholic children ' in and
around the town, but no Govern
ment grant was received. A chapel
was opened in White Horse Lane
1866, and used up to the opening of
the present place of worship in Bur-
gate Street, April 1875. The site of
the building and £1,000 towards
the expense of erection were given
by Mr. and Mrs. Hart. The plan
comprises ' a nave of four bays
approached by a south porch, with
a sacristy on the south side of the
chancel.' The stone frontal dis
plays incidents in the life of St.
Thomas of Canterbury. A new
Lady altar was presented by Miss
Billington in December 1905.
Rev. Thomas Richardson, 1860.
„ Richard Power, 1871.
„ Edmund Sheppard, 1905,
The Dominicanesses, or Nuns of
the Second Order of St. Dominic,
founded 1215 by St. Dominic, had
an English branch, established at
Vilvorde, near Brussels, by Fr.
(afterwards Cardinal) Howard in
1661. The nuns came to England
1794, and after several residences at
Hartpury Court, near Gloucester,
Hurst Green, Lancashire, &c., settled
at Carisbrooke in a house presented
to them by Elizabeth Countess of
Clare in December 1866. They
opened their chapel to the public,
and thus a new mission was esta
blished, Fr. Peter Sablon being the
first chaplain. Fr. E. G. Kelly is
the present incumbent.
ham and Newcastle). St. Mary
and St. Joseph.
The Catholics in the city and
district were attended during the
penal times by the chaplains of
the Howards of Corby Castle.1
Through the influence of Henry
Howard, Esq., of Corby, a mission
was established in the town in
1798, though as late as 1824 the
chapel was ' an upper room.' The
1 After the rebellion of 1745-6 many
of the Jacobite prisoners at Carlisle were
attended by the priest from Corby.
Among these was Macdonald of Kinloch
Moidart, a devout Catholic, and the only
Highland chief executed for his share in
the melancholy enterprise. His clay
more and tartan coat are still preserved
at Corby.
main beam gave way at Easter of
that year, and the apartment had
to be supported by ' a strong prop ' !
A site for a chapel wa obtained
from Lord Lonsdale for £400, and
a building opened, 1825. The
presbytery was erected at the same
time. Mainly owing to a legacy
left by Miss Lowry, of Durranthill
(died 1871), the present church
was commenced in 1891, and opened
by Bishop Wilkinson, of Hexham
and Newcastle, June 1893. The
style is Perpendicular Gothic from
design by Dunn and Hansom, and
the structure occupies ' one of the
finest sites in the city.' A fine
oak pulpit was presented by the
Misses Fairbain, of Rugby. The
seating accommodation of the
church is for 700. Much of the
credit of the building of this fine
church is due to Canon Waterton,
the present rector.
Priests since 1824.
Rev. Joseph Marshall.
„ Luke Canon Curry, 1854.
„ Geo. Canon Waterton, 1879
to date.
Fr. John Edisford, a Jesuit,
laboured here for many years, i.e.
from about 1685 till 1717. In three
years he reconciled upwards of forty
persons to the Church, and was
in consequence singled out at the
Revolution for special attack. He
succeeded in hiding the altar plate,
vestments, &c., but was so near
capture himself that on one occa
sion he had to lie close in a narrow
hole while his pursuerg plundered
the house. He was still on the
mission in the district in 1710, en
during every kind of hardship. The
last Jesuit missioner at Carlton was
Fr. William Allan, 1780-1. A Fr.
Charles Houghton died here 1797,
but whether a secular or religious
does not appear.
Priests since 1825.
Rev. Jn. Billington.
Geo. Canon Heptonstall, 1830.
Mgr. Edward Goldie, 1877.
James Canon Glover, 1882.
Julius de Baere, 1890.
Gustave Thonon, 1893.
J. Hubert Offermann, 1895.
Norman Waugh, 1903 to date.
Sacred Heart.
Mass was first said here in
recent times in 1877. In 1883 the
church was opened. The style is
Gothic. In April 1884 a powerful
bell for the church was consecrated
by Bishop Bagshawe. It bears the
legend : ' Ste. Joannes Baptiste ora
pro nobis.' Fr. T. Hoeben was the
first priest.
Rev. T. Hoeben, 1877.
„ F. Kind, 1888.
„ Jn. Hardican, 1902.
In 1793 the Dominicans of
Bornhem, Flanders, came to Eng
land after the suppression of their
monastery by the French Re
volutionary armies. They opened
a school for boys at Carshalton, and
the establishment was known as
Bornhem House. The mansion is
now the Convent. In 1812 it
passed over to Mr. Win. Mylius, a
well-known Catholic educationist,
who renamed it the ' Primary Col
lege.' The Abbe Chabot, who was
chaplain to the college, also at-
tended to the spiritual needs of
the few local Catholics. After the
removal of Mr. Mylius's establish
ment to Chelsea in 1830, the
mission was closed. The place
again became a centre of Catho
licity in 1893, when the Daughters
of the Cross purchased Carshalton
House, a fine mansion once be
longing to Dr. Radcliffe, Queen
Anne's physician, and opened a
highly successful boarding school.
They have also a day high school
and the Catholic elementary
schools. The fine Gothic church of
the convent was built 1899-1900,
from design of C. Ingress-Bell, Esq.
It was consecrated October 12,
1904, by Archbishop Bourne.
Rev. James Nolan, 1893.
„ Alfred Sharpe, M.A., 1905.
RIDING (Leeds). St. Joseph.
The schools erected in 1877
served the purpose of a chapel till
1890, when the present church was
built. The foundations were com
menced on February 27. The
building is in the Gothic style, and
will accommodate about 500 per
sons. For some years after the com
mencement of the mission the place
was served from Pontefracl.
Kev. John Heweson, 1882 to date.
St. Gabriel and the Angels.
Mission established 1879. A
' very nice school chapel,' pre
sented by a generous benefactor,
was opened Sunday, January 25,
1885. A revolving wooden shutter
divided the sanctuary from the
class-room. Fr. W. L. Fowler
had charge of the mission at the
war Jc).
The church of the Sacred Heart
was built 1880-1 by the late
Captain Roe, father of the since
incumbent, Fr. F. Roe. The struc
ture is cruciform, in the Early
English style, from designs by Mr.
E. Ingress-Bell. The sanctuary
has been recently adorned with
elegant mosaic pictures illustrative
of events in the life of Our Lord.
Prior to the establishment of the
mission, Fr. J. McKenna, of Croy-
don, used to go over to Caterham
occasionally to attend to the
spiritual wants of Catholic soldiers
in the Guards' depot and local
Catholics generally. During the
building of the present church a
temporary chapel was generously
erected for the use of the Catholic
Guardsmen by the officers of the
several regiments connected with
the place. The new church was
solemnly opened by Cardinal
Manning, Thursday, August 11,
war Jc) .
A plain Romanesque church
designed by the late F. W. Tasker,
of Bedford Row, was opened for
worship in Sangley Road, Catford,
by Bishop Amigo, of Southwark, on
Tuesday, September 13, 1904.
Among the congregation present
were Alderman and Sheriff Sir
Stuart Knill and Lady Knill,
Canon O'Halloran, &c. The
building, which at present accoiu-
modates upwards of 150, is capable
of being considerably enlarged.
The cost of erection was defrayed
by an anonymous benefactress.
Fr. E. Escarguel is the first and
present rector.
(Liverpool). St. Eobert.
This church was erected through
the zeal of Fr. John Bilsborrow —
afterwards Bishop of Salford. The
building was opened July 29, 1877.
In 1889 the interior was painted
and decorated.
Eev. J. Bilsborrow, 1877.
Martin Mahony, 1878.
Geo. Dobson, 1880.
Peter J. Kane, 1885.
Michael Eyan, 1886.
James Welsby, 1892.
John Tomlinson, 1894.
John Donohoe, 1903.
Andrew Flynn, 1904.
(Birmingham}. Our Lady and
St. Anne.
Mission started in 1896. There
were at this time only thirteen prac
tical Catholics in the village, but by
the time the schools of Our Lady and
St. Anne were opened, Thursday
August 31, 1899, the congregation
had risen to 120, eighty of these
being regular church-goers. Before
the erection of the schools, Mass was
said in the chapel of the convent
belonging to the Soeurs de Miseri-
corde. The schools, which afford
accommodation for some 114 chil
dren, wrere used as a chapel until
the opening of the present church
in 1902.
Fr. Eaymond Haskew, 1896.
Fr. W. Wells, 1902.
STAFFS (Birmingham). St. Filu-
The Benedictines of Ghent came
to England in 1794, and after set
tling for a time at Preston, in Lan
cashire, they purchased Caverswall
Castle and fitted it up as a monas
tery, about 1811. By Bishop Mil-
ner's desire, the chapel was opened
to the public, and Fr. Richard Eich-
mond placed in charge of the mis
sion. In 1812, a larger chapel was
founded, and opened on St. Poly-
carp's Day 1813. The Catholic popu
lation grew so rapidly that a chapel
had to be erected in Lane End, near
Caverswall, 1819. Fr. Eichmond
was succeeded by Fr. Hubbard. In
1854 the Benedictines removed to
Oulton, near Stone, and the castle
came into the possession of a distin
guished Catholic gentleman, Mr.
Eadcliffe, by whom the present
Gothic church was built. The
stone was laid by Bishop Ulla-
thorne on the Thursday of Easter
week 1863, and the opening took
place on January 28, 1864. Gil
bert Blount was the architect.
For some time after its opening
the church was served from
KENT (Southward).
In 1903 the Oblates of the
Assumption, expelled from France
under the law against religious
associations, opened a rchool chapel
at Charlton. The congregation as
ascertained at present (1906) num.
bers about 250. The school, which
is under the direction of the Sisters
of the Assumption, gives instruc
tion to about sixty children. The
chapel was merely a large room of
the convent, and was used till the
opening of the present Komanesquc
Church, September 8, 1906. The
internal decoration is very har
monious, the altar-piece being a
representation of the Madonna and
ham). St. Joseph.
In 1881 the Catholic population
of Chasetown was estimated at
350 adults and 60 children. The
nearest chapel was six miles off.
In the above-mentioned year an
eligible site for a church was pro
cured, and in 1883 the present
edifice was opened.
Bev. Geo. Bunce, 1883.
„ Francis McCarrick, 1888.
„ Fredk. Williams, 1895.
„ Charles Brain, 1897 to date.
CHATHAM, KENT (Southward).
For the early history of Chatham
see OLD BROMPTON. In 1859 the
chapel accommodated 300. The
Catholic population amounted to
1,500, including Stroud and Ko-
chester. Of these, 500 were soldiers
of the garrison. About ^300 was
collected to enlarge the building,
but, on consideration, the rector,
Fr. J. Morley, deemed it advisable
to build a new church. The first
stone was laid by Bishop Grant
October 10, 1862. The style chosen
was Lombardo-Gothic, from design
by H. Glutton, Esq. The cost of
the shell was about 11,700. On
June 25, 1863, the building was
opened by Bishop Grant, upon
which occasion Mgr. (Cardinal)
Manning preached (Matt, xxvii. 19).
The fine painting which forms the
altar-piece was presented by the
late Bishop Butt. The organ, pur
chased from St. John's Protestant
Church, in the town, was con
structed in 1829. Some few years
ago the church was renovated and
embellished by the late rector,
Canon H. Cafferata, now of Sutton.
The registers of the mission go back
to about 1790, when the chapel was
at Old Brompton.
ham). St. Giles.
This fine church was built at the
sole cost of John sixteenth Earl of
Shrewsbury, and was consecrated
September 1, 1846. The style is
Decorated Gothic, the plan com
prising nave, north and south aisles,
Lady Chapel, and spire (200 ft.).
The east window has for subject
the genealogy of Our Lord. A
handsome rood-screen separates the
sanctuary from the body of the
church. The opening ceremony
was attended by all the Vicars-
Apostolic, the Earl and Countess
of Shrewsbury, the Archbishops of
Sydney and Damascus, the Austrian
Ambassador, &c. Bishop Gillis, of
Edinburgh, preached (Ps. cxxii.
The mission formerly formed
part of that of Cresswell. Fr.
Wareing, the priest of that place,
finding many Catholics at Cheadlc
in danger of losing their faith,
opened a chapel there in a private
house. This place of worship prov
ing inadequate, a disused Militia
storehouse (60 ft. by 20 ft.) was pur
chased and turned into a chapel.
rMil.lsll (\\THOLir MISSIONS
In 1884 the number of coinmuni-
i-ants ut rhoadlo numbered ninety.
The establishment of the mission.
iTivtion of t ho schools, £e.. is
entirely due to tho sixteenth Karl
of Shrewsbur.
Mission served from Cr
ISIS 'j;> by Krs. \Yareini,*
and Haddoley.
Rev. — Gates. 1824!
„ - JetYries i first resident
priest), 18'27.
„ Francis Fairfax, 1834,
n AVni. Gubbins, 1S4S.
„ Jaines Canon Jones, 1S5(>.
„ Stuart Eyre Bathurst, I860.
„ E. H. Hunter, here 1871.
„ Walter Morris, 1876 to date.
CHEAM. SURREY. St. Anthony's
A mission was established here J
in the reign of Charles I., and
served from the chapel of Queen
Henrietta Maria. In 1755 the
place was attended by the chap
lains from the Portuguese Embassy.
The register dates from about this
tune. During this period, Fr. Win.
Heatley, O.S.B., was instrumental
in converting over fifty protestants
to the Faith, which led to a prose
cution being instituted against him
by the Rev. J. King, rector of the
paxish. The chapel would appear
to have been in the house of the
Dowager Lady Petre, who long
resided here. It was searched in
1745— the year of the Jacobite
rising — for a secret supply of arms
which it was alleged existed there.
In 1780, one Wm. Bryant, a
Catholic, was • hounded to his
grave in the parish churchyard
by the hellish rabble' of Lower
Cbeaiu. The mission would appear I
to have boon closed shortly after
In 1904 the Daughters of the
Cross Nuns acquired North Cheani
House from F. Burdett, Esq., and
on June 21 of the same year
opened a hospital for conva
lescents. The chapel serves the
mission, which, exclusive of the
hospital, has a Catholic population
of about sixty, mostly resident at
Worcester Park, j.v., some two
miles distant.
8owr /'/•:'• *t* ofikt Old Mutton,
Rov. ,losoph Ha'nsbie, 174'2.
„ --Heathe, 1753.
„ Wm. Heatley, O.S.B., 1755.
„ B. Bradshaw, 1761.
„ B. Harris, 1772.
„ J. Brewer, O.S.B., 1776.
„ J. Placid Naylor, O.8.B., 1776.
„ Benedict Short. O.P., 1785.
Priests of the Modern Mission of
Ki v. G. Ciallea, lik'i.
„ Mannaduke Langdale. 1905.
„ Bernard W. Kelly, 1905.
UMBERLAND (Hcxham and New
castle). St. Francis Xavier.
Cheescburn Grange is tlie an-
cestral seat of the Biddells. who
inherited the estate from the Wid-
dringtons. The date of the esta
blishment of the mission is 1768.
The Dominicans had charge of the
chapel, Fr. James Sharp, O.P.,
being the first priest. He was
probably the Fr. J. Sharp who
* died the enviable death of charity
on the 28th February, 1801, by at
tending the infected at Coventry*
(Oliver). Another priest, Fr. Phil-
lips, died at the Grange August 7,
1783. The baptismal Hst com-
mences 1775. The public chapel
of Cheesebu.ru Grange • was duly
HJ8H < ATHOJ.ir MI , no] ,
certified a.s a place of public reli
gious worship in the year of Oar
Lord \T.K; in parsuanec <>f the
Catholic Belief Act of the previous
year. The church underwent ex-
tion in 1002,
. .\>,!.n 'I .:*.
„ J. Fleet.
„ John Leadbitter, 1815,
„ Tho*. Cock, 1817,
„ The*. Gillett, 1850.
„ Edward Oxford, 1856.
„ Frauds Trappe«, 1858, et *eq.
(Vacant 1875).
„ Wm. Baron, here in 1883, till
„ Hy. Blake, 1892.
„ M. P. Horgan, 1893.
„ Patrick Matthews, 1896.
„ Henry WalracHley, 1899 to
The church here was the first in
England to be dedicated to the
Immaculate Conception, It was
opened by Bishop Wiseman Octo-
ur 21, 1847. Before this time, Mass
was said in one of the rooms of the
schools erected in 1845, in which
year the mis«ion was started. The
building wasconsecratedOctoU-r 20,
1866. The architect of the church,
which accommodates 1, 000, wa«J.J.
Scoles. The CathoUc population of
the place in 1860 was about 500.
The new Lady altar, presented by
Mrs. C. Wells, was blessed Octo
ber 9, 1904.
0. P. King, 1845.
„ C. Batt, 1867.
„ J. I'adbury, M.R., 1885.
„ C, Shepherd, 1901 to date.
('.:. <:-.!.'• I' , .
The church WM opened by Car-
Urn] V;, ,^;.,,:. Ctekiw 28, 1800,
The style is • Italian of the Endish
'1 :.<-.": ... •: :.:' . , . . ^\ .':t \
at til* west end. This church is
V..t, '.•:.-:. -:<:'\'-.'i r, • ' >:. ,:. ].^-:.:.
M :' '.'..': .:/': ...' .H.Ullt Pft b.
. '.:.': p." .':.'.» .-':' V,.'.
Bt. Mary's Church owes its
foundation to the Abbe* Voyaux,
one of the most distinguished of
the tmigrt clergy. He was, at the
time of the Revolution, professor of
the Sorboime, hon. canon of the
BoyalChapelof St, Denis, and pre
sident of the College of Treneeinque*
If. :.. .' r.;.:.j;r:. ;..- ( ..,-. ,r::: v, .: , • ;,
poor room over a shop in a back
street,' but his zeal subsequently
-,',.-: .- v, < ... 1-1^ *.. -
recent Church of St. Mary. The
Abbfc had chiefly in view thf:
spiritual needs of the hundreds of
Catholic veterans in the Boyal
Hospital of Chelsea, many of whom
had lost some or other of their
Umtw- in fitting their pastor's
countrymen in Spain or Flanders,
The cost of the church was £6,000,
of which a considerable portion was
subscribed by Louis XVIIL and
the exiled nobility of France. Sir
Robert Peel, the great itttfmnnn,
gave £800, The building WM very
plain until 1856, when extensive
improvements were effected by
Messrs. Barff &. Co. These con
sisted of three fresco altar piece*
in thft Italian style. The pilasters
of the church were adorned with
paintings of the Apostles. Cardinal
Weld, after his ordination to the
priesthood in 1821, was curate at
Chelsea for some years till his
health gave way. He was con
secrated Bishop of Amycla in 1826,
and created cardinal at Kome by
Pius VIII. in March 1830. Not
withstanding his having been twice
solicited to return to France by
Louis XVIII. and Charles X., the
Abbe Voyaux refused to leave ' his
beloved flock at Chelsea,' though it
is certain that an archbishopric and
a cardinal's hat awaited him in his
native country. He died in Novem
ber 1840, aged eighty-one. The old
church having longoutlived its capa
bilities, Canon Macmullen, in June
1876, appealed for funds for a new
building. The first stone of the pre
sent structure — designed by J. F.
Bentley — was laid in July 1877 by
Cardinal Manning, who employed
for the purpose the silver trowel
used at the founding of Moorfields
Church in 1817. The building,
which is a fine specimen of the
Early English style, was opened in
May 1879.
SHIRE (Clifton). St. Gregory the
In October 1809, Fr. Aug. Bird-
sail, O.S.B., came to Cheltenham
from Bath and started the mission.
He was assisted by Richard Rawe,
Esq., and on June 3, 1810, he
opened the old chapel, which was
several times enlarged. During the
riot in November 1850, aroused by
the restoration of the hierarchy, the
building was much damaged, but
all the loss was made good by the
Hundred, arid also from the private
subscriptions of distinguished in
dividuals, as Mr. Greiiville Berkeley,
M.P., Colonel the Hon. — Browne,
&c. The present cruciform church,
designed by C. Hansom, was opened
by Bishop Clifford, of Clifton, in the
presence of Cardinal Wiseman, the
mayor and corporation, &c., May
1857. The east window is the gift
of J. Fitzherbert, Esq., of Swyner-
ton. The building was consecrated
November 6, 1877.
Rev. Aug. Birdsall, O.S.B., 1809.
„ Christopher Shann, 1834.
„ Hy. Paillet, 1843.
A. Glassbrook, 1849.
Ambrose Gotham, 1851.
Robt. Wilkinson, 1874.
E. Anselm O'Gorman, 1889.
Robt. Wilkinson, 1890 to date.
(Newport}. St. Mary.
Mr. Gimter, of Chepstow Grange,
was the chief Catholic in the district
at the end of the seventeenth century.
The chapel in the house was served
by the Jesuits (1685). Fr. W.
Gunter, who suffered for the Faith
1588, was probably a member of
this family. The mission was after
wards served by the Franciscans.
Bishop Collingridge, V.A.W.D.,
resided here for some time
after 1807. Forty years later the
mission was in a very precarious
condition, being in want of a school
and presbytery, and having but an
income of £80 for all purposes.
Catholics then numbered 147, and
in 1864 250.
Priests since 1824.
Rev. Jn. Williams, — .
P. Yates, 1831.
- Kelly, 1833.
J. Carbery, 1835.
R, Hartley, 1837.
W. Woolett, 1841.
Thos. Cody, 1843.
P. Millea, 1850.
John Dawson, 1852.
Francis Trapper, 1854.
Rev. Thos. Fenn, 1857.
David Lambe, 1861.
John 13. Quaid,hcre 1867, and
till 1895.
M. Vandenberghe, 1895.
H. E. Stuart Mills, 1897.
J. B. Conway, 1903 to date.
warty .
On the conversion of Lord and
Lady Holland to the Catholic
faith in 1850, a domestic chapel
was opened at St. Anne's Hill,
Chertsey, the country seat of the
Holland family. For many years,
Fr. Charles Comberbach was chap
lain. This excellent priest was a
convert to Catholicity, and for some
years before going to St. Anne's Hill
was stationed at the Priory, Prince-
thorpe. He died in 1890, aged
ninety-two. Lady Holland died in
1889, when the estate passed to her
kinsman, Lord Ilchester, a protes-
tant, but the chapel was kept up
till the death of Fr. Comberbach.
For some years subsequent to this,
a small basilica- shaped chapel on
the Woburn Park estate (St.
George's College) did duty as a
place of worship for Chertsey
Catholics, who were under the
spiritual care of Fr. O. Turner,
prefect of studies at the college.
About 1893 the mission of Chertsey
was served every Sunday from the
diocesan seminary, Wonersh, by
Fr. S. Banfi, D.D. Fr. Banfi was
succeeded by the present Fr. Domi
nic Brownrigg, of the Salesian con
gregation. The chapel is an iron
building in the Eastwood Road,
and adjoins the Convent of Our
Lady Help of Christians. The
congregation is about 100. The
Marquis of Ruvigny and Eaineval,
the distinguished historian and
heraldist, is the most noted member
of the congregation.
CHESTER (Shrewsbury), St.
Werburgh, Grove Park Road.
The mission appears to have
been once served by the Jesuits.
Fr. J. Cuffaud, S.J., died there
March 19, 1715, ' a martyr of
charity in attending the sick
prisoners.' These were probably
Jacobites who had taken part in
the rebellion on behalf of James III ,
the ' Old Pretender.' The chapel
at Chester, dedicated to St. Wer-
burgh, was founded by Bishop
Pens wick in Queen's Street in 1799.
The seating capacity was for 210.
In Lent 1846, Fr. Gaudentius gave
a mission here, when the chapel
was ' crowded to suffocation ' at all
three daily services. In 1850 the
Catholics of Chester numbered be
tween 3,000 and 4,000. The school
room adjoined the chapel, and
by cutting holes in the dividing
wall 400 children were enabled to
hear Mass on Sundays. In addi
tion to the civilians, large numbers
of the garrison were Catholics. In
November 1850, Fr. E. Carbery,
the priest of the mission, appealed
to Mr. Wilbraham, formerly M.P.
for South Cheshire, for help in
building a school, but that gentle
man declined on the ground of the
' insolent usurpations ' of Pius IX.
and Cardinal Wiseman in the
matter of the restored hierarchy.
The old church of St. Werburgh
in Queen Street was replaced by
another and larger structure in the
Gothic style in the Grosvcnor Park
Road, 1873-5. Between 1883-6
nearly £700 was expended in im
proving the interior of this hand
some church. In April of the last
named year the windows of the
apse were filled in with stained
glass, the designs being subjects
taken from Onr Lord's Passion.
The window at the back of the
altar — given by G. Hostage, Esq. —
has a representation of the Cruci
fixion, with a lower medallion of St.
George. A third window repre
sents the Resurrection, with lower
and separate views of the old and
new St. Werburgh's.
Rev. Jas. Lancaster, 1794.
„ Thos. Penswick, 1796.
„ Jn. Ashurst, 1815.
„ Jn. Briggs (Bishop of Bever-
ley 1850), 1818.
„ Jn. Wilcock, 1833.
„ Edw. Canon Carbery, 1838.
„ Hy. Hopkins, 1861.'
„ P. Lahaye, 1865.
„ W. Walton, 1867.
„ Canon Buquet, 1868.
„ Wilfrid Dallow, 1882.
„ Canon Lynch, 1883.
CHESTER. St. Francis, Gros-
venor Street, Franciscans.
In 1858, Mass was said at Bishop
Lloyd's house, Water Gate Bow.
In 1860 a shed at 25 Watergate Bow
was fitted up as a chapel. On
June 16, 1864, a temporary wooden
chapel for 500 persons was opened
on the present church site. The
present Gothic church was opened
April 29, 1875, by Bishop Hedley,
of Newport ; Cardinal Manning
preached. The debt on the build
ing was paid off by the Tatlock
family in September 1899, and the
edifice consecrated by Bishop Allen,
of Shrewsbury, June 3, 1900. The
monastery was opened in 1876 and
the schools in 1882.
Priests (O.S.F.)
Fr. Seraphin, 1858.
„ Elzear, 1858.
„ Venantius, 1859.
„ Pacificus, 1873.
„ Nicholas, 1879.
" Pacificus, 1882.
„ Modestus, 1885.
„ Bernard, 1888.
„ Anthony, 1889.
„ Fidelis, 1892.
„ Bernardine, 1895.
„ Ambrose, 1897.
„ Seraphin, 1898.
(Hexham and Newcastle). St.
The Recusants of the district
paid £11,650— about £60,000 of
modern money — in fines for non-
attendance at the parish church in
1632. In 1847 Fr. Jos. Sheridan,
O.S.B., of Birtley, had charge of
the few Catholics here. The pre
sent mission dates from 1881, when
the chapel — ' a small brick building
in a back lane ' — was opened in
Lumley Terrace. A site for a large
church has recently, it is said, been
given by the Earl of Durham. A
school chapel (73 ft. by 24 ft.) was
completed towards the end of 1888.
Rev. Hy. Blunden, 1881.
Michael Greene, 1888.
E. Barnett, 1889.
Geo. Mendham, 1891.
Ignatius Beale, 1893.
Francis Holmes, 1895.
Patrick Kearney, 1902 to date.
(Nottingham). Mount St. Mary's.
Spinkhill, near Chesterfield, was
the ancient seat of the Pole family,
and ' one of the earliest centres
of labour of the English Jesuits.'
It is not quite certain when the
Fathers first made the place their
abode, but we read of a Fr. John
Pole, S.J., being sent from here to
Valladolid in 1600 to teach theo
logy. The last of the family was
John Pole, Esq., who died in 1718.
His widow, Madame Ursula Pole,
survived till 1751, and after her
death the estates passed to the
Jesuits, under her husband's will.
There is a tradition that Fr. Kobert
Parsons (1546-1610) lived at the
hall for some time. In 1721 the
chapel is described as containing,
among other items, a green silk
vestment, two velvet antependiums,
gilt silver chalice and paten, two
pyxes, missal, four lacquered candle
sticks, etc. Forty-seven baptisms
are recorded at Spinkhill between
1757 and 1766. Many local
Catholics were interred in the
burial ground attached to the
mission, which was used down to
about 1835. Till the building of
the new church in 1845, the chapel
was a room at the top of the house.
The residence of the Jesuits was
known in the registers of the
Society as the * College of the Im
maculate Conception,' but there is
still some doubt whether the place
during the penal times was not also
a real school where Catholic boys
were secretly instructed. The
present College was commenced
in 1842. Between 1844-6 was
erected the first portion of the
fine block of buildings of the
College of Mount St. Mary's, 'to
prepare youths ' — so the first pro
spectus ran — ' for the higher ecclesi
astical studies or for commercial
pursuits.' The Church was opened
by Bishop Walsh, V.A., September
21, 1846. The building was redecor
ated and a new Gothic altar erected,
1896. A sacrist v and south tribune
were added 1864. The old Spink
hill chapel is now used for sodality
meetings. The new college build
ings were erected 1876-7. Like
Stonyhurst, St. Edmund's, and other
Catholic foundations of a similar
nature, the college has long since
outgrown its original dimensions,
and now ranks as one of the most
complete educational establish
ments in England. The number
of students is about 150.
Rectors of the College (S.J.)
Eev. Wm. Cobb, 1846.
Francis Clough, 1847.
John Baron, 1848.
Maurice Mann, 1854.
Geo. Tickell, 1859.
Thos. Williams, 1862.
Thos. Dykes, 1873.
John Clayton, 1879.
Henry Parker, 1888.
Geo. Haggins, 1893.
Francis Payne, 1901 to date.
• warty. St. Richard.
The first priest to reside at
I Chichester was Fr. John McDonald,
I in 1854, during which year the
I church was commenced. The
opening took place in 1855. The
style is Early English. The struc-
ture comprises a nave, chancel, and
! sacristy from the design by War-
dell. Fr. J. F. Wilkinson was
incumbent from 1855 till his death
in October 1866. While a priest
at Clewer Green, near Windsor,
he had ' the somewhat unusual
honour ' of being presented to King
William IV. by Lord Melbourne.
He lies interred in the church near
the vault of the late Lady New-
burgh, who died in 1860.
Eev. Jn. McDonald, 1854.
„ J. F. Wilkinson, 1855.
„ Victor Duke, 1866
Rev. Thos. Lalor, 1874.
„ Edward Clcry, 1878.
„ W. Bolgcr, 1897.
„ Edmund Miller, 1900 to date.
Our Lady of Martyrs and St. Ig
Chideock Castle, once the posses
sion of the noble family of Arundell
of Wardour, and now belonging to
the Welds, was noted during the
penal times as a refuge for priests,
of whom some three were appre
hended here.1 The castle was
held for Charles I. in the Civil War,
and appears after that to have fallen
into decay. The gateway was taken
down in 1741, and the tower was
in ruins in 175G. After the dis
mantling of the castle, the chapel
was removed to the upper room of
a cottage in North Chideock.
Another was opened on Easter
Sunday 1811. The pious wish for
a really fine church was finally
realised in 1884, when the present
building was opened by Bishop
Yaughan, of Plymouth.
Priests at Chideock (early list in
Rev. T. Pilchard, martyr, 1584-7.
,, J. Cornelius, martyr, prior to
„ Hugh Green, 1605. Martyred
„ — Higgs, 1680.
„ F. Wm. Byfleet, about 1695
till 1746.
1 (1) Rev. Thos. Pilchard, M. A. (Balliol
Coll., Oxon.), suffered at Dorchester for
the Faith, March 21, 1587; (2) Rev.
J. Cornelius at the same place, July 4,
1594 ; (3) Rev. Hugh Green, executed at
Dorchester, August 19, 1642, for exercis
ing his functions as a priest. He had
been at Chideock upwards of thirtj'-seven
Rev. Charles and Richard Shim
mell, 1762-3.
„ Joseph Clossette, 1779 (?).
„ Philip Compton, d. 1788.
„ Thos. Lewis, 1788-1809.
„ Thos. Tilbury, 1809-40.
„ Wm. Bond, 1840.
„ Robt. Platt, 1844.
„ M. Ryan, 1844-50.
Mission vacant 1850-3.
„ Thos. Basil, O.S B., 1853.
„ Jn. Gallagher, 1853-4.
„ Charles W. Price, O.S.B.,
„ John Sinnot, O.S.B., 1855.
„ J. B. Caldwell, O.S.B., 1857.
„ C. W. Price (second time)!
„ T. Fenn, 1866.
„ Henry Blunden, here 1872.
„ Joseph Toohey, 1874.
„ Francis Rotterman, 1877.
„ Joseph Verres, D.D., 1885.
„ Richard Canon Mansfield,
„ Joseph Randal Hurley, 1895.
„ Hugh C. Briggs, 1899.
„ Charles Gandy, 1903 to date.
N.W. (Westminster).
This mission — an offshoot from
that of Hampstead — was opened by
Canon Purcel. The temporary
chapel of the Convent of Franciscan
Sisters was blessed, and Mass said
there for the first time on November
14, 1883. A house belonging to the
Sisters was used as a temporary
chapel and school. The Catholic
population in 1883 was about 100.
For some time the mission was
served by the Passionist Fathers of
Highgate, Mass being said in the
house of a Catholic resident. The
church was solemnly opened May
22, 1888, by Dr. Weathers, Bishop
of Amycla. The building can ac
commodate about 250. Among
those who assisted the building
fund were Miss Mary Anderson
(Madame Navarro), the celebrated
actress, Madame Schumann, the
Baroness Von Hugel, Major Gape,
SURREY (Southwarty. The Holy
The Franciscan priory and
church, in the Gothic style, were
opened on Thursday, June 31, 1892,
by Bishop Patterson. The cost of
erection (£7,000) was defrayed by
Mgr. Wells, who further made a
gift of £5,000 to the Fathers to
free the church, etc., from debt.
The monastery serves as the novi
tiate for the English Franciscans.
The Kev. Fr. Bede, the first guardian
or superior of the place, did much
to draw a congregation to the
church, and would no doubt have
formed the nucleus of a permanent
one, when he was recalled to take
up important mission work in the
East End of London. The archi
tect of the friary was F. A. Walters,
Esq., of Westminster. The interior
of the church is very striking, the
chief objects of interest being a
handsome rood, carved oak choir
stalls, and mortuary chapel adorned
with a handsome triptych of the
Flemish school.
St. Mary.
The mission was started 1854.
The chapel was erected by Jn.
Pollen, Esq., of Eadbourne, and
opened August 22, 1855. For some
years the place was served from
Bath, Frome, and Devizes, but be
came an independent mission about
Priests since 1870.
Kev. Hy. Hancock.
„ Jn. Corbishley, 1882.
„ Geo. Bailey, 1888.
„ Ignatius Gurd, 1897.
„ Francis McElmail, 1904.
St. Mary, School Lane.
James Dewhurst, Esq., of Lea-
gram Hall, was prosecuted in 1586
for harbouring one Guile, ' a Popish
priest.' The hall afterwards came
into the possession of the Welds,
and at the ' Lawnd ' or lodge of
the estate lived Fr. Richard Pen-
coth, or Penketh, S.J., who died
here in August 1721 after many
years' missionary labour. A chapel
appears to have been built some
time prior to the accession of
James II., and another in 1787 by
Thos. Weld, Esq. This latter edifice
measured 60 ft. by 25 ft., and wa&
of very plain style. A third chapel
was erected in 1827-8, and was
served by the Jesuits till 1857.
The site was presented by Mr.
Priests since 1825.
Eev. J. Reeve.
P. Morrin, 1828.
Edw. Morrin, 1832.
— Peacock, 1834.
Edw. Morrin, 1836.
Felix Poole, 1840.
Jn. Middlehurst, 1842.
Jas. Bateman, 1846.
Peter de Blon, 1857.
Jn. Canon Rimmer, 1860.
Isidore de Gryse, 1866 to
SHIRE (Birmingham).
The mission was established in
1834, mainly through a bequest of
one Mary Bowden, and the chapel,
in the Classical style, erected 1837.
An endowment was settled upon
the incumbent by Miss Mary Bow-
den. To commemorate the jubilee
of the church a new chapel, sacristy,
and organ loft were built by sub
scription in 1888.
Rev. Patrick Heffernan, 1834.
„ Canon Mitchell, 1838.
„ Joseph Abbott, 1854.
„ Samuel Sole, 1879 to date.
TERSHIKE (Clifton). St. Laurence.
A mission was established at Hor-
ton in 1708, when John Paston,
Esq., of Norfolk, came ' to reside
on his Gloucestershire estates.' On
the death of Wm. Paston, Esq., in
1763, the estate was sold. Fr. Jas.
Placid Waters, O.S.B., was chaplain
1772-7. As late as 1855 there was
living at Horton a very old man who
remembered Mass being said at the
' Manor House ' in Mr. Wm. Pas-
ton's time. After the selling of the
estate, F. F. Pembridge and Ains-
worth attended the mission. In
1815, during Fr. Birdsall's time,
the chapel was an upper room of a
poor thatched cottage. A deal table
served as an altar, and the congre
gation consisted of about ten per
sons. The chapel at the old hall
remained intact as late as 1833, and
contained, inter alia, " a well carved
oak altar, a mahogany tabernacle,
two old candlesticks, and a little
bell on the altar steps on the epistle
side with Ave Maria round the
rim.' The place is now the village
school. The mission at Chipping-
Sodbury proper was started in
1838, the foundress being Mrs.
Sarah Neve, widow of the Rev.
Egerton Neve, a clergyman of the
Established Church. She was the
sister of the Countess de Front, wife
of Philip Count de Front, the Sar
dinian minister to the Court of St.
James's (d. 1812), and known as a
great benefactress to the Dover
mission. Mrs. Neve purchased the
largest inn at Chipping- Sodbury for
£1,300, and converted it into a
chapel and presbytery. The priests
there were Fr.Thos. Boiling, O.S.B.
(October 26, 1838-40) ; Fr. Jerome
Jenkins, O.S.B. (1840-1); Fr.
Bernard Paillet (1841) ; Fr. Igna
tius Sutton (1841- 5) ; Fr. Ambrose
Duck (1845-6) ; Fr. Maurus Cooper
(1846- January 1, 1869). Since his
death the chief incumbents have
been Fr. Placid Sinnot ; Fr. Ed
mund Caldwell, Fr. Ignatius Stuart.
The Catholic population of the
place was about sixty in February
St. Mary.
This mission dates from 1852.
The present cruciform church was
opened August 8, 1854, mainly
owing to the munificence of Cap
tain Bowden, of the Scots Guards.
Local Catholicity made great strides
under Canon Todd, the well-known
founder of the Boys' Orphanage,
Blackheath. Most of the congrega
tion in his time (1855-60) consisted
of poor Irish employed in the mills
at Crayford, St. Mary Cray, and
adjoining districts. During Canon
Todd's incumbency, the present fine
presbytery, in the Gothic style, was
erected and opened. The mission
will always be associated with the
exile of Napoleon III., Emperor of
the French, who, after the Franco-
i German war, resided at Camden
House, Chislehurst, from 1871 till
his death in 1873 (January 9).
Her Imperial Majesty the Empress
Eugenie, and their son, the ill-fated
Prince Imperial, were familiar
figures in the neighbourhood. The
Prince Imperial, after completing
his studies at Woolwich, joined the
Artillery (1875), and in March 1879
proceeded to Zululand as a volun
teer on Lord Chelmsford's staff.
On June 1 he was slain while on
reconnaissance. His obsequies at
Chislehurst were attended by the
Prince of Wales and a crowd of nota
bles (July 12, 1879) . Bishop Danell,
of Southwark, sang the Mass, as
sisted by Canons Wenham Moore,
Mgr. Goddard, Fr. Sammons, &c.
In 1888 the bodies of Napoleon III.
and the prince were removed to the
Imperial Mausoleum, Farnborough
(Hants), since 1881 the residence of
the Empress Eugenie — 'the sole
remnant of a shipwreck which
proves how fragile and vain are the
grandeurs of this world.' l Mgr.
Goddard, rector since 1870, was suc
ceeded by Fr. A. Boone, the present
incumbent. A notable feature of the
church is the beautiful recumbent
monument to the Prince Imperial,
erected by Mgr. Goddard shortly
before he left the mission. A fine
stained glass window and wrought
iron screen were added to the
Sacred Heart Chapel in October
CHISWICK, W. (Westminster).
Our Lady of Grace and St. Edward.
Mission established at Turnham
Green May 3, 1864, by Fr. Ryan.
Countess Tasker built the school,
opened February 2, 1865. By 1880
the district, which hitherto had been
1 Letter of H.I. Majesty to Mgr.
Goddard on his jubilee, June 1885.
one of market gardens, was built
over. The present church, in the
basilica style, was opened in Octo
ber 1886 by Cardinal Manning,
The accommodation is for about
600 ; cost of erection, £3,400.
Eev. M. Kyan, 1864.
„ John Doherty, 1869.
„ Reginald Canon Tuke, 1881.
, J. Keating.
(Liverpool). St. Gregory the Great.
The present mission is the repre
sentative of an ancient one at Burgh
Hall, the seat of the Rigby family.
After the death of the last member,
Sir Alex. Rigby, about 1700, the
estate passed to the Chadwicks. In
1774 Mr. Thomas Weld, fnther of
Cardinald Weld, presented the mis
sion with a chapel site at Chorley,
and the priest, Fr. J. Chadwick,
V.G. to Bishop Gibson, removed
thither. From this time the place
was known as Weld Bank. His
successor, Fr. R. Thompson, V.G.,
erected the present chapel (1815).
The high altar was put up by Fr.
Lennon (1870-96). In 1854 the con
gregation numbered 1,000. When
the church was enlarged (1877)
Catholics of the district were esti
mated at 5,000.
St. Augustine.
St. Peter's Priory (Gregorians)
was opened here 1892. The insti
tute appears to have been discon
tinued after 1896, when the mission
was continued by seculars.
Rev. Jerome Vaughan, 1892.
„ Paul Klootson, 1896.
„ Fredk. Holt, 1897 to date.
K 2
mouth). The Immaculate Concep
tion and St. Joseph.
A mission was opened at Burton
Green, near Christ Church at the
commencement of the last century
by the Abbe A. Cochet, an emigre
priest. As the congregation was
very poor, the Abbe supplemented
his income by taking pupils. The
Abbe would appear to have returned
to France at the restoration of
Louis XVIII. (1815). In 1822 the
priest at Burton Green was Fr. J.
Stapleton, and in 1835 Fr. K. Kelly.
In 1864 (November) Bishop Grant,
of Southwark, authorised by letter
the Rev. B. Van Reeth, the priest
of the mission, ' to collect funds
towards building a small church in
the town.' The last priest at Bur
ton Green was Fr. Van Eeeth, who
transferred the mission to Christ
Church. The present church was
opened December 1866. A reredos
and organ were added October 3878.
Mr. Sperati, of Highbury, London,
presented ground for a cemetery,
which was consecrated, June 1880.
(Plymouth). St. Cyprian.
Thomas first Lord Clifford
erected a domestic chapel at Ug-
brooke Park 1671. After his con
version he fitted it up in a splendid
manner for Catholic worship (1672).
The altar plate cost upwards of
£227. Next year the Test Act
ousted Lord Clifford from his posi
tion as Lord Treasurer (1673), an
event which his lordship only sur
vived a few months. He was buried
' in his owne chappell.' A cemetery
for Catholics was afterwards opened
at the rear of the building.
Rev. Thos. Risdon, 1701.
,, Dominic Derbyshire, O.P.,
James Price, O.S.B., 1757.
Jas. Frost, O.S.F., 1758.
Wm. Strickland, S.J., 1766.
Jos. Reeve, S.J., 1767 (died
here 1820, net. 87).
Felix Vauquelin, 1794.
Jas. Laurenson, S.J., 1816.
Jas. Brownbill, S.J., 1830.
Wm. Gotham, S.J., 1834.
Chas. Lomax, S.J., 1845.
Hy. Brigham, S.J., 1856.
Pat. Walsh, 1867.
Mgr. Thos. Reekie, 1877.
Hy. Dowsett, 1901 to date.
SHIRE (Clifton). St. Peter.
Fr. Anselm Glassbrook, O.S.B.,
fitted up ' a neat little chapel capa
ble of holding 100 persons,' which
was opened January 23, 1855. This
was the first time that Mass had
been said in the town since the
reign of Elizabeth. A larger chapel
was opened in 1862. This continued
till the completion of the present
fine church in 1896. For some
years after the mission was com
menced it was served from Fairford
and Stroud. In 1875 it was served
from Woodchester, but only at ' the
Eight Indulgences,' and this state
of dependence still continued in
1883. By 1891 the mission had a
resident priest, Fr. Jas. O'Shaugh-
nessy. Fr. J. Martin is the present
minster). Our Lady of Light.
For some time prior to 1884 Fr.
King used to come over once a
month and say Mass in a disused
Martello tower. The only Catholics
at Clacton at that time were some
coastguards and their families. In
1884 Fr. Beale hired the Town Hall
for Mass on Sundays. Owing to the
generosity of two Catholic ladies, a
chapel was opened at Montfort
House, in the Church Eoad, in June
1895. Mass was said here on
June 27 by Fr. Beale, the sermon
being preached by Fr. Lucas. The
mission is now in charge of the
Oblatcs of St. Charles.
war k). St. Mary.
On August 1, 1848, the Redemp-
torist Fathers took possession of
the old mansion which had for
merly belonged to Lord Teign-
mouth, and in which the famous
' Clapham sect ' had so often met.
One of the rooms was converted
into a chapel," and continued to
serve the mission till the opening
of the present church, which was
consecrated by Cardinal Wiseman,
October 13, 1852. Since that time
no fewer than eight missions have
been formed out of the wide area
formerly served by the Redemptorist
Fathers. The old house has re
cently been supplanted by a new
monastery. The church, which
was used for the first time on
May 14, 1851, was designed by
Wardell. Above the chancel arch j
is a fine fresco by Settegast. of
Coblentz, representing the ' Last I
Judgment.' The accommodation
is for about 600 persons. The |
jubilee of the establishment of the
mission was celebrated in the j
summer of 1898. The first Fathers j
to reside in the locality were the j
Rev. Frs. de Held and Petcherine,
C.S.S.R. Not far from the monas
tery stands the mother house of
the Notre I)amc Order, which also '
dates its commencement in this
country from 1848.
CIAPHAM, S.W. St. Vincent of
St. Bede, Thornton Road.
In September 1903 a large man
sion in the Thornton Road was
opened as a preparatory school to
St. John's Seminary, Wonersh.
The number of students in resi
dence is about sixteen. The church
adjoining is a plain commodious
building in the Romanesque style,
opened early in 1906. The school
is dedicated to St. John Berchmans.
Rev. G. Fitzgibbon, 1903.
„ M. P. Hanlon, 1905.
„ A. Armstrong, 1906.
minster). St. Scholastica's.
The mission was founded in 1862
by the Fathers of Charity from
Kingsland. Till 1877 the chapel
was a rented room in the London
Road. In the November of the
last-named year, Canon Bamber, of
Thorndon, Essex, presided at a
meeting to consider the erection of
a permanent chapel. Fr. R. Swift
was the priest in charge of the
mission. As an outcome of the
meeting a permanent chapel was
opened about 1880. Fr. Swift was
succeeded by Fr. Biale, the present
STANG, LANCS (Liverpool). St.
' Claughton Chapel,' near Gar-
stang, was the subject of a public
inquiry in 1591. The regular
succession of priests here dates
from the time of Charles I. Fr.
T. Whittaker, who suffered for the
Faith August 7, 1646, was priest
here. His portrait was preserved
at the English College, Douai, till
the time of the Revolution, and a
life-size statue was erected to the
memory of the martyr at Claughton-
on-Brock Church in September
1882. The next priests were:—
Frs. T. Walmsley (1665), E. Black
burn (1683), T. Taylor (1726),
R. Birtwistle (1727), Brockholes
(1740). Under Fr. J. Parkinson
the chapel was opened over the
presbytery, 1744. It was enlarged
in 1794 by Fr. Jn. Barrow, and
again in 1805 by Fr. H. Gradwell.
Mgr. Robt. Gradwell, who was
priest from 1811, was appointed
rector of the English College,
Rome, in 1818. His brother Henry
succeeded at Claughton-on-Brock,
where he continued till his death in
1860. The schools, which date
from 1840, are due to a bequest from
Mrs. Catherine Gill. A baptistery
and confessional were added to the
church in 1883. The cemetery,
opened in 1873, was given by T. F.
Brockholes, Esq. The belfry was
erected in 1897 in memory of the
late Queen's jubilee. In December
1899 the late rector, Mgr. Grad
well, nephew of the bishop, cele
brated the golden jubilee of his
SHIRE (Nottingham}. SS. Patrick
and Bridget.
On the death of the last member
of the ancient Catholic family of
Hunloke, the chapel at Birdholme
was discontinued (1859 ?). In 1862,
when the estimated CathoUo popu
lation of Clay Cross was upwards
of 450, the Bishop of Nottingham
caused a plain but commodious
chapel in the Gothic style to be
erected. It was opened on June 1
of the same year, but for some time
Mass was only said there occasion
ally. Fr. A. McKenna, of Ilkes-
ton, had charge of the mission in
1863. He came over once a fort
night, said Mass at Clay Cross, and
attended sick calls. The new
church was opened by the Bishop
of Nottingham, Thursday, Novem
ber 9, 1882. The building is Gothic,
consisting of nave, chancel, and
Lady Chapel. The accommoda
tion is for 200. The site and much
of the cost of the new church were
provided by W. Arkwright, Esq.
pool). St. Bede.
There were many ' schismatic
Catholicks ' reported to be living in
this district, 1590. No mission,
however, was founded here till
1822, when Fr. S. Day commenced
the chapel opened in 1824. The
mission is served by the Bene
Rev. S. Day, 1822.
Thos. Caldwell, 1836.
James Dowding, 1840.
Wilfrid Phillipson, 1876.
Jn. Placid O'Brien, 1879.
Augustine (Abbot) Bury,
Leonard Davies, 1895 to date.
ham and Newcastle}. Sacred Heart
of Our Lady.
A chapel was established here
1853-4, under the title of St. Bega.
The accommodation was for 500-
600. Owing to the working of the
rich hematite iron mines in the
district, the population greatly
increased, so that by 1869 the
Catholic section alone was esti
mated at 5,000. On October 3 of
the last-named year, the first stone
of the present church was laid by
Bishop Chadwick, of Hexham, and
the building was opened 1872.
The style is cruciform and Gothic ;
architect, E. W. Pugin ; cost, about
£5,000 ; dimensions, 130 ft. by 50ft.
Priests (O.S.B.).
Eev. W. Holden, 1853.
„ Francis Williams, 1860 et seq.
„ Matthew Brierley, here in
„ Jn. Burchall, 1877.
„ Essington Boss, 1888.
„ Joseph Warden, 1890.
„ Thos. McCabe, 1891.
„ Edward Ward, 1893.
„ Bobt. Kershaw, 1902 to date.
(Westminster). SS. Peter and
Paul, Bosoman Street.
This mission was established in
1843 by Fr. J. Hearne, and was for
some time known as the Saffron
Hill Mission. The first chapel was
a room of No. 1 Leicester Place,
Saffron Hill. In 1847 ' a spacious
Baptist chapel' in Upper Boso
man Street was purchased for
£2,300 and fitted up as a Catholic
church. The style of the building
is Grecian, and the accommodation
is for about 1,000 persons. Various
improvements were effected in
1856, when the galleries were re
duced and open seats provided.
The first priests of the mission
were Spanish — Frs. Herera and
Farria. The next to succeed were
the Bevs. P. McClean and C.
Woolett. Fr. McClean died in
1850, when Fr. J. Kyne was ap
pointed. In 1864 the priests were
the Bevs. Walter McAvila and
Cyriacus Herdel, Fr. Zsilkay was
rector 1875, Fr. Biemans in 1885,
Fr. A. Pownall 1898, Fr. G, Curtis
The Immaculate Conception.
The Franciscans, expelled from
France by the Jules Ferry laws of
1881-82, settled in Clevedon and
acquired the premises formerly
known as the Boyal Hotel. Here
they established a monastery and
chapel. On January 17, 1884, the
structure was seriously injured by
a fire, but the rest of the building
was happily saved from destruction,
though much church furniture was
destroyed. A new bell, weighing
over 400 cwt., was hung in the
belfry of the new church during
the course of its erection, Sep
tember 1886.
The town is considered by some
to give its name to the ancient
Catholic family of Clifford-Con
stable. The church was opened
January 18, 1842. A great 'mis
sion ' was given here in December
1849 by Fr. Furlong, which was
attended by ' vast crowds.'
Rev. Edw. Clifford, 1842.
,, James Cullimore, 1860.
„ Matthew Gosse, 1904.
Cathedral of the Apostles.
The site of the church was pur
chased in 1833 by Fr. Edge worth,
one of the priests at St. Joseph's,
Trenehard Street. This excellent
missioner greatly distinguished
himself by his ' humanity and
courage ' during the terrible Be-
form riots at Bristol in 1831. A
temporary chapel was opened on
the ground in 1842, but the expenses
incurred were too much for Fr.
Edgeworth, and, becoming bank
rupt, he had to retire to Antwerp
(1844). The old title of the church
was St. Augustine Apostle of Eng
land. Bishop Ullathorne, after his
consecration as V.A.W.D. in June
1846, made this his vicarial church.
Rev. F. Edgeworth, 1842.
„ T. M. Macdonnell, 1844.
„ Bishop Ullathorne, admini
strator, 1846.
., Wm. J. Vaughan, 1849
(Bishop of Plymouth in suc
cession to Bishop Erringtoii,
1855 ; d. October 25, 1902).
„ F. K. Canon Neve, 1855.
„ John Canon Bonomi, 1863.
„ Provost F. Neve (second
time), 1870.
„ Mgr. John Clarke, D.D., V.G.
,, Arthur Canon Russell, V.G.,
„ David Canon O'Brien, 1904
to date.
LANCS (Liverpool).
The church of SS. Catharine and
Barbara was erected between 1878
and June 1880 by Mrs. Fitzherbert-
Brockholes. The congregation in
1880 numbered fifty-two, and the
seating capacity of the church is for
double that number. The mission
was formerly served by the do
mestic chapel at Clifton Hill, the
residence of the Gillows.
Rev. E. Swarbrick, 1878.
„ Alf. Walmsley, 1885.
„ Jn. Crilly, 1889.
„ Rd. Barton, 1891.
„ Pat. Delany, 1901 to date.
SS. Michael and John.
In 1797 the congregation con
sisted of ' twelve poor Catholics.'
Fr. John Laurenson, of Stonyhurst,
hired a small outbuilding, and said
Mass there for the first time in
November 1797. The congrega
tion increased and a larger chapel
was erected. Till 1842 the mission
was served from Stonyhurst. In
1843 Fr. J. Holden was resident
priest at Clitheroe. On Thursday
the octave of Corpus Christi, 1850,
the new church was opened by
Bishop Brown, V.A. The congre
gation at this time numbered 800.
The church, which was designed
by Hansom, cost £2,500. Fr. T.
Seed, of Stonyhurst, had charge of
the mission at this time. The new
Lady Chapel of the building was
opened in September 1884. It
contains a beautiful alabaster statue
of Our Lady and three paintings by
Mr. Joseph Bonvier.
DERBYSHIRE (Nottingham).
The mission was commenced
1903, when a chapel was esta
blished at Southgate House under
the title of the Sacred Heart and
Our Lady of Victories. The chapel
is now (1905) in Mill Street.
Rev. Charles Froes.
„ Alfred L. Barry, 1905.
In the eighteenth century, the Bid-
dulphs and Macclesfields were the
chief Catholic families in north
west Staffordshire. Mass was some-
iines said at Chesterton Hall, the
residence of theMacclesfield family,
prior to 1752. Fr. Flynn was the
first resident priest (1752). In 1780
or 1781 the Rev. John Corne built a
chapel and presbytery. Messrs.
Bucknell and Black well, two
wealthy Catholic potters, in con
junction with another Catholic,
Mr. Dadford, architect and agent
to the Grand Trunk Canal Com
pany, contributed largely to the
cost of building. Fr. Prender-
gast and Fr. Lewis Gerard sub
sequently enlarged the building
by galleries and wings (1817-18).
They likewise erected schools for
250 children. In 1832 the Catholic
population = 300. Fr. Leith re
stored the chapel about 1853. In
1858 he became M.R.
Priests from 1780.
Rev. J. Corne, 1780.
„ F. Hartley, 1784.
„ R. Prendergast, 1794.
„ Abbe Louis Giraud or Gerard,
„ Roger J. 0. Higgin, O.S.F.,
„ Jos. Abbot, 1845.
„ Thos. Matthias, 1851.
„ Phil. Hendren. 1873.
„ Alf. Mulligan, 1903.
(Hcxliam and Newcastle). St.
Land for a church was purchased
in 1847, but as late as 1853 the
Catholics of the place were com
pelled ' to assemble for Divine
worship in a hayloft open to the
tiles and immediately over public
stables.' At first, the mission was
served from Wigton once a month,
but by 1850 Fr. Joseph Watson had
come as resident priest. The church
was commenced early in 1856, and
opened November 2G the same year.
Schools were erected and the
church enlarged during the incum
bency of Fr. Smits. The Mission
passed over to the Benedictines in
1902. The Jubilee of the church
was celebrated, September 15 and
16, 1906.
Rev. Joseph Canon Humble, 1848.
,, Joseph Watson, 1849.
„ Robt. Orrell, 1854.
„ R. Canon Smith, 1857.
, Wm. Farmery, 1858.
, — Hanigan, 1861.
, Pat. Bourke, 1863.
, Edw. O'Dwyer, 1867.
, — O'Connor, 1869.
, — M'Cartney, 1870.
, James Corboy, 1870.
, James Smits, 1871.
„ Thos. Clavering, 1885.
„ James Smits (second time),
„ Robt. Fishwick, O.S.B., 1902
to date.
SHIRE (Newport).
The Church of the Immaculate
Conception was built in 1847, when
Fr. Thos. Abbot was priest. The
mission was started in 1845 by Fr.
Burgess, of Monmouth, ' for the
sake of the remnants of three former
congregations in this part of Mon
mouthshire.' The first 'mission'
ever given in the church concluded
on September 12, 1880, when Fr.
Seraphim, O.S.F.C., of Chester, had
the happiness of bringing back
'many stray Catholics' to their
religious duties.
Rev. Burgess, 1845.
Thos. Abbot, 3847.
Austin Neary, 1852.
J. Arquis, 1854.
Edw. Glassbrooke, here in
F. Marianas, 1877.
John Higgins, 1882.
P, Capron, 1885,
Rev. Clement Matthews, 1888.
„ F. Tierney, 1891.
„ P. Cardinael, 1893.
„ Isidore Heneka, 1899.
„ J. Murphy, 1902 to date.
ster). St. James.
Sir George Mannock, Jesuit and
last baronet, lived at Bromley Hall,
near Colchester, from about 1775 to
1782. He used to say Mass in a
private chapel and attend to the
few Catholics in the district. The
present mission was established in
1837, when the church in Priory
Street was opened, on November 3
of that year. Before this time the
nearest chapel was at Thorndon
Hall, Lord Petre's residence. About
1867 a separate camp-chapel for the
Catholic soldiers at Colchester was
opened by Fr. J. Vertue, afterwards
first Bishop of Portsmouth. Car
dinal Manning confirmed sixty-eight
persons in the church September
1886, and administered the pledge
to many civilians and soldiers.
Eev. C. King, 1837.
J. Kaye, 1845.
Julius Picquot, D.D., 1848.
E. Canon Shepherd, 1857.
C. Woolett, 1867.
E. Meyer, 1885.
C. P. Collingridge, 1889.
Cornelius Biale, 1892.
Mgr. Vincent Coletti, D.I).,
Angelo Lucas, 1899.
Jn. Bloomfield, 1903 to date.
ton}. Our Lady and St. Joseph.
Coldham Hall was the ancestral
seat of the Eookwood and Gage
families, Edward Gage, Esq., third
son of Sir John Gage, of Firle, was
created a baronet by Charles II.
1662. The last of this ancient
Catholic stock was Sir John Gage,
Major, Scots Guards, who died in
1879. The mission of Coldham
was early served by the Jesuit
Fathers. The martyr, Fr. Thos.
Garnett, nephew of Fr. Henry
Garnett, was seized near Coldham
in 1608. Fr. James Dennett, pro
vincial of the Society in England,
was missioner at Coldham for many
years, and travelling tutor to Sir
Thos. Eookwood Gage, fifth baronet.
The last Jesuit chaplain at Coldham
was Fr. Edward Baptist Newton,
who died here 1787. After this the
place was served from Bury St.
Edmunds, but the congregation
rapidly declined, so that what had
once been a body of eighty com
municants had by 1834 fallen to
thirteen. The old mission was,
however, served, like that of Hen-
grave, the other residence of the
Gages, at the Eight Indulgences.
The above-mentioned Fr. Newton
in his correspondence gives a sad
picture of the state of Catholicity
in the neighbourhood at the close
of the eighteenth century. This
zealous missioner had often to tra
verse a district of some fifty miles,
visiting Sudbury, Chilton, Clare,
Melford, ' where nothing is to be
met with but ignorance, stupidity,
and sometimes a total neglect of
religion.' In one place the Catholics
had fallen from 100 to four ! The
mission was apparently closed from
1856 to 1860, when it again figures
in the ' Catholic Directory.' The
church was opened in 1870.
Priests of the Mission since 1800.
Eev. L. Simon (served from Bury,
„ James O'Neill, 1840.
„ Bernard Shanley, 1843,
„ P, Gates, 1844-55,
Kev. Wm. Poole, 1860.
„ Christopher Scott, 1863.
„ Patrick Canon Eogers, 1867.
„ George Miles, 1885.
„ Augustine Wilkinson, 1890 to
(Birmingham). The Sacred Heart
and St. John.
Mission established February
1880. Fr. C. Wheatley, the first
priest, said Mass ' in a rented room
over a stable.' The congregation
at that time was ' small and very
poor.' In addition to these, Fr.
Wheatley had also charge of the
Catholic children in the Marston
Green Homes.
Eev. C. Wheatley, 1880.
„ James Giblin, 1885.
„ C. Gottwaltz, 1888.
„ Geo. Hudson, 1899 to date.
COLNE LANCS (Salford).
The Rev. Dean Jones, who came
to reside at Colne in 1872, was the
first priest in the district since the
Reformation. The neighbourhood
was once a stronghold of Catholicity,
as the numerous ruins of churches
&c. show. A new school and chapel
were commenced in December
1887, and opened July 15, 1888.
The number of Catholic children
then attending the school was about
sixty. The adult population was
over 400. Before the opening of
the school chapel, the place of wor
ship was a shed over a chemist's
Rev. Jones, 1872.
„ Pierce Griffith, 1873.
„ D. Reynders, 1879.
„ Henry Mom, 1885.
„ A. Van der Beek, 1904 to date.
The 'beautiful little Gothic
structure,' as the chapel was de
scribed, was opened in October
1840. Francis Martin, Esq., of
Colston Hall, gave the site.
Rev. J. Bick, 1840. Served from
EastwelllSeOe^seg-. At pre
sent served from Carlton.
ham). St. Benedict's Priory.
In 1652 a filiation of the Bene
dictine Nuns of Cambray opened a
convent in Paris for the purpose of
devoting themselves to the per
petual adoration of the Blessed
Sacrament. At the general up
heaval consequent on the Revolu
tion, the community came to Eng
land, and were settled at Marnhull,
Dorset, under the protection of the
Hussey family (1795). In 1807
they removed to Caiinington, near
Bridgewater, where Lord and Lady
Clifford afforded them ' a very com
fortable and conventual asylum at
Cannington Court House.' On
leaving this retreat in 1835 for Col-
wich, their 'large and beautiful
chapel,' opened July 7, 1831, be
came the church of the Cannington
Mission (q.v.). The convent at Col-
wich is a strictly enclosed com
munity, and receives neither
boarders or pupils. The church is
open to the public,
(Westminster}. SS. Mary and
The history of the old Virginia
Street mission — the forerunner of
the church in Commercial Eoad —
is buried in obscurity. In 1768
Fr. James Webb, the priest of the
chapel, was tried before the Court
of King's Bench at Westminster
for saying Mass. The infamous
Payne was the informer on this
occasion, but Lord Chief Justice
Mansfield at the trial laid down
the important rule that before a
priest could be convicted it was
necessary to prove, first, that he was
really a priest, and, secondly, that he
had actually said Mass. The jury
acquitted the accused. In January
1770, the Hon. and Et. Eev. Bishop
Talbot, brother of the Earl of
Shrewsbury, was committed for
trial for having exercised his priestly
functions at Virginia Street. He
was tried at the Old Bailey (Feb
ruary), but acquitted on the same
grounds as Fr. Webb. He was the
last Catholic clergyman to be in
dicted for saying Mass. In 1773
he took a lease of the chapel in
Virginia Street for eighty-four years.
The property was acquired from
the London Dock Company, the
bishop being mentioned in the
document as plain Mr. James Tal
bot. The old chapel or Mass
House was one of those destroyed
by Lord George Gordon's mob in
1780. The priest of the mission,
Fr. M. Coen, might have defended
the place with upwards of 3,000
Irish labourers, but he yielded to
the wishes of the magistrates, who
dreaded the results of so terrible a
conflict.1 The priest, however, re-
1 One of the rioters who helped to
burn the chapel, and who was fearfully
mangled by the bullets and bayonets of
the troops in the repression of the riots
ceived compensation from the
Government, and a chapel, ' totally
devoid of ornament,' was subse
quently erected at a cost of £'1,500.
By 1820 the Catholic population of
Commercial Eoad had increased to
! 20,000. About 1815 a collection
for a new church was set on foot
by Fr. Horrabin, and after many
years a site in Commercial Eoad
was purchased in 1842 at a cost
of £'3,000. Fr. Horrabin died in
1846, and in 1851 the foundation
of the new church for which ho
had so ardently longed was laid.
The new building was opened by
Cardinal Wiseman on December 8,
1856, in the presence of the Bishops
of Northampton, Nottingham, and
Troy. The church is Gothic of the
Decorated period. The total length
is 185 ft., breadth 75 ft., and in
appearance the inside of the church
much resembles St. George's Cathe
dral. The total cost was about
£30,000. The Catholic schools were
founded in 1778 by a few Irishmen
resident in Wapping. In 1810 a
similar establishment for girls was
opened by Fr. J. Delaney. The
Christian Brothers taught the boys
in 1838, and in December 1849 the
new Catholic schools were opened
by Bishop Wiseman, assisted by
Bishop Morris and the Hon. Charles
Langdale. The total number of
children receiving education there
in 1858 was about 2,000.
Priests since 1856.
Eev. W. Kelly.
,, Pat. Canon 0'Callaghan,M.E.,
,, Geo. Canon Akers, 1897.
„ Peter E. Amigo, 1899, Bishop
of Southwark, 1904.
„ Andrew Dooley. Dean, ME.,
on June 6, 1780, was long supported by
the congregation of Commercial Road
after the chapel had been rebuilt.
Rev. Timothy Bing Dean, 1905 to
bury). St. Mary.
On December 21, 1821, Mass
\vas said here in a cottage in
Moody Street by Fr. J. Hall, of
Macclesfield. The club room of
the Angel Hotel was afterwards
hired on Sundays, and this served
as a place of worship till the open
ing of a chapel in 1826. The
underneath portions of the building
were used as schools.
Rev. J. Hall, 1821.
„ C. Brigham, 1831.
„ J. Pratt, 1834.
„ J. Fisher, 1840.
J. Hill, 1850.
J. Anderton, 1853.
H. Lynch, 1855.
J. Daly, 1861.
G. Clegg, 1863.
F. O'Neil, 1872.
F. Waterhouse, 1873.
P. Power, 1880.
G. Carton, 1884.
P. Coleman, 1887.
C. Hooghe, 1888.
J. Haskett, 1889.
W. Kelly, 1891.
H. Donlevy, 1894.
Wm. Reade, 1903 to date.
CONISTON, IANCS (Liverpool).
The Sacred Heart.
The want of a chapel in this dis
trict was advertised in the Tablet
for September 17, 1859. The ex-
Queen of the French (Amelie), who
spent the autumn of that year at
Coniston, threw open her domestic
chapel to the neighbouring Catho
lics, and before her departure is
reported to have forwarded a sub
stantial sum to the Bishop of Liver
pool towards the erection of a
church. This was opened by
Bishop Goss on September 29,
1872, the Sunday preceding his
Rev. Pat. M'Aroy, 1867.
„ Hy. Gibson, 1874.
„ Peter Lavertv, 1889 to date.
(Nottingham). Our Lady of Mount
Irnham Hall, the seat of the
Thimelby family, is considered by
some to have preserved the Faith in
these parts from Catholic times.
Fr. Richard Thimelby, S.J., one of
those accused by Oates as privy to
the concocted ' Plot,' was a member
of this family. The last of the
race was John Thimelby, Esq.,
who died 1720, at. 86. His pro
perty passed to the Lords Clifford,
with whose descendants it still re
mains. The chapel was served by
the Jesuits down to 1845, when the
mission was handed over to the
Vicar Apostolic. The same year,
the old chapel at Irnham was de
molished and the stones used for
building a small church at Corby.
A handsome school - house was
opened September 1881 on a site
given by Henry Clifford, Esq.
Secular Priests since 1845.
Rev. Canon Gascoyne, 1845.
,, Joseph Canon Baron, 1880.
„ John Brown, 1901.
., A. Howarth, 1(J05 to date.
NORFOLK (Northampton). St.
Cossey Hall, the ancient seat
of the Jerningham family, remained
a centre of Catholic faith and en
durance throughout the penal times.
About 1805 the number of Catholics
in the district is said to have only
amounted to about thirty. In 1832
it had risen to 400. Two years later,
the fine church was commenced by
George Jerningham, Baron Stafford.
The architect was Mr. Buckler,
of Oxford. The height is 40 ft.;
length, 100 ft. ; width, 25 ft. A con
siderable portion of the building
fund was collected by Mgr. Husen-
beth, chaplain to the family, and
famous as the biographer of Bishop
Milner. Some of the windows con
tain specimens of mediaeval glass
rescued from various French
churches at the time of the Revolu-
tion. At the opening, May 26, 1841,
an ancient pre- Reformation Missal
was used by Mgr. Husenbeth, who
sang the Mass. This great scholar
is the well-known author of the
' Life of Bishop Milner,' and was
chaplain at Cossey till his death,
October 31, 1872. ' The Royal Hotel
Guide to Norwich,' 1898, thus
speaks of Cossey : — ' The Roman
Catholic body is very strong in
Cossey, and probably Mgr. Davies,
the present occupant of the Roman
Catholic presbytery here, has one
of the largest flocks professing Papal
tenets of any village in England.'
Rev. Geo. Chamberlayne, 1784.
This gentleman, an M.A. of
King's College, Cambridge,
was received into the Church
at the Sardinian Chapel,
Lincoln's Inn Fields, 1780.
Dr. Johnson, on hearing of
the sacrifice involved by this
step, exclaimed, with refer
ence to Mr. Chamberlayne,
' God bless him 1 ' (Boswell).
Mr. Chamberlayne was or
dained priest at Douai 1783,
and served the Cossey Mis
sion from 1784 till 1798. He
died February 4, 1815, aged
Rev. Samuel Jones.
„ Mgr. Husenbeth, 1820, till his
death, October 31, 1872.
„ Mgr. Geo. Davies, 1872 to
This mission was for generations
served by the domestic chapel of
the Haydock family. Fifteen years
before the death of the last Squire
Haydock Fr. John Keiidal rented a
barn and four acres at Cottam from
Wil. Bilsborrow, yeoman, and fitted
up a chapel and presbytery. In
1745, after the retreat of Prince
Charles Edward and the High
landers from Derby, the chapel was
burnt by a ' No Popery ' mob from
Preston. The priest at Cottam at
this time was Fr. John Harrison,
who took the mission oath at Douai
November 3, 1734. After the burn
ing of the chapel, Fr. Harrison went
to Townely, where he served as
priest till about 1775. He died
January 16, 1780, at the house of
his brother Lawrence, in the Friar-
gate, Preston. The successor of
Fr. Harrison at Cottam was Fr. J.
Cowban, who afterwards went to
Crathorne, where he died October 6,
1777. Fr, Smith was priest at
Cottam in 1763, and either he or
Fr. Cowban restored the chapel.
During the great election riot at
Preston in 1768, the chapel was
again in danger. In 1769 Fr. J.
Lund was priest. He built the
present chapel in 1793, and was
rector till his death in 1812. Fr.
Thos. Berry, who was priest till
1845, built the presbytery. Fr.
Dixon was the next priest till 1852.
Fr. Geo.Corless, D.D., his successor,
laid out the cemetery and enlarged
the sacristy. He died November 1,
1865. The next priests were : —
The Kevs. Roger Taylor (resigned
1867), H. J. Throwner (1868), F.
Gillow. At present (1904) the in
cumbent of the mission is Fr. Joseph
(Birmingham). SS. Peter, Paul,
and Elizabeth.
Coughton Castle is one of the his
toric residences of the Throckmor-
tons. It has several priests' hiding-
places, aud in one of these, in an
' angle turret,' an altar- stone was
discovered some years back. Fr.
Garnett, S.J., who suffered for the
Gunpowder Plot, 1606, was here in
November 1604, and it was after
wards alleged that an exhortation
he used ' to be rid of heresy ' was
in connection with the impending
conspiracy. The words, however,
were those of a prayer in use for
centuries. Fr. Pope was chaplain
here in 1824, and Fr. Davis, O.S.B.,
from 1835 to 1889! The present
Gothic church superseded the old
chapel, 1857.
FORDSHIRE (Newport}.
The ancestral seat of the Vaughan
family, whose domestic chapel has
for generations served the Catholics
of the district. Fr.Thomas Vaughan,
who died of ill-usage at the hands
of the persecutors during the per
secution in 1646, was a member of
this family, In 1688 the mansion
was invaded by an anti-Catholic
Whig mob and much damage done.
In more recent times the chapel
became a centre from which many
of the surrounding missions were
either started or supplied. Thus
in 1836, when Fr. J. Reeve was
chaplain, the chapel of Hatherop
was dependent on Courtfield for a
monthly Mass. The chaplain at
Courtfield in 1825 was Fr. J. Knight.
In 1881 the chapel was redecorated
and reopened by Bishop Hedley,
of Newport. Archbishop Kenelm
Vaughan, who died at Ince Blundell
in 1883, was interred at Courtfield
pending the removal of his remains
to his metropolitan cathedral of
(Birmingham). St. Osburg, Hill
When the mission was started,
1757-60, there were only four
Catholics in the city — Mrs. Bruck-
field, Ann Short, Mr. and Mrs.
Lane. The nearest chapel was at
Wappenbury. About 1757, Fr.
Hy. Bishop used to come once a
month ' to say prayers ' (? Mass) at
Mrs. Bruckfield's,near St. Michael's
Churchyard. In 1764 Fr. Diconson,
O.S.F., came to reside permanently
at Mr. Bruckfield's house, that
gentleman having been con verted to
the faith with a Mr. Whittingham.
In 1775 a permanent chapel was
established in Miss Latham's house
in Little Park Street. This chapel
was finally shut up ' on account of
the faithful not subscribing in a
proper manner.' A chapel was
then opened in Mitford (Smithford)
Street, 1795 ; but, owing to some
difference among the congregation,
all did not attend, till, 'by order of
the Bishop,' the Smithford Street
chapel was declared that of the
mission, when the irritation ceased,
January 31, 1796.1 The labours of
the missioners were well rewarded.
In spite of the penal laws the num
ber of Catholics increased from the
four of 1757 to nearly one hundred in
1770. The chapelin Smithford Street
was transferred to Hill Street 1807.
An ' unliquidated debt ' was still on
the building in 1825. Bishop Ulla-
thorne, who resided here from 1841,
was, on his consecration in 184G,
presented by the congregation with
a splendid set of silver Mass cruets
of ancient design. The present
church was commenced 1843, on
the highest part of the city. The
Gothic building (115 ft. by 50 ft.)
designed by C. Hansom, was opened
September 10, 1845, by Bishop
Wiseman, assisted by Bishops
Sharpies, Briggs, Griffiths, Morris,
and Brady (West Australia). A set
of fine stained-glass windows was
presented by the Blount family.
Rev. Henry Bishop, 1757 or 1758.
,, M. Diconson, or Dickinson,
O.S.F., 1764.
„ Alexius Whalley, O.S.F., 1766.
„ Geo. Baynham, O.S.F., 1769.
„ Bernardino Fleet, O.S.F., 1776.
„ John Bonaventure Pilling,
O.S.F., 1779.
„ Anselm Millward,O.S.F., 1794.
„ — Angler, O.P., May 22, 1795,
to August 27, 1795.
„ Peter Bernardine Collingridge,
1795 ; Bishop of Tliespice,
1807 ; died 1829.
„ James Vincent Sharp, O.P.,
1 The other chapel at this time, 1795,
was at Mr. Whittingham's. The origin
of the dispute is not clear, but it pro
bably arose from the payment difficulty
referred to above.
Rev. Richard Anthony Sunmei',
1801. (The Abbe Messinge
' supplied ' till his arrival.)
- Dawber, — .
C. Ferand, here in 1824.
— Bretherton, 1826.
Richard Marsh, 1828.
Thos. Cockshoot, 1831.
R. Pope, 1840.
W. B. Ullathorne, 1841 ;
Bishop of Hetalona and
V.A.C.D., 1846; of Birm
ingham, 1850 ; died 1889.
J. A. Clarkson, 1846.
Thos. Hepton stall, 1852.
Ralph Pratt, 1854.
Cuthbert Smith, here in 1871.
Henry Moore, here in 1875
(Abbot 1890) till 1892.
Antonio Ambrose Pereira,
John Clement Fowler, 1896
to date.
mouth). St. Thomas of Canter
About 1795, Mrs. Heneage, a
wealthy Catholic lady, proposed
the erection of the chapel, the
plans of which were drawn by Fr.
Thos. Gabb, a skilful amateur
architect. The building was
opened in 1796 at a cost of £3,000.
more than half of which might
have been saved had the chaplain's
advice been attended to ! Fr. Gabb,
nevertheless, was most unjustly
blamed for the waste of money and
dismissed. He died on the mission
at Worksop Manor, April 17, 1817,
aged 75. A Catholic circulating
library in connection with the
Cowes mission was formed 1850-51.
Priests from 1825,
Rev. W. Pierrepont, — .
„ Jos. Rathbone, 1832.
„ W. Fryer, 1842.
Kev. C, D'Arcy, 1849.
,, J. Canon Bower, 1853.
„ R. Davis, 1885 (?) to date.
(Hexliam and Newcastle}. St.
About 1771 Mr. Maiiow Sidney
became a Catholic while a student
at Cambridge. The immediate
cause of his conversion was the
strong Gospel argument for the
Real Presence as compared with
protestant denial.1 In 1804 he
succeeded to the family estate at
Cowpen, where he opened a chapel
and encouraged Catholicity in every
way. The present chapel was
erected by his son, Marlow John
Sidney, Esq., 1842. Schools were
opened 1844. A gallery was added,
1860, thus increasing the accommo
dation by sixty sittings. The
mission is served by Benedictines.
New schools were opened November
Rev. J. B. Thomas, 1840.
W. Burchall, 1846.
J. B. Caldwell, 1852.
J. Burchall, 1854.
Percy Anderson, 1867.
Jos. Murphy, 1873.
Ralph Pearson, 1879.
Wm. Farrant, 1885.
Jn. Oswald Burchall, 1892.
Joseph Kershaw, to date.
liam and Newcastle}. St. Agnes.
A mission established in 1892
1 An interesting account of his con
version was written by his grand
daughter and published under the title
of A Hundred Years Ago. (Burns
and Gates, 1«77.)
for the benefit of the many
Catholics of this mining centre.
Rev. Philip Fitzgerald, 1892.
„ Edw. Beech, 1893.
,, Francis Holmes, to date.
ward). St. Francis.
About 1858 the Hon. Mrs. Mont
gomery went to live near Crawley.
At that time it is said there was
not a Catholic in the place. Mrs.
Montgomery turned her coach
house and stable into a chapel and
school-room and so a mission was
formed. In 1861 there were about
twenty-five children in the school
and an adult congregation of over
thirty. The Capuchin Fathers, who
had charge of the mission, com
menced the present church and
monastery in 1860, on a site pre
sented by Captain Francis Blunt,
60th Rifles, a near relation of Mrs.
Montgomery's, who also most gener
ously gave £2,000 towards the
erection of the buildings. The
solemn opening took place on the
feast of St. Seraphim, October 12,
1861. Canon Oakeley preached at
the Pontifical High Mass (St. Luke
xix. 9). Of recent years a philo
sophical society for the discussion
of religio-scientific subjects was
established at the monastery and
the meetings attended by some of
the first scholars and thinkers of
the day.
CRAYFORD, KENT (South war Jf).
St. Mary of the Grays.
Many Catholics were reported to
be living in the neighbourhood in
1841, at which time Mass was said
once a month by Fr. Nightingale
in the house of Aug. Applegarth,
Esq. In May 1842, the chapel
was opened. Fr. Aug. Applegarth,
son of the above-named gentleman,
was the first resident priest (1843-
1855). Bishop Griffiths confirmed
thirty persons here, December 1,
1844. The school and presbytery
were erected in Fr. Donovan's time
Recent Priests.
Eev. Jos. Alberry.
„ Jn. Boase, 1877.
„ Win. Hogan, 1887 to date.
A chapel was maintained at
Draycott Hall, Cresswell, by the
Lords Langdale during a great
portion of the penal times. On the
death of the fifth Lord Langdale,
in 111!, the property went to his
sister and finally to the Stourtons.
Shortly after the death of Lord
Langdale, the chapel was removed
to Cresswell. A larger chapel was
built in 1782. Fr. Edward Coyney,
who was at Draycott during the
early part of the eighteenth century,
did much to keep Catholicity alive
in those parts. He used to visit
his scattered flock disguised as a
pedlar. Fr. Alban Butler was
priest at Cresswell for a time and
here he completed his ' Lives of
the Saints.' In 1815 Fr. T. Bad-
deley built ' a handsome Gothic
chapel ' at Cresswell and opened a
secondary school. He died in
1823. The Draycott and Cresswell
missions may be called the cradle
of North Staffordshire Catholicity
in recent times. In 1834 the
Catholics at Cresswell numbered
Priests after Fr. Cresswell.
Rev. J. Canon Dunne (he was rector
till 1881), 1824.
„ S. E. Canon Bathurst, 1881.
„ Thos. Scott, 1883 to date.
In 1830 Crewe contained less
than 250 inhabitants and indeed
was no more, topographically
speaking, than ' a village in Che
shire.' By 1846, owing to the
L. & N. W. Railway having estab
lished their engine and rolling-
stock works here, the village had
become a town with many thou
sands of inhabitants. The mission
was established here that year ' in
an inconvenient building,' which
later on gave place to a com
modious school chapel. At a
meeting of the congregation in
November 1888 proposals were
made for the erection of a church.
After some delay the present
building was commenced in 1890
and opened in 1891.
Rev. Jn. Quealy, 1846.
Martin Brodrick, 1848.
— Foster, 1851.
Rd. Doyle, 1852.
Hy. Alcock, 1853.
Roger McCarte, 1857.
Thos. Canon Marsden, 1871.
Fredk Waterhouse, 1882.
Jn. Barry, 1884.
Michael Canon Craig, 1895
to date.
(Westminster). St. Agnes.
The mission was established in
1901, at Westcroft Villas, Crickle-
wood Lane. The Catholic popu
lation is estimated at 800. New
schools have been commenced and
will be opened shortly ; cost about
Rev. Osmund Cooke, 1901.
„ Owen G. Fitzgerald, 1905 to
CKOFT, LANCS (Liverpool).
St. Lewis.
The chapel was built by the
Jesuits, the first stone being laid
by the Abbe Louis Le Eichebec, an
emigre, June 29, 1826. The build
ing was opened May 29, 1827.
Before the establishment of the
mission at Croft the chapel appears
to have been at Culchetch, the
ancient seat of the family of that
name. Several of its members en
tered the Society of Jesus, and two,
William and John Culchetch, cap
tains in the Royal Army, lost their
lives for Charles I. in the Civil
War. The family became extinct
on the death of Thos. Culchetch,
1747. When the chapel at the
Hall was closed, a Mass house
was opened in the district, and so
continued till the erection of the
chapel as above. The Jesuits gave
up the mission to seculars in 1855.
Priests (S.J.).
Rev. Jn. Penkith, 1670.
„ Edward Scarisbrick, 1690.
„ Richard Smith, 1724.
At Croft.
Rev. Richard Reeve, 1780.
„ Abbe Le Richebec, 1798.
„ James Clough, 1845.
„ Wm. Waterton, 1848.
„ Henry Shea, 1849.
„ Fredk. Muller, 1851.
Rev. Wm. Gillett, 1855.
„ Thos. Gibson, 1857.
„ Wm. Wells, 1860.
,, James Parkinson, 1875.
„ Jn. Dorran, 1882.
Rev. Francis Blake, 1885.
,, Patrick Monaghan, 1888.
,, Charles Reynolds, 1899.
,, Francis Blake, to date.
ton). Our Lady of Refuge, Over-
strand Road.
In 1893 Mass was said at the
Assembly Rooms adjoining the
Red Lion Inn. In September of
that year the site was acquired
for a new church. Canon Duckett
had charge of the mission. The
neighbourhood abounds in ruined
churches and other vestiges of by
gone Catholicity. Fr. T. Carter was
appointed to the mission in Octo
ber 1902. The church was opened
August 25, 1895 : accommodation
for about one hundred.
Immaculate and St. Cuthbert.
For historical notice of Crook
Hall, see Ushaw. The mission of
Crook was started in 1853, when
the present Bishop of Hexham and
Newcastle, then Fr. Thos. Wilkin
son, took a house in the town and
laboured for the spiritual good of
the rapidly increasing mining popu
lation. Fr. J. Rook was the first
resident priest of the place, which
also had the benefit of the zeal
of Fr. Richard Ward, formerly an
Anglican clergyman and superior
of St. Saviour's, Leeds. The church
was commenced in 1853, and opened
1854. In July 1860, Fr. Wilkinson
took up his abode at Crook, and in
a few years he had added to the
church a presbytery, school-house
and convent. In 1865 he was
elected a canon of Hexham. On
July 25, 1888, he was consecrated
L 2
bishop at Ushaw College by Bishop
Clifford of Clifton, and next year
(September 1889) succeeded Bishop
O'Callaghan in the see of Hexham
and Newcastle. His successor at
Crook was Fr. Austin Pippet, who
still retains the mission.
CROWLE, LINCS (Nottingham}.
The Blessed Sacrament and St.
Mission opened August 10, 1863,
by Fr. W. Harris, of Gainsborough,
who said Mass on Sundays in the
Assembly Booms. The congrega
tion is described as being ' large
and attentive ' (Betford and Gains
borough News, August 1863). In
1872 thePremonstratensian Fathers
took over the mission, and the new
church was opened October 15,
the same year, by the Abbot of St.
Bernard's Abbey, Leicester. The
donor of the church and presbytery
was T. A. Young, Esq., K.S.G. By
1882 the congregation had greatly
increased, no fewer than fifty-five
persons being confirmed at Crowle
in the November of that year.
(Hexham and Newcastle). St.
The mission is described as
founded ' from time immemorial.
The register dates from 1801. Thos.
Salvin, Esq., lord of the manor,
erected the chapel (Gothic). For
many years, the priest at Croxdale
had also to serve the mission at
Bishop Auckland. The estimated
number of Catholics in 1834 was
about two hundred.
Eev. Kendal, 1730.
Hankin, — .
Waram, — .
Dunn, — .
Taylor, — .
Storey, 1771.
Thos.' Smith, 1808.
John Smith, 1854.
Robt. Laing, 1897.
Geo. Fehrenbach, 1904 to
iv arty. St. Mary.
Mass was said occasionally here
during the eighteenth century by
priests from the several ambassa
dors' chapels in London. On
August 23, 1767, Fr. John Baptist
Maloney was convicted at the Surrey
Summer Assizes, held at Croydon, of
saying Mass and exercising his
priestly functions. He was con
demned to perpetual imprisonment,
but shortly afterwards banished.
The present mission dates from 1837.
Next year, Fr. Patrick 0' Moore, a
Spanish priest of Irish descent,
who had left Spain in consequence
of the Carlist troubles, opened a
chapel first at Duppas Hill and
afterwards at Broad Green, London
Road (1841). As he could not
speak English, catechetical instruc
tion was given by Dr. Lashmar, a
Catholic physician of the town.
From 1850 to 1857 the mission
was served from Norwood. In the
latter year, Fr. Alphonse, after
wards Canon David, came to reside
as permanent rector. The Catholic
population, estimated at about
1,400 in 1861, is now about four
times that number. Lady Vans-
truser — afterwards a Dominican
nun at Stone, Staffordshire — de-
frayed the cost of erection of the
present Gothic church, opened by
Bishop Grant, 1864. Adjoining
the church and presbytery in the
Wellesley Road are fine schools,
under the direction of the Sisters
of Mercy. The Josephitc establish
ment, St. George's College, founded
in the Wellesley Eoad, 1869, was
removed to Woburn Park, Wey-
bridge, 1884. The premises are
now the St. Mary's Industrial
School (Sisters of Mercy).
Revs. Abbe Chabot, 1837.
„ Patrick O' Moore or More,
„ J. Bradshaw, 1849.
„ Michael Vesque, 1850 (Bishop
of Roseau, West Indies,
,, Alphonse Canon David, 1851 ;
resident 1857.
,, John McKenna, M.R. ; curate
1874, rector 1894 to date.
CROYDON, SOUTH. St. Gertrude,
Puiiey Road.
The church, a plain building in
the Romanesque style, was opened
1903, and for some time served
from St. Mary's. In May 1904
Fr. C. Turner, the present rector,
was appointed to the mission from
Ashford (Kent).
minster). Our Lady and St.
A few years ago, the Custom
House district was a marsh, but
now it contains a dense population
of hundreds of thousands of work
ing people. Until the opening of
the church in December 1899 by
Cardinal Vaughan, Catholics had
to go to Mass at Silvertown or Strat
ford, while ' hundreds of children
were swept into Board Schools.'
The sacred edifice, as well as the
fine Catholic schools for some 500
children, are almost entirely due to
the energetic rector, Fr. Timothy
Ring. The church is Pointed
Gothic in style, designed by Mr.
Curtiss, who also presented the
handsome high altar. Seats for
about three hundred.
(Newport). Our Lady of the
When the Franciscans under
took to establish the mission here
in 1864 Catholics of the place
numbered about 380, ' sunk into
a state of utter indifference to
religion, or indeed to anything
be}7ond their daily or nightly toil.'
The first chapel was the club -room
of a public-house, the altar and
furniture being of the poorest de
scription. The congregation sub
scribed £30 from their hard-earned
wages and with about £200 from
other sources the present chapel
was built, the opening taking place
January 1, 1867. Prior, afterwards
Archbishop Vaughan of Sydney,
preached ; schools, under govern
ment inspection, were inaugurated
1868. A chancel was added to the
church about 1870. The mission
has for many years been served
from Pontypool.
(Liverpool). Our Lady of the
A school chapel was opened here
by Bishop O'Reilly, December 16,
1879. It was served from Barrow
till 1893.
Rev. Edward Kelly, 1893 to date.
liain and Neivcastle). St. Augus
The baptismal register of this
mission dates from 1783. The
priests in charge of the chapel from
that year to 1848 were Revs. J.
Daniel, "Wm. Coghlan, Lewis le
Crornier (emigre), Thos. Story,
Jos. Curr, and Wm. Hogarth, after
wards first Bishop of Hexham
(1850-66). The old chapel was
pulled down when the new one was
built, in 1826, from designs by
J. Bonomi, Esq. The mission was
formerly served from Cliffe, the
seat of the Witham family, whose
arms appear over the chapel door.
On the sale of the Cliffe estates
Fr. Hogarth — ' at great sacrifice
and expense '—built the Darlington
chapel. The number of regular
communicants in 1832 was 200.
In December 1865, the chapel
underwent considerable improve
ments and alterations. The side
windows were enlarged and a
Gothic tower added. The interior
was adorned with several fine
stained-glass windows. For several
years after the establishment of the
hierarchy, St. Augustine's presby
tery was the residence of the
bishop of the diocese.
Priests since 1850.
Rev. Thos. Crowe, 1849-50.
„ Robt. Tate, D.D., 1850.
„ Bishop Hogarth of Hexham
and Newcastle, 1852.
„ Hy. Coll, 1867.
„ Jas. Canon Rooney, here in
1877 and to date.
DARTFORD, KENT (Southward).
St. Anselin, Spital Street.
The mission was opened March 8,
1866, but in November 1884 when
Fr. E. Buckley was priest of the
place, the ' chapel ' was still ' a
damp inconvenient room,' barely
accommodating sixty people. It
possessed neither tabernacle, vest
ments, nor sacred vessels. Mass was
only said on Sundays. The cottage
which did duty as the Catholic
school was so ill-adapted for the
purpose that the Government grant
W«is withdrawn. The first stone of
the new church was laid March 3,
1900. The style is Early English.
Accommodation for 300. F. A.
Walters, Esq., architect. St. Vin
cent's Industrial School, under the
direction of Brothers of the Pre
sentation, was removed here from
Deptford in August 1878. Fr. W.
Thompson, rector of the mission,
was succeeded by Fr. James
Mahoney, August 1906.
Convict Prison, Prince Town.
The prison was built 1806-9, and
was used at first for the incarcera
tion of French and American
prisoners of war. After the down
fall of Napoleon in 1815, the build
ing was converted into a naphtha
and ammonia factory, but in 1850
again became a prison for the
reception of persons sentenced to
penal servitude. The Catholic
chapel is said to be one of the
finest in the county, the altar, &c.,
being the work of the convicts.
Mass on Sundays at 10 A.M. for
prisoners, warders, and other Catho
lics of the place.
Catholic Chaplains.
Eev. Geo. Green, 1863.
„ David A. Coleman, 1891.
„ Michael Laurenson, 1900 to
mouth,). St. John the Baptist.
The mission was started 1860,
and for some years was served from
Torquay. The Gothic church was
opened 1869. A fine altar of
Malplaquet stone was erected in
March 1887.
Eev. J. Jolly, 1863.
„ J. B. Laborie Key, 1867.
„ Wm. Downing, 1885.
„ Jn. McCarthy, 1893 to date.
DARWEN, LANCS (Salford).
Church of the Sacred Heart, Black
burn Eoad.
From 1878, when the mission
was started, to 1882, Fr. J. Lathou-
wers had to conduct the Divine ser
vices in a damp and leaky building
quite unsuited for use as a chapel.
The first stone of the present church
was laid on August 19, 1882, by the
Bishop of Salford, afterwards Cardi
nal Vaughan. Several of the town
councillors and magistrates con
tributed to the building fund. The
style of the building is Early Eng
lish Gothic, and the seating capacity
for 400 persons. The cost of erec
tion was about £2,000.
SHIRE (Northampton). St. Mark's.
This church was opened on Low
Sunday, 1882, by Bishop Eiddell,
of Northampton. The building was
originally a stable, but by the
ingenuity of Fr. Walstan Smith,
the incumbent, was converted into
* a small, neat, and tasteful church.'
Lord Braye, of Stanford Park, and
Sir Charles Tempest, of Ashby
Lodge, generously defrayed the ex
pense of alteration.
Eev. Walstan Smith, 1882 till after
,, Jas. Purcell, to date.
A room was hired for a chapel, |
and Mass said for the first time of '•
late years by Fr. W. Dawson, Sun
day, February 11, 1906. The tern- I
porary chapel is close to the sta
tion, and can accommodate about
fifty persons. Major-General Laye
and Mr. Eccles, of Teignmouth —
from which town the chapel is at
present served — have greatly
assisted in the establishment of the
DEAL, KENT (Southward}. St.
Thomas of Canterbury.
The first resident priest of this
mission was Fr. Cuthbert Downe}7,
O.S.B., of St. Augustine's, Kams-
gate. The first chapel was in the
schoolroom, and had 'little in its
four whitewashed walls to inspire
devotion in the faithful.' Mass was
said there for the first time in March
1865. Fr. J. Scratton, who laboured
here from 1869 to January 1884,
was, on leaving the mission, pre
sented by his grateful congrega
tion with a handsome chalice and
paten. He was succeeded by Mgr.
Daniewski. Fr. A. Limpens is the
present rector.
A chapel was opened here 1860
for the benefit of the many Catholics
engaged in the local terracotta works
and collieries. It was served from
St. Vincent of Paul's, Sheffield, till
about 1876.
Rev. Patrick Keating, 1876.
,, Patrick Kiernan, 1882; served
from Mortomly, 1898.
„ John Carr, 1899 to date.
YORKS (Leeds). St. Alban.
The mission was commenced
1894, the chapel being in the priest's
house, No. 1 Wood View. Fr. T. B.
Kavanagh is the first and present
DENTON, LANCS (Salford). St.
A school chapel was opened
1870 (?) and served from St. Anne's,
Ashton-under-Lyrie, till 1889, when
the mission became separate. Catho
lic population about 800.
Eev. Thos. Twomey, 1889.
„ Jn. Welch, 1895.
„ H. Schurgers, 1897.
„ Patrick Joyner, 1898.
„ J. M. Willemse, 1904 to date.
ward). The Assumption.
Fr. Green, of St. George's, South-
wark, laboured here 1795-1815, and
Fr. Stewart 1815-23, Fr. McCabe
1823-27. A temporary chapel was
opened in King Street in 1842. The
schools accommodated about 200
children. The present church in
the High Street was opened 1846,
and enlarged by a chancel (Decem
ber 15, 1859). The fine reredos
(1884) was exhibited at the Paris
Exhibition 1878. The church was
redecorated 1904. The style is
geometrical Gothic. In May 1906,
a fine hall adjoining the church,
formerly used for concerts £c., was
acquired by the present rector
Fr. Segesser, for the use of the
Priests since 1843.
Rev. W. Marshall, 1843.
„ E. North, M.R., 1850.
„ J. Norris, 1860.
„ J. Canon Glenie, M.A., 1862.
„ Michael Canon Fannan (curate
since May 1865), 1871.
„ Felix Segesser, 1905.
The Catholic population of the
district is estimated at about 7,000.
DERBY (Nottingham). St. Mary's.
The church was designed by E.
Welby Pugin, and the first stone
laid by the Hon. and Rev. Fr.
Ignatius Spencer. The dedication
took place October 9, 1839, when
the sermon was preached by Bishop
Wiseman. The decorations, stained-
glass windows, &c., were added in
1853. The church was beautifully
redecorated in November 1892.
The reredos at the back of the high
altar is sculptured with reliefs of
the Adoration of the Magi, the
Annunciation, &c. The Lady Chapel,
built in 1853 from a design by
Hansom, has an altar piece dating
from 1462. In 1829 the number of
Catholic families in Derby was
twenty. On the Third Sunday of
Advent, 1849, Bishop Ullathorne
confirmed 180 persons at St. Mary's.
The Catholic population of Derby
and vicinity was then reckoned at
3,000. Fr. Sing built the Convent
of Mercy, and the nuns took over
the teaching of the Catholic schools.
In June 1849 a great Corpus
Christ! procession took place round
the enclosure of the church, which
was attended by many protestants,
whose attitude was most reveren
DERBY. St. Joseph's, Mill Hill.
The growth of Catholicity in
Derby necessitated the opening of
a temporary chapel (Gothic) in
Moore Street, November 1878. The
accommodation was for seventy,
the cost of the building being about
£400. In 1897 the present fine
church superseded the old chapel,
and there are now two priests in
charge of the mission.
Immaculate Conception. St.
Joseph's Place.
Mission opened 1861, the first
chapel being a disused warehouse.
Captain Jewel built the church
and endowed it. He also estab
lished the mission at Malmesbury.
Devizes was long a centre of in
tense protestantism, and great
animus was shown against
Catholics when the chapel was
first opened. The Congregation of
St. Francis of Sales have had
charge of the mission from the
N.B. — When some of Lord George
Gordon's emissaries were hurrying
to Bath in 1780 to stir up a ' No
Popery ' riot there, they asked if
there were any Papists at Devizes.
On being informed that the only
one was a cobbler, they said ' he
was beneath their notice ' and rode
on ! (Tradition.)
DEVONPORT (Plymouth). SS.
Michael and Joseph.
In 1860 there were neither
chapel nor schools at Devonport.
The nearest Catholic place of wor
ship was the Cathedral, Plymouth,
separated from Devonport by an
inlet of the sea crossed bv a toll
bridge. The congregation, mostly
composed of soldiers, sailors, and
others in her Majesty's service,
amounted to 1,500. About 1859
Government granted a commodious
site for a church on condition that
one was built within two years.
On December 19, 1861, the church
was opened by Bishop Vaughan, of
Plymouth — though only the nave
and south aisle were complete at
that time. The style is Early
English, from the plans of C.
Hansom. The civilian Catholic
population of Devonport in 1861
was about 500.
Kev. Geo. Hobson, 1861.
„ Bernard Verdon, here in
„ Jn. Canon Lapotre, here in
„ Thos. Kent, 1891 to date.
Our Lady and St. Paulinus.
Mass was first said at Dews-
bury in ' a cloth hall ' in the spring
of 1841 by Fr. E. O'Leary. This
chapel proving very inconvenient,
Fr. O'Leary went to Ireland to
coUect funds to build, but returned
without much success. The pre
sent church was opened Tuesday,
May 30, 1871. The cost of erection
was £9,000, the architect being E.
AV. Pugin. In 1881 another mis
sion, dedicated to St. Joseph, was
started at Batley Carr, a suburb of
Dewsbury, and by October of the
same year the school chapel had
proved ' wholly inadequate to the
congregation.' Fr. Thos. Parkin
was the first priest of the new
pool}. St. Michael.
The Jesuit fathers expelled from
Prussia by the ' May Laws '
opened a mission here about 1875.
A fine church presented by the
Marchioness Stapleton-Bretherton
was erected in 1879, and a large con
gregation gradually formed round
it. A pulpit of Caen stone was
set up in September 1882. The
schools were built in 1886 by the
noble foundress of the church.
Fr. Anthony de Haza Kadlitz, S.J.,
was the first priest in charge of
the mission. The German Jesuits
quitted charge of the place in
August 1895, when Fr. Dupuy, S.J.,
of the English Province, was ap
pointed. Fr. T. Dawson is the
present rector.
ham and Newcastle). SS. Robert
and Alice.
This mission was founded by
Robert and Alice Stevenson in
1724. The first priest of the
mission, Fr. Thomas Roy don, had
prior to this been chaplain to John
Leyburne, Esq., of Nateby. This
gentleman joined the forces of the
Chevalier de St. George (James
Francis Stuart ' the Old Pretender')
during the rising of 1715, and lost
several fine estates in consequence.
Fr. Roydon was what was known
as ' a riding priest,' i.e. one whose
duty it was to ride round the
country and visit the Catholics on
the various estates of his patron — in
this case, Mr. Leyburne. After
the disaster of 1715, Fr. Roydon
went to live with Mr. Stevenson
who at his death left him his
estate. Fr. Roydon died in 1741
and was succeeded in the estate by
his nephew, Mr. Thomas Roydon,
who died October 17, 1764. Doddin
Green was said to be the best
mission in the northern vicariate
in 1803. Owing to an unhappy
dispute there was no incumbent
from 1812 till 1834. Two other
vacancies have since occurred, viz.
1844-60 and 1874-79. The chapel
is still a room in the priest's house,
and the congregation is regarded as
the second smallest in England.
Rev. Thos. Roydon, 1724.
„ Robt. Johnson, 1764.
„ John Lonsdale, 1799.
„ R. Bannister, 1802-12.
(Mission vacant till 1834.)
„ Henry Bannister or Rutter,
1834. This priest was a
nephew of the preceding
and held the mission till his
death in 1838. He was an
uncle of Bishop Goss of
Rev. C. Brigham, 1838.
(Mission vacant 1844-60.)
„ Robt. Canon Hogarth.
„ Ralph Canon Platt, 1868— ' a
classical scholar, an anti
quarian, a philosopher, and
a theologian.'
(Mission vacant 1874-79.)
„ Canon Curry, 1879.
„ Henry Brettargh, 1892 to
St. Peter's Chains.
In 1833 the Catholic population
of Doncaster is said not to have
exceeded twelve. The chapel in
Princes Street was opened 1835.
and three years later Confirmation
was given here for the first time
since the Reformation by Bishop
Briggs, V.A. On November 12,
1843, sixty-eight persons were con
firmed at Doncaster, and in 1864
the Catholic population of the place
was estimated at about 900. By
this time the chapel, which only
accommodated 200, had become old
and dilapidated, and the priest, Fr.
E. Pearson, appealed for funds to
build. The present church was
built between October 1866 and
August 1867. The style is thir
teenth century Gothic. The cost
was £1,500, of which £1,000 was
contributed by Charles Cholmonde-
ley, Esq., of Doncaster.
Rev. J. Furniss, 1835.
J. Ball, 1840.
Robt. Gibson, 1848.
Win. Scruton, 1857.
Jos. Hill, here 1862.
Edward Pearson, 1863.
Chas. Burke, here 1871 till
„ Andrew Leonard, 1892 to
mouth). Our Lady of the Martyrs.
A Gothic school-chapel was
erected in the High Street, Dor
chester, in November 1867. Bishop
Vaughan, of Plymouth, remarked in
his sermon, on the occasion of the
solemn opening, that the holy sacri
fice of the Mass had not been
offered in Dorchester since the
martyrdom of Fr. Hugh Green, of
Chideock there in 1642. At first
the chapel was served by Fr. John
Charles, of Weymouth.
N.B.— The Ven. Hugh Green, of
Douai, served the mission at Chide
ock in Dorsetshire, as chaplain to
Lord and Lady Arimdell of War-
dour. He was arrested at Lyme
while proceeding to France, and
sentenced to death at the Dorchester
assizes ' for being a priest contrary
to the laws.1 He suffered at Dor
chester August 19, 1G42. Fr.
Thomas Pritchard suffered for the
Faith here March 21, 1587.
(Birmingham). St. Birinus.
The mission was re-established
from Oxford by Fr. Robt. Newshani,
1823. He served the place till
1834, when apparently he was
forced to relinquish it for some
years. The church was opened by
Bishop Ullathorne, V.A., August
21, 1849. John Davey, Esq., de
frayed the cost of erection of the
building, which was designed by
W. Wardell. Fr. Newsham took
up permanent residence in the mis
sion this year and added a fine rood-
screen to the church. He was in
cumbent till his death in October
1859, aged 76. The interior of the
church is adorned with some fine
coloured windows illustrating events
in the life of St. Birinus.
Recent Priests.
Rev. Henry James Green, 1860.
„ Henry Davey, 1863.
,, James Narey, 1876.
„ Win. Barry, D.D., 1885. The
distinguished litterateur.
DORKING, SURREY (Southward).
St. Joseph's.
In the eighteenth century the few
Catholics of the district were at
tended by the chaplains of the
Dukes of Norfolk, who possess much
property in the neighbourhood. In
the record of a baptism at Reigate
on June 4, 1779, one Edward
Menzies, ' in service of the Duke of
Norfolk at Dorking,' is mentioned
as sponsor. Fr. M. Pembridge,
O.S.B., was here 1786-91. The
present mission dates from 1871,
when an unpretentious chapel was
opened in Coldharbour Lane.
Schools were inaugurated March
1877, about which time the chapel
was redecorated. The present
church in the thirteenth century
style of Gothic was opened June 26,
1895, and is in memory of Miiia
Duchess of Norfolk. The accommo
dation is for 500. Mr. F. A. Walters,
Eev. Geo. Ballard, 1871.
„ J. F. Volckeryck, 1878.
„ W. B. Alexander, 1903.
DOVER, KENT (Southwarty. St.
The mission registers date from
1822. Early in the nineteenth cen
tury Mass was said at various private
houses in the town, e.g. at 45 Siiar-
gate Street. The visiting priest
about this time was the zealous
Fr. Costigan, of Margate. In 1824
Fr. Patrick Portal became resident
priest. He left in 1826, when the
mission was again periodically
served by Fr. Costigan. In 1834
Fr. F. Jarrett, chaplain to the
Robinson family, who lived in
Dover, used to say Mass over a
carpenter's shop. After a time a
Methodist chapel in Queen Eliza
beth Square was purchased by
Mr. H. Robinson and fitted up as
a chapel (1835). Tradition says
that Wesley preached here. A
house close by was also purchased
for £315 for use as a presbytery.
Fr. Jarrett was succeeded by Frs.
J. B. Hearn and J. L. Savage. In
1861 a site for a new church was
purchased through Major Molyneux
Seel. At this time the Catholic
population of Dover, exclusive of
the military, numbered 190. The
site in the Ashentree Lane was
found to be unsuitable, and another
was purchased in the Maison Dieu
Eoad. The new church— designed
by E. Welby Pugin — was com
menced June 1, 1867, and opened
May 15, 1868. Archbishop Manning
preached at the Mass of inaugu
ration. The style of the building is
thirteenth century Gothic. Its erec
tion was largely due to the untiring
exertions of Fr. James Laws, priest
at Dover from 1863 till his retire
ment in 1891. Much of the money
expended on the fabric came from
the bequest of the Countess de
Front, wife of the Sardinian Minis
ter to the Court of St. James. This
lady died in London, January 7,
1830; and on the death of her
brother, Sir Thomas Fleet\vood,the
money came into the hands of
Bishop Grant, of Southwark. The
church at Dover was enlarged by
thirty feet and re-opened in 1873.
The building was consecrated by
Bishop Bourne in 1897.
LANGS (Liverpool).
Mission established 1896.
Rev. James Smith, 1896.
„ John Smith, to date.
SET (Clifton). St. Gregory's
In 1605 an English Benedictine
monk, named Dom Augustine
Bradshaw, opened a school, for the
sons of his fellow-countrymen, at
Douai. The foundation was greatly
fostered by the Archduke Albert
and Dom Philip Cavarel, Abbot of
the Benedictine monastery of St.
Vedast at Arras. The school grew
into the monastery of St. Gregory
the Great, opened at Douai, Octo
ber 11, 1611. Swept away with the
other Catholic institutions of France
during the fury of the Revolution
in 1793, the Fathers and students
escaped to England, where Sir
John Smythe, Bart., of Acton Bur-
nell (Shropshire), an old pupil of
the Benedictines, gave the fugitives
hospitality. The college re-estab
lished at Acton Burnell continued
till 1814, when the purchase of the
manor house and estate of Down
side enabled the community to
settle there. In 1823 the old manor
house — still standing — was supple
mented by a new chapel and college,
in the Gothic style, designed by
Goodridge of Bath. The chapel
was opened by Bishop Baines,
V.A.W.D., July 10, 1823. The
' new ' college block, by C. Hansom,
was erected 1853-56, during the
presidency of Prior Sweeney. The
monastery and college extension —
the plans of which were drawn up by
Messrs. Dunn and Hansom — were
commenced on October 1, 1873,
and opened in September 1876, the
foundation stone being laid by
Cardinal Manning. The splendid
Decorated Gothic church, begun at
the same time, is only now ap
proaching completion. The tran
septs were opened in 1882, and the
' series of chapels, forming a corona
round sanctuary and choir,' between
1885 and 1901. Beneath the high
altar reposes the body of the Ven.
Archbishop Oliver Plunket, of
| Armagh, one of the victims of the
Titus Gates Plot (1681), formerly
! preserved at the Benedictine monas
tery of Lambspring in Bavaria.
! The priory of Downside was created
j an abbey in 1900, the Right Rev.
Hugh Ford, O.S.B., being the first
; abbot. It is impossible in a brief
notice like this to refer to the
college further. Since its founda
tion, it has held a distinguished
place in the educational field of
English Catholicity. It was affili
ated to the London University by
Eoyal Charter in 1841. Quite re
cently a foundation, known as St.
Benet's, for Benedictine University
candidates, has been opened at
Cambridge. From the point of
view of the present work, Downside
is one of the most important cen
tres of Catholicity in England, and
during its existence of almost a
century on1 English soil has be
come the mother of not a few of
the chief neighbouring missions,
as St. Benedict's, Stratton-on-the-
Fosse, erected in 1857.
brougli). Our Lady and St.
The mission was opened about
the end of January 1883. Mass
was at first said in a large private
house and afterwards in the Corn
Exchange. The number of Catho
lics in the town was then about 100.
When the Bishop of Middlesbrough
visited the chapel in February
1883, some 600 protestants were
drawn to the extemporised place of
worship ' to hear a Catholic Bishop
preach and witness the ceremony.'
The feeling of the town at the out
set of the mission is described as
having been ' exceedingly favour
Recent Priests.
Kev. Francis Gerrard, 1889.
„ Win. Storey, 1893 to date.
(Birmingham). Our Blessed Lady
and St. Thomas of Canterbury.
The mission was established
1835 from West Bromwich. The
site of the church was acquired
1837. The church was consecrated
by Bishop Wiseman on Easter
Monday 1842.
Eev. J. O'Neill, 1837.
Henry Elwes, 1840.
M. Horgan, 1842.
Geo. Fox, 1848.
Thos. Moore, 1857.
Jas. Bond, here in 1862.
Thos. Keates, here in 1888
and to date.
(Shreivsbury). St. Mary.
A hired room in Cricket's Lane
served as a chapel in 1822. A
regular mission was established
three years later, when a church
was erected in Astley Street.
Owing to signs of collapse, in con
sequence of the church being built
over a coal-mine, the services were
transferred to a room of the ' Old
General' Inn hard by in 1847.
The present church was commenced
1854 and finished in March 1856.
Schools were erected in 1872.
Rev. J. Fisher, 1825.
„ T. Gillett, 1835.
„ R. Brown, 1837.
„ W. Henderson, 1839.
„ G. Fisher, 1840.
(Served from Aston-under-
Lyne, 1848-56.)
W. Fennelly, 1856.
H. England, 1857.
P. Power, 1858.
J. Jones, 1859.
E. Hilton, 1863.
P. Lyons, 1869.
Rev. M. Craig, 1876.
„ A. Tremmery, 1883.
„ T. Ratcliffe, 1886.
„ C. Collenbier, 1888.
„ P. Cleary, 1900.
(Southward). St. Anthony of
Mass was said here in the tem
porary chapel, Lordship Lane, for
the first time on Whit Sunday,
June 1, 1879. In 1882 the average
attendance at Mass on Sundays
was about 200. The number of
Catholic children was about 180.
Schools for boys and girls were
opened in November 1883. The
new schools were opened in April
1885, and in May of the same year
the new church. The High Mass
was sung by the Bishop of Melos.
The mission was subsequently
taken over by the English Bene
dictines, who took formal posses
sion of the chapel on Sunday,
July 10, 1892. Fr. Wulstan
Richards, O.S.B., preached on the
history of the Benedictines in Eng
land in recent times.
DUNMOW, ESSEX (Westminster).
Our Lady.
The little church was opened in
1853, and served for years from
Ongar. Owing, we believe, to
financial difficulties, it had to be
closed about 1878, when Mass was
only said at irregular intervals on
week-days. In June 1898 the
church was again opened for regular
services at the initiative of the late
Cardinal Vaughan. At present
(1904) the mission is served from
and Newcastle). St. Philip Neri.
Mass has been said here regu
larly since February 1880, when
Fr. Arnold Matthews fitted up a
chapel at 4 Brompton Place. ' The
new and elegant school chapel '
was opened for service on Advent
Sunday 1882. On Christmas Day
the same year a magnificent altar
of inlaid wood and reredos con
taining an elegant portrait of St.
Philip were exposed for the first
time. The chapel accommodation
is for 500 persons. A large iron
church, to accommodate 700, was
opened Sunday, June 4, 1905, on
a site granted by the late Lady
Ravensworth, who also presented
a tine Madonna picture as altar-
EL VET (Hexham and Newcastle).
The Durham mission is stated
to have been ' founded from time
immemorial.' During the penal
times it was long known among
missioners as ' Mrs. Durham.'
Bishop Leyburn confirmed 1,024
persons here in 1687. Fr. Thos.
Pearson, S.J., was the priest at
this time. In 1688 the Mass-house
and presbytery were burnt by the
mob, but Fr. Pearson continued
his labours and died at Durham,
1732, aged 87. The register dates
from about 1708 with an entry of
the death of Margaret Carnaby,
I0b. 11 Jan., 1708-9.' After the
baptism of Sarah Watson, Janu
ary 20, 1746, the following words
occur : ' Not continued for yl year,
probably on ace1 of ye difficulty of
ye Times.' The Jacobite rebellion
of 1745-46 was then at its height,
and the laws against ' Papists ' were
were being strictly enforced. Frs.
Edward Walsh and John Scott
were priests here in 1768 and
Fr. Nicholas Clavering in 1778. In
1826 the Jesuits, who had hitherto
served the mission, made over the
chapel to Bishop Smith, V.A..N.D.
The old chapel would appear to
have become dilapidated or insuffi
cient at this time, for in 1827 ' an
elegant Gothic chapel, from a design
by Ignatius Bonomi, Esq.,' was
announced as being erected. It
was opened the same year.
Priests since 1825.
Rev. W. Croskell, V.G. (and John
„ Win. Fletcher, D.D., 1840.
„ Provost Platt, V.G., 1857.
„ Provost Edward Consitt, M.B.,
,, Wm. Canon Brown, rector
here in 1889 to date.
DURHAM (Hex ham and New
castle). St. Godric.
This church was not completed
till 1864. In 1859 (June) a tem
porary chapel was opened in Fram-
wellgato in a house formerly be
longing to a Miss Williams. The
drawing-room was fitted up as a
chapel capable of holding 500 per
sons. The room is described as
being ' a very elegant one,' adorned
with some splendid wood-carving
by Catisi. The first Mass was said
by Provost Platt. The Catholics
of Durham numbered about 3,000
in 1868, when the present church
of St. Godric was commenced.
The style is Decorated Gothic.
The stone was laid by Bishop
Hogarth, of Hexham. Most of the
money (£3,000) for the erection of
the church was collected by Canon
Smith ('Durham Chronicle'). The
solemn opening of the building took
place on November 15, 1864. The
seating capacity is for about 500
Eev. Bobt. Pattison.
,, John Nolan, 1871.
„ Wm. Perrin. 1874.
„ G. Jones, 1885.
„ Bobt. Thornton, 1895 to date.
minster). SS. Joseph and Peter.
The mission was established in
1893. At first Mass was said in a
small room of a private house in
Windsor Eoad. Afterwards a chapel
was opened in the drawing-room of
Mattock Lodge, Mattock Lane. A
large temporary chapel was sub
sequently erected by the first
priest of the mission. In March
1899, the Benedictine Fathers
took over the mission, and by this
time a handsome church (St.
Benedict's) had been erected in the
Blakesley Avenue. Early in 1901,
the nuns of the Holy Child esta
blished a convent school at Castle-
hill House, a fine old mansion
formerly occupied by the Visitation
Nuns, now of Harrow. The style
of the church, opened November 26,
1899, is fifteenth century Gothic, the
design comprising, when complete,
wide nave, two aisles, choir, sanctu
ary, seven side chapels, and crypt.
F. A. Walters, F.S.A., architect.
At the commencement of the
eighteenth century, the Catholic
Earl Rivers had a mansion at
Baling. Fr. John Savage, his
nephew, was there as chaplain, 1712.
He succeeded the earl as fifth and
last of the title 1715. He conformed
to the Established Church, and en
tered the House of Lords, but soon
repented, and retiring abroad, died
Canon of Seclin, near Douai. 17^7.
SURREY (Southwwk). St. Gregory
the Great.
A plain church, in the Roman
esque style, was opened in Novem
ber 1904, and Mass said for the
first time on Sunday, the 20th
of the same month. The church is
the gift of an anonymous bene
factress. The Catholics of the dis
trict, to the number of about 800,
had formerly to go for Mass to
Wandsworth and Tooting. The Rev.
F. Laurence, now of Horsham, was
the first rector of the mission, which
is at present served by the Salesian
Fathers of Battersea.
and Newcastle). Our Lady of Vic
The mission was established from
Hutton House (q.v.) in 1863. Two
years later the present church was
opened on Ferry Hill.
Rev. William Markland.
„ Lawrence Boland, 1878.
„ Geo. Gregson, 1895 to date.
The mission was originally served
from the domestic chapel at Gilling
Castle, the seat of the Catholic
Lords Fairfax. The last of this
ancient family was Lady Anne Fair
fax, who died unmarried in 1793.
A house which she built for her
chaplain, Dom Anselm Bolton,
O.S.B., became the nucleus of
Ampleforth College in 1802. After
her death, the mission of Gilling was
removed to Craike, and thence to
Easingwold in 1830. The register
only dates from 1819. In 1898 the
old chapel was superseded by the
present church. The mission has
always been under the care of the
Priests from 1824.
Eev. T. Croupe.
„ J. Tyrer, 1827.
„ J. Dowding, 1835.
„ Michael Brown, 1877.
„ Sir John Swale, Bart., 1879.
„ Kalph Pearson, 1885 to date.
(Northampton). St. Mary's Abbey.
After the destruction of English
religious houses under Henry VIII.,
a convent was founded in Brussels
under the title of the Glorious
Assumption (1598). The foundress
of this abbey was Lady Mary Percy,
kinswoman of the Duke of North
umberland, assisted by the Ladies
Dorothy and Gertrude Arundell, of
the noble house of Wardour. Dame
Joanna Berkeley, daughter of Sir
John Berkeley, of Beveston Castle,
Gloucestershire, was the first ab
bess, and Lady Mary Percy, a niece
of the foundress, the second. When
the French Eevolutionists invaded
Belgium in 1794, the nuns were
forced to seek refuge in England,
after witnessing the loss of the bulk
of their property. With the assist
ance of Bishop Milner they opened
a house at Winchester, where the
community remained till 1857, when
they removed to East Bergholt. A
high-class ladies' school was main
tained here till 1877, when it was
discontinued, both on account of
the many schools of the kind in
England and for the more perfect
accomplishment of a chief duty of
the rule, i.e. the singing of divine
office in choir.
war Jc). Our Lady of Eansorn.
The mission was established 1869,
when Fr. Charles King opened a
temporary chapel in Terminus
Place. Another brick building was
afterwards erected in the Junction
Eoad, under the title of Stella Maris.
Fr. Charles Stapley commenced the
existing handsome Gothic church
in 1890, and it was completed 1903,
during the rectorate of the present
incumbent, Fr. Paul Lynch, B.A.
St. Joseph's School Chapel, Whitley
Eoad .was opened as a chapel-of-
ease to the mother church in Sep
tember 1895 by Canon E. St. John.
A church, dedicated to St. Agnes,
is in course of erection. It is the
gift of a lady, and will cost about
(Southward). Our Lady and St.
The mission was served by the
Jesuits during the ' troubled times.'
The chapel appears to have been at
Edge Court till about 1774, when
the place was sold. Among the
items of ' Church stuff ' at this time
were included ' five silver candle
sticks, silver thurible, two cruets of
silver, four sets of vestments, Mass-
book, and large crucifix.' Fr. Hy.
Molyneux, S.J., priest here from
1721 to 1733, was paid £30 a year
from ' Mrs. Hants.' The existing
mission was commenced in 1879,
under the title of SS. Edward
and Louis, and was served from
Crawley. The present church was
consecrated August 1, 1899.
Kev. Fredk. Edwards, 1885 ; served
from Crawley 1889-99
„ John Burke, 1899.
E. (Westminster).
This mission was formerly known
as Upton Park and Plaistow. In
1878 it was served by a temporary
chapel dedicated to St. Anthony
and attended from Stratford (q.v.).
When St. Edward's Orphanage for
Boys was established here in 1878,
under the care of the Brothers of
Mercy, a chapel was attached for
the use of the community, and this
temporarily served the mission from
1891 to 1903. The premises occu
pied by the Orphanage were for
merly known as Greenstead House,
in the garden of which Henry VIII.
erected a tower 50 feet high for
Anne Boleyn ; hence the place is
often called Boleyn Castle. Fr.
Joseph Zsilkay, who was chaplain
here 1879-99, did much to extend
Catholicity in the neighbourhood.
He was succeeded by Fr. E. Walsh
and A. Maes. The mission has now
its own church, situated in Castle
mouth}. The Holy Cross.
The mission was established
1885 and served from Winchester
till 1888, when the Rev. T. Ryan
was appointed resident priest. The
church, in the Gothic style, was
consecrated by Bishop Cahill in
August 1902.
Rev. T. Ryan, 1888.
Jn. Molloy, 1891.
Joseph Hayes, 1893.
J. E. McCarthy, 1896.
Albert Clarke, 1899.
Thos. Hickey, D.D., 1903 to
The Faith lived on in this dis
trict after the Reformation owing
to the protection of the Waldegrave
family of East Harptree Court. In
1722 James, second Earl Walde
grave, 'conformed to the Esta
blished Church,' after which Mass
was only said occasionally in the
neighbourhood. In 1794 the Rev.
Joseph Hunt, assisted by his family,
commenced a regular mission at
Shortwood, in this district. The old
chapel, dedicated to St. Michael,
was opened May 15, 1806. Fr.
Hunt's father took the name of
Beaumont on succeeding to some
property, but his son always retained
the older patronymic. Among the
benefactors to the Shortwood
mission was the Rev. Jn. Brookes,
rector of Hinton Bluett, who em
braced the Catholic faith about
1804. In or about 1883, the old
territorial title of Shortwood was
altered to that of East Harptree.
Rev. Joseph Hunt, 1794.
„ Jn. Swarbrick, 1838.
Jn. Larkan, 1838.
James Dawson, 1841.
Moses Furlong, 1842.
Thos. Dawson, 1842.
Thos. Fergusson, D.D., 1844.
Patrick Kelly, 1844.
Thos. Rooker, 1845.
Thos. M'Donnell, 1852.
Jn. B. Morris, 1861.
Eev. Eobt. Platt, here 1871.
opened in 1798. The place was at
Hon. Everard Arundell, 1878. various times in subsequent years
™™ woioi, icon i served from Nottingham and Mel-
ton Mowbray. In June 1904 the
mission became independent. Fr.
Hendricks is the incumbent.
Wm. Walsh, 1880.
Eobt. Dunham, 1883.
Geo. Johnson, 1886.
Cornelius Carrol], to date.
mouth). % St. Mary.
This parish is inseparably asso
ciated with the ancient Catholic
family of Eyston, the patrons of
the mission. In 1688 the domestic
chaplain of the Eystons was plun
dered by a party of Orange soldiers
on their way to Oxford, and among
the list of recusants for the county
of Berks assessed at the double land
tax, pursuant to the Act of 1722,
appear the' names of Charles and
Eobert Eyston, Esquires. The old
chapel of St. Amand served the
mission prior to the present one,
opened in 1865. In July 1849
Bishop Wiseman confirmed thirty-
six persons in the chapel, and on
Sunday, August 30, 1862, Bishop
Grant, of Southwark, consecrated a
new altar. The whole of the ancient
fabric was thoroughly restored the
same year by Mr. C. Buckler, of
Oxford. The church of East Hen-
dred was made over to the diocese
of Southwark in 1865 by Charles
Eyston, Esq., and consecrated by
Bishop Grant on August 17 of the
same year. The mission is now in
the Portsmouth diocese.
(Nottingham}. The Holy Family.
Described as a very old mission,
' The secret chapel in Eastwell
Hall' served the district in penal
times. The public chapel was
(Nottingham). Our Lady of Good
In 1889 the mission was started
by the Eev. Isaac Hanks, the tem
porary chapel being in the Langley
Mill Eoad. The present Gothic
church in the Eastwood Eoad was
erected shortly afterwards. From
1892 to 1894 the mission was served
from the Seminary, since when the
rectors have been Eev. Ar. Howarth,
1895 ; Michael Kirby, 1903 to date.
(Newport). All Saints'.
This mission may be considered
as one of the results of the revival
of Catholicism in the country owing
to the zeal of the Franciscan
missionaries in the district half a
century ago. The present school
chapel was opened October 8, 1865.
Eev. E. J. Sheehy, 1865 (?).
„ P. J. Capron, 1875.
„ E. O'Dwyer, 1880.
,, Augustine Fritz, 1883.
„ D. Hallahan, 1903 to date.
ECCLES, LANCS (Salford). St.
In 1875 the mission was served
from Barton. The church was
opened July 30, 1879. Catholic
population about 1,900 (1906).
Rev. Thos. Sharrock, 1879.
„ Francis Newton, 1894 to date.
(Birmingham). SS. Peter and
A chapel was commenced here in
1882, and served from Swynnerton
every other Sunday. In 1889 the
Rev. Alfred Hall was resident priest.
Fr. Michael Glancey was here 1894.
In 1898 the Fathers of the Insti
tute of the Sacred Heart took over
the mission, which they have since
VDQ&AttV*(Birming7un*). The
Oratory. The Immaculate Con
ception, Hagley Uoad, Edgbaston.
When the Fathers of the Oratory
settled here in 1849-50, it was the
great wish of Dr. Newman to erect
a church after the style of that of
San Martino at Rome. Owing to
lack of funds the idea was not
carried out and a smaller church was
built from designs of M. Viollet-le-
Duc. When the jubilee of the
Oratory was celebrated in 1898, the
memory of the great Cardinal's life
and labours inspired Catholics to
erect such a church as he had de
sired to see built. The foundation
stone of the building was laid by
Bishop Ilsley in 1903. Owing to
the fact that the new edifice has been
built over the old one, which was used
as long as possible during the work
of construction, the operations have
been considerably retarded thereby.
The style of the new building is
that of the Church of San Martino
at Rome, and the plan comprises
sanctuary, nave, transepts, and
several chapels, including a line
one to St. Philip Neri. A barrel
dome roof is a notable feature of
the interior. Mr. Doran Webb is
the architect of the church, which
will probably cost over £30,000.
During the removal of the old
church from the interior, the
congregation worshipped at the
chapel of Ladywood Hall. The
solemn opening by Bishop Ilsley
took place October 9, 1906, Arch
bishop Bourne preaching (Eccles.
xlix. 13) to a large and distinguished
In the July of 1903, the Re-
demptorists started the mission by
purchasing a site sufficient for
church, monastery, and schools. An
iron building capable of accommo
dating about 200 persons will soon
be superseded by the new church,
the foundation stone of which was
laid by Archbishop Bourne on
Easter Monday, April 24, 1905.
The architect ^is Mr. E. Doran
Webb, F.S.A.
ham and Newcastle). St. Mary.
The mission was founded as a
chapel of ease to the church at
Cleator (q.v.) in 1878.
Rev. John Fr. Kerin, 1879.
„ Francis Sumner, 1882.
„ Joseph Worden, 1885.
„ Leonard Davies, 1891.
„ Simon Finch, 1893 to date.
YORKS (Middlesbrough). St.
Missionary priests were here
some time before 1679. Fr. Nicho
las Postgate, one of them, was
hanged at York. August 7, 1679,
' for the Faith.' His head is pre
served at Ushaw.1 After this, Mass
was said in various neighbouring
farmhouses. Also at Ugthorpe
Old Hall, where, in one of the
hiding-places, images of SS. Michael
and John the Baptist were recently
found. The chapel at Egton
Bridge, built in 1790 by Fr. Hy.
Greenhalgh, is now used as a
school. The church, opened
August 21, 1867, at a cost of £4,000,
was consecrated July 14, 1885. It
may be worthy of remark that
Thomas Ward, author of ' England's
Reformation,' wras a native of the
parish. Lord Herries and Major
Scrope-Danby were great benefac
tors of the mission. The church
was redecorated at a cost of £700
in 1877, the walls of the interior
being beautifully adorned with
paintings of saints. A new oak
pulpit was set up in July 1880.
Priests since 1824.
Eev. J. Woodcock, 1824.
N. Eigby, 1827.
H. Greenhalgh, 1835.
Wm. Parsons, 1842.
A. Macartney, 1844.
Thos. Middlehurst, 1857.
F. Callebert, 1860 to date.
LAND (Hejcham and Newcastle).
The preservation of the faith
here is mainly due to the Hagger-
ston family, whose ancestral resi
dence is in the district. Sir Thos.
Haggerston, a distinguished royalist
officer, was created a baronet by
Charles I. in 1643. Fr. Francis
1 One of the chief witnesses against
Fr. Postgate was a person who deposed
to having seen him baptise a child.
Mannock, S.J., son of Sir F. Man-
nock, Bart., was chaplain here in
1710. The mission registers date
from 1775, when Fr. Mathew Joy,
S.J., was priest. He died ' much
respected,' February 21, 1798, <zt.
56. Bishop Gibson — referred to as
' Mr. Gibson ' in the registers — con
firmed twenty-two persons here
July 17, 1783." The Easter com
munions at Ellingham in 1796 were
eighty-three ; twenty-five persons
were confirmed there on August 25
of the same year, and thirty -two
in August 1809. Fr. John For-
shaw, probably a Benedictine, was
priest at Ellingham from 1805 to
1810. Between 1810 and 1840 the
priests were : Wm. Birdsall, John
Beaumont, S.J., Thos. Lawson,
O.S.B., Eic. Albott, John Parsons,
Edw. Crane, Thos. Parker. From
this date (1840) the priests are as
follows : Be vs. E. Smith, 1844 ;
Geo. Meynell, 1849-57 ; mission
vacant, 1858 ; A. Macartney, 1862 ;
Aloysius Hosten, 1875 ; Gregory
Jones, 1879 ; Joseph Fawell, 1881 ;
Edmund Barnett, 1884 ; Bernard
Parley, 1889; Wm. Baron, 1891;
Wm. Toner, 1900 ; Henry Cartmell,
(Southward). St Mary.
Well Hall, near Eltham, formerly
belonged to John Eoper, Esq.,
attorney-general temp. Henry VIII.,
and son-in-law of the Blessed Thos.
More. In 1616 Christopher Eoper
was raised to the peerage as Baron
Teynham of Linstead and Well
Hall, Kent. The old Well Hall, a
moated grange, was burnt down
about 1706. The present edifice,
built shortly after the fire, is in the
Georgian style of architecture. It
is still surrounded on three sides by
a moat. The property is at present
leased by Herbert Bland, Esq.
The Teynhara family, who possessed
Well Hall for upwards of two cen
turies, were Catholics till February
1716, when Henry Roper, eighth
Baron Teynham, ' conformed to
the Established Church.' The old
Hall possessed a chapel where
Mass was occasionally said, pro
bably down to the time of the
aforesaid lamentable apostasy.
The present mission of Eltham
dates from 1871, when the tempo
rary chapel was served from Wool
wich. In November 1890 a new
church in the classical style was
opened by Bishop Butt of South-
wark. High Mass, coram episcopo,
was sung by Fr. Sheehan of Black-
heath, the sermon being preached
by Canon Murnane, V.G. St.
Mary's Poor Law school for little
boys and girls adjoins the church
and is under the care of the Sisters
of Mercy.
ampton). St. Etheldreda.
In 1859 Fr. Thomas McDonald,
who had charge of this mission
and also that of Newmarket, fitted
up a disused stable as a chapel.
The first resident priest was sent
to Ely in July 1890. Even as late
as this the chapel was but a hired
room. A temporary chapel was
opened in July 1891, when Mass
was sung by Fr. Freeland, the
priest of the mission. Fr. King of
St. Thomas's Seminary preached
on the fall and rise of the Church
in England. The patron of the
mission, St. Etheldreda, lived, died,
and was buried at Ely. Her shrine
' covered with gems ' was reported
to be hidden at the time of the
Dissolution and is at present (Sep
tember 1906) being diligently
sought for by the authorities of
Ely Cathedral.
(Westminster). Our Lady and St.
Mission founded by the late Fr.
G. Bampfield, B.A., in 1862. The
j old chapel erected shortly after
| held sixty persons and was situated
i in Cecil Road. The next priests
\ were Frs. Bronsgeest and Murphy.
In 1900 Fr. A. O'Gorman, D.D.,
j commenced the present church,
which was opened in April 1901
by Cardinal Vaughan. The old
chapel is now the school. In Sep
tember 1905 Fr. Geo. Cox became
EPSOM, SURREY (Southward).
St. Joseph, South Parade.
In April 1859 Fr. J. B. Hearn
opened the mission at a cottage
in Woodcote Road, hired at £14
per annum. The ' church stuff '
1 consisted of an altar, chalice,
cross, candlesticks, altar linen,
I and three chasubles. In 1860
| (February) Fr. (Canon) David, of
I Croydon, said Mass at Epsom every
I other Friday, and catechised the
i children, besides attending sick
j calls. The first resident priest
\ was Fr. Patrick Kelly, 1861. The
! church, ' a neat Gothic structure,'
' was erected 1865-66. Lord Russell
of Killowen, Lord Chief Justice of
England, was for many years the
j chief Catholic resident at Epsom,
! and a generous patron of the mis-
! sion. Fr. T. Morrissey is the present
| incumbent of the church.
N.B.— The few Catholics about
Epsom were attended during the
middle part of the eighteenth
century by the Benedictine iiiis-
sioners attached to Lady Petre's
Chapel at Cheam (q.v.). At the
time of the French Revolution the
priest at the Dominican College
at Bornhem House, Carshalton,
undertook this duty. When Mr.
Mylius established his school in
the same house after the departure
of the Dominicans (1812) the Abbe
Chabot, his chaplain, continued to
attend to the Catholics at Epsom
for some years.
(Birmingham). St.Thomas's Priory.
A chapel was erected by 'the
zealous exertions of several gentle
men,' and opened Sunday, April 9,
1842. The new church was con
secrated June 11, 1850, by Bishop
Ullathorne, V.A. Fr. D. Haigh,
M.A., the incumbent, defrayed the
cost of erection. The church is
well described as ' a perfect revival
of an old English parish church.'
In 1876 some of the Benedictine
monks, expelled from Beuron, Ger
many, by the Kulturkampf of
Prince Bismarck, were invited to
take charge of the mission at
Erdington, vacated by Fr. Haigh
on account of old age. For some
years the monks lived ' in a small
and incommodious cottage,' but in
July 1880 the present monastery
of St. Thomas was commenced ' by
the assistance and generosity of
friends abroad.'
ERITH, KENT (Southward). Our
Lady of the Angels.
The Capuchin Fathers of Peck-
ham opened a church and mon
astery here in 1870. The place was
served from Northfleet 1875. In
1903 the new church and monastery
was opened in the Carlton Road,
the old church of St. Fidelis now
serving as a chapel of ease.
Father Guardians.
Rev. F. Louis, 1870.
F. Cherubino, 1878.
F. Lewis, 1880.
F. Pelicetti, 1882.
Nicholas Mazzarini, 1889.
Clement David, 1892.
F. Bernardine, 1900 to date.
N.B.— Fr. H. Garnet, S.J., who
was executed 1606 for alleged com
plicity in the Gunpowder Plot, had
a house at Erith, but it does not
appear that there was any mission
in the town.
CHESHIRE (Shrewsbury).
The domestic chapel of the Grim-
shawe family, opened in October
1851, serves the mission. In the
sacristy are preserved many antique
vestments of great beauty, while
the reliquary contains a portion of
the Crown of Thorns.
Rev. H. Alcock, 1851.
„ E. W. Nightingale, 1851.
„ R. Maurice, 1852.
„ D. Organ, 1852.
„ B. O'Donnell and E. Mag-
greevy, 1852-59.
„ J. Quinn, 1859.
(Served from Gorton, 1863-69).
„ C. Bell, 1869.
„ H. Wood, 1877.
„ W. McAuliffe, 1877.
„ M. Gerin, 1889.
„ J. Berard, 1896.
„ H. Welch, 1890.
and Newcastle). Sfc. Michael.
According to the registers pre
served at the presbytery, this mis
sion 'was founded in 1790.' It was
served from 1795 (June) till May
1827 by Fr. John Yates, V.G. to
Bishop Smith, V.A. Fr. Yates
died June 1, 1827, and was buried
at Ushaw, his place at Esh being
taken by Fr. W. Fletcher of the
same college. Fr. Boger Glass-
brook succeeded in 1839. The pre
sent chapel of ' massive stone and
slate ' was erected in 1832, on a
site presented by Sir Edward
Smythe, Bart., of Acton Burnell.
This ancient Catholic family has
an ancestral residence at Esh
Laude. The old chapel was built
about 1799. It was served for some
time by Fr. Ashmell, who lived to
be 105. This excellent priest, during
his missionary labours in the north
of England about the middle of the
eighteenth century, used to go about
disguised as a farmer in 'leather
gaiters, grey coat, check cloak, and
slouched hat.' In recent times the
priests at Esh have been Bevs.
Wm. Canon Thompson, 1841-80;
Samuel Harris, 1880; Matthew
Culley, 1902.
(Liverpool). St. Mary.
Euxton is one of the many places
in Lancashire where the Faith has
survived the long ordeal of the
penal times, thanks in great mea
sure to the fostering care of the
Andertons of Euxton and the Moly-
neuxes of Sefton. In 1524 James
Anderton, of Euxton, built a chan-
trey in the parish and established
a priest there ' to pray for himself
and his wife.' The chapel wherein
the chantrcy was placed was built
eleven years earlier by Sir W. Moly-
neux, and his descendant Lord
Molyneux retained possession of it
as late as 1687. In 1718 his son
gave up the chapel, and then one
was constructed at Euxton Hall
' in a room open to the public.' In
the preceding century Sir Hugh
Anderton, of Euxton, a devoted
Boyalist, had afforded hospitality
to Charles II. on his march to Wor
cester. In the' Mercurius Politicus '
for August 16 of that year, Sir Hugh
is described as 'a bloody Papist.'
In 1715 another branch of the
Andertons, theAndertons of Lostock,
' lost a good estate for being with
the rebels but one day.' The
'rebels,' of course, being Lord
Derwentwater, Mr. Foster, Lord
Carnwath, &c., in arms for
James III. The old Catholic
chapel at Euxton was enlarged at
different times till 1817, when a
new one was built. The domestic
oratory at the Hall was bought
back by Colonel Anderton, the
money being left to accumulate in
the hands of the trustees till such
time as a new chapel should be
required. This came about in 1864,
when the first stone of the present
church was solemnly laid on a site
given by Geo. Garstang, Esq. Cap
tain Anderton of Euxton Hall con
tributed £1,000. The building was
opened October 29, 1865, by Bishop
Goss, assisted by Bishop Grant of
Southwark. The accommodation is
for about 4,000. The total cost was
£3,000. The style of the building
is Early Decorated Gothic.
Bev. Thos. Townley, 1718 (?).
Hon. W. Molyneux, 1734.
Thos. Anderton, 1735.
Cuthbert Haydock, 1741.
Jn. White, 1750 (?).
Bobt. Swarbrick, 1778.
Jn. Bell, 1815.
Rev. Higginson, 1817.
„ R. Gillow, 1846.
„ John Canon Worthy, 1851,
„ Francis Soden, 1893.
„ Thos. Keely, 1896 to date.
(Middlesbrough}. St. Mary.
The chapel is described as founded
in the reign of Edward VI. The
Constable family of Everingham
long kept the Faith alive in these
parts, and it is satisfactory to note
that the estate has always been in
Catholic hands. The property
passed to the family of the pre
sent Lord Herries by the marriage
about 1780 of Winifrid Maxwell —
granddaughter of the Jacobite Lord
Nithsdale — with Wm. Haggerston
Constable, Esq., of Everingham.
The register of baptisms dates from
1771, with the baptism of John
Dolman. The present fine church
was erected by W. Constable Max
well, Esq., who in 1858 succeeded
to the Herries peerage. The style
of the building — opened July 10,
1889 — is cruciform, after the plan
of the Maison Dieu at Nismes.
Size 70 ft. by 30 ft. ; interior deco
rated by fluted Corinthian columns,
and altar of rich Italian marbles.
Priests at Everingham.
Rev. John Bennet, here 1771.
The next priests were Frs. T.
Gurnall, Edward Clarkson,
and S. Hodgson (1814).
Rev. Matthew Newsham, 1824.
„ J. Brown, 1844.
„ Richard Browne, 1845.
Matthew Newsham, 1848.
Robt. Cook, 1849.
Joseph Arnoux, 1852.
Henry Walker, 1858.
Edward Riddell, 1862.
Wm. Gordon, 1864.
Thos. Knight, S.J., 1874. ,
Rev. Joseph Dodds, 1882.
Chas. Donovan, 1885.
Wm. McNaughton, 1888.
Jn. Murphy, 1892.
Jn. Willemse, 1895.
Cornelius English, 1900 to
Edward's College.
This well-known seat of learning
was established in 1842 under the
auspices of Bishop Brown, V.A.
It was opened for students, Janu
ary 16, 1843. Though mainly
intended for those desirous of pur
suing ' commerce or any of the
learned secular professions,' it had
also a course of studies for the
ecclesiastical state. Alexander
Goss, D.D., afterwards second
Bishop of Liverpool, was vice-
president, and it was while spend
ing the vacation with some of the
students at Ardrishaig, Argyllshire,
that he received news of his appoint
ment as cqadjutor to Bishop Brown
(July 1856). The college was,
perhaps, the first Catholic one in
England which allowed pupils to
go home at Christmas. It was
early affiliated to the London Uni
versity, and many of its students
have since taken high places in
the arts and science examinations.
From about 1885 to 1896 the
college was an episcopal one, pre
sumably for the sole education of
Church students.
Rev. Mgr. John Canon Fisher,
D.D., 1843.
„ Mgr. Canon Carr, V.G., 1885.
„ Evan Canon Banks, B.A.,
1895 to date.
This place was among the number
served by the Jesuit Fathers of
St. George, Worcester, 1633 et seq.
Fr. Oldcorne is said to have had a
conference with Fr. Garnet, at
Evesham, a short time before the
Gunpowder Plot. Fr. Thomas
Roper, S.J., son of the fourth Lord
Teynham, was here 1693-1700.
-After this, Evesham disappears as
a mission till 1887-88, when the
Passionists started a foundation
here under Fr. Alban Cowley. The
chapel, an iron one, was served
from Broadway, 1896, and by Fr.
Robert Patten, 1897 to date. Schools
erected 1900. The iron church
was removed from Magpie Lane
to the High Street the same year.
Presbytery built 1900.
N.B.— In 1865 the late Duke
d'Aumale opened his private
oratory at Wood Norton to the
public, and this chapel was the
only Catholic one in the dis
trict until the re-establishment of
the Evesham mission by the
EXETER, DEVON (Plymouth).
The Sacred Heart.
The Exeter mission dates from
1745, when Mass was said in Mr.
Flashman's house, known as King
John's Tavern, in South Street.
In the reign of James II. a chapel
had been opened in the city, but it
was destroyed by an Orange mob
at the Revolution. Fr. Richard
N orris was priest at the time, and
he continued to act as such down
to 1717. After this the mission
was served by different priests,
as follows : — Revs. J. Beaumont,
O.S.F. (1733 ?), E. Williams (1776),
E. Hussey, O.S.B. (d. September 25,
1785), - Parry, and - - Rigby
(1790?), W. Sutton (d. 1800). Most
of these priests seem to have only
occasionally ministered at Exeter,
for about 1762 the Jesuits offered
to serve the mission, and their ser
vices were accepted by Bishop
Walmesley, V.A., of the Western
District. Fr. W. Gilibrand was
here from 1762-67. He lived with
the Truscot family. Fr. J. Edis-
ford, who came in 1772, died of
gaol fever caught while attending
the prisoners in the old county
gaol (November 20, 1789). The
old chapel, erected in 1790, in the
Mint, was dedicated to St. Nicholas.
It was built by the Jesuits on the
site of the Old Priory of St. Nicholas,
and was opened in 1792 and en
larged in the summer of 1859 by
Fr. A. Eccles, S.J. This zealous
missioner also built the Catholic
schools. Under him the chapel
was enriched with a fine pulpit, an
altar of Caen stone, and a Norman
altar screen. The Rev. Geo. Oliver,
D.D., the distinguished antiquary,
was appointed to the Exeter mission
in 1807. Most of his learned works
and 'Collectanea' were composed
here. He died March 23, 1862,
and was succeeded by Fr. James
Eccles, S.J. In December 1871,
the mission was taken over by the
Bishop of Plymouth, who appointed
Fr. G. Hobson to Exeter. The first
stone of the present church of the
Sacred Heart was laid, Wednesday,
March 20, 1883. The church is in
the thirteenth century Gothic style,
from designs by C. Ware, Esq., of
Exeter, and L. Stokes, Esq., of
London. The total cost was about
£10,000. The accommodation is
for 600. An old fifteenth century
window lights the staircase to the
choir. The reredos contains statues
of the Apostles, and is otherwise
richly carved. The ' stately church '
was opened Tuesday, November 18,
1884, ' with all the ceremonial and
ritual which form the glory of
the Church.' Bishops Vaughan,
Errington, and Clifford took part
in the imposing function.
EXMOUTH, DEVON (Plymouth).
Mission established 1888, about
which time the church — a Gothic
iron structure for 200 persons — was
erected. The congregation is about
130. The church was enlarged in
April 1905.
Very Rev. Mgr. John Grainger,
Rev. Bernard Palmer, 1900 to
EXTON, RUTLAND (Nottingham).
St. Thomas of Canterbury.
The thirteenth century Gothic
church (60 ft. x 20 ft.) was com
menced December 29, 1867, and
opened 1868, by the Bishop of Not
tingham. C. A. Buckler was the
architect. In 1870, a school was in
existence and reported to be ' fairly
attended.' The church at Exton was
the first Catholic place of worship
opened in Rutland since the Refor
Rev. Philip Munro.
Charles Gey, 1877.
John Burns, 1879.
E. Van Dale, 1882.
J. Thompson, 1885.
Francis Busch, 1890 to date.
The Immaculate Conception.
A portion of the present church
was opened October 1865. A new
sanctuary was opened 1892, at a
cost of £1,240. The style of the
building is decorated Gothic. The
mission started by the erection of
a temporary chapel 1851.
Rev. W. Daly, 1851.
„ John Hennessey, 1890.
„ John Canon Boulaye, 1902.
„ John Morris, 1904.
(Clifton}. St. Thomas of Canter
In 1823 Fr. Glassbrook used to
say Mass here, and it is said that
he had a pension of £40 per
annum from Lord de Mauley. The
church was opened in October 1845.
The ceremony was performed by
Fr. J. Mitchell, of Chipping Norton,
on behalf of the Y.A. Fr. P.
O'Farrell preached at the High
Mass, and Dr. Rock in the evening.
Priests since 1845.
Rev. J. Mitchell.
W. Goodwin, 1851.
E. A. Glassbrook, 1853.
Peter Seddon, here in 1864.
John Dickenson, 1867.
Jas. Dawson, here in 1872.
Rev. Francis Coopman, 1877.
„ James Lonergan, here in 1891.
,, George Canon Crook, 1892.
Very Rev. Mgr. E. English, D.D.,
1896 to date.
amptori). St. Anthony of Padua.
Mission founded 1905. The pre
sent place of worship is a garret in
the Hempton Road.
Fr. Gray.
mouth}. St. Mary.
This mission owes its origin to
Rowland Conyers, Esq., who died
April 28, 1803. A room was fitted
up and opened as a chapel in Janu
ary 1805. A larger chapel was
opened October 24, 1821, through
the exertions of the Abbe Grezille,
who collected £500 towards the
purpose from the Royal Family of
France. The Redemptorists were
in charge of the mission from 1843
to 1845, when they left for Clap-
ham. Mr. Andrews, a resident in
the town at this time, was a great
benefactor to the mission. The
old chapel was superseded by the
present Gothic structure opened
Rev. Ignatius Casemore, O.S.F.,
Abbe Grezille, 1805.
Thaddeus O'Meally, 1822.
Peter Hartley, 1828.
Kobt. Gates, 1827.
Eobt. Platt, 1832.
M. O'Connor, 1831.
Robt. Platt, 1832.
Fredk. Held, C.SS.R., 1843.
Michael Carroll, 1845.
Jn. Ryan, 1846.
Tiberius Soderini, 1852.
James Carey, 1854.
Win. Laffan, 1857.
Denys Byrne, 1863.
Wm. Cassey, 1866.
James Burns, 1903 to date.
The mission dates from 1873,
when a temporary chapel was
erected and placed under the
charge of Fr. T. Foran, Acting
Chaplain to the Forces. The pre
sent church, in the Decorated
style, was opened by Bishop
Danell, of Southwark— in which
diocese Fareham then lay — Sep
tember 1878. Mr. J. Crawley was
the architect, the accommodation
of the church being for about 300.
Recent Hectors.
Rev. T. Doyle, 1885.
„ E. Canon Collins, 1888 to
minster). The Immaculate Con
The foundation-stone was laid on
the Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola,
July 31, 1844, by Fr. Randall
Lythgoe, S.J., in the place of
I Bishop Griffiths, V.A.L.D., and the
building was opened in 1845, For
some years (1845-49) the clergy
residence was at 25 Bolton Street,
Piccadilly. Mention is first made
of Farm Street Church in the
' Catholic Directory ' in 1850. The
style of the building is ' Gothic of
the Third Period,' from the design
of Scholes. Since the opening of
the church two handsome aisles
have been added, one of them as re
cently as 1904-5. The east window
is by Wailes and the high altar by
A. W. Pugin. The several side
altars are dedicated to SS. Ignatius,
Francis Xavier,and other canonised
members of the Society of Jesus,
the fathers of which have charge
of the church.
I mouth). St. Michael's Priory.
On her return from Zululand in
May 1881, where she had been to
visit the scene of the death of
I her son, the Prince Imperial, the
I Empress Eugenie took up her resi
dence at Farnborough Hill. Here
Her Majesty built the monastery
and church. On Monday, Janu
ary 8, 1888, the bodies of Napo-
i leon III. and the Prince Imperial
were removed from Chislehurst^.v.)
and deposited in the crypt of the
newly erected church. The style of
this building is Flamboyant Gothic.
The altar and sanctuary are of
richly inlaid marbles, many of the
varieties used being from Corsica,
the cradle of the Napoleonic race.
In the sacristy are kept some
splendid copes and chasubles made
from the Coronation robes of the
Empress, who has richly endowed
the church and adjoining mon
astery. A staircase leads from the
Gospel side of the sanctuary to the
crypt — a fine underground chapel,
with a handsome marble altar and
richly embossed bronze fittings.
The Imperial remains repose in
handsome red granite sarcophagi,
the gift of Queen Victoria. That
of the Emperor bears the inscrip
tion : ' Napoleon III. E.I.P.' On
the one containing the remains of
the Prince Imperial appear the
words : ' Napoleon Eugene Louis
Jean Joseph, Prince Imperial, ne a
Paris 16 Mars 1856; mort en soldat
a Itrotrotiozy (Afrique Australe)
1 Juin 1879. E.I.P.' Mural
tablets, wreaths, and funereal ban
ners adorn the chapel. The church
and monastery of St. Michael were
first placed under the care of the
Premonstratensian Canons from
St. Michael's, Frigolet (France).
These were supplanted a few years
ago by the Benedictines of Solesmes,
who divide their time between the
zealous discharge of their religious
and liturgical duties and the com
position of learned works, thus ably
maintaining in their English home
the best traditions of the renowned
Order of St. Benedict.
ward}. St. Polycarp's, Park Lane,
The mission was opened on the
Feast of St. Polycarp (January 26),
1890. Among the congregation
were Lady Wood and Capt. Wood,
wife and son of Field-Marshal Sir
Evelyn Wood. Bishop Butt, of
Southwark, made his first visita
tion of Farnham in September
1890. Fine schools have been since
erected by Fr. Gerin, the first priest
of the mission, who is making great
efforts to provide his increasing
congregation with a church.
St. Gregory's.
A mission was started here in
June 1852, by Fr. W. Taylor, who
remained till January 1861. The
Sisters of the Most Holy Cross
took over the teaching of the
schools in 1871. The present
church was commenced August 16,
1873, the foundation-stone being
laid by Bishop (afterwards Car
dinal) Vaughan. The Eev. F.
Schneider, a German priest of
Treves, who had been expelled by
the May Laws, was priest here in
1876. A new organ by Benson
was installed 1901-2.
war Tt). Our Lady of Compassion
and St. Theodore.
The district was formerly served
by the chapel at Linsted Lodge,
the residence of the Lords Teyn-
ham. The family (Eoper) was
\ descended from Thos. Eoper, son-
! in-law of the Blessed Thomas
More, and remained Catholic till
about the end of the eighteenth
j century. The last Catholic holder
of the title appears to have been
Henry, 10th Baron, who died in
i 1781, though in 1831 the ' People's
> Book ' erroneously asserted that
i the Lord Teynham of the day
(Henry, 15th Baron) was a Catho-
j lie. Fr. Chas. Forrester, S.J., was
chaplain here 1767-75. His calm
expostulation with the local pro-
testant clergyman, the Eev. Mr.
! Fox, not only disarmed the hostile
opposition of that gentleman, but
even led to him sending his two
sons to Douai College ! (See
Oliver's 'Collections,' p. 306.) The
present mission of Faversham was
founded in 1899, and is served by
the Oblates of St. Francis of Sales.
The temporary chapel is at Plan
tation House. The Kev. F. Ma-
honey was the first rector. Confir
mation was administered here for
the first time since the Reformation
by a Catholic bishop, August 26,
1906. Great efforts are being made
to erect a permanent church.
Rev. F. Mahoney.
„ L. Dubruyer, 1904 to date.
Note. — Linsted Lodge was
served by the Jesuits at an early
date. In 1688 an Orange mob
threatened the mansion and fear
fully ill-used the priest, Fr. Thos.
Kingslcy, alias de Bois, who nar
rowly escaped death. Concerning
the 'first apostasy of the family,
that of Henry, 8th Lord Teynham,
Fr. Jn. Clare, S.J., thus wrote,
March 3, 1715 : ' Our chief families
fall off; Lord Teynham, Sir Joseph
Shelley, Mr. Cotton, and two or
three more are talked of,' &c.
ampton}. St. Felix.
The locality having grown from
a fishing village to ' a smart water
ing-place,' it was found necessary
to establish a mission in the town
in July 1899. The chapel is in the
Gainsborough Road. In pre-Refor-
mation times the church pertained
to the Benedictines of Rochester.
Rev. Fr. W. Cooper, 1899.
and Newcastle). St. Patrick.
A chapel was opened at Felling,
January 25, 1841. At that time
there were many Catholics in the
district, mostly employed in the
chemical works of Messrs. Lee,
Patterson & Co. This firm gener
ously made ' a handsome annual
allowance ' to the priest of St.
Patrick's Chapel. In 1850 the
Catholic children who attended
' the mixed school ' at Friars Goose
in the vicinity were taught their
catechism by the mistress who was
a Catholic. Separate Catholic
schools were not erected till later.
At the retreat given by the Re-
demptorists in September-October
1859, 1,400 persons received Holy
Communion. In March 1860 Fr.
Kelly, priest of the Felling mission,
was committed to prison by Mr.
Justice Hill for contempt of court
in refusing at the Durham assizes
to answer certain questions as to a
fact known under the seal of con
fession. He was, however, soon
liberated, the conduct of the learned
judge being made the subject for
some severe comments in the gene
ral press. The old presbytery was
burnt January 1877, but afterwards
rebuilt on an enlarged scale. The
present fine Gothic church was
erected 1893-94, during the rectorate
of Fr. J. Murphy, D.D.
N.B. — The Brandlings ' an ancient
Catholic family of great possessions '
acquired Felling from the Places,
temp. Henry VIII. In 1729 Ralph
Brandling, Esq., married Eleanor
Ogle, a protestant, and after his
death in 1749 she brought up their
only son, Charles, in her own re
ligion. The family was thus lost
to the Faith, and the chapel which
had hitherto served the mission
was closed.
Priests of the present Mission.
Rev. Fr. J. Kelly, 1847.
„ Fr. T. Carroll, 1882.
„ Fr. J. Murphy, D.D., 1892 to
(Hexliam and Newcastle}. St.
Felton Castle has been the seat
of the Riddell family since about
1720, and Mass was said here
throughout the penal times. The
registers date from 1792. The do
mestic chapel was served occasion
ally by the Jesuits, but no particu
lars of their ministrations are
forthcoming. The present church
for 220 persons, opened June 16,
1857, is situated on the west side
of the mansion, and is well described
as 'a beautiful specimen of the
revival of ancient ecclesiastical
architecture.' Mr. Gilbert Blount
was the architect.
Priests since 1820.
Rev. J. Robinson ; J. Orrell, 1828.
J. B. Swale, 1846.
W. A. Brindle, 1847.
S. Day, 1850.
Charles Smith, O.S.B.,
1870 (?).
Peter Dorn, 1884.
Adam Wilkinson, 1888.
M. P. Horgan, 1895.
Edmund J. Barnet, 1897 to
(Liverpool). St. Mary.
Called also Ladywell and in old
documents Sanctue Mariae ad Fon-
tem. The Lady Chapel close by
the holy well dates from 1348,
being erected by a merchant in
thanksgiving for deliverance from
shipwreck. The place has always
been a stronghold of Catholicity
even during the worst period of
the penal laws. A school was
kept here early in the eighteenth
century by one ' Dame Alice.' She
was originally a protestant, but by
reading books of controversy and
apologetics was led to embrace the
Catholic faith, On being turned
adrift by her father, she opened a
Catholic school. Her pupils boarded
at the various cottages in the dis
trict. She took the children to
chapel every day, and on the way
the party always recited a Pater,
Ave, and Gloria at the * Lady well.'
Her school became very famous
locally, so that even many protes-
tants entrusted their children to
her for their education. Dame
Alice Harrison retired to end her
days with the Gerards of Garswood,
where she died about 1760. In
1684-85 a new chapel or ' house
of prayer ' was built by Mr. Cuth-
bert Hesketh, of ^Vhite Hill, Goos-
nargh. His cousin, Fr. Charles
Tootell, was priest at Fernyhalgh
and Vicar- General of Lancashire
and Cumberland in 1719. During
the Jacobite troubles of 1715, Fr.
Tootell was sought for by the priest-
hunters and for days lay concealed
in a bam. He was ' much troubled'
down to 1719, when the persecution
ceased. Later, he records thus :
' We began to pray at Our Lady's
well privately, August 5, 1723,
and publicly, August 15 in the
same year.' He died at Ferny
halgh, November 13, 1727, leav
ing behind him a curious didactic
work entitled ' The Layman's
Ritual for the Instruction of his
Flock.' Fr. Melling, who suc
ceeded, died April 17, 1733. His
successor was Fr. Oliver Tootell,
nephew of Fr. C. Tootell. When
Prince Charles Edward Stuart and
the Highlanders retreated from
Derby in December 1745, a protes
tant mob burned the chapel at
Fernyhalgh to the ground. An
account of this act of destruction
has been left by Fr. Oliver Tootell.
The chapel was subsequently re
built. In 1793 a larger chapel was
erected by Fr. Anthony Lund, one
of the Douai professors. The con
secration took place August 12 of
the same year. Another restora
tion and re-opening took place in
August 1847. Mr. Anderton, of
Haighton, gave a handsome lamp
in honour of the event.
Rev. Eobt. Bannister, 1770.
A. Lund, 1773.
E. Blacoe, 1811.
R. Gillow, 1823.
Mgr. Cookson, 1864.
(Administered, 1878-80.)
W. Gordon, 1880.
Daniel O'Hare, 1888.
„ John O'Reilly, 1893 to date.
The Sisters of Charity of Notre
Dame acquired Clarence House as
a convent in 1905, and till the open
ing of the present handsome church
on May 10, 1906, by the Bishop
of Middlesbrough, the temporary
chapel of the community was open
to the public. The style of the
church is Roman of the first cen
tury, the plan comprising nave and
sanctuary ; accommodation for
about 250 persons. The altar is
supported by a single thick pillar.
A fine bell has been presented by
Mr. Wake, of Sheffield. A. Pretia,
Esq., was the architect. Fr. E.
Roulin, O.S.B., is the first and
present rector of the mission.
(Westminster). St. Mary.
Towards the end of the eighteenth
century Mr. William Mawhood, a
wealthy Catholic gentleman and
army contractor, had his residence
at Finchley, and in his house Bishop
j Challoner stayed during the Gordon
riots, June 1-6, 1780. Two of Mr.
Mawhood's sons were at the Old
Hall Green Academy (St. Edmund's
College) in 1769. It is probable
that this family had a chapel in
their house. From 1796, the
nearest mission was St. Mary's,
Holly Place, Hampstead, founded
by the Abbe J. Morel (see Hamp
stead). After the establishment of
St. Joseph's Retreat, Highgate, by
the Passionist Fathers, in June
1858, the few Catholics in and
around Finchley went there to
Mass. In 1864, the nuns of the
Good Shepherd Order at Hammer
smith opened a branch convent at
East End, Finchley, in a large
mansion formerly belonging to a
protestant gentleman. Here they
have continued to carry on their
work of active charity. Till the
recent establishment of the mission
of St. Mary's (1898), High Road,
East Finchley, the convent church
was open to the public. A small
day school was opened November 6,
1899. The average daily attend
ance that year was fifteen.
Rev. A. C. Day.
Until 1903 North Finchley and
its adjunct, Whetstone, were ad
ministered to from Barnet. A new
mission was established in the
former place in June 1903, Fr. M.
St. John Sellon being placed in
charge. Mass was said in a small
hired loft over a stable-yard, the
Blessed Sacrament being reserved
in the priest's house, Nether Street,
where Mass was said on weekdays.
In 1903 the chapel was at 4 Percy
Boad, near Tally-ho Corner, the
mission being served from Barnet.
pool). St. Mary.
On Thursday, September 29, 1841,
a grand concert was given at the
"Whitworth Institute, Fleetwood, to
augment the building-fund of the
church. Many of the officers at
tached to the School of Musketry
attended, and subscribed liberally.
The edifice was opened in Novem
ber of the same year. The sermon
was preached by Dr. Butler, of
St. Anthony's, Liverpool. The new
church was erected 1867, from a
design by Pugin, jun. The site
was given by Sir P. Fleetwood. In
1877 the presbytery was built, and
in 1896 new schools. In 1903 the
Catholic population was 1727.
Rev. B. Carroll, 1841.
E. Carter, 1847.
Thos. Gibson, 1849.
Hy. Cook, 1857.
Thomas Canon Newsham,
1860 (?).
Thos. Bridges, 1867.
Wm. Bockliff, 1897.
wark}. Our Lady Help of Chris
tians and St. Aloysius.
As late as 1863 Folkestone was
described as k a destitute mission,'
with no better chapel than ' a bare
room.' About seventy Catholic
children of the place were said
to be attending protestant schools.
Fr. E. Sheridan, of Hythe, served !
the chapel on Sundays. The present
church in Guildhall Street was !
opened July 19. 1889, by Bishop
Butt, during the rectorate of Fr. F.
Dennan. The old ' Towns End '
cottages formerly stood on the site.
The church is a substantial build
ing in the Early Gothic style ; the
architect was Mr. Leonard Stokes.
The seating capacity is for about
750 people. The cost of erection
was between £5,000 and £6,000.
The sermon at the opening was
preached by Mgr. Harrington Moore
(Jeremias vi. 16). Mr. C. Santley,
the celebrated vocalist, sang the
' Veni, Sancte Spiritus ' at the offer
tory. The present incumbent of
Folkestone is Mgr. C. Coote, suc
cessor to Fr. T. Scannell, now of
Holy Sepulchre.
The Earl of Sefton in October
1846 gave an acre of land at Ford
as a site for the Catholic schools.
In 1858 a piece of ground was pur
chased from the same noble land
lord and consecrated as a cemetery.
The church in the centre of this
burial-ground was opened by the
Bishop of Liverpool in September
1861. The style is Modern Gothic,
and the building will accommodate
about 200 persons. Fr. T. Kelly
was the first resident priest. The
Church of the Good Shepherd
Convent — dedicated to the Sacred
Heart — was commenced in May
1886. The style is Gothic. The
building is divided into three sec
tions — for nuns, penitents, and
Rev. _ Kelby, 1861.
Moses Doon, 1863.
Bichard O'Neill, 1871.
M. Aylward, 1874.
Thos. Browne, 1885.
E. O'Beilly, 1893.
C. Beynolds, 1895.
P. Monaghan, 1899.
mouth). Our Lady of Seven Do
A mission established by the |
Servite Fathers in 1872.
None mentioned 1875.
Bev. Mgr. Carter, 1878.
„ Edw. Sheridan, 1880.
„ Edw. Collins, 1885.
Priors. Eev. P. M. Simoni, 1889.
A. Brugnoli, 1890.
John Angelo Price,
A. Brugnoli, 1892.
P. Mullarky, 1895.
S. Barry, 1897.
Leo Graty, 1900.
Ambrose McGrath,
1903 to date.
(Westminster). St. Anthony of
A school chapel was opened by
the Franciscans, Wednesday, Octo
ber 8, 1884. High Mass was sung
by Dr. Weathers, Bishop of Amycla.
In the afternoon of the same day
the foundation of the Friary was
laid by the Bishop of Emmaus. It
forms the house of studies of the
Order in England. The church
was opened in 1887. Catholic
population of the district, about
(Southward). St. William.
The church, in the Komanesque
style of architecture, was opened
by Bishop Amigo, May 3, 190G.
The building, which is the gift of
an anonymous benefactress, will
accommodate about 200 persons.
Fr. James Hayes, late of the neigh
bouring mission of Brockley, is the
first rector.
FORMBY, LANGS (Liverpool).
Our Lady of Compassion.
The ancient Catholic family of
Formby lost the faith shortly after
1720. Up to this time the chapel
served the mission. Fr. E. Forster,
S.J., was priest 1701-7, and after
him Fr. Beaumont. Fr. C. Burton,
1709-19, Fr. W. Clifton, 1719-49,
Fr. F. Blundell, 1749-79, were the
next priests. A public chapel was
commenced about 1G86. At the
Bevolution it was seized and used
as a tithe-barn. About 1794 it re
turned to its original purpose, and
was enlarged for 150. By 1860, the
Catholic population had risen to
1,100. The church was opened in
August 1864 on a site given by Mr.
Weld-Blundell, who also contri
buted £1,000. The design is Ko
manesque, from design by Glutton.
Seats are arranged for 600. The
schools were enlarged in 1898.
Priests since 1779.
Eev. Hy. Blundell, S.J., 1779.
F. Blundell, 1784.
Thos. Caton, 1787.
— Parkinson, 1791.
- Wheldon, 1791.
F. Craythorne, 1795.
Hy. Carter, 1796.
Jos. Maini, 1805.
Jn. Smith, 1834.
Thos. Crowe, 1853.
Mgr. Canon Carr, 1862 to
date (1905).
(Birmingham). The Immaculate
The ancient Catholic family of
Canning — descended from Thos.
Canynges, Lord Mayor of London
1456— were seated here till their
extinction in January 1857. The
estate now belongs to the Howards
of Corby. Mass was said in the
chapel at the Hall down to 1813,
when the present edifice was
Eev. W. Mannock,O.S.B., 1709-59.
„ Louvel, 1794 (?) ; served by
Fr. J. Ducket of Brailes,
Geo. Burge, 1837.
A. Lempfried, 1849.
D. F. Mascot, 1867.
Jn. Smith, here 1871.
W. Timothy, 1876.
W. Stoker, 1882.
Patrick Keynolds, 1885.
Michael Hourigan, 1888.
J. Kennedy, 1903.
St. Peter's school for foreign
missions was started here June 29,
1884, in a house formerly used as
a boys' school under the direction
of a protestant clergyman. The
church adjoining is in a mixed
style of architecture, and will ac
commodate about 100. The interior
has recently been adorned under
the direction of the present rector.
The students, who number about
fifty, go through their course of
Humanities at this college prior to
their philosophical studies at Rozen-
daal (Holland), after which they
proceed to Mill Hill, London, for
theology, Canon law, &c. A fine
quadrangle was added to the
school in 1903.
Eev. Francis Henry, 1884.
„ Joseph Eettori, 1892.
Rev. John Sala, 1893.
„ Edmund Farmer, 1901 to
The domestic chapel of Weston
Manor, the seat of the Ward family,
was opened for public worship
September 14, 1871. In December
1892 Fr. Bernard Vaughan
preached a mission here, during
which time about forty persons
were received into the Church.
Rev. P. Haythornthwaite, 1871.
„ Patrick Curtiss, 1899.
„ L. Doran, 1902 to date.
FRIMLEY, SURREY (Southward).
A wooden chapel, for the use of
the Catholic soldiers, was com
menced here, Oct. 1906. The
building, which will probably be
finished by Christmas, is for about
300. Architect, B. Williamson, Esq.
The mission, which was commenced
in June 1906, is under the care of
the Rev. Geo. Boniface.
(Hexham and Newcastle). St.
The mission was founded in
1875. The present church, to ac
commodate 400, was opened Janu
ary 27, 1897. The reredos has
finely carved figures of SS. Bene
dict, Edmund, and other English
Saints. The Lady Altar is in
memory of Fr. Brieiiey.
Rev. Matthew Brierley, O.S.B.
„ Hy. Perkins, 1879.
„ Ralph Pearson, 1889.
Rev. Win. Hurley, 1891.
„ Thos. Bamf'ord, 1899.
,. Win. Hurley, 1904.
„ A. Prior, 1906.
ton). St. Catherine.
In 1850 the Benedictine "Fathers
of Downside visited Frome and
laboured assiduously among the
poor Catholics of the district.
Mass was said on Sundays in the
house of a Mr. Downing, a grocer.
In June 1854, Fr. Eichard Ward,
formerly a protestant clergyman,
fitted up an old building, known as
St. Catherine's Tower, as a church
and presbytery, after which time
Catholicism in the district greatly
Rev. R. Canon Ward, 1854.
, Maurice Power, 1860.
, Robt. Wadman, 1863.
, Alex. Ryan, 1871.
, F. Bartley, 1874.
, J. Fanning, 1879.
, J. Archdeacon, 1885.
, Albert Williams, 1892 to
When Pugin's beautiful church
of St. Thomas of Canterbury was
c rected in 1847 — through the
munificence of a convert lady — the
congregation mainly consisted of
poor market gardeners who
laboured in the ' Fulham Fields.1
In 1884 thousands of houses
covered the once rural expanse.
In January of that year, a large
school chapel was erected by Fr.
C. J. Keens, formerly of Maiden
Lane church, for the benefit of the
many Catholic poor * crowded out '
to Fulham from the West End.
The number of children of school
age was estimated at about 700.
The high altar of the church is
adorned by a richly carved reredos,
and the windows are filled with
stained glass. The first incumbent
was Fr. T. T. Ferguson, D.D. He
was succeeded in 1856 by Canon
John Morris, who in 1861 entered
the Society of Jesus. The Catholic
population of the mission is about
Priests since 1862.
Rev. Geo. Canon Rolfe, 1861.
„ Wm. Bond, 1866.
„ Alexius Mills, 1874.
„ Mgr. Fenton, Bishop of
Amycla 1904, Bishop
Auxiliary of Westminster.
„ John Crowley, 1899 to date.
S.W. (Westminster}.
The mission, which is under the
care of the Augustinians, was com
menced, 1903, in ' a little house-
chapel ' in Comeragh Rd., West
Kensington. The present iron
church of the mission was opened
Sunday, September 16, 1906; accom
modation for about 250 ; Very Rev,
Patrick Raleigh, prior.
and Newcastle). St. Osmund.
The mission was founded as a
chapel of ease to St. Augustine's,
Darlington, in 1852.
Kev. Thos. Witharn, 1855.
„ James Rodgers, 1860.
„ Michael Birgen, 1891.
„ Henry Dix, 1895.
„ Thos. H. Knuckey, to date.
(Nottingham). St. Thomas of
The mission was set on foot in
1866, and on Wednesday, June 3,
1868, the new church was opened
by Bishop Roskell, of Nottingham.
The edifice, which was built at the
cost of T. A. Young, Esq., of King-
erby, is in the twelfth century style
of Gothic. Mr. Hadfield was the
architect. The accommodation is
for about 150. Cost of erection
about £1,250. The convent and
schools were built later.
Rev. Michael Scully, 1866.
„ Michael Gorman, 1877.
,, John Wenham, 1888.
„ Herbert Beale, 1889.
Thos. Bolton, 1890.
Michael O'Reilly, 189a,
Rev. Geo. Hawkins, 1897.
„ Redmond Walsh, 1898.
„ Alf. Bowen, 1899.
„ Owen J. Scully, 1901 (?).
SS. Mary and Michael.
Prior to 1788, Catholics at Gar-
stang had to attend Mass at
Claughton or Scorton. In the
spring of that year, a chapel was
opened, Fr. Shuttleworth being the
first priest. In 1790 he went to
Aston-le-Willows and was suc
ceeded by Fr. J. Barrow. Fr.
Barrow died in 1812. Fr. A.
Story, who had kept ' a young
gentlemen's academy ' at Tudhoe,
was the next incumbent. He
retired about 1823 and died in York
shire aged eighty-seven. In 1820
the Catholic population of Garstang
numbered 530. In 1857 it was
1,000, by which time the old chapel
had become almost unfit for use.
A fine site at Barnacre was pur
chased from Mr. Bashall, of Far-
rington Lodge, and the foundation
stone of the new church laid by
Bishop Goss, of Liverpool, in June
1857. Fr. M. Hickey, resident priest
at Garstang from 1827 to 1871, col
lected most of the £3,030 required
fjr ths contract. The style of tha
church, which was solemnly opened
in August 1858 by Bishop Goss, is
geometrical, and the building will
hold over 600 persons. New
marble altar and rails before the
High and Lady Altars were erected
by ' the pastor and people ' in June
Rev. Wm. Foster, 1741.
Edw. Daniel, 1745.
Shuttleworth, 1788.
J. Barrow, 1789.
Wm. Barnes, 1796.
J. Worswick, 1796.
Jn. Eickaby, 1798.
Kd. Sumner, 1800.
J. Barrow, 1800.
J. Burnard, 1807.
Ar. Story, 1813.
Dan. Hearne, 1824.
M. Hickey, 1825.
(T. Wells, assistant.)
Canon Seed, 1871.
Jn. Nixon, 1872.
Jas. Hennessy, 1874 to date.
Francis of Assisi.
In 1874 the trustees of the Liver- j
pool Mission Fund granted £100 j
towards a school chapel in this |
district. The mission, however, was |
not started till 1883, when a Con
gregational chapel was purchased
and opened for worship (July).
New schools were inaugurated
October 1884.
Bev. Fredk. Smith, 1883 to date.
and Neivcasfle). St. Joseph.
The town was formerly known
as Gateside. During the reign of
James II., Fr. Philip Leigh, S.J.,
had a large * classical academy ' j
and ' spacious chapel ' in the town.
Bishop Leyburn confirmed 360
persons here August 10 and 11,
1687. Fr. Leigh was still here in
1704. There is no mention of a
mission after this, but when the
Duke of Cumberland was hurrying
north to suppress the Scotch
rebellion in 1746, ' the old Catholic
Church of St. Edmund ' at Gates-
head was burnt by the mob.
Whether this was an old pre-
Beformation church or a ' Mass-
house ' does not appear. The
foundation of the present mission
is due to Fr. Kobert Suffield, who
in 1851 hired a loft at Hillgate and
fitted up a chapel. The ' Long
Room ' of the Queen's Hotel was
afterwards hired for the same pur
pose. A site for a new church
was secured in 1850 at ' Jackson's
Chare ' near the centre of the town.
The first stone of the building was
laid by Bishop Hogarth, of Hex-
ham, June 1, 1858, and the church
was opened July 5, 1859. A liberal
portion of the building fund was
subscribed by the congregation,
including many of the employes
of Messrs. Allhusen & Co. In
November 1883, the church was
reopened after a thorough course
of renovation. Several fine stained-
glass windows were added to the
clerestory about this time.
Catholic population, 1854, 2,008.
Rev. R. Suffield, occasionally, 1851.
„ F. Betham, 1852.
(Mission served from Hexham
Edward Consitt, 1857.
Hy. Wrennall, 1860.
Hy. Riley, 1867.
John Wilson, 1874.
Patrick Thomas Mathews,
1879 till 1895.
Canon Michael Greene, 1895
to date,
and Newcastle}. 'Our Lady and
St. Wilfrid.'
This mission was initiated
temporarily about fifty years ago
by Fr. Beetham, of Newcastle, but
the project was shortly afterwards
given up. In 1886 the effort was
again renewed, when Mass was
said every Sunday in the district
by a priest from St. Joseph's,
Gateshead (q-v.}. A new iron
church to accommodate about 500
persons was opened on Sunday
September 18, 1904. High Mass
was sung on this occasion by Fr.
G. Wheatley, D.D., of Ushaw.
The Catholic population of the
neighbourhood is estimated at
(Mission served from St. Joseph's
Rev. James Kay, to date.
ampton). Our Lady of Perpetual
The church in the Roman style
was opened in August 1898, the
stone having been laid in February
of that year by Fr. M. Fulton,
O.S.B. Size, 77 ft. by 22 ft. ;
campanile 60 ft. high. The nave
and aisles are separated by hand
some Doric columns. J. G. Ken-
yon, Esq., of Gillingham Hall,
defrayed the cost of erection. The
mission is at present served from
(Liverpool}. St. Swithiu.
This mission originated about
1700 at Croxteth Hall, the residence
of the Lords Molyneux, When the
1st Earl of Sefton (Charles 9th
Viscount Molyneux) conformed to
the Established Church in 1768, he
had some rooms in a farmhouse
near Croxteth Hall turned into a
Catholic chapel and also erected a
residence for the priest. The in
cumbent at this time was Fr. B.
Bolas, O.S.B., who died in 1773.
His predecessor had been the Rt.
Hon. and Rev. Charles 6th Lord
Dormer, of the Society of Jesus.
Fr. Joseph Emmott, S.J., came
in 1773 at the special request, it is
said, of the conforming Lord Sefton,
who had been one of his pupils at
St. Omer's. This story, however,
is denied, as the Earl's guardians
being protestants would not let
him have a Catholic education.
The present church was opened
July 21, 1824, and the presbytery
in 1836. In 1887 the Jesuit
Fathers severed their connection
with the mission, which has since
been served by seculars. Fr. John
Kelly was the first of these. He
renovated the church in 1891. Fr.
Taylor succeeded him in November
1891. The church contains some
valuable sacred pictures and is
justly considered ' a very beautiful
country church.' A fine school and
parish hall add greatly to the
efficiency of the mission.
Rev. Albert Babthorpe, S.J., 1701.
„ Richard Hitchmough, 1709.
He apostatised, 1714, and
became a priest-hunter. He
received from the Govern
ment the small living of
Whenby, Yorkshire, where
he died' in 1724.
„ Thos.Worthington,O.P.,1713.
„ Richard Jameson, 1725.
„ Robt. Kendal, 1733.
,, Win. Molyneux, 1746, became
7th Viscount Molyneux,
Kev. Chas. Dormer (6th Baron
Dormer), 1747.
Jn. Bodenham, 1750.
Bernard Bolas, O.S.B., 1756.
Jos. Emmott, S.J., 1773.
Nicholas Sewell, S.J., 1816.
Jos. Cope, S.J., 1818.
Thos. Clarke, S. J., 1834.
Jos. Johnson, 1841.
Edw. Morron, 1844.
John Milner, 1862.
Bernard Jarrett, 1863.
James Walker, 1880.
Geo. Noble, 1881.
John Young, 1882 (last Jesuit
John Kelly, 1887.
Thos. Taylor, 1891.
Lady of the Sacred Heart.
This town, so famous in the
ecclesiastical annals of England for
its renowned abbey, dissolved in
1539, was without a mission till
the autumn of 1886, when the
Fathers of the Sacred Heart from
Issoudun (France) opened a small
chapel. They also served the
mission of Highbridge, which till
then had only the privilege of
Mass on the first and third Sun
days of each month.
VENNY (Monmouth). The Sacred
The chapel was opened in Octo
ber 1885. The building, which was
erected at the sole cost of Reginald
Vaughan, Esq., of Glen-Trothy,
consists of nave, chancel, porch, !
and sacristy. The high altar is j
adorned by a carved group of the
Crucifixion, the whole being lighted
by a rich east window. High j
Mas§ on the occasion of opening !
was sung by Bishop Hedley, of
Newport. Mr. E. Kirby, of Liver
pool, was the architect of the
Eev. Henry Clark, 1885.
„ Sidney Nicholls, 1888.
„ Hyacinth Skerrett, 1890.
„ James Phelan, 1892.
„ P. Larkin, 1893.
„ Edrnond Mottay, 1895 to
tingham). St. Mary
1. All Saints.
Fr. Nicholas Garlick, priest, who
suffered for the Faith at Derby,
1588, was a native of Glossop.
The place was one of the seats of
the ducal family of Norfolk, who
maintained a chapel here which
served the mission till the opening
of a small church in 1837. The
stone was laid by Mr. Ellison on
behalf of the Duke of Norfolk,
February 13, 1835. Schools for
300 children were erected about
the same time. Edward Fitzalan
Howard, first Baron Howard of
Glossop (December 9, 1869), was
a generous benefactor to the mis
Eev. M. Barbe, 1824.
„ T. Lakin, 1828.
„ T. Canon Fauvel, 1835.
„ C. Tasker, 1866.
„ Henry Koerfer, 1882.
„ W. Baigent, 1892.
„ Francis Ffrench, 1897.
„ J. A. Wenham, 1901.
„ Owen Scully, 1903 to date.
2. St. Mary.
The present mission was formed
1882, by the Eev. Charles Tasker
of AH Saints, who left that church
to be first incumbent of St. Mary's.
The site of the new church — begun
in July 1884— was given by
Howard of Glossop, the building
expenses (£12,000) being defrayed
by the late Francis Sumner, Esq.
A handsome presbytery was erected
by the same generous benefactor.
The church was opened by Bishop
Bagshawe, August 16, 1887. Canon
Tasker, who was created a domestic
prelate (Monsignor) in 1893, died
August 1906.
GLOUCESTER (Clifton). St.
The mission owes its rise to the !
munificence of Miss Mary Webb, i
daughter of Sir Jn. Webb, Bart. !
The first priest was Fr. Geo.
Gildart, but he did not remain
long. His successor, Fr. Jn. i
Greenaway, erected the chapel in
1789. This excellent priest also
carried on a highly successful
' academy for young gentlemen '
and gained the respect of all
classes. He died November 29,
1800, aged fifty, and is buried in
the chapel. His successor appears
to have been the Abbe Giraud.
During the incumbency of the
Abbe Josse (1833) some valuable
church plate was stolen from the
sacristy (October 21). The chapel
was rebuilt and reopened March 22,
1860 ; much internal decoration I
was carried out October acd
November 1886 under the direction
of Senor Dastis, of the Academy of
Madrid. The carved oak stalls of
the sanctuary were erected at the
same time.
Bev. George Gildart, 1788.
„ John Greenaway, 1789,
„ Abbe Giraud, 1800.
„ John Burke, 1825.
„ Abbe L. Josse,
Kev. P. Hartley, 1841. Died of
contagion, caught while
visiting the sick, 1847.
„ Henry Godwin, 1847.
„ T. Macdonnell, 1848.
„ Leonard Canon Calderbank,
,, George Canon Case, D.D.
„ M. Bouvier, 1877.
„ Eustace Canon Barren, 1879.
„ Joseph Chard, 1896 to date.,,
This mission was started in
1899 and for some time was served
on Sundays from the Franciscan
Priory of Chilworth (q.v.). The
Rushbrooks and Flemings are the
most considerable Catholics of the
place. The new church in the
Early English style (98£ ft. x 26 1 ft.)
designed by Mr. F. Walters was
opened by Bishop Amigo, June 2,7,
1906. Cost of the building together
with the ' commodious presbytery '
£4,700. Fr. St. George Hyland
has charge of the mission.
LOWS (Liverpool). All Saints.
The mission was established
Eev. Francis A. Dunham.
Thos. Carroll, here 1871.
Francis A. Soden, 1876.
Thos. Carroll, 1879.
Rd. Baynes, 1882.
Wm. Hy. Byrne, 1885.
Thos. O'Donnell, 1895.
„ Michael Quirkc, 1902 to date,
(Birmingham). St. Joseph.
A school chapel was erected in
1873, and served from Tunstall till
the opening of the church (Gothic)
in 1883.
Rev. Thos. Kenny, 1885.
„ Bernard Grafton, 1893.
„ Win. Hopkins, 1894.
„ Thos. Hanley, 1904.
„ Willibrord Buscot 1905 to
GOOLE, YORKS (Leeds). St.
Thomas of Canterbury.
The mission was established in
1864. A school chapel was opened
in July 1870, and the present church
September 22, 1877, by Cardinal
Manning. Style, Early English ;
accommodation for about 350 ; cost
about £1,200.
Rev. James Atkins, 1864.
„ Gco. Pearson, 1887 to date.
(Liverpool). St. Erancis.
Fr. Thaddeus, O.S.M., in his
( Franciscans in England ' gives
the date of the foundation of this
mission as 1687. The ground and a
small endowment (£10 per annum)
were given by Cuthbert Hesketh,
Esq. The chapel was dismantled
at the Revolution next year, but
' soon rose out of its ruins.' The
estate on which the chapel stood
was sold in 1757 to Thos. Starkie,
Esq., but a portion of the property
was secured for the mission. The
baptismal registers date from about
1770. Fr. Dinmore, O.S.B., who
succeeded the last Franciscan in
cumbent, Fr. Bonaventure, 1833,
enlarged the chapel (1834). New
schools were opened in August
Rev. Michael Jackson, 1687.
„ Hy. Appleton, 1710.
„ Chas. Tootell, 1738.
„ Jn. Tootell, 1752.
„ Robt. Painter, 1753.
„ Chas. Tootell, 1755.
„ Leo. Francis, 1767.
„ Bernardine Fleet, 1770.
„ Lawrence Eccles, 1773.
„ Bernard Yates, 1776.
Alex. Whalley, 1778.
Peter Wilcock, 1779.
Anthony Caley, 1782.
P. Wilcock, 1784.
Ig. Casemore, 1785.
Jas. Howse, 1787:
Nich. Knight, 1788.
Ig. Casemore, 1790.
P. Wilcock, 1791.
Hy. Waring, 1794.
Pacif. Kington, 1800.
Jos. Tate, 1803.
Bonaventure Martin, 1805.
Jos. Tate, 1808.
Anselm Millward, 1809.
B. Martin, left 1833.
Edw. Dinmore, O.S.B., 1834.
Mat. Brierley, O.S.B., 1879.
Joseph Worden, 1895 to date.
SHIRE (Birmingham). Our Lady
and St. John.
Mass was said here in the sum
mer of 1895 by various priests for
the benefit of Catholic visitors to
i the place. Goring was established
| as a permanent; mission with resi-
| dent priest in April 1896. The site
I for church and presbytery was se
cured about this time, but for some
months Mass was said on Sundays
: in the house-boat of W, B. Hallet,
Esq. The foundation stone of the
present church was laid by the
Bishop of Birmingham on Novem
ber 3, 1897, and the building was
opened in 1898. The edifice, which
stands in Ferry Lane, consists of a
sanctuary and half the intended
nave. The style is Perpendicular
Gothic, designed by W. Ravens-
croft, F.S.A., of Reading. The site
was presented by Mr. W. Hallet.
(Northampton) .
The temporary chapel was opened
June 1889. The building, which
was formerly a malthouse, will ac
commodate about 150. Estimated
number of congregation, about 70.
Gorleston-on-Sea is a growing sea
side resort well known for its 'beau
tiful cliffs and bracing air.' A site
for a future church has been secured
by the present rector.
Rev. Edward Scott, 1889.
„ Henry Stanley, 1905.
(Salford). St. Francis of Assisi.
The Franciscans purchased a
house and piece of land here in
February 1863. It was occupied
by the Fathers after Easter of the
same year. The cruciform Gothic
church designed by E. W. Pugin
was commenced in May 1863, and
consecrated 1872. Till its opening,
the schools served as a temporary
chapel. The church and the ad
joining monastery cost upwards of
£10,000. A splendid marble high
altar was erected in July 1885.
"When Cardinal Manning visited
the church in September 1885, he
could congratulate the Fathers on
their work, for there were 700 chil
dren in the schools and ' a multi
tude of people who received the
GOSPORT, HANTS (Portsmouth).
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart.
The foundation of this mission is
set down at 1750, but we have been
unable to discover anything of its
early history. As late as 1851 the
chapel in Middle Street was ' a
mean wooden structure ' at the back
of the presbytery, affording ' most
inadequate accommodation for
the congregation.' Fr. Baldacconi,
D.D., erected the present church,
opened about 1855. Donna Maria
Francisca, wife of the Spanish royal
claimant Don Carlos, was buried
here in 1835.
Rev. Abbe Delarue, 1800 (?).
Silveira, 1827.
O'Meara, 1829.
Jn. Clarke, 1830.
A. M. Baldacconi, 1850.
Thcs. Canon Doyle, here in
1871 and till 1896.
Mgr. Cahill, administrator,
1896 ct seq.
Jn. Canon Watson, to date.
The Sacred Heart.
A home for cripples was founded
here, at Oakleigh House, in 1880 (?)
by Miss Dashwood, of Slindon, the
chapel being open to the public.
The home was subsequently closed,
but the mission still continues, the
Catholic population of the place
being about thirty (1905).
Rev. Ar. Cumberlege.
, E. Palmer.
Kev. John Brady.
„ Geo. Mendham, 1895 to date.
TYNE (Hexham and Newcastle).
The Sacred Heart and St. Charles.
The mission was commenced in
1868, Mass being said at Cox
Lodge. The chapel was dedicated
to St. Charles and served from the
cathedral till about 1876, when a
resident priest was appointed. The
Bishop Chad wick Memorial Schools
(Industrial) were inaugurated Octo
ber 1882 and the cemetery of the
Holy Sepulchre opened 1891. The
church was erected 1896.
Rev. Michael Birgen, 1876.
„ Peter Perrin, 1882.
„ Win. Stevenson, 1892.
„ Adam Wilkinson, 1895.
„ Thomas Keilly, 1897 to date.
January 22, 1884. Car tmel Priory
belonging to the Canons Kegular of
St. Augustine before the dissolu
tion, is situated in the neighbour
YORKS (Middlesbrough). Our
Lady of Perpetual Succour.
What was formerly a small vil
lage had by 1883 become a town
with 4,000 inhabitants. The school
chapel at the entrance of the town
was opened in the summer of 1885,
mainly owing to the efforts of
Canon Holland, of Southbank. For
some years after 1885 the mission
was served from Southbank.
Rev. James Nolan, 1888.
„ Patrick Cronin, 1899.
„ Bernard Kelly, 1902 to date.
Mass was offered for the first
time here on Sunday, August 26,
1882, at Kent Ford House, the
residence of J. Sutcliffe Witham,
Esq., by Fr. J. Bilsborow, after
wards Bishop of Salford. Till that
time there was no Catholic chapel
nearer than Carnforth, about ten j
miles distant. The foundations of
the present church were laid May
29, 1883. The style of the building,
designed by E. Simpson of Brad
ford, is Early English, the structure
comprising nave, chancel, and side
chapels. The accommodation is for
150 persons. The site was pur
chased by Fr. W. Massey, of Ulvers-
ton. The opening took place
ham). St. Mary's.
The Thimelbys of Irnham Hall
were the support of this mission
during the greater part of the
eighteenth century. Bishop Horn-
yold was chaplain here about 1740.
On one occasion when the pur
suivants came to arrest him for
saying Mass, he escaped detection
by disguising himself in a long
cloak. Fr. R. Thimelby, S.J.,
laboured in the district during the
preceding century from about 1649
to 1665. Owing to the influx of
Irish labourers the congregation
greatly increased about 1820, and
thirteen years later a chapel was
opened (May 1833) by Fr. Tempest.
A mural tablet was erected to his
memory after his death (Novem
ber 19, 1861). The chapel was
enlarged and decorated in 1884.
Fr. P. Sabela has been rector since
St. Austin.
In 1835 Charles Challoner, Esq.,
offered £50 a year to support a
priest, and all the timber requisite
for building, if a church were
erected in the neighbourhood. The
building was opened in July 1837,
the cost of the structure having
been £2,800. The rectors of the
mission — Benedictines — since that
time have been :
Eev. R. A. Prest, 1837-41.
C. A. Shann, 1843.
James Carr, 1845.
S. B. Day, 1849.
W. A. Brindle, 1850.
C. Shann, 1853.
E. A. Prest, 1857.
J. H. Dowding, 1864.
W. A. Bulbeck, 1872.
J. P. Hall, 1882.
J. C. Murphy, 1883.
J. J. Brown, 1891.
J. P. O'Brien and T. A. Burge,
St. John the Evangelist.
The mission was started about
1840 by Fr. Gregory Stasiewiecz, a
refugee Polish priest 'who opened a
humble chapel in Windmill Street.
By dint of great exertions he erected
a larger chapel in the Chatham
Road, under the patronage of St.
Gregory the Great. He was suc
ceeded by Fr. A. Ritort. In 1850
the priest was Fr. Hearne, of Moor-
fields. He repaired the walls of the
chapel. In July 1851 a fine proprie
tary (Gothic) chapel belonging to the
Rev. Mr. Blew, a convert Anglican
clergyman, was purchased, and con-
! secrated by Bishop Grant on Octo
ber 30 following. Mr. L. Raphael
generously advanced the purchase
money (£2,000). This church
was erected in 1838. It accommo
dates 1,200 persons. The aisles are
adorned with a series of well- exe
cuted statues of the principal Eng
lish saints. In July 1861 Bishop
Grant consecrated a Catholic ceme
tery at Gravesend, ' hundreds falling
on their knees in response to his
entreaty that they would say a De
Profundis and a Hail Mary for the
Souls in Purgatory.'
Priests since 1853.
Rev. Amadeus Guidez.
„ Michael Driscoll, 1855.
„ M. O' Sullivan, 1860.
,, Joseph Wyatt, here in 1871,
and till 1906.
„ Fr. M. Gifkins, 1906.
GEAYS, ESSEX (Westminster).
St. Thomas of Canterbury.
This mission was commenced in
March or April 1862, by Fr. J.
Gilligan. The ' chapel ' was a
closed-up shop and the altar a deal
table. The vestments are described
as 'unfit for use.' Fr. Gilligan
had also charge of the mission of
Barking, fourteen miles distant.
The ' chapel ' of Grays only accom
modated some forty persons and the
1 congregation numbered nearly 200.
Fr. Geo. Sparks appealed for funds
I to build (December 1880). As late
as 1885, when Canon Keens had
charge of the mission, the ' chapel '
was a disused butcher's shop. A
school chapel was commenced in
April 1886, the stone being laid by
, Cardinal Manning. The new build -
: ing, which was opened in October
j the same year, is capable of ac-
i commodating 400 children. The
chapel is in the upper storey with
seating capacity for 500. The style
is Early Gothic. F. Pownall was
the architect.
TONSHIRE (Northampton). The
Immaculate Heart of Mary.
In 1874 V. Carey-Elwes, Esq.,
fitted up a chapel in his house and
opened it to the public. It was
served by a priest from Northamp
ton, but at that time the only
Catholics in the place were the
members of the Elwes family, num
bering about five. By 1878, there
wras a resident priest and upwards
of fifty Catholics, mostly converts.
A large temporary church — the gift
of Mr. Elwes — was opened the
same year (September 8).
Eev. W. Blackman, 1878.
„ Chas. Mull, 1882.
„ Patrick Murphy, 1885.
„ Fredk. Maples, 1888.
„ W. Canon Blackman (second
time), 1893 to date.
pool). SS. Peter and Paul.
The mission was started in 1826
in a temporary chapel which was
superseded by ' a neat commodious
structure,' opened in 1832. The
congregation then numbered 400.
Schools were erected by Canon
Fisher, and the present fine Gothic
church opened 1894.
Rev. Wm. Brown, 1826.
,, James Canon Fisher, 1850.
„ Jn. Canon Wallwork, 1871.
„ Jn. Nixon, 1885 to date.
St. Mary.
The first chapel, founded in
1760, was situated at ' the Eaikes,'
about quarter of a mile from Great
Eccleston. The baptismal registers
date from 1771. The school built
in 1780 served as a chapel on Sun
days till the completion of the pre
sent church, opened in July 1835.
In 1869 an altar and reredos were
erected in the church in memory
of the last of the Leckonbys ' a fine
old Catholic family of the Fylde.'
Priests since 1824.
Eev. Hy. Parkinson.
Ealph Platt, 1833.
Thos. Pinnington, 1837.
Eandolph Frith, 1840.
Edw. Brown, 1844.
Walter Maddocks, 1846.
E. Swarbrick, 1860 till 1878.
Thos. Wells, 1879.
Thos. Smith, 1889.
Hy. Eoberts, 1896 to date.
tingham). St. Mary.
When Mass was first said at
Great Grimsby in 1857 by Fr.
G. Bent, there was neither ' chapel,
mission house, nor school ' in the
place. In 1871 a site for church
and schools was given ' by a noble
benefactor.' The church was
opened Sunday, August 19, 1883, by
Bishop Bagshawe, of Nottingham.
The ' noble benefactor ' referred to
above was T. A. Young, Esq., K.S.G.,
who also built the Gothic church.
In July 1883 a splendid altar,
designed in the Early Decorated
style, like the Angel Choir at
Lincoln Cathedral, was consecrated
by the Bishop of Nottingham. The
schools adjoining the church were
built at the cost of Sir John Sutton
and the Hon. Mrs. Fraser. This
latter benefactress gave a hand
somely carved reredos and altar
to the Sacred Heart chapel of the
church in January 1884. In No
vember 1887 a beautiful altar was
erected in the Young Chantry by the
Hon. Mrs. Fraser, in memory of her
deceased husband, Col. the Hon.
Alexander Fraser. In March and
April 1888 T. A. Young, Esq., K.S.G.,
presented the church with carved
oak stalls for the sanctuary and a
handsome scdile for the officiating
Eev. G. Bent, 1857.
„ George Canon Johnson, 1861.
,, Joseph Hawkins, 1885 to
ford). St. Hubert.
This mission was established in
June 1857 by James Lomax, Esq.,
of Clayton Hall. Mass was said
there for the first time on June 29.
The church, erected by the munifi
cence of James Lomax, Esq., was
opened for worship by Bishop
Turner, of Salford, November 1859.
The style of the church, which
cost about t'6,000, is of the Decorated
period, and will accommodate
some 700 persons. The high altar,
which rests on marble columns,
is adorned with figures emblematic
of the Synagogue and the Church.
The several windows of the church
in stained glass are very fine. The
whole edifice was redecorated in
September 1864 at the expense of
the Loinax family.
Eev. W. Canon Dundcrdale, 1857
till after 1883.
„ Arnold Nohlmanns, 1885.
„ Hy. Hill, M.A. ,1888 to date.
(Birmingham}. St. John the
The church was dedicated
October 21, 1846. Bishop Wiseman
officiated, assisted by the Hon. and
Eev. G. Spencer, F. Searle, J. Keon
Dunn, &c. G. Clifford, Esq., of
Wycliffe, Yorks, gave ,£'20 towards
the expenses of opening. The
neighbourhood teems with associa
tions connected with such old
Catholic families as Tixall, Aston,
Clifford, &c. In May 1847 a solemn
requiem Mass was sung in the
church for the repose of the soul of
Col. Sir Charles Chichester, 61st
Eegiment, who died at Toronto,
Canada, while in command there.
His family was among the early
patrons of the mission of Great
Eev. Jn. Levy, 1845.
„ B. J. Butland, 1851 to date.
amptonshire). St. Peter's.
When the foundation stone of the
church was laid July 2, 1845, the
Catholics of Great Marlow totalled
six out of a population of 6,000.
Bishop Wareing laid the stone in
the presence of 1,500 spectators.
Mr. Scott-Murray acted as cross-
bearer in the procession to the site.
Mr. E. Wheble was M.C. The
religious ceremony concluded with
a banquet at the town hall, while
shillings and loaves were distributed
to a number of the deserving poor.
Among the distinguished company
present were Lord and Lady
Camoys, Lady Bedingfeld, Lady
Eussell, P. Howard, Esq., M.P., The
O'Conor Don, &c. The church
was designed by Pugin and built
at the sole expense of Mr. Scott-
Murray. The spire is seventy feet
high. In August 1846 a collection
plate and set of altar cruets were
stolen from the sacristy. Fr. Peter
Coop was the first priest in charge
of the mission. In 1851, when
Fr. J. Morris was chaplain to
Mr. Scott-Murray, High Sheriff of
Bucks, Lord Campbell, the Assize-
judge, objected to riding in the
same carriage with a ' Popish chap
lain.' The incident was much com
mented upon at the time, and in
the sequel the learned judge wrote
apologising for his want of cour
Bev. P. Coop, 1845.
„ Jn. B. Ludwig, 1849.
„ J. Morris, 1851.
„ Bernard Canon Smith, 1854 to
„ H. Squirrell, 1903 to date.
St. Peter.
A chapel was opened Sunday,
January 4, 1863, and in 1874 the
church was erected. In July 1883
a new stone altar and reredos were
added. The general design consists
of a series of ornamental arcadings
supported by columns of Irish
marbles, and flanked on either side
by statues of SS. Peter and Paul.
Rev. Henry Beswick.
Aemilius Goetgeluck, 1882.
Martin Meagher, 1893.
David Power, 1895.
John Moore, 1902.
Henry Hunt, 1904 to date.
. Our Lady of Mt. Carmel.
This mission was started at
Galley Hill in the spring of 1859 by
Fr. F. W. Faber of the Oratory.
The chapel at first was a small
room opening out into an uncovered
yard. The number of Catholics
was set down at about 300. The
first resident priest of Greenhithe
was Fr. F. Maurice, O.C., who was
succeeded by Fr. M. 0' Sullivan,
O.C., in 1861. The chapel was so
crowded on Sundays that the
children who were placed near the
altar actually touched the priest
while saying Mass. The church
was opened 1875, and for some
I time was served from Northfleet.
In 1904 it was attended on Sundays
by a priest from Walworth.
! (Southward). Our Lady Star of the
I Sea.
The old Catholic chapel situated
; in East Street dates from shortly
after the commencement of the
last century. About 1830, the con
gregation numbered 1,500 — 1,000
civilians and 500 naval pensioners.
The bulk of the former were very
poor. Fr. R. North, who was ap
pointed to Greenwich in 1828,
started collecting funds for a new
church. It is said that when in
danger of death by shipwreck as a
lad, he made a vow to become a
priest and build a church in honour
of Our Lady, both of which promises
i he fulfilled. His congregation re
sponded cheerfully to his appeal,
one old Trafalgar veteran giving
all his life's savings (£25) to the
fund. The Lords of the Admiralty,
in consideration of the great work
done by Fr. North among the old
sailors, contributed £200. In
October 1846, the present Gothic
church was commenced on Groom's
Hill, and opened .December 8,
1851. Bishop Grant sang the
Mass, and Cardinal Wiseman
preached. At the golden jubilee |
of the church, December 8, 1901, j
Bishop Bourne preached, and Fr. j
Oswald Turner, C.J., of St. George's j
College, Weybridge, sang the Mass.
About £600 was collected for the
decoration of the church in memory
of the event. Canon R. North
died in February 1860. Over 1,100
persons attended his funeral, which I
was 'strictly Gothic.' He was j
buried in the chancel, where a j
monument has been erected to his
memory. His brother, Canon
Joseph North, died in 1886. He
was the beau-ideal of the old type
of English Catholic priest. Since
then the rector has been Canon
O'Halloran, who came to the church
as a curate in 1859. We may add
that the mission is indebted for
much of its present nourishing
condition to such generous bene
factors as the late Sir Stuart Knill,
sometime Lord Mayor of London,
and his son, the present Alderman
Sir John Knill. The estimated
number of the congregation —
owing to the establishment of local
missions — is now about 700.
wark). St. Joseph's Church, Pelton I
Opened Wednesday, May 25,
1881. Style, Early Decorated, j
Cost about £4,350. Seating
capacity of church, 500. Archi
tect, A. J. Hansom. Fr. A. M.
Boone was priest at the time of
opening, when Mass was sung by
Bishop Patterson, of Ernmaus.
Cardinal Manning preached (St.
Matt, xxviii. 20). Present rector, i
Fr. Thomas Nolan*
The mission was commenced in
1893 when the temporary chapel
was served during the summer
months by one of the Premon-
stratensian Canons from Farn-
borough. Fr. Jerome O'Callaghan
was appointed 1896 ; J. D. Breen,
1899 ; Henry L. P. Kelly is the
present rector.
An iron chapel was opened here
August 8, 1906. The mission was
established conjointly by Godfrey
Radcliffe, Esq., of Dan-y-Craig,
and Count Keyes O'Clery, in
memory of Major Joseph Radsliffe,
' a gallant soldier and a staunch
Catholic.' The beautiful oak altar
of the chapel was carved by Mr.
In 1903 the Marist Brothers
acquired a large mansion known as
* Shrublands,' formerly used as a
boarding establishment, and by the
addition of some adjoining houses
transformed the entire block into a
college. At present, the number of
pupils is about 100. An iron chapel
to accommodate about 130 has
been erected, and for the time being
serves as the mission church of the
GUILDFORD (Surrey}. St. Joseph,
Chertsey Street.
From 1792 to 1801 a certain
emigre, Abbe Geudemetz, resided
at Guildforcl and said Mass in a
temporary chapel, probably in
Friary Street, where some 120 fellow
emigres were accustomed to worship.
The present mission of Guildford
was, however, started from Sutton.
Place (q.v.), about 1857, by Fr.
Joseph Sidden, who opened a tempo
rary chapel in a room in Spital Street.
Already, in November 1846, a site
for a church had been secured in
Chertsey Street by Bishops "Wise
man and Griffiths. The purchase
was effected by a Mr. Edward
Collen, of Postford Mill, Albury.
In 1860 a wooden military hut was
erected on the site and fitted up as
a chapel. The cost of this struc
ture was largely met by the Catholic
Scotch and Irish bargemen who
worked on the river Wcy. The
military hut did duty till the open
ing of the present church by Cai:on
Crookall, V.G., October 19, 1881.
The style of the building is Geo
metric Gothic, the structure being
designed for 200 persons. The
church was completed in August
1884, and on the 19th of that
month the event was celebrated by
a solemn High Mass, at which
Cardinal Manning pontificated and
preached. The pulpit was pre
sented by Mrs. Byrne, the altar by
Mrs. Littledale,and the five stations
by Albert Sibcth, Esq. Col. and
Mrs. Tredcroft were also generous
benefactors to the church. A fine
presbytery was built in 1890. The
priests at Guildford, since the
establishment of the mission, have
been:— Rev. E. Clery, 1860-64;
Rev. T. Richardson, 1864-65; E.
Sheridan, 1865 78 ; R. Fowler,
1878, the present incumbent.
In 1840, Hackney, though a
fairly populous district, ' lay open
to the fields and intersected by
country lanes.' The Catholics
of the locality had to go as far
as Moorfields for Mass, but in
1843 they were accustomed to meet
in an obscure room on Sunday
evenings to recite the rosary, read
one of Challoner's meditations, and
sometimes hear a sermon from one
of the Moorfields priests. In 1844
a temporary chapel behind 'The
Black Boys ' brewery in Elsdale |
Street, was occupied, and in June
1845 a site 'for a chapel and
nunnery ' was purchased in the
Triangle for £700. The church,
consisting of a nave, north aisle,
chancel, sacristy, and bell-cot, was
built in 1848, from a design by
Wardell. The accommodation was
for 500 persons, the cost of the
building being about £2,000. A
baptistery was subsequently added
by Miss Harrison. Father Kaye
gave the beautiful Lady Altar of
marble and alabaster to the church,
the funds being supplied by the j
Confraternity of the Living Eosary.
The church, after being thoroughly
cleaned and renovated for the occa
sion, was solemnly consecrated by
Bishop Brindle, D.S.O.,on Tuesday,
November 21, 1899. The congre
gation at that time was estimated
at 800 effective members, the
average school attendance being
about 230.
Fr. J. Lecuona, 1844.
„ John Vertue (Bishop of Ports
mouth 1882-1900).
J. P. Kaye, M.K.
, W. Fleming.
, T. Denny, M.R.
Geo. Cox, to date.
St. Charles' Church was built in
1858-60. During the mission given
there by the Franciscan Fathers of
Gorton Brook, near Manchester, in
September 1865, no less than 1,000
members of the congregation re
ceived Holy Communion. The
mission is largely indebted to
the munificence of Lord Edward
Howard of Glossop, the donor of
the church. The church and con
gregation were solemnly ' con
secrated to the Sacred Heart
September 6, 1873.'
Rev. Bryan O'Donnell, here in
Eev. C. L. Monahan, 1863.
„ Charles Hickey, 1877.
„ Wm. Yates, 1882.
„ Herman Canon Sabela, 1888
to date.
HADHAM, HERTS (Westminster).
The school for epileptic children, I
under the care of the Daughters of
the Cross, was opened September j
22, 1903. The Gothic church and \
convent were designed by Mr. J. F.
Bentley, architect of the West
minster Cathedral. The church is
so arranged that the inmates of the
place, who number about fifty,
cannot be seen by those who
attend the services from outside.
The Catholics of the district are
estimated at about a dozen.
Rev. O'Doherty, 1903.
„ E. Schmitt, 1904.
„ \V. J. Smullen, 1905.
(Birmingham). SS. Richard and
Hubert. '
This mission was started from
Broadway early in 1878. On
July 16 of that year, the present
little church, in the Flemish style,
was opened by Bishop Ullathorne
(C. Buckler, architect). The altar
and furniture were the gift of
Joseph Whitehouse, Esq. ' An
elegant and spacious gallery ' was
added to the church in the autumn
of 1884.
Eev. James Rigby, 1878.
„ Edward Dorr, 1882.
„ Terence Fitzpatrick, 1885.
„ Wm. Stoker, 1889.
„ Joseph Lillis, 1891.
„ John Kelly, 1892.
Rev. Henry Gregson, 1895.
„ Clement Gottwaltz, 1899 to
COLNSHIRE (Nottingham). St.
Francis of Sales.
Rev. Jn. Abbot, 1836.
,, James Canon Simkiss, 1837.
„ Francis Canon Cheadle, 1857.
„ M. P. Horgan, 1885.
(Mission served from Market
Rasen, 1892-3.)
„ W. Yates, 1894.
„ Joseph Feakens, 1899 to date.
Sir Edward Hales, Bart., became
a Catholic about the time of the
accession of James II., and he it
was against whom the collusive
action was brought to asceitain if
the courts would allow a Catholic
to hold a commission in the army
by royal license. The judges after
trial in 1686, gave their opinion in
favour of the ' dispensing power '
by which the king could suspend
the operation of the penal laws.
The family of Hales clung to their
newly adopted faith, and till the
opening of the Canterbury mission
their chapel was the only Catholic
one for miles round. Sir Edward
Hales, last baronet, died in 1829,
leaving his daughter, Mary Barbara,
a ward in Chancery. This lady
subsequently entered the Carmelite
Order, but obtained, after a few
years, a Papal dispensation from
her vows. She then commenced
building a monastery on her estate
at Hales Place, but her intentions
were never fully realised. In
1881-2 the French Jesuits, expelled
from France, acquired the estate,
and built on it a college for their
novices. Miss Hales died Saturday,
April 18, 1885, and was buried
among her ancestors in the chapel
at Hales.
BIDING (Leeds). St. Mary.
The date of the foundation of
this mission is given as 1827, but
no mention of it occurs in the
' Laity's Directory ' till 1830, when
the priest in charge of the place
was Fr. F. Keily. The congrega
tion is described as made up of a
'number of poor Catholics,' who
'have only a temporary room in
which they hear Mass on Sundays,
which on weekdays is used for
every profane purpose.' By 1837,
this depressing state of things had
not changed, but next year ' a new
Catholic church ' was erected in
the town. This structure made
way for the present Church of
St. Mary, opened in 1865.
Kev. Thos. Keily, 1827 (?).
,. Joseph Fairclough, 1837.
„ John Rigby, 1840.
„ James Hostage, 1849.
„ Matthew Kavanagh, 1856.
,, Jacob Illingworth, as second
priest, 1858.
„ J. Kelly and J. Atkinson, 1864.
„ J. Geary, 1871.
„ B. Wake, 1882.
,, Canon Gordon, 1891.
„ P. Mulcahy, 1898.
(Salford). St. Joseph.
On Sunday, August 21, 1881,
the school chapel of the mission
was opened by the Bishop of Sal-
ford. It accommodates 400 people
on Sundays and 300 children on
weekdays. The cost of the build
ing was £980. The present fine
church was opened by the Bishop
of Salford in 1900. Canon Boulaye,
V.G., is the present rector.
ruins tcr) .
A regular mission was started
here in March 1898, when a wooden
building in Rosemary Lane — for
merly used by a firm of printers —
was fitted up as a chapel. Mass
was said here for the first time on
Sunday, March 27, by Mgr. Canon
Moyes, D.D., who in the course of
his sermon gave a lucid explana
tion of the Catholic doctrine of the
Holy Eucharist. The mission is at
present (1906) served from Brain-
tree. On Tuesday, October 26,
1897, Cardinal Yaughan lectured
on the Catholic Church in the
Town Hall of Halstead, which was
densely crowded. The next even
ing his Eminence lectured on devo
tion to Our Lady, and on the con
clusion of the address a vote of
thanks was unanimously passed at
the suggestion of the Rev. R. H.
Fuller, a Unitarian minister, who
described the lecture as ' an intel
lectual treat.' The bulk of the
large audience present were the
most ' dissident of dissenters.'
(Westminster). The Most Holy
From its retired situation, Ham
mersmith was during the penal
times chosen by many Catholics
as a suitable place of residence.
In 1685, Mrs. Frances Bedingfeld,
sister of Sir Henry Paston Beding
feld, Bart., established a commu
nity of Benedictine nuns, from
Munich, at Hammersmith in a
spacious house surrounded by a
large garden. The nuns wore
the ordinary dress of the period,
and devoted themselves to teach
ing the daughters of the Catholic
nobility and gentry. For the sake
of protection, the property was
nominally held by the Portuguese
ambassadors, who had their coun
try house at Hammersmith. The
Vicars Apostolic of the London
District also had a residence in
the neighbourhood. Their house
afforded the blessings of Mass and
the Sacraments to the proscribed
Catholics in the district. Bishop
Gifford died here in 1734, and
Bishop Talbot (brother of the Earl
of Shrewsbury) in 1790. In 1795,
the English Benedictine nuns of
Dunkirk came to England after
suffering much ill-usage at the
hands of the Revolutionists, and
were settled by the V.A. of London,
Bishop Douglass, at the Hammer
smith convent, which at this time
contained only three nuns of the
old community. The spacious
chapel of the house, built in 1812 by
Joseph Gillow, Esq., served the mis
sion down to 1853, when the church
at Brook Green was built. The
present church was commenced
May 8, 1851, and opened July 26,
1853. The style is Decorated
Gothic, from design by War-
dell. Fr. Joseph Butt, who died
September 27, 1854, was the
founder. The spire was added
1867, and a peal of bells in 1871.
The Chapel of the Blessed Sacra
ment was built by the late Countess
Tasker in 1854. Fr. D. O'Keefe
succeeded as rector in 1854, and
in 1881 Canon Alfred White, for
merly curate to Fr. Butt. Canon
White was elected an alderman of
the borough of Hammersmith in
1900, and died at an advanced age
in 1904. The church was cleaned
and redecorated both in 1880 and
1898 through the generosity of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Kearsley, who also
defrayed the cost of lighting the
building by electricity. Near the
church are the St. Joseph's Alms-
houses, the foundation stone of
which was laid by the Duchess of
Norfolk, May 28, 1851.
Rev. Wm. Maire, 1697-1739.
-Joseph Bolton, 1770 (?)
James Barnard, V.G., 1783-
(The Rev. Joseph Lee, 1790-
1800, appears to have been
his assistant.)
Abba F. Bellissent, 1803.
His assistant was the Abbe
Nicholas Jacquin.
Wm. Kelly, 1840.
Joseph Butt, 1847.
D. O'Keefe, 1854.
Alfred Canon White, 1851.
Alfred Canon Clements, 1904
to date.
The founder of this mission was
the Abbe Morel, an emigre of the
Great Revolution. After teaching
French for a few months in Sussex
(1792-3) he went to Reading, and
in 1796 came to Hampstead as
chaplain to a number of French
refugees resident in the then beau
tiful village. He fitted up a chapel
in Oriel House, Church Row, re
cently pulled down, and there
administered the Sacraments and
said Mass till the opening of the
present 'tasteful and artistic little
church' in Holly Place in 1816.
The good Abbe died in 1852, and
his remains repose under the porch
of the church where he laboured
so long. An altar tomb was erected
to his memory in March 1857. |
The centenary of the mission was
celebrated July 2, 1896, the Feast
of the Visitation, in the presence
of Cardinal Vaughan, the Bishop
of Emmaus, and a large congrega
tion. The entire church was re
decorated at a cost of £400 in
November and December 1892.
Eev. Abbe J. Morel, 1796.
„ Jn. Walsh, M.E., 1852.
„ Mgr. V. Eyre, here 1862.
„ Ar. Dillon Canon Purcell, here
in 1871 till 1901.
„ Michael FitzGerald, M.R.,
1901 to date.
WICKSHIRE (Birmingham). St.
Until 1819, Catholics in the
vicinity of Hampton-on-the-Hill
worshipped at Grove Park, the
ancestral seat of the Lords Dormer.
In the above-named year, Charles
Lord Dormer built the present
chapel at Hampton-on-the-Hill,
and handed it over to the V.A. of
the Midland District. In spite
of the difficulties of the time,
Catholics increased very consider
ably at Hampton-on-the-Hill during
the first few decades of the nine
teenth century, but they are said
to have lately declined owing to
Grove Park having been let to |
protestant tenants. In 1860 the j
present Catholic chapel was founded
at Warwick by Mgr. Longman,
priest of Leamington, then incum
bent of Hampton-on-the-Hill.1
Priests since 1820.
Kev. Francis Turvile, 1820. During
his rectorate of over twenty
years the old chapel was
[enlarged, 1830.
W. Foley, 1841.
D. Bagnall, 1843.
T. Revill, 1847.
W. Ilsley, 1851.
Mgr. Thos. Longman, 1853.
Jn. Gibbons, here in 1862.
Charles Hipwood, 1867.
Charles Kyder, 1872.
J. Robinson, here in 1874.
A. Delerue, 1879.
Jos. Daly, 1888 to date.
(Westminster). The Sacred Heart
of Jesus.
The temporary chapel was
opened in November 1882. Canon
George Akers, M.A. (Oxon.) was
the first priest. About the same
time he hired a room at South
Teddington for Mass on Sundays.
The extemporised chapel accom
modated about 150 persons. In
1893 a large ' oblong church ' was
opened in the Teddington Road.
The present incumbent is Fr. J.
N.B.— The Hon. Mrs. Porter
(Petre ?), who lived at Hampton
Wick in 1734, had a chapel in her
house. Her chaplain was Fr.
Peter Brailsford, a Lisbonian.
1 In 1742 it was decided that the
incumbent of Grove Park must say
Mass weekly for the repose of the soul
of Lady Anne Curson, so long as he
received the alms. In 1758 Fr. Arnold,
O.S.F., resided here. See Thaddeus,
Franciscans in England.
FIELD, YORKS (Leeds). St. Joseph.
Mass was first said at Hands-
worth in 1867, and in 1870 a Catho
lic deaf and dumb institution was
opened in the parish. After its
subsequent removal to Boston Spa,
the wooden chapel of the place was
used by Catholics of the district.
It quickly became too small, and
on August 27, 1879, the first stone
of the new church was laid by the
Bishop of Leeds. The Duke of
Norfolk generously defrayed the
cost of erection — between £'8,000
and i'9,000. The opening took
place on June 7, 1881. The style
is that of the ' late rectilinear
period,' like that of the old parish
churches of Eobherham and Laugh-
ton. There is also a crypt with
mortuary chapel. The seating
capacity is for 800 persons. M. E.
Hadfield & Son were the architects.
ham). Our Blessed Lady and St.
In 1836 the only Catholic chapels
in the Potteries were at Cobridge
(built 1717) and Longton. The
priests of these missions served
Hanley alternately. In 1860 the
Catholic population was 2,000, and
in June the same year the first
stone of the new church was laid
by Fr. F. Sullivan, of Kevel Grange,
and the building was opened No
vember 22. 1860. The style is
simple Gothic, and the total cost
was about £1,000. The accommo
dation is for 800.
N.B.— Hanley Castle, Hill End,
was the seat of the ancient Catho
lic family of Bartlett. In 1765 Fr.
Felix Bartlett, brother of the
squire, was chaplain. He died at
Worcester in 1777.1
Kev. W. Molloy, 1861 till 1890.
„ Jas. B. Keating, 1891.
„ M. O'Rourke, M.R., 1899.
This church was commenced
August 1889, and opened Septem
ber 21, 1891. It has been since
1893-4 the chief church of the dis
trict, and the older foundation of
Our Lady and St. Patrick (q.v.) are
served from it.
Rev. M. O'Rourke, present rector.
minster). Our Lady and St.
A chapel was opened at Clifton
Lodge, the residence of Miss Rab-
nett, May 1853. The present
Gothic church was opened June
1864 by Cardinal Wiseman, on a
site presented by Miss Rabnett.
E. Pugin was the architect. A
new Lady Chapel — the gift of an
anonymous benefactor — was opened
December 11, 1904. The Catholic
population of the district is about
Rev. F. Lang, 1853.
John Bonus, D.D., 1855.
J. Staples, 1860.
Aemilian Kirner, 1863.
Francis Laing, D.D., 1867.
Henry Karslake, 1890.
C. Clarke, 1893.
Donald Skrimshire, 1895.
M. Brannigan, 1905 to date.
Foley Eecords, Society of Jesus, xii.
mouth), St. Rose of Lima.
The chapel at Dundridge House,
the residence of Robt. Harvey,
Esq., was blessed by Bishop
Graham on Wednesday, Septem
ber 6, 1893. Dom Adam Hamil
ton, O.S.B., preached on the
triumph of the Mass against all its
enemies in England since the Re
formation. He referred to the
massacre of the Devon peasantry
by Lord Russell's German troops
for defending the old religion in
1549, and also to Dorothy Risdon
of Harberton, whose estates were
confiscated about 1640 for her ad
herence to the ancient faith.
St. Mary.
Mission established by the Pas-
sionist Fathers 1870. In 1876 the
church attached to the monastery
or ' Retreat ' was opened.
ster). Our Lady of the Sacred
Heart, Rothamsted Avenue.
A church of wood and iron was
blessed and opened by Canon Car
ter, Sunday, June 4, 1905. Fr.
Marten, M.S.C., is the incumbent.
(Hexliam and Newcastle}. St.
A school chapel was opened 1874,
and the present Gothic church
May 14, 1893. C. Walker was the
architect. Seating accommodation
for 300. In September 1881 a
stone Calvary was erected in the
adjacent cemetery to the memory
of Fr. Francis Wall, an Apostolic
Franciscan missioner in this dis
trict, who suffered for the Faith
August 15, 1679, during the Titus
Gates plot. The mission was long
served from Workington.
Priests (O.S.B.).
Rev. Francis Hutchinson, 1885.
„ Francis Hickey, 1892.
„ Austin Firth, 1896 to date.
Our Lady and St. Robert.
Though the mineral springs of
Harrogate had long made the place
one of the fashionable spas of Eng-
j land, no Catholic chapel was esta
blished in the town till May 1861,
j when Mass was said for the first
i time in a room of the Crescent
Hotel, by Fr. F. Goldie. Before
this, the nearest mission was Stour-
ton Park, the seat of Lord Mow-
bray and Stourton. In September
1864 a school chapel and presby
tery, were opened. The present
church dates from 1873. A site
for schools was acquired 1863, and
buildings erected shortly after
Rev. F. Goldie, 1861 et seq.
„ Jas. Glover, here in 1871.
„ Michael O'Donnell, 1877.
,, James Downes, 1888.
„ Wm. Canon Pope, 1889 to
DLESEX ( Westminster}. Our Lady
and St. Thomas of Canterbury.
A temporary chapel was opened
in the Roxborough Road 1873, and
served on Sundays by the late Fr.
Joseph Redman, D.D., professor at
St. Thomas's Seminary, Hammer-
smith. The new church was opened
1894. The stained-glass window in
the sanctuary was erected by Mr.
and Mrs. Philip Thornton, of
Douglas Lodge, to the memory of
their five children. A new Gothic j
reredos was added to the Lady i
Chapel 1900.
N.B.— About 1793, a Catholic
boys' school was opened in the
district by Fr. Collins, D.D., and
removed to Southall Park 1806.
The school existed till about 1830,
and was ' held in high estimation.'
Fr. Jn. Chetwode Eustace, author
of the celebrated ' Classical Tour
through Italy,' was sometime a
master here.
(Westminster}. Our Lady of
Lourdes and St. Vincent of Paul.
The church was opened in Janu
ary 1883. The cost of erection was
defrayed by the Eev. Lord Archi
bald Douglas, so well known in the
cause of rescue work. The style is
of the Transition period, between
Early English and Decorated. J.
Hall, Esq., was the architect. The
stained - glass windows are by
Lavers, Westlake, and Barraud.
The solemn opening of the church
did not take place till Tuesday,
December 12, 1893, when the debt
on the building had been paid off.
Cardinal Vaughan preached on this
occasion. Fr. E. Banns is the
ham and Neivcastle}. The Im
maculate Conception.
In 1820 Mass was said in a private
house, the congregation amounting,
it is said, to only six persons. In
1832 Fr. W. Knight was appointed
to Hartlepool, where he built a
small chapel. After eighteen years
of labour in the district, he was able
to purchase the site of a new church,
and in June 1850 the stone was laid
by Bishop Hogarth. The style is
Early English Gothic, the seating
capacity being for 900 persons. The
building was opened in 1851 by
Cardinal Wiseman. Fr. Knight
became Canon of Hexham the next
year, and served the mission till
his death in March 1874.
Priests since 1874.
Kev. Francis Moverley.
„ Gerard Van-Hoof, 1879 and
to date.
SHIRE (Birmingham}. St. Mary.
Harvington Hall, near Kidder
minster, was in the possession
of the Packington family, temp.
James I. The estate came to the
Throckmortons through the Yates,
and the old mansion is described
as possessing a curious priests'
hiding-place under the staircase.
Fr. Sylvester Jenks was chaplain
to the Yates family here from 1686
to about 1688, when James II. made
him one of his preachers and
brought him to London. In 1713
he was chosen by Propaganda to
be Vicar Apostolic of the Northern
District, with the title of Bishop of
Callipolis, in partibus, but died
before consecration. On June 19,
1832, Fr. Brownlow, priest, of the
mission, was unanimously chosen to
preside at a ' Reform Gala ' by the
local Whig association, in place of
the Anglican rector, who declined.
The church was handsomely
decorated with medallions of the
prophets, and a wrought-iron screen
erected November 1888. The Ven.
John Wall, O.S.F., who suffered
for the Faith at Red Hill, near
Worcester, August _ 22, 1679,
laboured in this district. A stone
Calvary group in the church was
blessed by Bishop Ullathorne
September 1881. The Rev. Hugh
Tootel, alias Chas. Dodd, wrote his
' Church History ' while a priest
here — from 1726 till his death in
Priests since 1794.
Rev. Rd. Cornthwaite, died 1803.
„ J. Brownlow, 1824.
„ W. H. Wilson, 1877.
„ Clement Harris, 1885.
„ Philip Roskell, 1902 to date.
ster}. Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
A chapel was opened in ' an upper
room ' of 10 King Street in July
1864. The ' dingy and worn '
chasubles in use were described as
1 unfit for elsewhere.' The present
G othic church, designed by E . Pugin ,
was opened by Archbishop Manning
November 3, 1869. Confirmation
was first administered in the mis
sion by Bishop Weathers March 23,
Rev. Thos. Parkinson, 1864.
„ C. Moncrieff Smyth, 1879.
„ John Davis, 1882.
„ Alf. Roche, 1885.
„ Joseph 0' Sullivan, 1888.
„ Robt. Kelly, 1889.
„ Thos. Walsh, 1901.
„ T. 0' Sullivan, 1905 to date.
Fr. Thos. Marten was the first
resident priest at Haslingtlen since
the Reformation. Mass was said
there in ' a wretched garret ' in the
September of 1854. Catholics then
numbered about 200. The beautiful
silver chalice and paten used in the
' chapel ' were the gift of an anony
mous benefactress. After several
3Tears Fr. T. Martin and his parish
ioners contrived to erect the present
church, in the Gothic style. The
first stone was laid Wednesday,
June 22, 1859, by Bishop Turner.
The same year the edifice was com
plete (November 13). The number
of Catholics at the time of opening
was about 1,400, but in 1864, owing
to the cotton famine, it had fallen
to 1,050.
Rev. T. Martin, 1854.
„ M. E. Dillon, 1882.
„ Michael Buckley, 1895 to date.
ham). All Saints.
This village was formerly the
principal seat of the ancient Catholic
family the Eyres of Hassop. Fr.
Godfrey Cuffaud, S.J., was chaplain
here in 1672. Two of the Eyre
family entered the Society of Jesus
— (a) Thomas, who died November 9,
1715, at. 45 ; and (b) William, \dio
served as priest in the Eastern
Counties. He died in 1724. The
last of the Eyres of Hassop died
in 1853. They also possessed
Warkworth Hall, in Northampton
shire, which was pulled down in
1804, and the estate sold. The
family is now represented by the
Leslies of Slindon. The present
mission of Hassop dates from 1818.
Fr. J. Jones was then resident
priest. He served the mission till
1852, when Canon Nickolds suc
ceeded. He celebrated the golden
jubilee of his priesthood April 1885.
In September 1887, through the
exertions of Fr. McKey, a school
was opened at Hassop. The old
schools were closed about 1872.
Fr. McKey did much to beautify
the church, adding new altar rails,
stations of the Cross, &c. It may
be interesting to note that the
marble altar of the church was pre
sented by the Earl of Newburgh,
who died in 1814.
Priests since 1889.
Eev. J. Browne, 1889.
„ W. Baigent, 1896.
„ J. Young, 1903.
Our Lady Star of the Sea.
The Fathers of the Pious Society
of Missions opened a temporary
chapel in the High Street in March
1881. The poet, Coventry Patmore,
most muniticently gave £'5,000 to
wards the building of the present
church, on condition that a similar
sum was subscribed by the Catholic
public. Mr. Basil Champneys was
the architect. The total cost was
about £1,500. The handsome oak
rood screen was given to the church
in June 1883 by Mr. C. Patmore, in
memory of his only son, Henry,
who died the preceding February.
In July of the same year the church
was opened by Bishop Coffin, of
Southwark. A lofty and well-lighted
crypt runs beneath the building.
Nottingham). St. Michael.
A remote populous village near
the Peak. The Furniss family,
resident here for generations, kept
the Faith alive throughout the penal
times. The author was informed
by the late Fr. H. Furniss, of
the Josephite Congregation, that
during the times of persecution a
priest disguised as a prosperous
yeoman used to visit his family at
stated intervals. Mass was said in
the best room of the farmhouse,
and here the proscribed missioner
would spiritually counsel and in
struct the few Catholics of the dis
trict. The present chapel, a square-
shaped Classical building for about
100 persons, was opened in 1806.
The Eyre family also had a mansion
and chapel in this district (at
North Sees), both of which were
plundered by Orange mobs at the
Ee volution.
Priests since 1825.
Rev. Edward Eyre.
John Ross, 1837.
B. Hulme, 1849.
Edward Whitehouse, 1853.
M. Le Dreau, 1855.
Joseph Canon Daniel, 1867.
Hugh O'Neill, 1879.
Thos. McNamee, 1883.
Henry Geo. Canon Dobson,
here in 1889 to date.
N.B.— At Padley Hall, Hather-
sage, the then residence of John
Fitzherbert, Esq., Fr. Nicholas
Garlick, priest, was arrested, Janu
ary 1587. He was concealed in ' a
buttress-like chimney ' near the
chapel, but was betrayed by John,
son of his patron, Thomas Fitz
herbert. Thomas was imprisoned,
and only saved by his son-in-law,
Thos. Eyre, Esq., paying the Queen
(Elizabeth) £20,000 as ransom.
Fr. Garlick was executed at Derby
together with Frs. Ludlam and
Simpson, July 24, 1588, ' for being
ordained by authority of the Holy
See and coming into the country.'
— Nicholas Garlick, martyr, by
the Rev. Edward King, S.J. (Burns
& Gates, 1904).:
W.C. (Westminster). St. Peter.
The Italian Church. This fine
structure is mainly due to the late
Eevs. Joseph Faa di Bruno and
Raphael Melia, who collected up
wards of £15,000 for its erection.
The edifice is in the Roman Basilica
style. The altar is adorned with
columns of black and white marble
and figures of the four Evangelists.
The church, which was opened
April 16, 1863, can accommodate
about 3,400 persons. The interior of
the church was beautifully decorated
in April 1886 by Signers Arnaud and
Gauthier. The sanctuary was em
bellished with paintings of the
Holy Trinity, Our Lady, and the
four Doctors of the Latin Church.
The roof of the nave is painted with
a picture of St. Peter bearing the
Keys and Cross. The solemn re
opening of the church was celebrated
on Sunday, May 16, 1886 ; Bishop
Patterson, of Ernmaus, preached.
(Birmingha7n). SS. Michael and
Till this mission became an in
dependent one, in 1862, it was served
by the Dominicans of Hinckley.
The first chapel was built at the
expense of C. E. Mousley, Esq.,
and opened July 28, 1863. The
present church was built between
1901-2 by Mr. Pye, of Clifton
Hall. The style is Early English,
the materials used being Hollington
stone. A quaint porch adorns the
north end, and an oak bell-turret the
west gable.
HAVANT, HANTS (Portsmouth).
St. Joseph.
Tho mission was started at Breek-
hampton,near here, in 1730. Fr. Jn.
Frankland, a Lisbonian, was priest
here 1734-42. He was the author
of ' A Memorial of a Clerical and
Missionary Life ' (MS.), and died
in London July 16, 1752. The
chapel was erected 1790. The Sone
family were the chief supporters of
the mission, and one of them, Mr.
John Sone, a wealthy miller, gave
Bishop Douglass, V.A.L.D., £10,000
to wards the building of St. Edmund' s
College (1795). Catholics numbered
150 in 1810. The old chapel was
replaced by a Norman church for
240 persons 1839. A third structure
was erected 1875. Adjoining the
church is a Catholic cemetery.
Priests since 1824.
Rev. Jos. Kimbell.
Jn. Kearns, 1826.
D. Donovan, 1853.
A. Retort, 1855.
E. Reardon, 1867.
W. Stone, 1884.
Jn. Horegan, here in 1871.
Joseph Hayes, M.R., 1895.
Albert Clarke, M.R., 1903 to
STAFFS (Birmingham). St. Tho
mas's Priory.
A Dominican priory and church
were erected here in 1894, but the
latter was not consecrated till July
1899. A fine modern example of the
fifteenth-century Perpendicular re-
redos was inaugurated Sunday,
December 23, 1900. This orna
mental addition to the church was
the gift of Miss Gulson.
The school chapel, in honour of
the English martyrs, was opened
August 10, 1879, and till 1887 was
served from Blackburn. In that
year, a presbytery was erected
' through the energy and self- sacri
fice ' of Fr. E. O'Sullivan. As far
back as November 1892 a fund for
building a new church was started
by Fr. W. Moore, and when erected
the edifice will stand in a district
where once laboured Fr. Edmund
Arrowsmith, S.J., who died for the
Faith at Lancaster August 28,
1628. Fr. T. Walmsley is the pre
sent incumbent.
UMBERLAND (Hexliam and New
castle). St. John of Beverley.
In 1860 a large number of Catho
lics were attracted to the district
owing to the increasing importance
of the brass and iron foundries
established in the town. In 1861
a temporary chapel was opened
here by Fr. Francis Kirsopp, of
Haltwhistle, from which mission
Haydon Bridge was served once a
month. A school chapel was erected
in 1873.
Rev. Nicholas Darnell, 1873.
„ Henry Brettargh, 1885.
„ Peter Perrin, 1892.
„ Geo. Silvertop, 1903 to date.
(Southward). Priory of Our Lady
of Good Counsel.
On Monday, May 5, 1890, Bishop
Butt, of Southwark, solemnly
blessed the first stone of the con
vent church. The convent is an
affiliation of the English Convent
of Nazareth at Bruges, connected
with the old convent at Louvain
for English ladies, founded in 1609.
The first superioress of this latter
foundation was Mother Margaret
Clement, daughter of Margaret
Giggs, the adopted daughter of the
Blessed Thomas More. The nuns of
Bruges fled to England in 1794
during the invasion of the Low
Countries by the French, and were
hospitably received by Sir Rook-
wood Gage, Bart., at Hengrove
Hall. In 1802, they returned to
Bruges. The convent at Haywards
Heath was established in 1886.
The first chapel of the community
was a room in the house, where
Mass was said by their chaplain,
Fr. L. Laevens. The handsome
Gothic church which has taken its
place is open to the public. The
nuns recite the Divine office daily
in choir, and also attend to the
education of a limited number of
young ladies.
St. Leonard.
Sir Thos. Vavasour, of Hazel-
wood Hall, so distinguished himself
in raising troops against the Span
ish Armada that Queen Elizabeth
' would never suffer the chapel at
Hazelwood to be molested where
the Roman Catholic rites still con
tinue to be celebrated.' In spite
of this temporary protection, the
family were great sufferers during
the penal times for the Faith, Wm.
Vavasour, Esq., being imprisoned
and fined for having a priest in his
house. Several members of the
house were priests or nuns, and
one of the family, Major Thomas
Vavasour, fell at MarstonMoor 1644,
ex parte rcgis.1 A baronetcy was
1 Among the priests of the family
were: Fr. Francis Vavasour, Franciscan,
1672 ; Henry Vavasour, died at Antwerp
conferred on the family 1628. Dur
ing the Gates plot, 1679-80, one of
the family, Jn. Vavasour, Esq., was
prosecuted for publicly denying the
fabrication. We have conie upon
but few facts relating to the mis
sion. The chapel is a pre-Reforma-
tion one, and dates from 1290 ; the
registers only from 1772.
Rev. Win. Daniel, 1772.
James Melling, 1780.
Wm. Chew, 1806.
Robt. Tate, 1832.
J. C. Fisher, 1840.
Robt. Canon Tate, 1853.
Michael Fryer, 1863.
Philip Vavasour, 1866.
Xavier de Vacht, 1874.
Augustin Collingwood, 1877.
Gustave Thonon, 1885.
John Bradley, 1892.
Mission served from Tadcaster
since 1898.
The district, like the other
' Heatons ' of Lancashire, is said
to have given its name to the
ancient Catholic family of Heaton,
the owners of Lastock Hall (q.v .).
This mansion was taken from them
by a ruse of the Andertons, who in
turn lost the property for their
share in the rising of 1715. The
mission, however, is purely modem.
The first chapel, opened August 18,
1867, did duty till the erection of
the existing church, in the Gothic
style, opened by Bishop Bilsborrow
in 1897.
1660; Fr. Wm. Vavasour, S.J., alias
Thwinge, died 1683. Among the nuns
were : Theresa Vavasour, Abbess of St.
Clare at Rouen, died 1779 ; Mary, Abbess
at Brussels, 1660, &c., &c.
Rev. Jn. Tracy, 1867.
„ Wm. Malone, 1874.
„ Michael Morris, 1877.
„ Francis Reichart, 1885 to date.
Founded 1871. This mission is
due to Fr. Geo. Meynell (1817-97).
The present church was opened in
Rev. James Corboy, 1871.
„ Peter Ward, 1879.
„ Matthew Toner, D.D., 1882 to
(Leeds). St. Thomas of Canter
Mission commenced from Hali
fax in 1885, and served by the
priests there till 1889, when the pre
sent rector, Fr. Max.j,Tillmann, was
appointed. The small but sufficient
church was opened in 1897.
In 1859 Fr. O'Leary, of Dews-
bury, finding a large number of
poor Catholics engaged in the wool
len and carpet manufactures in the
town, hired a room for a chapel.
It continued to be served from the
parent mission till about 1870,
when Fr. Stephen Dolan was ap
pointed. A school chapel was
erected 1873. Subsequent rectors :
Rev. Thos. Parkin, 1885.
„ D. O' Sullivan, 1890.
„ Patrick Hickey, 1898.
„ Joseph Russell, 1903 to date.
(Middlesbrough). SS. Mary and
The chapel was built in 1803 by
Fr. Joseph Swinburne, who . re
ceived a sum of money for the
purpose from Francis Constable,
Esq. Fr. Swinburne was at Douai
at the time of the Revolution, and
was among the number of English
students imprisoned at Dourlens.
Ordained at Crook Hall in 1800,
he resided as pastor at Hedon till
1838, when he retired to a small
house near the chapel. His suc
cessor was Fr. W. Parsons.
Rev. J. Swinburne, 1800.
W. Parsons, 1838.
Hy. Newsham, 1840.
Wm. Parsons, 1844.
Robt. Canon Tate, D.D., 1852.
J. C. Fisher, 1854.
John Leadbitter, 1885.
David Smith, 1889 to date.
Mission served from Ackworth
Rev. J. Speet, 1896.
„ L. Leteux, 1898 to date.
minster). Our Lady of Dolours.
The first stone was laid in July
1861 by Dr. Morris, Bishop of
Troy. Mgr. Manning preached on
the occasion. It was opened for
worship in 1862. The high altar
was erected and the walls of the
nave decorated with paintings from
the designs of Mr. Redmond Doran
September 1865.
Rev. Mgr. Edward Clifford, 1861.
„ Geo. Carter, here in 1871 and
to date.
SHIRE (Birmingham).
For some remarks on the early
history of Catholicity in this dis
trict, see STONOR. In 1888 a mis
sion-house, No. 6 Caxton Terrace,
was acquired as chapel and pres
bytery, and placed under the care of
Fr. J. Bacchus, the present rector.
(Newport). St. Francis Xavier.
In the reign of James I. ' Fawn
Hope,' an old mansion a few miles
south-east of Hereford, was the
occasional resting-place of a few
missionary priests. During the
course of 1626, the then Bishop of
Hereford was instructed to effect
the arrest of George Berrington,
O.S.B., and Geo. Hanmer, S.J.,
' two Romish priests who do lurk
near Hereford.' Both priests,
however, escaped the pursuivants,
the former, Fr. Berrington, sur
viving till May 1664. Fr. Walter
Kemble, O.S.B. — a relative of the
martyr Fr. John Kemble — died at
Fawn Hope in 1633. The first
Catholic chapel at Hereford since
the Reformation was built by Fr.
Wm. Home, 1790, and licensed by
order of Quarter Sessions Octo
ber 17, 1791. This structure was
in Broad Street, and continued ' as
a public chapel or place of worship
for the exercise of the Popish re
ligion ' till 1838, when the Jesuits
built the present handsome church,
in the Classical style, at a cost of
over £16,000. The architect was
Mr. C. Bay, but the splendid high
altar is the work of Fr. Geo. Jen
kins, S.J. The congregation num
bered 400 in 1856.
Priests of the Mission.
Fr. Wm. Clarke, S.J. (died at Here
ford February 6, 1734, fet.
„ T. Butler, S.J. (died at Here
ford 1774).
Hon. and Kev. John Butler, S.J.
(Lord Cahir) (died 1786,
at. 59).
Fr. Wm. Home, S.J. (died Novem
ber 13, 1799).
„ Wm. Anderton (died Septem
ber 28, 1823).
W. Gotham, 1823.
Lovet, 1828.
Hy. Brigham, 1830.
Kichard Boyle, 1836.
Wm. Waterworth, 1843.
Francis Jarrett, 1855.
W. Scarisbrick, O.S.B., 1858.
Bev. F. V. Canon Spears, 1862.
„ Chas. Dolman, O.S.B., here in
1875 to date.
of the Sacred Heart.
The foundation stone of the
Passionist Church was laid in June
1889, and the building was solemnly
dedicated by Bishop Butt, of South-
wark, Thursday, June 26, 1890.
The style is Early Gothic, the seat
ing capacity of the church being
for 400 persons. The sermon on
the occasion of the opening was
preached by Canon Murnane, who
took for his subject ' Christ Cruci
fied.' The church was consecrated
August 10, 1897.
SS. Philip and James.
A plain Romanesque church, in
Poplar Walk, was opened the end
of May 1906. Fr. James Loner -
gan, late of Eltham, is the rector.
A chapel, with elementary school
attached, was solemnly opened on
Sunday, October 3, 1880. The
buildings were the munificent gift
of the Duke of Norfolk. The
present church, in the Early Eng
lish style, was erected in 1897, and
consecrated September 7, 1904, by
Bishop Amigo, of Southwark. The
building stands on the estate of
Jas. Hope-Scott, Esq., M.P., who
defrayed the cost of erection.
HERTFORD (Westminster}. The
Immaculate Conception and St.
The site of this church, which
stands on that of the old Benedic
tine Priory of St. Mary's, was
acquired in August 1858. The
mission, which was started in the
autumn of the same year by Fr. Her
bert, afterwards Cardinal Vaughan,
was at the time of its foundation
the only one in the county after St.
Edmund's, Old Hall. At first, Mass
was said in a stable loft, the num
ber of Catholics being about 3t'0.
The stone of the present church
was laid October 18, 1858, by
Cardinal Wiseman. The conse
cration of the building by Arch
bishop Manning took place on
Friday, October 16, 1866, amidst a
distinguished Catholic gathering.
The mission of Hertford is greatly
indebted to Fr. Francis Stanfield,
who collected funds for the build
ing of the church and otherwise
consolidated the good work ini
tiated by Fr. Vaughan.
HETHE, OXON. (Birmingham).
Holy Trinity.
The Fermors of Hethc House,
Tusmore, in this parish were long
the mainstay of Catholicity in this
district. Like the rest of the
Catholic nobility and gentry, they
endured constant persecution for
the old religion. The old mansion
contained an ingenious hiding-place
for the priest, the entrance to
which was a trapdoor concealed by
a dummy window-sill. The last
of the family, Wm. Fermor, Esq.,
died November 28, 1828, aged fifty-
seven. The estate passed to protes-
tants, and the chapel was closed.
The last chaplain there was Fr.
Corbishley. A new mission was
then started by Fr. A. Maguire,
who appealed to the public for
funds, and so successfully that the
present chapel was opened, May 22,
1832, by Bishop Walsh. A large
congregation attended, upwards of
£J62 being subscribed towards the
building fund.
Kev. Alfred Maguire, 1831.
,, Joseph Robson, 1847.
„ P. Sweeny, here in 1872.
„ J. Bonner, 1888 to date.
(Hexham and Newcastle}. St.
A mission has long been in
existence here. In 1687 a Francis
can residence was established under
the title of St. Anthony of Padua.
Mr. Ben Carr, a gentleman residing
in the town, gave the site. The
presides or superiors in succession
were :
Fr. Geo. Golding, 1687-95.
„ Geo. Goodyer, 1695.
Bernardine Metcalfe, 1698.
Fr. Constantino Jackson, 1701.
„ B. Metcalfe, 1717.
,, Gregory Jones, 1719.
„ Bonaventure Hutchinson, 1725.
, Peter Gordon, 1729.
, B. Metcalfe, 1731.
, Pacificus Baker, 1734.
, Lawrence Robinson, 1737.
, Bernard Yates, 1743.
, P. Gordon, 1746.
, B. Hutchinson, 1749.
, Leo Francis, 1752.
, Paul Dixon, 1758.
, Eobt. Painter, 1761.
, Bernard Yates, 1764.
, Henry Bishop, 1767.
, Joachim Arnold, 1770.
, Alexius Whalley, 1771.
, Chas. Juliaeus, 1773.
, Thos. Cottrell, 1776.
, Hy. Bishop, 1779.
, Bruno Babe, 1781.
, Lawrence Hall, 1782.
, Angelas Eavenhill, 1791.
, Bernardine Fleet, 1793.
, Andrew "Weetman, 1794.
, Paschal Harrison, 1800.
, Alex. Whalley, 1805.
, Thos. Cottrell, 1806.
, Alex. Whalley, 1808.
, B. Fleet, 1809-12.
No further appointments.
Concerning the early history of
the secular mission of Hexharn we
have not been able to obtain any in
formation. Fr. Geo. Gibson was
here about 1751. He also assisted
many of the Catholics about Naffer-
ton, and in order to give employment
to a number of poor boys and girls
of the district established a woollen
spinning manufactory at Hexham.
This excellent priest died at Hex-
ham December 3, 1778, 'univer
sally regretted.' In 1762 he was
assisted for a short time by Fr. N.
Leadbitter, O.P., and afterwards by
Fr. Francis Houghton, of the same
Order. Long before this the priest
at Hexham was ' Mr. Thompson,'
who resided at the house of Mr.
Ilymer, a merchant of the town,
about 1716. Fr. Aug. Noel died
HEYWOOD, LANCS (Salford). St.
Mission inaugurated 1854 ; church
opened by Bishop Turner 185 G.
Catholic population, 2,200.
Eev. E. Hubbersty, 1854.
,, Arthur MacCann, 1855.
„ Wm. Bradley, 1892.
„ C. W. Poole," 1898 to date.
minster). St. Joseph's Eetreat.
On January 29, 1849, Fr. Ivers, of
St. Alexis' Church, Kentish Town,
gave a lecture on Catholic doctrine
at 17 High Street, Highgate, but
the meeting was broken up by ' a
vile rabble.' In June 1858, the
Passionist Fathers acquired a house
and site for a church in Highgate,
which was commenced in 1860. In
January 1859 the temporary chapel
was already too small for the wants
of the congregation. The church
was completed in 1863, and hand
somely decorated August- Septem
ber 1880, under the direction of Mr.
A. Vicars. On Sunday, August 28,
1887, a meeting of gentlemen of the
congregation, presided over by Fr.
Gerrard, C.P., was held to consider
the subject of a new church. It was
unanimously resolved that ' a new
church be built, and that an iron
building be used for worship till it
should be completed.' In 1863 the
Catholics of Highgate comprised
forty-three families ; and in 1886
the Catholic population amounted
to 1,500, notwithstanding that
missions had been opened at Hen-
don, Finchley, and other places
formerly served by St. Joseph's.
When the present church was com
menced, Pope Leo XIII. ' signed
with his own hand a special Bene
diction for all who helped in the
good work.' The building was
opened in September 1889. It pro
vides seating accommodation for
1,000 persons. On each side of the
nave are processional aisles 6 ft.
wide. There are six side chapels.
The dome, walls, and ceiling are
richly painted with scenes from the
Sacred Passion, death of St. Joseph,
&c., the latter by M. Laby. The high
altar was exhibited at the Paris
Exhibition of 1889.
am2)ton). St. Augustine Arch
bishop of England.
Fr. Herbert Beale, of Dawsfield,
commenced this mission in Sep
tember 1889. On Sunday evening,
September 21, of that year, he gave
a lecture on ' Eoman Catholics ' in
the South Bucks Auction Mart to a
large audience, almost entirely pro-
testant. The lecture was much
appreciated. Mass was said for
the first time in a room fitted up
as a chapel on Sunday, Novem
ber 10, 1889. The chalice used by
Fr. Beale was a jubilee offering to
Pope Leo XIII., who gave it to the
Bishop of Northampton for mission
ary purposes. The church, in the
Perpendicular Gothic style, was
opened recently. Fr. J. Flint is
the present rector.
(Nottingham). St. Peter's Priory.
The domestic chapel of the Tur-
villcs at Aston Flamvillc Hall, near
Hinckley, served the mission during
the penal times. Fr. J. Clarkson,
O.P., was priest here from 1734 to
1747, and again from 1757-8. Fr.
Mat. Norton, also a Dominican, who
was here in 1759, removed the
mission to Hinckley in 1765. When
the Revolution drove the English
Dominicans from Bornhem (Bel
gium) to England Hinckley became a
priory. Fr. C. Caestrick, O.P., built
a chapel on a scale then considered
'preposterously large.' The pre
sent church and priory were erected
1824-5. Till 1852 the house was a
school for Catholic boys. In 1885
it was reconstituted as the Domini
can novitiate. A tower, chancel,
and sacristies were added to the
church the same year.
pool). St. Benedict.
The mission commenced in 1727
in a chapel at Lowe Hall. It was
removed to Strangeways 1773. In
1789 Peter and Nicholas Marsh,
father and son, subscribed a hand
some sum for the establishment of
a new mission at Hindley. In con
sideration of the gift, the Marsh
family was assigned seats near the
altar rails. The family is now
represented by the Marsh- Carrs.
The chapel, with various additions
and improvements, served down to
]To9, when the present church was
Kev. Eowland Lacon, 1789.
Thos. Appleton, — .
Wm. Corlett, 1837.
Richard Cyprian Tyrer, 1863.
John Brown, here in 1871.
John Cuthbert Murphy, 1874.
Francis Hickey, 1882.
James Sanders, 1888,
Rev. John Cody, 1890.
„ Arthur O'Hare, 1892.
„ Hubert Murphy, 1893.
„ Geo. Clarke, 1895 to date.
This mission was commenced by
the Fathers of the Institute of St.
Andrew at Barnet, who opened a
temporary chapel here at 46 Old Park
Road in 1893. The present church,
in the Nightingale Road, was opened
in 1902. The same year Cardinal
Vaughan gave the charge of the
district to the congregation of St.
Edmund of Pontigny, Fr. T. M.
Aubin being the first and present
ster). St. Monica's Priory.
For some notice of the English
Augustiniaii Canonesses Regular of
St. John Lateran, see NEWTON AB
BOT. In 1886 a house of the Order was
established at South Mimms, near
Barnet. In 1898 Rawdon House,
Hoddesdon, was acquired, and the
community removed to here from
South Mimms the same year. The
Rev. E. Tunstall is the chaplain.
minster). St. Etheldreda's, Ely
John de Kirkeby, Bishop of Ely
1286-90, left by will to his suc
cessors ' a messuage ' in the parish
of St. Andrew's, Holborn. During
the episcopate of William de Luda,
who came after him, the chapel of
Ely Place was built, between 1290
and 1299. The London palace of
the Bishops of Ely, which adjoined,
was frequently the scene of sump
tuous feasts, given during term time
to such personages as the serjeants-
at-law, benchers of Gray's Inn,
&c. In the cloisters of Ely Place,
Henry VIII. is said to have first
met Cranmer. After the Reforma
tion, the palace was little used by the
protestant occupants of the See of
Ely, and, with the chapel, was leased
about 1608 to Gondomar, the famous
Spanish ambassador. Mass was
once more restored, to the great
delight of the persecuted Catholics
of London. Here died the saintly
Louisa de Caravajal, who left her
country, Spain, to assist the long-
suffering faithful in England ; and
here, too, was celebrated before
James I., Gondomar, and their
suites, the last passion play ever
given in England. Bishop Wren,
of Ely, uncle of the famous archi
tect, suffered a long confinement
from 1640 to 1660 at Ely Place for
introducing Catholic practices into
his diocese. In 1772, the then
Bishop of Ely was empowered to
sell the estate, which passed to Mr.
C. Cole, an architect, who built the
houses in Ely Place, the chapel
being preserved as a place of wor
ship for the residents. In 1844 the
chapel passed into the hands of the
Welsh Episcopalians. About thirty
years later, in consequence of a law
suit, the whole of the property was
sold, when the church was bought
by Fr. Lockheart, of the Order of <
Charity, for £5,400. Thus was the \
place again restored to Catholic i
hands. After considerable restora
tion, the building was reopened for ;
worship by Cardinal Manning on |
June 23, 1879. The church, which, j
as we have remarked, was founded
at the close of the thirteenth century, !
is one of the most beautiful in
England. It is lighted by mag- <
nificent east and west windows, the
former presented by the Duke of
Norfolk, the latter by E. Bellasis,
Esq., Lancaster Herald, E. de Lisle,
and other benefactors. The east
window displays Our Lord robed as
High Priest and King, attended by
Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Ethel-
dreda, and St. Bridget. That to the
west depicts Cardinal John Fisher,
Thomas More, and the monks
of the Charterhouse, who suffered
under Henry VIII. Beneath the
high altar is a jewelled reliquary con
taining a portion of the hand of St.
Etheldreda, Abbess of Ely, who died
679. It was discovered in a priests'
hiding-place in a Sussex farmhouse
on the estate of the Duke of Norfolk.
The choir at the end of the church
is supported by a beautiful Gothic
screen, the work of the late Mr.
Bentley. In the sanctuary, near the
south entrance, is a brass tablet in
memory of Fr. W. Lockhart, B.A.
(Oxon.), rector of St. Etheldreda's
from 1879 till his death in August
1892. Beneath the church is a dark
and spacious crypt, which serves as
a chapel for daily Mass, confessions,
&c. The congregation of the church,
which before the pulling down of
neighbouring courts and alleys to
make way for business houses, &c.,
was very numerous, is now only
about 1,000.
The church was opened Decem
ber 21, 1878. Before the opening
of the church, the temporary chapel
was in Maple Street. Catholic
population about 1,336.
Rev. Christian Miiller.
„ Thomas Walsh, 1880.
„ Bartholomew Flynn, 1888.
„ Francis Oakes, 1904 to date.
minster). The Sacred Heart of
A mission was established at
5 Albany Place in 1854 by Canon
Oakeley, of Islington. After a few
months, a larger chapel was estab
lished at 19 Cornwall Place, and
opened June 11, 1855, by Canon
Maguire, V.G. A fine bell was
presented by J. Hears, Esq., and
much material assistance rendered
to the mission by the Countess
of Shrewsbury. The chapel, how
ever, was merely a front and back
parlour thrown into one, and was
described in 1868 as the most
wretched place of Catholic worship
in the Westminster diocese. The
late Canon Keens, who came as
rector that year, managed to
secure a site for church and
schools by March 1869, at a cost of
£'1,500. The present church, in
the Geometrical Gothic style, was
opened by Cardinal Manning on
August 18, 1870. Nave and chan
cel measure about 90 fr. Schools
for 200 children were opened about
the same time. F. H. Pownall
was the architect. The Catholic
population in 1868 was esti
mated at 3,000. New schools were
built in 1905 at a total cost of
£5,500. Electric light installed in
church and schools 1900.
Eev. — Dale, 1855 (first resident
Erneric Podolski, 1856 (chap
lain to the British Polish
Legion during the Crimean
war, 1854-6; again at Hol-
loway 1856).
Cornelius Canon Keens, 1868.
Wm. Dolan, 1871.
Thos. Carey, M.E., 1901.
YOKES (Middlesbrough). St. John
the Baptist.
The date of the foundation of
this mission is set down as 1743,
though chaplains were here as
early as 1670. The place is one
of the residences of the noble
family of Stourton. Lewis in his
' Topographical Dictionary ' says
that the Vavasours in Catholic
times established cells on the moor
for two monks to act as guides to
travellers. Fr. J. Le Grand, O.S.B.,
established a permanent chapel and
commenced the register 1743. A new
chapel was opened May 1766. The
Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre
had a convent here from 1794 to
1796, when they removed to Dean
House, Salisbury.
Eev. Edw. Booth, 1670.
„ Lawrence Ireland, S.J., 1673.
„ Gervase Littleton, 1698.
„ — Price, 1723.
„ Ar. Baker, O.S.F., left 1743.,
„ Jos. Le Grand, O.S.B., 1743.
„ Jn. Fisher, O.S.B., 1743.
„ Andrew Eyding, O.S.B., 1788.
„ Jn. Storey, O.S.B., 1792.
„ Thos. Marsh, O.S.B., 1795.
,, Edw. Clarkson, O.S.B., 1798.
„ Jn. Turner, O.S.B., 1815.
„ Edw. Glassbrook,O.S.B., 1843.
„ Thos. Cockshoot, O.S.B., 1846.
„ Nicholas Hodgson, O.S.B.,
„ Thos. Shepherd, O.S.B.,
1860 (?).
„ Chas. Holohan, O.S.B., 1862.
„ Gerald Shanahan, 1864.
„ Jas. Dolan, 1876.
„ Jn. Doud, 1881.
„ S. O'Hare, 1884.
„ Aloysius Maes, 1897.
„ Geo. de Stoop, 1901 to date.
(Westminster). Immaculate Heart
and St. Dominic.
A chapel was opened in Sidney
Terrace by Fr. (Canon) G. Akcrs,
M.A., 1873. The present church, in
the Italian style, was opened by
Cardinal Manning October 29, 1877.
Captain Salvin, of Sutton Place,
Guildford, presented the marble
altar. In April 1878, a new stone
altar was erected in the side chapel
dedicated to St. George. The build
ing was consecrated by Bishop
Weathers, of Amycla, July 2, 1884.
It may be interesting to state that
the edifice is modelled after that
of SS. Nereus and Achilles at
Rome. The church was conse
crated 1884.
Rev. G. Akers, 1873.
„ G. Langton Vere, 1877.
„ Thos. Hogan, 1885.
„ E. Meyer, 1891.
„ Clement Dunn, 1892 to date.
mouth). The Holy Family.
Through the generosity of the
Ladies Mary and Margaret Howard,
an iron church, formerly at Heron's
Ghyll, Uckfield, was removed to
Honiton and erected on a site
acquired from W. H. Fowler, Esq.,
February 1898. Before the open
ing of the iron chapel, Catholics
worshipped at the domestic oratory
in Deer Park, the residence of
Lady Lindsay. Mass on the day
of opening was celebrated by Fr.
Allaria, C.R.L., rector of the mis
sion, the plain chant of the service
being sung by the choir from Spet-
tisbury Priory. It may not be un
interesting to remark that a certain
Dr. Marwood, who died at Honiton
in 1617, was ' a good and faithful
Catholic,' and one who did much
to preserve the remnants of the old
religion in the district during a
particularly severe epoch of the
penal laws.
N.B. — The mission at Deer Park
was founded by the Hon. Colin
Lindsay 1877. He was the author
of the well-known ' Evidences for
the Papacy' (Longmans 1870). Mr.
Lindsay died 1892, at. 73.
bury). St. Mary of the Angels.
This mission, under the patronage
of the Stanley family, was served
by the Jesuits from about the reign
of James I. till 1854. Fr. Stanislaus
Green was priest at Hooton in 1701 ;
Fr. M. Tichborne about 1735 ; Fr.
J. Porter in 1750 ; Fr. J. Shaw in
1773. The new church, erected by
Sir John Stanley Errington, Bart.,
was opened August 21, 1879. The
Stanley Chantry, dedicated to the
Sacred Heart, is lighted by eight
handsome stained - glass windows
by Meyer, of Munich. The church,
which will accommodate about 250
persons, was consecrated July 1883.
The design was planned by Mr.
E. G. Tarvor, of London.
Priests since 1805.
Rev. Thos. Collingridge, 1803.
Thos. Crowe, 1849.
P. F. Baron, 1851.
Wm. Canon Hilton, V.G.,
Geo. Canon Clegg, 1876.
Chas. Langdon, 1888.
G. B. Provost Clegg, 1903 to
HORNBY, LANCS (Liverpool).
St. Mary.
From about the reign of James I.
to 1762, the chapel at Eobcrt Hall,
the seat of the Cansfields, served
the districts of Hornby, Claughton,
and Caton. The Cansfields were
staunch supporters of Charles I.,
and suffered much in the cause of
that monarch. The priest at Eobert
Hall from 1699 to 1740 was Fr.
Edward Gilpin. His successor was
Fr. Jas. Gandy. Fr. E. Bennett,
who was chaplain in 1745, showed
such partiality for the cause of
Prince Charles Edward Stuart
during the rebellion of that year,
that he had to retire abroad for
some time. He afterwards returned
to his pastoral duties at Hornby,
dying at Scarborough in 1765. In
1762 Mrs. Ann Fenwick, relict of
John Fenwick, Esq., got leave of
Bishop Petre, V.A., to fit up a
chapel at her residence, Hornby
Hall. Fr. Thos. Butler was ap
pointed priest of the mission, which
then numbered 115 persons. After
Mrs. Fenwick's death in 1777, the
Hall passed into other hands ; but
Fr. Butler, with the funds she had
placed at his disposal, purchased a
house as chapel and presbytery,
and continued his ministrations till
his decease in 1795. The mission
of Hornby is indissolubly connected
with the Kev. John Lingard, D.D.,
the Catholic historian of England,
who was priest of the place from
1811 till his death in July 1851,
aged eighty-one. Much of his
well-known history was written at
Hornby, and here he was wont to
entertain Brougham, Scarlett, Pol
lock, and the other leaders of the
Bar whom the Northern Assizes
brought into his district (Tierney's
' Memoir,' Lingard's ' History,'
vol. i.). Fr. Geo. Gibson was the next
priest after Dr. Lingard. The chapel
was rebuilt in 1819. Fr. Gibson
was succeeded in 1875 by Fr. Geo.
Fisher, who was followed in 1897
by Mgr. Wm. Wrennall. In conclu
sion, it may be added that from
the death of Fr. Butler in 1795 till
the appointment of Dr. Lingard in
1811 the priests were : Abbe A. J.
Legaigneur, an emigre, 1795-8 ;
Kev. J. Worswick, 1798-1809 ; Rev.
Ar. Story, 1809-11.
Our Lady of Good Counsel.
Mission commenced 1892, and
served from the Church of the
Sacred Heart, Leeds, by Fr. Chas.
Croskell. In 1893 it was supplied
by a priest from the cathedral, and
in 1895-6 from the seminary. In
the last year Fr. E. Walsh was
appointed rector. His successors
have been : Eev. John Kalb ; Eev.
Thos. Shine, to date.
war '&). St. John, Springfield Eoad.
The old chapel in West Street was
founded by Charles, eleventh Duke
of Norfolk, about the commence
ment of the last century. This
nobleman, although he ' conformed
to the Established Church ' in
1780, was always secretly attached
to the religion of his forefathers,
and at his death in 1815 abjured
the tenets of protestantism. The
bodies of the Dukes of Norfolk
always rested at the Hovsham
Chapel for one night when being
brought from London to Arundel
for interment. The last time that
the old custom of bringing the
du.ca.1 remains by road w&g observed
took place at the funeral of Bernard,
seventh Duke, in April 1842. For
many years after the foundation of
the Horsham mission it was served
in conjunction with West Grinstead.
The priest in charge of the place
in 1827 was the Abbe Adrien
Gremare. He left in 1835. The
next priest was Fr. Edward Fowler.
The mission was marked ' vacant '
in 1850, but in 1853 the incumbent
was Fr. Joseph Sidden. The ser
vices even at this time continued
to be only occasional, Mass being
said at Horsham on the first
Sunday of each month. In 1864
it was served by the Franciscan
Fathers from Crawley. The follow
ing year saw the opening of the
present Gothic church (December
27), by Bishop Grant. The edifice
is due to the pious munificence of
the late Mina Duchess of Norfolk.
Fr. H. Lawrence is the present
Our Lady of the Rosary.
The Gothic school chapel was
opened by the Bishop of Salford
on Sunday, July 11, 1886. The
chapel is of brick, with stone
dressings, and has a neat presbytery
adjoining. Bishop Vaughan, at the
opening, preached an effective ser
mon on the Rosary, which his
lordship described as ' a summary
of the whole Gospel.'
Rev. Joseph Crilly, 1886.
„ Henry Hunt, 1899.
„ Michael McGrath, 1903.
YORKS (Middlesbrough). The Holy
There was a chapel at this, the
ancient seat of the Langdale family,
about the time of the accession
of Elizabeth. Anthony Langdale,
Esq., who died at Rome, April 10,
1577, is regarded as ' an exile on
account of his faith.' Fr. John
May, an alumnus of St. Omer and
Valladolid, served the mission from
about 1052 till his death, some
time after 1690. The old chapel
was built 1780, and the registers
date from 1787. The Benedictines
ceased to serve the mission 1805.
The new chapel, near the Hall, was
erected by the Hon. Charles Lang-
dale, and opened February 25,
1829 — the year of Catholic emanci
Rev. John May, 1652 till after 1690
(immediate successors not
Edw. Hatton, 1730
John Holme, 1739.
Archibald Macdonald, 1766.
Edward Howard, S.J., 1770.
Thos. Slater, 1787.
Jn. Rigby, 1803.
Jas. Wrennall, 1805 (?) till
Jn. Ball, 1827.
Jn. Glover, 1830.
Henry Newsham, 1836.
Geo. Keasley, 1838.
Jn. Glover, 1842 (second
Robt. Canon Thompson, 1860.
Laurence McGonnell, 1861.
James Canon Wells, 1862.
Herbert Davies, 1897.
HAM (Hexliam and Newcastle).
St. Michael.
The mission was started 1831,
Fr. Macevoy, of Maynooth, being
the first resident priest. Mass was
first said in a hired room, the
number of Catholics in the town
being estimated at between eighty
and a hundred. The church was
opened November 9, 1837, and in
1844 the chancel end was decorated.
The site of the building was rented
from Lord Durham. When Catho
licity first reared its head at
Hough ton-le- Spring, the place was
described as a locality of ' all-per
vading bigotry.' The stipend of
the priest was at the outset only
£40 a year, and he had to struggle
against a heavy mission debt. A
cemetery was laid out and schools
built in 1842.
Ecv. J. Macevoy, 1831.
(Served from Sunderland
„ A. Watson, 1846.
,, Joseph Canon Browne, 1857.
,, John O'Brien, 1889 and to
Michael and Marten, Burdett
An important meeting, presided
over by Mgr. Weld, was held at
Hounslow early in June 1883 to
consider the ways and means for
building a church. The collection
amounted to over £20. The new
school chapel was opened by Car
dinal Manning, Tuesday, August 24
1886. As far back as 1862, Mass
was said for the Catholic soldiers
every Sunday at the barracks.
The first chaplain was Fr. C.
Herdel, who resided at G Belgrave
Terrace. The military chapel was
open to civilians.
HOVE, BRIGHTON (Soutluvarlt).
St. Peter's.
This church was opened as a
chapel of ease to the mission of the
Sacred Heart, Brighton, 1902. The
style is Gothic. Sittings for about
200 persons. Fr. Joseph Ward has
charge of the district served by the
(Middlesbrough). The Sacred
There were about 150 Catholics
at Howden in 1850, when the
mission was started by Fr. E.
Cook. For several years it was
served from Everingham. The
' beautiful little Gothic church '
was built in 1852. At the con
clusion of the mission given in
March 1885 by Fr. G. Seadon,
C.B.P., over sixty persons enrolled
themselves as associates of the
Perpetual Adoration Sodality.
[When Fr. Cook first went to
Howden he applied for the use of
the Town Hall for Mass on Sundays,
but was refused. He then preached
to the people from the town cross,
and with such success that he
was enabled to erect a temporary
Kev. K. Cook, 1850.
Thos. Danson, 1855.
James Butler, 1882.
C. Donovan, 1888.
Patrick O'Brien, 1890.
Win. McNaughten, 1892.
Patrick Cronin, 1896.
Chas. Van Pouckc, 1897 to
minster). St. Monica's Priory.
In 1863 the Augustinians re
turned to London at the invitation
of Cardinal Wiseman. The old
pro -Reformation house of the Order
in London was Austin Friars, City,
founded 1423. The present priory
was opened by Mgr. (afterwards
Cardinal) Manning, August 15,
18G4, and the Decorated Gothic
church two years later. Schools
were erected 1870. The average
attendance in 1905 was 344.
YORKS (Leeds). St. Helen's Chapel.
The mission was commenced in
1864, and on Easter Monday 1865
the first stone of the school chapel
was laid. The opening took place
Sunday, April 22, 1865, by the
Bishop of Beverley. The style is
twelfth-century Gothic. The build
ing is of stone after designs by Had-
field. Fr. C. J. Locke was priest of
the mission in 1865. At the mission
given at St. Helens in June 1866,
by Fr. Bertrand, O.S.F., over 600
persons renewed the baptismal
vows, and about eighty-three were
confirmed. In 1891 the mission
was served from Mortomley.
Recent Priests.
Rev. Win. Smith, here in 1883.
„ W. J. Smith, 1892.
HAMSHIRE (Nottingham). Holy
From 1879, when the mission
was started, ' a building of a tem
porary character ' served as a chapel.
In September 1886, owing to the
liberality of Mr. O'Hanlon, who
gave £1,000, and Major Worswick,
who gave £500, the new church was
founded, and completed in April
1887. The style is Early Decorated
Gothic. The schools adjoining,
built by Major Worswick, accom
modate about 100 pupils. The con
gregation was estimated at about
200 at the time of opening. The
seating capacity of the building is
for about 250 persons. R. C. Clarke
was the architect. Fr. Rupert
Macaulay, present rector.
St. Patrick.
The mission atHuddersfield dates
from 1828, when Mass was said on
Sundays in a hired room over a
workshop. The baptismal registers
were irregularly kept for the first
two or three years, owing probably
to the fact that the priest baptised
in private houses and entered the
names later. In 1835, the chapel
was commenced in the Halifax
Road, Huddersfield, by Fr. James
Keily, but the debt on the building
was not paid off till 1861. Between
October 1859 and September 1861,
about £400 was collected by Fr.
S. L. Wells towards new schools.
These wrere commenced in Septem
ber 1862, and opened during the
course of 1863. The cost was about
£800, the accommodation being for
108 boys, 128 girls, and 60 infants.
Recent Priests.
Rev. Stephen Canon Dolan, here
1891 and to date.
brougli). St. Charles Borromeo,
Jarratt Street.
In 1780, the Catholic chapel was
at Posterngate. Fierce ' No Popery '
riots — in imitation of the Gordon
riots — broke out in June the same
year, and the chapel was destroyed.
The Jews afterwards obtained a
lease of the site for a synagogue.
The Catholics of the town, who
then numbered about forty, next i
set up a chapel in a private house.
In 1798, the Abbe Peter Francis
Foucher, formerly vicar general of }
Aix, came to Hull from Pocklington,
and built the house and chapel, |
opened July 26, 1799. Monseig-
neur de Boisgelin, Archbishop of
Aix, sang High Mass in the chapel ,
on September 22 following. The
Abbe Foucher spent about £'2,000
of his own money on the mission,
and on returning to France in
1820 bequeathed a silver chalice,
ciborium, and some fine vestments
to the chapel. Miss Anne Heat-
ley, who died 1803, was also a
great benefactress to the mission.
Seventy-two persons were con
firmed here by Bishop Gibson, V.A.,
in 1808, and eighty-three by the
same prelate, in October 1815.
The old chapel having become in
adequate was supplanted by the
present handsome structure opened
by Bishop Penswick in 1835. The
handsome screen by Scholes is a
copy of the one in the church of
the Gesu at Korne. The title of
the church was changed from that
of St. Augustine to St. Charles
Borromeo, 1850-1. The congre
gation was then estimated at 6,500.
The children attending school 240 ;
Baptisms, 247 ; Marriages, 47 ;
Converts, 41.
Rev. Robert Johnson, 1780.
„ Abbe P. F. Foucher, 1798.
Became Canon and V.G. of
Aix on returning to France,
„ John Smith, 1820.
„ Joseph Render, 1830.
„ Michael Trappes, 1848.
„ Benjamin Canon Randerson,
„ William Canon Sullivan, 1887.
„ Francis Canon Hall, V.G.,
1901 to date.
HULL. St. Mary, Wilton Street.
The growth of Catholicity in
Hull made a second mission
necessary shortly after 1850. In
January 1857, schools were opened
in Dansorn Lane and placed under
the care of the Sisters of Mercy.
A school chapel was inaugurated,
March 7, 1858. The number of
children attending school in 1859
was about 600. The present
church superseded the chapel 1890.
In Aiigust of the following year, a
chapel of St. Francis was opened
' over the vault of Sir Francis
Turville, K.C.M.G.,' by his widow,
Baroness Lisgar.'
Rev. Luke Burke, 1858.
„ Joseph Geary, 1866.
„ George Browne, 1871.
„ Charles H. Wood, 1885.
,, James Canon Griftin, 1889 to
St. Patrick's Church was built
in Mill Street 1871. The present
church in Spring Street was opened
on Thursday, September 8, 1904.
The style is Romanesque. The
accommodation is for 500 persons.
The Bishop of Middlesbrough pre
sided at the throne on the occasion
of the opening, the sermon being
preached by the Very Rev. Placid
Conway, O.P. (1 Kings ix. 3).
Erected 1859-60. The num
ber of Catholics then at Hunslet
was over 1,000. The St. Joseph's
Building Society was formed that
year to further the erection of the
church. The first stone was laid
by the bishop of the diocese Novem
ber 16, 1859. The style of the
church is ' mixed Gothic ' ; to accom- j
modate about 600 persons. The |
site formed part of the Brandling
estate, and the cost of the building
was about £1,600. In 1884 the \
Catholic population of the district j
was about 2,500. At the ' mission ' |
given by the Jesuit Fathers in April
1884 upwards of 1,000 confessions
were heard, 221 persons brought
back to the practice of their reli
gious duties, and 500 Holy Com
munions administered.
(Northampton). SS. Mary and
Edmund, K.M.
The chapel of St. Edmund House,
the convent of the Dominican nuns,
who settled here in 1903, served as
a place of worship for local Catholics
for some time. In January 1904,
Fr. E. Garnett, the chaplain, ob
tained a site for the badly-needed
church from Alderman Harnon Le
Strange, the lord of the manor,
who generously gave the land free
of cost. In August 1904, a tempo
rary building — the sacristies of the
future church — was opened for wor
ship by Bishop Eiddell, of North
ampton. Mass was celebrated by
Mgr. Scott, D.D., V.G. of Cam
bridge, the sermon being preached
by Fr. J. Freeland (Isaiah iv. 5). At
the conclusion of the Mass, the
Bishop confirmed the Hon. Otway
Plunket, son of Lord Louth, and
two little girls — the Misses Harriet
and Mary Cole.
HUNTINGDON (Northampton).
St. Hubert.
The establishment of this mission
in 1869 is due to some Irish horse-
dealers, who, finding no Catholic
church at Huntingdon, which town
they were obliged to attend every
year at fair time, clubbed together
and built a temporary iron chapel.
Soon after its erection, the chapel
was almost destroyed by a violent
gale, and as early as 1882 was ' in
a deplorably leaky state.' In 1901
the present handsome church was
erected by George Temple Layton,
Esq., late of The Croft, Mitc'ham,
Surrey, at a cost of about £J5,000.
Fr. Patrick Duffy has been rector
of the mission since its establish
CESTERSHIRE (Nottingham). St.
In 1763, the ancient Catholic
family of Turville of Aston Flam-
ville came into the property of
Husbands Bosworth, on the decease
of their cousin, Maria Fortescue.
The chapel at Bosworth Hall served
the mission for upwards of a cen
tury. The present church was built
in 1874 at the cost of Sir Francis
Turville, K.C.M.G. The style is
Gothic. In the chapel of St. Joseph,
opening out of the north wall, re
pose the remains of the founder,
and also the relics of his ancestor,
the blessed Sir Adrian Fortescue, a
Knight of St. John of Jerusalem,
who suffered for the Papal supre
macy, July 10, 1539. The church
was redecorated August and Sep
tember 1900 in a style resembling
that of St. Stephen's Chapel, West
Priests of the Mission since 1825.
(1825, vacant.)
Rev. _ Wilford, 1826.
„ J. Koss, 1827.
„ B. Bagnall, 1829.
„ J. Jones, 1831.
Rev. E. Whitehouse, 1849.
„ Richard Raby, 1853.
„ E. Whitehouse, 1854.
In 1874 the mission was served
from Market Harborough by
the Rev. Richard Vandepitte.
„ Fr. A. Ryan, 1879.
Frcdk. Wehn, 1880.
Win. Farmery, 1885.
Jn. Salins, 1887.
W. Otty, 1891.
Jos. Fagan, 1893.
DURHAM (Hexham and New
castle). SS. Peter and Paul.
Fr. J. A. Slater, of Uskaw Col
lege, started the mission here in
1825. Before this time, the few
local Catholics heard Mass at Hard-
wick House, long the seat of the
ancient family the Maires of Hut-
ton. The property was sold in 1824.1
Fr. Slater built a Gothic chapel in
1832, at which time the number of
communicants amounted to eighty.
The old chapel did duty till 1895,
when it was supplemented by a
handsome church. Schools were
advertised as greatly needed in
October 1901, and Fr. Jackson,
C.SS.R., appealed for funds to build
them Sunday, October 26, the
same year.
HUYTON, LANGS (Liverpool). St.
A small chapel was opened here
in 1856. In 1860 upwards of £200
1 Mr. Maire was a distinguished
Catholic conveyancer about 1770, when
all other branches of the legal profession
were closed against Catholics. The
famous Charles Butler of Lincoln's Inn
studied under him. Near Hardwick
House was a retired cave where Mass
was often said during the penal times.
was raised towards the expense of
a new church. Major Molyneux-
Secl gave the site 'in 1861. The
church, which was commenced in
May the same year, is in the French
Gothic style, and cosi £2,50J. It
was opened 1861.
Rev. Canon Walmsley, 185G.
„ P. Holmes, 1859.
„ Hy. Lamoii, 1882.
„ Jn. Smith, 1884.
,, Canon Holden, 1885 to date.
HYDE, CHESHIRE (Slirewsbury).
St. Paul.
The chapel was founded 1848, in
a room over a blacksmith's forge.
Six years afterwards the church was
opened on a site presented by Robt.
Ashton, Esq., a Unitarian (July
1854). In April 1802, the church
was completed, a belfry and peal
of bells being added to the struc
ture. The late M. Harnett, Esq.,
gave £1,000 towards the schools.
Rev. Canon Jn. Reah, 1848.
Jn. Hill, 1853.
Hy. Hopkins, 1869.
Patrick Tracy, 1879.
Chas. Langdon, 1882.
Thos. Ratcliffe, 1888.
Jn. Thompson, 1889.
Jas. Hcnnelly, 1896.
HYTHE, KENT (SouthwarJf).
As far back as 1860 Fr. Sheridan
opened a mission here, assisted by
the brothers Edmund and Arthur
Robinson, to whom Catholicity at
Dover is so much indebted. In
March 1865 Fr. (now Mgr.) God-
dard took up his residence at Hythe,
where he laboured with much suc
cess till 1867, when the first Army
chaplain was appointed to the
place. From this date till 1891
the various chaplains ' made them
selves responsible for the Catholic
soldiers at the School of Musketry,'
the civilians being regarded as
under the clergy of the neighbour
ing mission of Folkestone. In 1891
the Austin Friars settled in Hythe.
Their church was solemnly opened
and dedicated by Bishop Butt,
August 6, 1894. The building,
which was designed by A. E. Purdie,
is ' large and not ungraceful,' and
is capable of accommodating at
least 300 people.
ILFORD, ESSEX (Westminster).
SS. Peter and Paul.
The foundation stone of the
church was laid by Cardinal
Vaughan, May 14, 1898, and the
building was opened in June 1899.
Style, Perpendicular Gothic; ar
chitect, Mr. Curtis Prior; seating
capacity, about 560. Prior to the
opening of the church, a temporary
iron building was used. In 1895
Fr. A. S. Barnes estimated the
number of Catholics in the district
at about six or eight. The same
year, Fr. Bede, O.S.F., was sent to
establish the mission, and he opened
a chapel in ' a humble tenement '
in Ilford Lane. Fr. Palmer is the
present rector. The church was
completed, and opened by Arch
bishop Bourne, May 81, 1906. A
notable feature of the interior is
the fine oak pulpit, presented by the
congregation. The average school
attendance is 278.
(Plymouth). Our Lady Star of
the Sea.
Fr. Walter Keily was the first
to open the mission, 1874. There
was no resident priest till 1876.
The present church was com
menced October 12, 1892, and
opened January 18, 1893. A new
chapel, added to the main building,
was completed May 1895.
Rev. Francis Higgins, 1876.
„ Thos. Spencer, 1879.
„ Walter Baggaley, 1888.
„ H. Bromley, 1890.
, G. Graham.
tingham). Our Lady and St.
Thomas of Hereford.
Mass was said occasionally here
from 1857 till 1861, when the mis
sion became a permanent one. The
priest at this time was Fr. C. Tasker
of Glossop. The ' chapel,' however,
was merely ' a room in an empty
lace factory.' Ilkeston is spoken of
at the time the mission was started
as ' a long-neglected place.' The
Catholics in 1861 numbered about
600. Three years later the chapel
was served from Derby by Fr. Ar.
Rev. Hugh O'Neill, here in 1872.
„ Thos. Revill, 1879.
„ Patrick Conaty, 1885.
„ Philip Canon McCarthy, 1888
and to date.
(Leeds). The Sacred Heart of
For some time prior to August
1878, Mass was said on Sundays at
Myddelton Lodge, the seat of W.
Middleton, Esq. In the above-
named month and year a church
and school were commenced on a
site near the Wharfe, presented
by Mr. Middleton. The style is
' purely Old English,' with open
roof. Adjoining is a cemetery.
The accommodation of the church
is for 220 ; of the school 120.
Priests since 1892.
Eev. Alf. Watson.
„ Alf. Galli, 1896 to date.
pool). The Holy Family.
The Faith was supported here
throughout the dreary time of per
secution by the protection of the
Ince Blundell family, many of
whose members figure in the re
cusant rolls between 1683 and
1679. In addition to being a focus
of Catholicity, Ince Blundell Hall
acquired, about the middle of the
eighteenth century, a deserved repu
tation for its fine collection of sculp
tures and paintings, brought to
gether by Henry Blundell, Esq.
The estates passed to the Weld
family in 1837. The present Gothic
church was erected in 1858.
Priests since 1824.
Rev. Thos. Berry.
„ P. Greenough, 1827.
,. Jules Maurus, 1867 (?).
„ Thos. Murphy, 1899.
„ James Hughes, 1903 to date.
INCE WIGAN, LANGS (Liverpool).
St. William.
A chapel attached to Ince New
Hall was built 1760. The chaplain
from 1786 to 1818 was Fr. Joseph
Higginson. The present mission j
was established in 1873. A tem
porary iron church was opened by
Bishop O'Reilly, of Liverpool, in
April 1881. Seating accommoda
tion for about 620 ; cost of erection,
£1,500. The opening of the chapel
was deferred from February to
April on account of the colliers'
Rev. P. Clarke, 1873.
„ Michael Naughten, 1877.
„ Jeremiah Dowling, 1879.
„ John Hanly, 1885.
„ Geo. Swarbrick, 1904 to date.
(Westminster}. SS. Erconwald
and Aedilburga.
Ingatestone Hall came into the
possession of the Petre family at
the time of the suppression of the
religious houses (1536-9). The
domestic chapel was described in
1857 as being ' a small building
with a gallery over the entrance.'
It was redecorated in 1852. In
1855 a priests' hiding-place was
discovered. Fr. A. Paige was
chaplain at Ingatestone Hall prior
to his execution for the Faith at
Chelmsford in 1590. Fr. R. Man
ning, D.D., wrote his famous ' Dis
courses ' at Ingatestone when chap
lain there early in the eighteenth
century. Before the opening of
missions at Southend, Shoebury,
&c., these places were served by
the priest at Ingatestone. The
church of Ingatestone Hall, after
being closed some months for the
purpose of enlargement, was so
lemnly reopened on Sunday, Octo
ber 18, 1863. The alterations were
all skilfully carried out by D. C.
Nicholls, Esq., of London.
N.B.— The body of the unfor
tunate Earl of Derwentwater rested
for one night at Ingatestonc Hall
after his execution on February 24,
1716, for participation in the Jaco
bite rebellion of the preceding year.
The Earl's remains were interred
at his ancestral home, Dilston, in
Northumberland, but in 1874 were
removed to Thorndon Hall (q.v.).
IPSWICH (Northampton). St.
In 1793 the Abbe Louis Pierre
Simon, an emigre, came to Ipswich,
where he hired a house and turned
one of the rooms into a chapel.
For a time this small place of wor
ship sufficed for the few Catholics
of the town. By 1820, the congre
gation had so increased that he
found it necessary to build a chapel
for 150 persons. This structure
formed the transepts of a still
larger church consecrated by Bishop
Walsh, V.A.M.D., October 10, 1838.
The style was Perpendicular Gothic ;
accommodation for about 600. The
building stood on the site of the
Black Friars' monastery, plundered
in the reign of Edward VI. A
school for children was opened
about the same time. In conse
quence of the growth of Catholicity
in and around Ipswich, a still larger
church became necessary, and the
present building wTas opened by
Bishop Amherst, of Northampton,
June 12, 1861. The building, which
was designed by Hadfield &
Goldie, after the Geometric style,
will accommodate about 1,000.
Rev. Louis Simon, 1793.
Ignatius Collingridge, 1840.
James O'Neill, 1842.
M. Lane, 1849.
W. Marshall, 1851.
J. C. Kemp, 1855.
Rev. Joseph Faa di Bruno, here
,, Aemilianus Kirner, 1874.
,, Joseph Bannin, 1879.
„ Wm. Canon Blackman, 1882.
„ Patrick Canon Rogers, 1885
to date.
(Salford). St. Theresa, Liverpool
This became a separate mission
in 1900. The new schools, which
were built 1901-2, will accommo
date about 100 children. The old
school chapel has been fitted up as
a church, and is under the spiritual
direction of Fr. A. Van der Beck.
minster). The Immaculate Con
ception and St. Bridget.
The noble family of Shrewsburj7,
premier Earls of England, long
owned a residence here on the site
of the present mission in Shrewsbury
Place. Being staunch Catholics,
they had a chapel in the mansion,
which was attended by the few
local adherents of the ancient Faith.
The baptismal register dates from
1675. The house was a residence
of the family as late as 1761, but
was probably sold soon after. A
portion of the premises was reserved
for a chapel and priest's house.
This old chapel (40 ft. by 16 ft.)
was ' badly constructed and scantily
supplied.' The present building was
erected at the expense of the late
Mgr. Weld. It consists of a nave
and galleries, the style being Roman
esque and the accommodation for
about 200. The old chapel forms
the sacristy. Schools were built
about the same time by the same
reverend benefactor. The Catholic
population of the district is about
500. In March 1841, the nuns of
the Faithful Companions of Jesus
Congregation opened a high-class
convent school at Gumley House,
Isle worth, a fine old mansion, for
merly the residence of General
Gumley. The convent has since
been in great repute as an educa
tional establishment.
N.B.— Mgr. \Veld, who did so
much for the mission, was a near
kinsman and former secretary of
Cardinal Weld (died 1837). The
Monsignor was a man of saintly
life, and the well-known author of
the treatise on ' The Love of God.'
Priests since 1790.
Bev. Geo. Bruning, 1790 (?), d.
„ Anthony Wareing, 1810 (died
„ S. Faenza, 1855.
„ Mgr. Francis Weld, 1855.
„ Thos. Francis Gorman, 1897
to date.
minster). St. John the Evan
The church, a Norman structure,
designed by Scoles, was opened i
June 26, 1843, by Bishop Wise
man. Upwards of 2,000 persons
were present, including the Earl of
Arundel and the Hon. E. Petre,
Hon. E. Jerningham, the Ladies
Camoys, Lovat, &c., &c. Bishop
Wiseman preached a powerful
sermon on the progress of Catho
licity in England since the penal
times. Canon Oakeley, M.A., was
appointed priest of the mission in
1850. The church was consecrated
in June 1873. The apse was
adorned by Mr. Armitage, R.A.,
with frescoes representing Our
Lord and the Apostles — a design
characterised by the Atheruteum
as ' a work of great merit.' The
church, which had become some
what dilapidated, was thoroughly
restored and beautified in the
autumn of 1884. New stations of
the Cross were erected, and a hand
some screen under the choir gallery
set up. In August 1887, Mr.
Armitage's great picture, ' The In
stitution of the Franciscan Order,'
replaced a fresco of the same sub
ject set up in 1859. Canon Oake
ley died January 29, 1880, and was
succeeded by Canon Leopold Pycke,
the present incumbent.
(Hexham and Neivcastle). St.
The stone was laid, November
1860, by the Bishop of Hexham.
The building of this fine church
was largely due to Fr. Kelly, who
collected much of the money
required. The church was opened
early in 1862. In 1883 the Catho
lics of Jarrow had increased to
6,000. To meet the growth of the
congregation the church was en
larged to double its original size.
A new high altar and exquisitely
carved reredos were erected in the
church in April 1885. The reredos
is said to contain no fewer than
2,000 pieces of stone, each symboli
cally carved.
Eev. Geo. Meynell, 1862.
,, Martin Hayes, 1885 and to
The mission was established
1835, and the church— described
at the time as ' by far the hand
somest building in Yorkshire' —
was opened by Bishop Briggs, V.A.,
November 21, 1840. Some stained-
glass windows were presented to
the church in 1841.
Rev. Win. Hampson, 1835.
„ Robt. Gibson, 1836.
T. Walsh, 1844.
James Cullimore, 1854.
Timothy O'Connell, 1860.
Patrick Kiernan, here 1871.
Herbert Duke, 1881.
Edw. Canon Watson, 1888 to
ster). St. Mary Immaculate and
the Holy Angels.
The present mission was esta
blished in 1875, mainly owing to the
munificence of the late R. Rann,
Esq., J.P. — formerly an Anglican
clergyman — who built the church.
The building was consecrated
October 24, 1891. A series of fine
stained-glass windows which light
the church commemorate the
deceased relatives of the donor.
Prior to the opening of the mission,
the domestic chapel of the Wright
family of Kelvedon Hall was
attended by local Catholics. Fr.
John Mannock, O.S.B., the well-
known author of ' The Poor Man's
Catechism,' was chaplain here from
1759 till his death, November 30,
1764, aged eighty-three. One of
his predecessors was Fr. Sebastian
Redford, S.J. (1756-8), author of
' An Important Enquiry.'
(Clifton). St. Bennet.
This mission can claim descent
from the ancient one at Beckford,
where the Lee family maintained
a chapel. Fr. Isaac Gibson, S.J.,
died here in November 1738. The
Hon. and Rev. R. Dormer was
also here for a time. Other priests
were Fr. Placid Bennett, O.S.B.
(1783), Abbe Louvelle (1795?),
Thos. Kenyon, J. Harrison ( — ),
and Win. Jolly (1825). After the
opening of the church at Kemerton,
July 19, 1843, the Catholics of
Beckford became absorbed in the
new congregation. The erection is
due to the pious munificence of the
Eystons, Tidmarshes, and Throck-
mortons. Fr. Samuel Day was
the first rector, being followed in
1848 by Fr. Peter Ridgeway, who
was here till 1896, when Fr. Alph.
Thomas, O.S.B., the present rector,
was appointed,
ham and Newcastle). Holy
Trinity and St. George.
The mission was established
' about 1724 ' through the efforts of
the Eoydon family (see DODDING
GREEN). The register dates from
1762. In 1800 Fr. Thos. Wilkin
son founded schools in Stramon-
gate. These were rebuilt by Dean
Gibson to accommodate 500
scholars, and are said to be among
the finest of their kind in the North
of England.
Priests since 1800.
Rev. T. Wilkinson (assisted by
various curates after 1840 ;
died 1857).
„ James Gibson, 1857.
,, Wm. Stevenson, 1895 to date.
(Birmingham}. St. Augustine.
This church, which is one of
Pugin's ' earliest attempts at Gothic
revival,' was commenced in 1841,
but not completed till the summer
of 1852. It was built at the
expense of the Amherst family,
then resident at Fieldgate House.
The last member of this family
was Fr. W. J. Amherst, S.J.,
author of the ' History of Catholic
Emancipation,' who died in April
1904. He was brother of Bishop
Amherst, of Northampton (1858-
79). The building was restored
during the summer of 1904, and
consecrated by Bishop Ilsley, of
Birmingham, on September 1 of
the same year. The handsome
brass sconces for the candles used
in the consecration were presented
by Major Berkeley and family, of
Fieldgate House.
Thirty acres of land, adjoining
the celebrated protestant burial
ground, were consecrated as a
Catholic cemetery in June 1858
by Bishop Morris, of Troy, assisted
by the Hon. and Kev. E. Stonor,
now Archbishop of Trebizond,
Canon O'Neal, &c. The mission
appears to have been started in
the district about 1860, the first
priest being the Kev. John Moore.
His successor in 1863 was the Rev.
Richard Bennett. When the Church
of Our Lady of the Holy Souls was
opened in 1872, the mission had
for some time been under the care
of the Oblates of St. Charles. Owing
to the construction of the Great
Central Railway, 1893-6, large
numbers of poor people were com
pelled to leave Marylebone and
contiguous districts and settle in
Kensal Green, where it soon became
necessary to build new Catholic
schools, at a cost of nearly £4,000.
The buildings were opened Tues
day, November 28, 1899, by Cardi
nal Vaughan, who paid a warm
tribute to the Rev. Frs. Wyndham
and Green for their ' great courage '
in surmounting the local educa
tional difficulty. The schools ac
commodate about 900 children.
At the time of the opening of the
schools, the Catholic population was
estimated at 5,000.
N.W. (Westminster). Our Lady of
the Holy Souls.
The church was opened April 13,
1882, ' amidst a poor and thickly
populated district.' A new reredos
was added to the sanctuary March
1889. The altar-piece is a copy of
the famous triptych by Stephen
Loethener in Cologne Cathedral.
New schools were opened 1892.
The mission was commenced by
the opening of a school chapel in
November 1872.
Bev. Henry Karslake, 1872.
„ Francis Kirk, 1877.
„ Septimus Andrews, 1879.
„ Joseph Greene, 1882 to date.
(Westminster). Our Lady of Vic
Mr. More, a Catholic gentleman
who resided ' in Kensington Gore,
by London,' about 1730, presumably
had a chapel in his house, as a ' Mr.
Burgis ' is given as resident chap
lain at this time. This priest was
probably a Jesuit. About 1794
some exiled French Jesuits opened
a school at Kensington House, and
the few Catholics of the district
were enabled to hear Mass in the
adjoining chapel. Richard Lalor
Sheil, the great barrister and Parlia
mentary orator, was one of their
pupils before proceeding to Stony-
hurst. The school was closed about
1806, but the chapel was continued
owing to the liberality of Eichard
Gillow, Esq., and Mr. Kendall, the
latter giving £100 towards the mis
sion and ' many requisites for the
altar.' Mr. Gillow and some friends
contributed £500, with which sum
a site was purchased and a chapel
erected in Holland Street. Ele
mentary schools were established
about 1830, and the chapel enlarged
by a sanctuary a little later. The
structure, with a few subsequent
improvements, served till the
opening of the present handsome I
Decorated Gothic church by Arch
bishop Manning, 1869. The build
ing consists of a nave, sanctuary,
and two aisles, the interior being
lighted by a clerestory and east
windows. For over thirty years
the church ' played the honourable
role of pro-cathedral.' The build
ing was consecrated by Cardinal
Vaughan, May 1, 1901. A new
boys' school, to accommodate
ninety pupils, was opened in
Warwick Road by Archbishop
Bourne, April 21, 1906. Mr. Goldie
was the architect ; cost about
Rev. Gilles Vielle, 1806.
Dominic Le Houx, 1828.
Wm. Bugden, 1840.
Charles Woolett, 1851.
James Foley, 1860.
Mgr. J. Rouse, D.D., 1879.
Mgr. C. Harrington Moore,
„ Michael Canon Fanning, 1889
to date.
(Westminster). Oar Lady of Mount
Carmel and St. Simon Stock.
The Order of Mount Carmel
(White Friars) was introduced into
England by St. Simon Stock (1240).
After the Reformation many of the
fathers laboured on the English
mission. In 1861, Fr. Herman
Cohen, who had been converted
from Judaism at Rome, opened a
house of the Order in Kensington
Square. It was afterwards removed
to Vicarage Place. Here an old
schoolroom was turned into an
oratory, and opened October 15,
1861. Mgr. Manning preached on
the glories of the Carmelite Order.
The relics of St. Simon Stock were
solemnly deposited in a shrine
beneath the high altar by Cardinal
Wiseman May 16, 1864, The pre-
sent church, by E. Pugin, was huilt
(Westminster). Our Lady Help of
A chapel was opened in Kentish
Town by Fr. Harding Ivors in
November 1846. The Count de
Montemolin subscribed £20 towards
the expenses of the new mission.
In July 1847, a learned Jewish
gentleman lectured in the chapel
on the corruptions and interpola
tions of the authorised version of
the Scriptures, and advised the
many protestants present to use
the Douai Bible. Great sensation
was caused by this incident, and
the report was, of course, circulated
that the Rabbi was 'a Jesuit in
disguise ' ! About this time Fr.
Ignatius Grant, of the Passionist
Order, gave £100 towards the fund
that had been started for a new
church. Soon the little chapel in
Fitzroy Terrace, which only accom
modated 150 persons, had to be ex
changed for a larger building in
Gospel Terrace, where Fr. Ivers
had the assistance of Fr. Faa di
Bruno, author of ' Catholic Belief.'
In 1856 Fr. Robt. Swift was the
priest at Kentish Town. Two years
later (August 1858), the stone of the
church was blessed and laid by
Cardinal Wiseman. The opening
took place in August 1859. In the
autumn of 1876 the church was
quite transformed by several im
provements, amongst which may
be noted the high altar of stone and
alabaster and a carved reredos.
N.B.-Fr. William Prichard, a
Lisbonian, died at Kentish Town
October 22, 1734, whence it may be
inferred that even at this date there
were some Catholics in the district,
ham and Newcastle).
In the summer of 1861 a room
was fitted up as a chapel and Mass
said ' by any priest who happened
to be staying there.' At that time
there were fifty ' very poor Catho
lics ' in Keswick, and no mission
nearer than Cockerrnouth, about
thirteen miles off. No further men
tion is made of the place in the
* Catholic Directory ' after this till
about 1903, when the mission is
described as served from Cocker-
(Northampton}. St. Edward.
A new mission was started here
i in October 1891, when the tem
porary chapel was served by Fr.
, H. Stanley, of the Bishops' House,
j Northampton. A site for church
and presbytery was secured about
this time. The chapel was at first in
a shoe factory in Church Walk,
near the parish church. In Novem
ber 1891 Fr. Stanley went to live
permanently at Kettering, his resi
dence being 13 The Grove, Ketter
ing. The new church was opened
in January 1893. It is a large and
commanding structure, 'fitted up
in most excellent fashion.' The cost
of erection was about £1,300. In
the parish of Kettering stands
Rushton Hall, an old Elizabethan
mansion, formerly the residence of
the Treshams. It contains many
priests' hiding-places, and in one
of these some interesting family
documents and rare controversial
tracts — among them 'The Spiritual
Conflict,' by Hierome Count of
Portia — were accidentally dis
covered in 1828. The house is now
leased by Mr. James Van Allen, an
American gentleman.
KEW, SURREY (Southward).
The Rev. M. Cummins, of the
Marist Congregation, was appointed
to this newly formed mission in
1898. The chapel is a temporary
one at the clergy house, 14 Kew
Gardens Road. The congregation at
the time the mission was started
was described as ' a small and
scattered flock,' and the character
of the neighbourhood as ' indif
SHIRE (Birmingham). St. Am
In 1831, Bishop Walsh, V.A., sent
Fr. C. J. O'Connor to found the
mission. Fr. O'Connor brought
the congregation up to 100. Mass
was said in a hired Methodist
chapel, the first being offered up
on Trinity Sunday 1831. John
Jeffreys, Esq., a Unitarian gentle
man, was a great benefactor to the
mission, as were also James Mack-
rell, Esq., of Harvington, and Sir
Edward Blount, Bart. A chapel
was built, and opened November 15,
1834, when the Mass was sung by
the Hon. and Rev. G. Spencer.
Fr. O'Sullivan, of Wolverhampton,
preached on the authority of the
Church. Seating capacity of the
building for 300. Much interest
was evoked in the neighbourhood,
and several protestant clergymen
attended the inaugural Mass. The
chapel of 1834 was replaced in 1858
by a church in the Geometrical
style. Messrs. Meredith and Prit-
chard designed the spire, which
was finished December 11, 1901.
The opening ceremony was attended
by the mayor and corporation of
ingham). St. John the Evangelist.
The mission was established
Rev. Thomas Kenny, 1892.
,, Raymond Haskew, 1901.
,, Francis J. Swift, 1903 to date.
minster). The Sacred Heart of
In 1800 Kilburn was in the
country, and famous for its hot
springs. Half a century later, it
was part of London. In 1864,
Cardinal Wiseman asked the Ob-
lates of Mary Immaculate to take
spiritual charge of the district.
From that date till 1868 Mass was
said on Sundays and festivals in a
house in Greville Place. In the last-
named year the priory was opened
in Quex Road, and the library
served for a chapel. The fine
church, in the Early Decorated style,
was opened by Cardinal Manning,
May 8, 1879. The accommodation
is for about 500. Messrs. Pugin
were the architects.
(Middlesbrough). St. Anne.
Kilvington Hall has been for
generations the seat of the Meynell
family, great sufferers in times past
for the Faith. This mission has
existed from about the end of the
sixteenth century. Colonel Thos.
Meynell commanded a regiment of
horse for Charles I., and was slain
in an encounter with the Parlia
mentarians near Pontefract Castle,
1644. Several other members of
the family have been priests of the
Society of Jesus. The registers
date from 1775.
Priests of the Mission.
Kev. Geo. Grange, or Carnaby,
O.S.B., about 1633-73.
„ Thos. Helme, O.S.B., 1704.
„ Wm. Davis, O.S.B., 1728.
„ Robt. Stanfield, S.J., 1731.
„ Joseph Wright, S.J., 1741.
„ Francis Digges, S.J., 1743.
„ Jn. Rigmayden, alias Roth-
well, S.J., 1749.
„ Jn. Jones, 1782.
„ Robt. Tindall, 1788.
(Seculars served mission
„ Thos. Austin Lawson,O.S.B.,
„ Edw. Metcalfe, 1822.
„ Joseph Orrell, 1824.
„ James Blundell, 1827.
„ Richard Brown, 1834.
„ Chas. Brigham, 1834.
„ Edw. Canon Crane, 1835.
,, Jas. Canon Sherwood, 1859.
„ Henry Walker, 1862.
Thos. Rigby, 1863.
„ Michael Fryer, 1864.
„ Luke Burke, 1869.
„ Gerald Shanahan, 1876.
„ Alfred Galli, 1877.
„ Jas. Atkinson, 1878.
Maurice Trant, 1879.
„ Edmund Kennedy, 1882.
Richard Howley, D.D., 1883.
„ Charles Donovan, 1884.
„ Thos. Canon Holland, 1885.
„ Lawrence McGonnell, 1888.
Chas. Donovan, 1890.
,, J. Dewe, 1898.
Woods Farm House, three
miles from Kingsbridge, was taken
by the Trappist Fathers expelled j
from France, December 1901. They
came from Mount Melleraye, and
are the same Order that occupied
the monastery of St. Susanna, Lul-
worth, 1800-15.
(Birmingham). St. Dunstan.
The church was opened 1896.
Fr. Michael Dolan, first and present
minster). Our Lady and St.
4 The mission was begun in
October 1854 by the Fathers of
Charity.' Mass was first said in
the house of Thomas Kelly, Esq.,
resident in the Tottenham Road.
The church, ' a spacious brick
edifice,' was originally intended for
a factory, but was altered into a
place of worship by the skill of
Wardell, the eminent architect.
The building was opened Septem
ber 29, 1856, by Cardinal Wiseman.
The chancel is conspicuous by a
splendid reredos displaying pic
tures, by Barff, of Our Lord, St.
Augustine of Hippo, and St.
Thomas Aquinas. The golden
jubilee of the mission was cele
brated Sunday, October 16, 1904,
when an impressive sermon was
preached by Archbishop Bourne,
of Westminster. At the first Mass
offered up in the parish, about
fifteen persons are recorded to
have been present. During the
fifty years of the church's exis
tence, upwards of 3,750 persons had
received holy baptism from its
several pastors. The well-
known Father Lockheart, of the
Institute of Charity, was for up
wards of twenty years rector of the
mission. Daring the ten years
that Mgr. Hewlett, D.D., held the
incumbency (1895-1905) the mis
sion debt was reduced from £3,800
to £1,800, apart from an expendi
ture of £2,000 on various repairs
and improvements. Fr. Thos.
Walsh in the present rector.
The church was erected in 1845
by Fr. John Dalton. The nave,
built at a cost of £650, was the
first part of the church opened.
Fr. George Rigby, afterwards
Canon of Northampton, succeeded
Fr. Dalton in 1847. Strangely
enough, when Canon Rigby died,
Fr. Dalton, now a canon, took his
place. Fr. G. Wrigglesworth about
1887 thoroughly restored the altar.
Some candelabra and sanctuary
lamps were presented to the church
at this time by Mr. Blake. The
old building being declared unsafe,
a new church was commenced in
October 1896, and opened in 1897.
The style is Decorated Gothic.
Some of the candlesticks used in
the church are old pre- Reformation
ones from the priory of Walsing-
ham, in the neighbourhood.
(S 'out hivarli). St. Agatha.
The church was opened Thurs
day, December 21, 1899, by Bishop
Bourne, of Southwark. The build
ing, which was erected at the cost
of Mrs. Currie, of Kingston Hill, is
in the Roman style of about the
fifth century. The edifice com
prises a sanctuary, terminating in a
semicircular apse, nave, two aisles,
and two side chapels. The interior
is lighted during the day by twelve
clerestory windows and at night by
electricity. In addition to defray
ing the building expenses (£6,000)
Mrs. Currie generously presented
the church with an organ. Fr.
Caspar Lutz, who has been at
Kingston since 1894, has erected
the presbytery and schools adjoin
St. Joseph.
The Redemptorist monastery
was founded 1901, Fr. George
Nicholson, C.SS.R., being first
superior. The late Fr. P. Lasseter
succeeded him in 1904.
In 1870, a Nonconformist chapel
in Claremont Grove (now Foun
tains Road) was purchased, and
early in 1871 opened for Catholic
worship. In 1883 the old chapel
was far too small for the congrega
tion. By multiplying Masses,
1,200 persons could attend to their
duties on Sundays. The new
Gothic church was opened Sunday,
November 21, 1885. The seating
accommodation is for 800; total
cost about £6,700. In 1875 the
congregation numbered 2,700. In
1882 it had increased to 7,500. In
1885, when another mission had
taken away 2,000, the congregation
numbered 6,700. Fr. P. Power
was priest at the time of opening,
New and handsome stations of the
Cross by Ball, of Dublin, were
erected in the church in January
1887. Messrs. J. and B. Sinnolt
were the architects of the church.
SHIRE (Northampton). Mary
Immaculate and St. Philip.
The mission was started in 1871,
Mass being said in an iron chapel
on the estate of the Hon. W.
North. The present church was
opened April 17, 1877, on nearly
the same site. C. Buckler was the
architect. For many years the
mission was served from New
market, but in 1896 Fr. F. Donovan
was appointed resident priest. He
commenced his pastorate by a
series of lectures on Catholic faith
and practice, which were very well
St. Mary.
The mission is a continuation of
that at Follifoot, where the Plump-
ton family possessed considerable
property. They became extinct in
the male line 1755. The district
was then, as it is now, served by
Benedictines. The mission register
dates from 1765, but no priest's sig
nature appears till January 4, 1797.
Knaresboro' Chapel, in Briggate,
was built in 1790 by Mr. Thornton,
a cotton manufacturer, who became
bankrupt owing to losses during the
French war. About sixty persons
were confirmed here by Bishop
Gibson, V.A., November 9, 1808.
Fr. Denis Allerton, O.S.B., was
priest at this time. He probably
succeeded Fr. T. Appleton.
Priests from 1824.
Eev. J. Barber, 1824.
J. Prest, 1826.
Eobt. Bretherton, 1828.
Ealph Pratt, 1830.
Wm. Hampson, 1839 or 1840.
Geo. Gillett, 1857.
Edw. Lynass, O.S.B., 1874.
Charles G. Smith, O.S.B.,
Essington Koss, O.S.B., 1890.
Charles Smith, O.S.B., 1892
„ Alf. Wilson, O.S.B., 1896 and
to date.
(Shrewsbury). St. Vincent of
Paul, Queen Street.
Until the starting of this mis
sion, in October 1862, the nearest
Catholic chapel was at Altrincham.
In 1862 the Catholic population of
Knutsford amounted to about 400.
The church was opened by Fr.
Alcock, of Altrincham, on Sunday,
September 16, 1866. The build
ing was used as a school on week
days. In 1860-1 Mass was said at
various places, first at Caldwell's
Farm, Over Tabley, then in a
room of a public-house in the
Manchester Road, Knutsford, and
lastly in the hired room in King
Rev. Hugh Lynch, 1861.
(1865-7 served from Altrin
„ Daniel Casey, 1867.
„ Patrick O'Reilly, 1876.
„ Robert Maurice, 1879.
„ John St. Roche, 1903.
LANCASTER (Liverpool). St.
In the reign of Elizabeth the
country round Lancaster is de
scribed as being ' full of Seminary
priests and gentlemen recusants
who harbour them.' The Ven.
Thos. Woodcock, O.S.F., suffered
for the Faith at Liverpool August 7,
1646. His head was kept at St.
Bonaventure's, Douai, prior to the
Revolution, and an arm-bone of the
martyr is now preserved by the
Franciscan nuns at Taunton. In
1710 the V.G. of the Lancashire
clergy resided in the town. About
1753, Fr. Nicholas Skelton, who
had ' assisted ' the Catholics of the
place for over forty years, erected a
' retired chapel ' at the back of his
house. This worthy priest died
1775, 'full of years.' He was for
a long time befriended and pro
tected by the Duchess of Hamilton.
When Bishop Gibson came to con
firm in 1790, it was not thought
prudent to have the rite adminis
tered in the town, and the candi
dates had to go to the chapel of
the Daltons, two miles away ! In
1799 a large chapel was erected by
subscription in Dalton Square.
Richard Gillow, Esq., founder of
the Margate mission, was a
generous contributor to the fund.
The present Gothic church was
commenced 1857, and consecrated
by Bishop GQSS, of Liverpool,
October 4, 1859. A splendid high
altar was presented by Mrs. Gabriel
Coulston, and a Lady Chapel by Miss
Elizabeth Dalton, the last of that
ancient family. The north tran
sept is lighted by a beautiful stained-
glass window representing the
English martyrs. New sacristies
were erected 1887, the church
redecorated 1895, and the presby
tery enlarged 1896.
Rev. Thos. Hays, 1678 (?).
„ Peter Gooden, 1692.
„ Edw. Hawarden, 1694. (' A
glorious preacher.' He re
futed the Unitarian Dr.
Clarke in the presence of
Queen Caroline, consort of
George II., and received the
public thanks of the Uni
versity of Oxford for the
same. )
„ Nicholas Skelton, 1714.
,, James Tyrer, 1766.
,, Jn. Rigby, D.D. (Sorbonne),
„ Geo. Brown, 1818 (Bishop of
Liverpool 1850).
„ Richard Brown, 1840.
„ Wm. Canon Walker, 1869.
„ Richard Billington, 1893.
St. Joseph's, see
liarn and Newcastle). All Saints.
The mission was founded 1748
at Pontop Hall. The register of
deaths was in existence November
1778. Some names entered are as
follows : ' Margarita Punshon, obiit
18 January, 1780'; 'Joa. Winship,
obiit die 19 January, 1781 ' ; ' Ric.
Carrick, obiit 20 April, 1781.' Fr.
John Lingard, the historian, was
here for a time, 1796; Fr. John Jones
about 1797 ; Fr. Thomas Eyre about
1803. Fr. John Bell came April 1,
1803. No mention is made of the
mission from 1824 till 1901. In
the autumn of 1899 Fr. Samuel
Harris commenced appealing for a
church in this district, which con
tained many Catholics. The church
was commenced in the spring of
1900, and opened 1901. Cost of
erection about £1,500.
(HexJiam and Newcastle). St.
Mission established 187G, and
chapel erected the same year.
Rev. James Hanley, 1876.
„ Richard Hannan, 1882.
, James Thorman, 1899 to date.
In 1904 the Soeurs de St. Gildas
acquired Hill House for a convent.
The chapel is open to the public,
Fr. E. Trebeden, chaplain.
mouth). SS. Joseph and Anne.
The manor of Lanherne came
into the possession of the Lords
Arundell of Wardour about 1690,
but the family did not often reside
in this remote place. In August
1794, Henry eighth Lord Arundell
gave the manor house to the
Carmelite nuns fleeing from the
French Revolution. In gratitude
for the hospitality afforded them by
England the nuns have since
daily recited the prayer for the
Sovereign, ' Domine salvumfac,' &c.,
in their office. Though strictly
enclosed by their rule, the nuns
threw open their chapel to the few
neighbouring Catholics, mostly ten
ants of Lord Arundell, and so nume
rous did the congregation become,
that in 1797 the drawing-room of
the mansion had to be fitted up as
an oratory. A church has long since
taken the place of the domestic
chapel. In virtue of the gift of
Lord Arundell, the nuns obtained
certain rights over a chapel in the
parish church, and here several of
the community were interred among
the deceased members of their noble
patron's family, until a private
cemetery was opened in the convent
grounds. A splendid high altar,
designed by Canon Scoles, was
consecrated in the convent church
August 1893.
Priests at Lanherne (list in-
Rev. Boniface Hall, 1756.
„ Thos. Lodge, 1758.
„ Lorymer, 1762.
Wilfrid Strutt, 1770.
Placid Bennet, 1780.
Abbe Riout, 1794.
John de la Fosse, 1802 till
Charles Lengronne, 1806.
Maurice Connor, 1823.
Louis Dourlens, 1827.
Ecv. Wrn. Cooke, 1839.
Mgr. Weld, 1844.
Joseph Prost, 1849.
M. Oleron, 1850.
Patrick Walsh, 1852.
Joseph Bunn, 1860.
E. W. Meager, here 1872.
David Coleman, 1877.
John Kennedy, 1879.
Wm. Dawson, 1882.
John Corbishley, 1891 to date.
CASTLE, YORKS (Middlesbrough).
Lartington Hall is the seat of
the ancient Catholic family of
Maire. A mission has existed
here since 1700. After the opening
of the Barnard Castle chapel, in
the vicinity, by Bishop Eiddell,
V.A., in March 1847, Lartington
ceased to serve the Durham dis
trict. The Catholic cemetery of
Lartingfcon was provided by Fr. T.
Wifcham, and in January 1882 a
mortuary chapel was erected
contiguous to it by the same family.
There are memorial tablets on the
walls to Bishop George Witham,
V.A. (f April 16, 1725), Bishop
\Villiarn Maire (t July 25, 1725),
Sir H. Lawson, Bart., of Brough
(1750-1834), &c.
bury). Our Lady of the Assump
Until 1866 the nearest chapel
was at Warrington. On Sunday,
October 2, 1869, Mass was said for
the first time in a building known
as ' the Old Factory.' In Septem
ber 1871, a school chapel was
opened. In 1901 a new church
was commenced, and opened in
1902. The presbytery was built in
Eev. H. Alcock, 1866.
T. Mulvanny, 1870.
W. Dallow, 1831.
J. Thompson, 1832.
E. Hanlon, 1889.
J. Hennelly, 1891.
W. Stanley, 1896.
J. McGrath, 1898.
This town will ever be famous
as the scene of the martyrdom of
the blessed Cuthbert Maine, the
protomartyr of Douai College. He
was arrested in the house of Mr.
Tregian, owner of Tremolla and
other large estates in Cornwall, and
on November 29, 1577, hanged and
quartered at Launceston for deny
ing the spiritual supremacy of
Queen Elizabeth and for having
said Mass. A mission was started
here in September 1886— the year
of the beatification of the English
martyrs— and placed in charge of
Fr. Chas. B. Langdon, M.A. (Oxon.),
sometime a clergyman in the
Church of England. The first
chapel was in a house called Kensey
View, on St. Stephen's Hill, for
merly occupied by Fr. Langdon's
family. As the congregation in
creased, he built a small wooden
church, opened November 28,
1887. The design of the building
was drawn up by his brother Arthur.
The accommodation is for 120.
The altar was decorated by Mr.
Bolger, of Devonport.
The mission was anciently served
from Lawkland Hall, till 1790
when the chapel was ' removed to
its present locality.' The registers
commence June 29, 1745, with the
baptism of Ann Taylor by Fr.
James Legrand, O.S.B., who resided
with John Stephen Ingleby, Esq.
This gentleman was either a son
or nephew of Sir Charles Ingleby,
serjeant-at-law, who died 1720.
The last of this branch of the
family died 1844.
Priests since 1824.
Rev. Jn. Clarkson.
Jn. Barber, 1826.
R. Marsh, 1833.
H. Button, 1840.
C. F. Kershaw, 1842.
J. Dewhurst, 1846.
C. Kershaw, 1848.
Geo. Gillet, 1852.
Wm. Hampson, 1857.
Robt. Garstang, 1863.
Wm. Smith, here 1871 till
Mission served from Bentham
1883-90; now from Settle.
pool). St. Mary.
The old chapel was at Salwick
Hall, the baptismal registers dating
from 1775. The Cliftons of Lytham
were the ancient patrons of the
mission, and did much to keep
alive the Faith in the district during
' the dismal times of persecution.'
(letter of Bishop Goss to Rev. W.
S. Haddocks, 1866). When the
chapel at Salwick Hall was shut up
the congregation built the present
chapel and presbytery (1799-1800).
The schools were erected in 1860.
Bishop Gradwell of Lydda and
Bishop Brown of Liverpool were
natives of Lea. In 1888 the church
and presbytery were re-roofed and
a stone belfry erected.
Priests since 1808.
Rev. J. Haydock.
Jn. Anderton.
Richard Albot, 1826.
Chas. Walker, 1837.
Richard Doyle, 1871.
Henry Clements, 1874.
James Eager, 1882.
John O'Reilly, 1885.
Fredk. D'Heuter, 1895.
James Gardner, 1897 to date.
(Birmingham). St. Peter.
Before the establishment of the
mission the place was visited by
the priest at Wappenbury. In 1822,
an Irish prelate who had visited
the spa induced Bishop Milner to
establish a mission in the town.
In October 1828 'an elegant and
commodious chapel' was opened
and ' a resident and exclusive
pastor ' provided. Major Patrick
Bisshop (40th Regiment) was the
chief Catholic resident at this time.
A large church in the Lombardic
style was consecrated by Bishop
Ullathorne August 17, 1864. The
interior was very ornate, the taber
nacle being enriched with gems and
the dome of the sanctuary painted.
On the night of Wednesday, Decem
ber 19, 1883, the main building was
accidentally destroyed by fire, but
much valuable furniture was saved.
Until the opening of the new church
by Bishop Ilsley, November 11,
1884, Mass was said in the schools.
Mrs. Bennet, widow of Major Ben-
net, was a great benefactress to the
building fund.
Rev. B. Crosbie, 1824 (?).
James McDonnell, 1831.
Wm. Cunningham, 1840.
Hy. AVeedall, D.D., 1844.
Francis Fairfax, 1850.
James Canon Jeffries, 1852.
Rev. Verney Cave Brown, 1882.
„ Thos. Canon Longman, 1885.
„ James Nary, 1892.
„ Mgr. Canon Souter, 1895.
,, Wm. Canon Greaney, 1901 to
(Newport}. St. Thomas of Here
The Benedictines, assisted by
Edw. Hanford, Esq., opened a boys'
school near here about 1733. Ow
ing to the penal laws it had to be
closed about 1740. The present
mission dates from about 1900. Fr.
C. Begley, rector.
(Salford). St. William.
The chapel was founded 1738
by Thos. Eccles, Esq., who endowed !
the mission with three farms at j
Thornley. The mission was made
over to the Franciscans, ' the foun- |
der's ' church stuff for priests and
altar ' and ' books of religion ' being
part of the gift. In return for these
the ' chaplain ' was to ' serve the
mission for the Catholics in Thorn-
ley, Chipping, and all other Catholic
people thereabouts.' During the
rebellion of 1745, Fr. Germanus
Holmes was arrested and thrown
into Lancaster Castle, where he
died the following year. Some
other priests here were Fr. Leo.
Francis, 1758 ; Fr. Jos. Tate, 1808 ;
Fr. Bernardine Davison, 1820-5.
Next year the Franciscans handed
the mission over to Bishop Smith,
V.A., who appointed Fr. P. Orrell
rector. His successor, Fr. F.
Trappes, had a dispute with the
authorities, and the mission was
in consequence closed 1840. In
October 1859, the chapel — a new
structure, erected by Fr. Trappes
— was reopened for worship by
the Bishop of Salford, ' to the
great satisfaction of the Catholics
in that locality.' The Benedictines
have had charge of the mission since
this time.
Priests since 1860.
Eev. G. Caldwell.
„ Joseph Murphy, 1871.
„ T. Atkinson, 1874.
„ Wm. Watmough, 1877.
„ J. Procter, 1882.
„ J. Dewhurst, 1885.
„ F. Roche, 1888.
„ J. Carew, 1892.
„ J. Morgan, 1895 to date
LEEDS (Leeds). Our Lady of
the Rosary, Barrack Street.
This church, a plain substantial
structure in the Gothic style of
architecture, was opened Sunday,
October 3, 1886. The accommoda
tion is for 400 people. The cost of
erection was £3,000. Messrs. Kelly
and Birchall were the architects.
The Bishops of Liverpool and Leeds
were present at the opening. The
mission is still j- served from the
LEEDS. St. Mary.
The Order of Mary Immaculate
opened a foundation at] Leeds in
1851, but it was not till 'May 1853
that the first stone of their new
church was laid by the Bishop of
Beverley. The building was opened
on Wednesday, July 29, 1857, by
Cardinal Wiseman. Thousands of
persons filled the streets, and in
Mill Street, near the church, three
immense triumphal arches were
erected. The Bishop of Marseilles
R 2
celebrated the Mass, and there was
a large attendance of clergy, and
an ' immense congregation.' The
powerful sermon of the Cardinal
on Ps. Ixxxix. 17, made a great im
pression. Only the nave and aisles
were completed at the time of the
opening, the north and south tran
septs and the other portions of the
church not being finished till 1686.
Rev. Robt. Cooke, 1851.
„ Thos. Pinet, 1863.
„ Lawrence Roche, 1892 to
LEEK, STAFFS (Birmingham}.
About the time of the Peace of
Amiens (1803) the Abbe Gerard
said Mass for the French prisoners
confined at Leek and the few Irish
labourers of the district, in the
house of Mr. Ward, a solicitor in
King Street. The Abbe Gerard at
the same time served Cobridge.
Fr. Jeffries, of Cheadle, about 1825,
hired a room here and said Mass
for the benefit of the few Catholics
in and around Leek. In 1828 he
commenced building a chapel, with
the assistance of the Earl of Shrews
bury. The opening took place May
1829 — the year of Catholic Emanci
pation. In 1830 a presbytery was
added. Fr. "Whitaker was priest
here in 1832 ; Fr. B. Ivers in 1838.
Fr. J. F. Anderson, who came to
the chapel in 1860, founded the
convent and in 1864 a new chapel,
on a site generously given by the
Messrs. Bermingham. He died
suddenly Thursday, May 15, 1884.
Bishop Ullathorne summed up his
work and life in one sentence : ' No
debts and living on 17s. a week.'
The foundation stone of the new
church was laid on Thursday,
October 15, 1885, by Bishop Ilsley.
His Lordship gave a public dis
course on the meaning of the
ritual, which was listened to with
great attention. About £760 was
deposited on the stone, including
£700 from Mrs. James Berming
ham. The plan consists of a nave
and two aisles, chancel for choir,
side chapels and baptistery. The
opening by the Bishop of Birming
ham (Dr. Ullathorne) took place in
May 1887. The accommodation is
for 600. Three of the bells in the
belfry were presented by Fr. W.
Waugh and Mr. J. H. Sperling. The
sanctuary window by Hayes & Co.
is the gift of Mrs. J. Bermingham.
The building was erected at the
cost of Messrs. John and Alfred
St. Edward.
This district is a suburb of Old-
ham, in the prosperity of which it
shares. The church was opened
1874 and served from St. Mary's,
Oldham, till about 1877, when
Fr. M. O'Callaghan was appointed.
The successive rectors have been :
Rev. Pierce Griffith, 1880.
Timothy Burke, 1882.
James Brady, 1885.
J. Lathouwers, 1888.
M. A. Holohan, 1893.
James Hanrahan, 1894.
P. Ryan, 1899 to date.
The Dominican Priory was built
by Fr. Chas. Caestryck, O.P., 1817,
and some years later he added the
house. He died at Hinckley, June 2,
1844, aged eighty-three and is buried
in the church at Leicester. A pleas-
ing etched portrait of this excellent
priest is preserved at Woodchester.
It may be remarked that the pre-
Reformation Dominican Priory at
Leicester, dedicated to St. Clement,
P.M., was founded in 1247.
Rev. Chas. Caestryck, 1817.
„ B. Holme, 1881.
„ H. Oxley, 1833.
„ W. Nickolds, 1842.
„ Pius Cavanagh, 1876.
„ Ceslas Fletcher, 1882.
„ John Procter, 1885.
„ Lewis Thompson, 1888.
„ Ceslas Fletcher, 1890.
„ Thos. Laws, 1894.
„ Joseph Mandy, 1897 to date.
LEICESTER (Nottingham). St.
The mission was established
from Holy Cross Church, Leicester,
1854, by Provost Nickolds, but no
mention is made of it till after
1856. The temporary chapel made
way for the present church in 1867.
A scone altar was erected January
Rev. Provost Nickolds, 1854.
(Served from Holy Cross for
many years.)
„ Cyril Bunce, O.P., 1874.
„ P. Stapleton, 1885.
,, T. Ambrose Smith, D.D.,
„ Wm. Hawkins, 1895 to date.
LEICESTER. St. Peter, Noble
Mission established in the town in
February 1896, when a portion of the
parish, hitherto served by the Do
minican Fathers, was entrusted to
the spiritual charge of Fr. J. Rear-
don Kane. For some months Mass
was said on Sundays in one of the
class rooms of the local Board
Rev. J. Reardon Kane, 1896.
„ Fr. Ellison, 1896 (May).
„ H. Fitzgerald, 1897.
„ Felix May, 1899.
„ M. Griffin, 1902.
W.C. (Westminster). Notre Dame
de France.
A temporary chapel was opened
December 8, i866, and the present
church June 11, 1868. The style is
Gothic, the accommodation being
for about 400. Since the foundation
the mission has been under the care
of the Marist Fathers. The French
Hospital under the Nuns of the
Sacred Heart is close by.
LEIGH, LANGS (Liverpool). St.
Prior to 1670, the domestic chapel
at Culcheth House served the mis
sion. Fr. John Penketh, S.J., who
was here in 1678, was condemned
to death during the Gates plot,
but reprieved and released from
prison 1685. Prior to the erection
of the chapel in 1778, Mass was
said at Hopcar, in the house of the
Sale family, one of whom, Fr. John
Sale, served the mission. Mass
was also said at Parsonage, the
seat of the Urmstons, and at Hall
House. Fr. Shaw built the chapel
1778, and presbytery 1789. Bishop
Gibson, V.A., confirmed 135 per
sons at Leigh in 1784. The school
was erected 1829. The present
church (Gothic) was erected 1855
from designs by Mr. Hampden.
Being injured by a furious gale, it
was repaired 1865. The church
tower was added subsequently. A
new infant school was opened, and
the girls' school enlarged 1902.
The Catholic population is about
Kev. J. Penketh, 1678 (died August 1,
1701, at. 71).
,, Sebastian Needham, 1699.
„ Robt. Petre, 1728.
„ Jn. Sale, 1733.
„ Jn. Shaw, 1776 (died at Stony-
hurst 1808).
„ Wm. Poole, 1807.
„ Edw. Morron, 1828.
„ Jn. Reeve, 1828.
Jas. Brownbill, 1840.
Felix Poole, 1841.
Hy. Beeston, 1843.
Francis West, 1843.
J. McClune, 1844.
Jn. Middlehurst, 1846.
Anthony Butler, 1877 (V.A.
of Demerara 1878).
Jas. Fanning, 1878.
Hy. Cowell, 1886.
Edward Porter, 1898.
Henry Martin, 1899 to date.
SHIRE (Northampton}. The Sacred
Mainly owing to assistance from
the late Mrs. White, a room was
fitted up as a chapel over a general
shop in North Street, 1894. Two
years later the present iron chapel
was erected on a freehold site in
Beaudesert ; the building was blessed
December 15, 1897, by Canon
Duckett. Catholics of the district
number about forty. At first pro-
testant feeling ran very high, and
when the presbytery was built by
Fr. C. E. Reilly the windows were
broken by an angry ' No Popery '
Rev.H. Parker (occasionally), 1894.
„ Chas. Ed. Reilly, 1895.
„ Canon Stokes, to date.
port). St. Ethelbert.
The Blessed Roger Cadwallador,
who laboured here as a missionary
priest for some sixteen years,
suffered for the faith at Leominster,
August 27, 1610. There is a
memorial tablet to the martyred
priest in the church, which was
erected here between September
1887 and May 1888. Prior to the
opening of the church, Catholics of
the place had to worship in an old
brick building, originally a Dis
senters' chapel. The site for the
new church \vas obtained by Fr. A.
Rogers. The building is in the
Perpendicular style ; architects,
Messrs. Pugin. The cost of erec
tion was about £1,300.
Rev. Athanasius Rogers, 1887 to
ford). St. Mary of the Angels and
St. Clare.
The mission was started 1853,
the chapel being opened August 21
of that year. ' A very plain but
lofty ' Gothic church, designed
by Tijou, took the place of this
structure March 3, 1882. The
accommodation is for about 200.
Rev. T. Unsworth, 1853.
H. Marshall, 1855.
H. Browne, 1857.
T. Fox, 1861.
AVm. Corry, 1863.
Provost Croskell, 1871.
C. McDermott Roe, 1904 to
LEWES, SUSSEX (Southwark).
The Sacred Heart and St. Pancras.
The revival of Catholicity in
Lewes is due to the late Canon
Thos. Drinkwater, who, at the
suggestion of Bishop Grant of
Southwark, started the mission
in 1865. Aided by Major and Mrs.
Fletcher-Gordon, of the Manor
House, St. George's Eetreat, he
opened a chapel on the second
floor of his house at Priory Cres
cent, Lewes. Before this time, the
nearest mission was at Brighton.
In 1868 Fr. Hubert Wood, one of
Canon Wenham's curates at Mort-
lake, was appointed to Lewes in
succession to Canon Drinkwater,
who went to Battersea. Eev. H.
Wood's father — a protestant —
erected the present chapel and
clergy house in 1870. The style is
' pure Victorian carpenter's Gothic,'
but the building was never inten
ded to be a church, only a school
chapel. The transfer of the
mission from Priory Crescent to the
present building took place on
January 25, 1870. Since the
establishment of the Reformation,
Lewes has been notorious for its
anti-Catholic feeling. We have
been informed by Canon W.
McAuliffe, the priest of the place,
to whom we are indebted for the
above details of the mission, that
an effigy of the Pope continues to
be religiously burned on each
succeeding Guy Fawkes day.
The number of Catholics at Lewes
is about 150, but the mission
could not be supported were it not
for the endowment left for the
purpose by Fr. Wood. Bishop
Challoner, Vicar Apostolic of the
I London district (1758-81), was
born here in 1691. He was pro
bably converted tolthe Faith in the
family of Sir Thomas Gage of Firle,
a village about rive miles from
Lewes. The Gages long kept the
lamp of Catholicity burning in the
district, but after the defection of
Sir William Gage, about 1720, the
chapel at Firle, which had for
generations been served by the
Jesuits, was closed. Sir Henry
Gage, governor of Oxford for
j Charles I. in 1644, and Fr. John
I Gage, S.J. (1720-90), who intro
duced the greengage into England,
were members of this family.
The Jesuit Fathers served the
mission of Firle till as late as
Priests at Lewes.
i Rev. Canon Drinkwater, 1865-68.
„ Hubert James Wood, 1868
(died December 14, 1882).
,, William Canon McAulitfe,
1882 to date.
(Southward). St. Saviour and SS.
John the Baptist and Evangelist.
A committee, presided over by
Captain Everard, was held on
Sunday, October 27, 1893, to con
sider the possibility of establishing
a chapel in the district. Up to
this time the nearest mission was
at Sydenham. Shortly afterwards
a chapel was fitted up at No. 157
Lewisham High Street, and Mass
said here on Sundays by Fr.
McCalmont. In 1895, Fr. G. B.
Tatnm, M.A., formerly an Anglican
clergyman, was appointed priest of
the mission. In 1897, the present
school chapel for '200 persons was
built on part of the site secured
for a church, and it may be of
interest to remark that the ground
was once occupied by the country
house of John Wesley, the founder
of Methodism. A convent con
ducted by Ursuline nuns was
opened near the church in 1901.
Fr. Connell is the present rector of
the mission.
Danby Hall, in the North Riding,
has been the residence of the
Scrope family since the commence
ment of the seventeenth century.
The domestic chapel was served
by the Jesuit Fathers from about
1730 to 1785. The register dates
from 1742. Fr. Edward Boone,
S.J., the last priest of the Society
at Danby, was particularly zealous
in his missionary labours, and in
1771 he established a centre of
Catholicity at Lcyburn. Before
this time, the few faithful depended
for spiritual assistance on the
chaplain, at Danby Hall.1 The
chapel, which was long a mere
room, was superseded in 183G by
the present building erected mainly
at the expense of Simon Scrope,
Esq. (1790-1872), who claimed for
his family the earldom of Wilts.
1 ' Died at Leyburn, Christopher
Barker. I administered to him the
extreme unction. He died of an apo
plexy ' (May 29, 1759). Note by Fr.
Wappeler, S.J., chaplain at Danby,
Rev. — Oakley, S.J., 1742.
Wm. Wappeler, S.J., 1758.
Edward Boone, S.J., 1764-85.
Abbe C. Devienne, 1793.
Richard Billington.
T. Middlehurst, 1831.
Rd. Bolton, 1845.
Lawrence McGonnell, 1867.
Thos. Loughran, 1870.
Edward Canon Pearson, 1877.
Wm. Maher, 1894.
Joseph Canon Dodds, 1896
to date.
LEYLAND, LANCS (Liverpool}.
St. Mary.
In 1845 a school house belonging
to Mrs. Buchanan was purchased
by Catholics for a chapel. The
first priest of the mission was Fr.
Shepherd. Fr. J. Kirshaw, who was
missionary rector in 1855, built a
chapel in the Gothic style. Fr.
E. G. Lynass, O.S.B., added the
sanctuary, which in February 1857
was adorned by a handsome
reredos. Schools for 256 children
were opened November 6, 1897.
The Catholic population of Ley-
land in 1903 was 570. In the
sacristy of the church is preserved
a curious pre-Reformatioii silver
chalice inscribed with the words,
' Restore me to Leyland in Lan
LEYTON, ESSEX (Westminster).
St. Joseph.
The mission was established in
1897, the chapel being that of St.
Agnes Oiphanage, Church Road,
Leyton. In 1900 St. Joseph's
school chapel, Vicarage Road, was
erected and continued to serve as
a place of worship till the opening
of the present church, Sunday
November 27, 1904. The structure
is a simple one of wood and iron.
The opening ceremony "was
attended by Archbishop Bourne, of
Westminster, the sermon being
preached by Mgr. Croke Robinson,
M.A. (Matt, xxviii. 19). St.
Joseph's mission was founded by
Fr. Francis C. Brown, late of the
Catholic Church, Tottenham, who
is still the rector.
ham}. Holy Cross.
Pipe Hall, near Lichfield, was the
ancient seat of the Heveningham
family, and on the death of Sir Walter
Heveningham, Knt., it passed to
the Simeons. At the death of Sir
Edw. Simeon in 1768 the property
went to the Welds of Lulworth.
Mass, which had only been said
occasionally at Pipe Hall, now be
came regular. Fr. Eobt. Tindall
was the priest about 1786. In
1788 he went to Kilvington, in
Yorkshire. Fr. John Kirk suc
ceeded. He added a new sanctuary
to the old chapel. During the
regime of the next priests, Fr.
Charles Clements and Fr. Isaac
Milward, O.S.F., the estate was
sold to protestants and the chapel
closed. The altar plate, vestments,
&c., were made over to Thos.
Clifford, Esq., afterwards Sir Thos.
Clifford-Constable, Bart., who pur
chased an old house in Lichfield
and reopened a chapel there. At
the request of Bishop Stapleton,
Fr. Kirk took charge of the mis
sion, his Lordship allowing him
£60 a year from the bequest of a
Mr. Munford, formerly of St. Omer's
College. Fr. Kirk built a chapel
on the London Koad, Lichfield,
and opened it November 11, 1803.
The Catholics of the town num
bered about fifty at this tim?. Mr.
Thos. Weld, of Lulworth, father of
Cardinal Weld, presented the chapel
with a handsome altar-piece re
presenting the Crucifixion by De
Bruyn. By 1810 the Catholics of
Lichfield and Hopewas, a neigh
bouring village, had increased to
seventy-five and in 1833 to 145.
The next year (1834) Fr. Kirk,
then in the seventy-fifth year of
his age, erected a simple Gothic
church at Lichfield, which was
opened by Bishop Walsh, V.A. ; Dr.
Weedal, of Oscott, sang the Mass
(September 23). l Fr. J. Parke
succeeded Dr. Kirke at Lichfield in
1851. The mission was greatly
hampered for resources in 1865 by
the death of a generous benefac
tress who had hitherto subsidised
the schools, and the priest of the
time, Fr. F. Magrath, was com
pelled to solicit support. The pre
sent church was opened 1895, during
the rectorate of Fr. McCarten.
minster). Our Lady Immaculate.
The mission was started here in
February 1881 for the benefit of
the large Irish population. Mass
was first said in a room over a
chandler's shop and then in a large
room in the priest's house, No. 9
Turner's Eoad. Fr. F. G. Maples
was the first priest. The extem
porised chapel was so crowded on
Sundays that numbers had to kneel
on the stairs. The number of chil
dren attending the school in August
1 The Rev. John Kirk, 1760-1851, was
a distinguished scholar. His notes
| formed the basis of Canon Tierney's
I continuation of Dod's ' Church History.'
1881 was sixty. Fr. F. H. Higley,
the present rector, succeeded to the
mission about 1890.
LINCOLN (Nottingham). St.
The Jesuit Fathers opened a
school at Lincoln for a short time
in the reign of James II. In 1781
Fr. Kichard Knight, S.J., served
the mission. The Catholic chapel,
' a plain Eomanesque building ter
minating in an apse,' was opened
in - - and redecorated in August
1863. The present fine Gothic
church was opened by his Eminence
Cardinal Vaughan on Tuesday,
December 18, 1898. Most of the
money necessary for the purpose
was collected by the incumbent,
Canon Croft The Carthusian
monks of Parkminster, Sussex,
contributed verj' largely to the
fund. The o d title of the church,
SS. John the Baptist and John the
Evangelist, was retained till after
1898, when that of the present
patron was adopted.
DON, W.C. (Westminster}. SS.
Anselm and Cecilia.
This mission has been rightly
termed ' the Mother Church of the
Catholic Faith in the Archdiocese
of Westminster.' There is evidence
that Mass was said 'in the house
of a widow on the left-hand side of
Duke Street,' 1648. In 1687 Fr. !
Jn. Cross, Provincial O.S.F., leased j
the house near the arches in !
Lincoln's Tnn Fields and opened
a chapel there. Bishop Ellis, j
V.A.W.D., and afterwards of Segni,
Italy, often preached here. At the
Revolution the Franciscans were
compelled to retire at a loss of
£3,000. After this the Sardinian
Ambassador acquired the chapel,
and it remained attached to the
Embassy for nearly a century.
Nollekens, the sculptor, was bap-
; tised here in 1737. On October 30,
: 1759, serious damage was caused
by a fire, but the loss was repaired
by the Count de Virey, the then
Ambassador. The whole chapel,
with the exception of the sanctuary
end, was destroyed by the Gordon
rioters in June 1780, but the loss
was made good by Government,
who also presented the new chapel
with a fine altar-piece. The old
sanctuary end is said to be the
work of Inigo Jones, and is shown
in the familiar prints of Bishop
Challoner preaching. The building
was enlarged 1811. The schools
were established by a Catholic
Society about 1764. In 1838 about
one thousand children were en
rolled on the books. Mr. Chas.
Butler, the eminent barrister
(1750-1832), was long a noted
member of the congregation. In
1857 the roof of the church was
raised and the interior painted. A
new gallery was added 1851. King
Victor Emmanuel, of Sardinia,
attended Mass in state here Sun
day, December 3, 1855. Prayers
for the House of Sardinia ceased
about 1861, when His Majesty in
vaded the States of the [ Church.
Owing to the Strand to Holborn
' improvements ' recently under
taken by the London County
Council, the old Church of SS. An
selm and Cecilia will soon be num
bered with the past, but another
church not far from its site will, it
is reported, arise to perpetuate its
history and work.
Rev. Wni. Barrow, S J., 1677.
„ Jn. Cross, 1687.
„ Wm. Pouce, 1729.
„ Patrick Bradley, O.P., 1741-
1760, subsequently Bishop
of Londonderry.
„ Hy. Peach, 1761.
„ Eobt. Smelt, 1771.
„ Jas. Archer, D.D., 1781-89.
„ Thos. Rigby, D.D., 1783.
„ Francis Tuite, 1810.
„ Thos. Percy, 1816.
„ Angelo Baldacconi, D.D.,
M.R., 1824.
„ Jn. Hearne, 1843.
„ W. O'Connor, 1845.
„ Patrick O'Connor, rector in
„ P. Cavanagh, rector in 1883.
„ Michael FitzGerald, rector
,, Jn. Dunford, 1901 to date.
A large number of priests have
been attached to the mission as
' chaplains ' at various times, but
we have only named those first in
seniority or superiority.
bury). St. Alban.
In 1842 the Catholics of Liscard
and vicinity numbered 300. The
same year a room at Egremont
was secured by Fr. Dawber, ' where
he celebrated the Divine mysteries
and ministered to the spiritual
wants of the Catholics of the neigh
bourhood.' The school, chapel,
and house were erected in 1842,
and the church opened in the pre
sence of Cardinal Wiseman, Sep
tember 8, 1853. A large bell, cost
ing £220, was consecrated Octo
ber 10, 1858. Bishop Knight
opened the Catholic club-room
February 13, 1888.
Rev. Jn. Dawber, 1841.
„ Ambrose Canon Lennon, V.G.,
Wm. Walton, 1868.
Joseph Canon Daly, 1872.
T. Geraghty, 1876.
Wm. Stanton, 1878.
Thomas Canon Marsden,V.G
1887. '
C. Ryder, 1898.
J. G. Walsh, 1898.
mouth}. St. Neot.
The chapel was erected 1862 63
by Fr. T. Francis. Sir Paul Moles-
worth was one of the most notable
contributors to the building fund.
The cost of the building, which in
style is 'plain underrated Gothic,'
was about £400 ; the seating capa
city is for 400 persons. Bishop
Vaughan, of Plymouth, pontificated
at the opening ceremony in May
1863. A fine granite octagonal
font was erected in the church in
June 1882 from the legacy of Mr.
James Carroll, many years resident
at Bodmin. The new organ was
inaugurated the following Christ
inas. For several years after the
opening the mission was served
from Sclerder.
Rev. T. Francis, 1862.
H. Dobbelaire, 1866.
F. Gallini, here in 1871.
W. Keily, 1877.
Geo. Graham, 1879.
R. W. Meager, 1898.
Norbert Woolfrey, here in
Joseph Hurley, to date.
2JOol). St. Elizabeth.
A church was opened here by
the Bishop of Liverpool on Sun
day, October 9, 1904. The sermon
both at the morning and evening
service was preached by Canon
ford). The Annunciation.
A temporary chapel was opened
in 1879, and on Saturday, June 4,
1881, the foundation stone of the
present church was laid by Canon
Sheehan, V.G., assisted by Fr. L.
Schreiber, priest of the mission.
The school and presbytery were
built at the same time. The church
was opened January 1, 1882, by
Bishop Vaughan, of Salford. The
style is Byzantine.
Revs. Conrad Kaelin, 1879.
,, Laurence Schreiber, 1882.
„ W. Fowler, 1885 ; served from
Buckley Hall, Todmorden,
&c., 1890-93.
,, James Manning, 1893.
„ Michael Cahill, 1897.
„ Pius de Witte, 1899.
„ Henry Egbers, 1902.
„ Octave Raymond, 1904 to
pool). St. Mary's.
The stone of the church was laid
March 25, 1845, by Nicholas
Blundell, Esq., who defrayed the
cost of erection. The style is
Decorated Gothic. Messrs. Weight-
man and Hadfield were the archi
tects. The building was conse
crated by Bishop Brown, V.A.,
September 7, 1847. The domestic
chaplains of the Blundells of Crosby
served the mission during the times
of persecution. Jn 1896 the Catho
lic cemetery was enlarged, and a
new window and south side of
chancel added to the church.
(SouthivarJf). St. Catherine.
In the summer of 1859, Mass
was said here on Sundays at eleven
for the benefit of the Catholic
visitors. The temporary chapel
was a room in the Beach Hotel
and was served by Fr. John Butt of
Arundel. The handsome Gothic
church, situated on the common, is
one of the five churches built in
honour of the Five Precious Wounds
of Our Lord, by Mina Duchess of
Norfolk, mother of the present
duke. It was opened May 26,
1863. The handsome Lady Altar
of variegated marbles was erected
in 1883. The church was again
considerably enlarged in the sum
mer of 1904 by the lengthening of
the nave and aisles. Fr. R. L.
Irvine Neave has been priest of the
mission since 1875. His predecessor
was Fr. Thos. Dixon, O.P.
ford). St. Edmund.
The church was opened 1876,
and was served from Farnworth
till 1890, when Fr. Wilfrid Hampson
was appointed.
Subsequent Priests.
Rev. Peter Grobel, 1895.
„ Godric Kean, 1901.
„ Henry Joseph Hunt, 1905.
SHIRE (Birmingham}.
This beautiful estate came to the
Beringtons from the Eussells.
The Beringtons have always been
staunch to the Faith, and in the
days of persecution their mansion
was ' a city of refuge ' for priests.
One or two hiding-places in
the roof were probably the work
of the martyr, Brother Nicholas
Owen, S.J. In 1641 the house
was searched by order of the House
of Commons ' for Jesuites and
Eomish priestes ; also Massing
stuffe, Popish relics, Popish books
and warlike ammunition, but did
jnot find any such.' The Eev.
'Joseph Berington (1743-1827),
author of ' The Literary History of
the Middle Ages,' and a supporter
of the Catholic Committee on the
subject of the famous oath, was a
member of this family, as was also
his brother, Bishop Berington, V.A.
The ancient domestic chapel of the
house is still kept open for the
purpose of serving the mission.
LIVERPOOL. All Saints, Oak-
Till 1885 this district was partly
in the mission of St. Michael's,
and partly in that of Our Lady
Immaculate. In October 1888, a
school chapel, capable of accommo
dating 480 children on the ground
floor, and 500 adults on the chapel
storey above, was commenced, and
opened September 2, 1889. A
stone belfry surmounts the west
gable of the nave. The cost of
erection was about £4,000.
Eev. Wm. Smith, 1889.
„ E. Etherington, 1891.
„ E. Baynes, 1894.
,, James Cross, 1899.
„ W. Gregson, 1900.
LIVERPOOL. St. Alphonsus,
In 1877 a disused Masonic Hall
was acquired for use as a chapel.
New schools were erected 1888 at
a cost of £3,000.
Eev. Edward Birchall, 1878.
„ Wm. Pennington, 1888 to
LIVERPOOL. St. Augustine's,
Great Howard Street.
The mission of St. Augustine
was founded ' in poverty and want '
in September 1849, when it was
served from St. Mary's. The
church was erected a little later.
It had little architectural merit till
decorated in 1885 by Mr. Hopkins,
of Abergavenny. The church was
enriched with two new altars, a
screen of carved stone, and marble
altar rails. The high altar was
further adorned by a Calvary group
with angels. On the day of
opening, Sunday, August 9, 1885,
Fr. W, O'Brien, a former priest of
the mission, preached an eloquent
sermon describing the work of the
Catholic Church throughout the
world, and incidently sketching the
history of St. Augustine's from its
foundation. New schools were
opened February 21, 1897.
Eev. F. Cook, 1849.
.„ W. Bulbeck, 1858.
„ Ealph Cooper, 1864.
„ E. Eoss, 1875.
„ J. Potter, 1881.
„ C. O'Neill, 1882.
„ W. Eigby, 1882.
„ T. V. Murphy, 1889.
„ A. D. Firth, 1890.
„ T. Murphy, 1889.
,, — Sanders, 1892.
„ Hugh Larkin, 1892.
„ T. Eathe, 1895.
LIVERPOOL. St. Alban, Athol
In 1848, Fr. Thos. Newsham
purchased a site for a church for
the spiritual benefit of the large
number of Irish labourers employed
on the Liverpool docks extension.
The building was designed by
C. Hadfield,and opened for worship,
Sunday, August 19, 1849, by Bishop
Brown, V.A. Fr. Thos. Kelly
(1849-62) completed the church,
gave a fine bell to the belfry and
erected the organ. He likewise
built the sacristy and presbytery.
His successor, Fr. R Seed (1862-
71), built magnificent schools to
accommodate 1,000 children. These
were enlarged by Fr. Patrick Kelly,
rector from 1871 to 1887. Fr.
Kelly enriched the church with a
handsome altar of the Sacred Heart
and fine pulpit. In 1890 the
Albany Club for young men was
opened, and the year following the
sacristies were improved and fitted
with new presses, &c. The church
was redecorated 1893. To com
memorate the jubilee of the mission,
new marble and alabaster altar
rails, by Hardman, were added to
the sanctuary in 1899. Fr. J.
Buckley, appointed in 1898, is the
present rector.
LIVERPOOL (Liverpool). St.
Clare, Sefton Park.
This church was started in April
1889, and consecrated June 3, 1890.
The design is Decorated Gothic.
The accommodation is for 600.
The cost, including the schools for
400 children, was £10,779. The
church was erected at the sole cost
of two benefactors, Messrs. Francis
William and James F. Keynolds.
The Catholic population of the
parish is about 1,500.
LIVERPOOL (Liverpool). Edge
Hill, St. Ann's.
Mass was said in the presbytery
in 1843 byFr. Maurus Margison,the
founder of the mission. The church
(Late Gothic) was opened August 5,
1846, by Bishop Brown, V.A.N.D.,
assisted by Archbishop Polding and
Bishops Sharpies and Morris. The
chancel was added in 1887. A new
priory was erected 1893. Two fine
windows in the church com
memorate Fr. Basil Feeny (1893-97),
and the oak choir stalls serve as a
memorial to Fr. Egbert Turner
(September 1897). The Catholic
population of the district is esti
mated at about 5,500. The church
is largely due to the zeal and exer
tions of Fr. H. Brewer, Pro
vincial of the English Benedictines,
Northern Province, from 1837 to
1846. Fr. Jn. Darby is the present
superior (1904).
LIVERPOOL (Liverpool). St.
Joseph, Grosvenor Street, N.
In 1846 a former protestant place
of worship was purchased for use
as a Catholic church. Schools in
connection with the mission were
founded in Edgar Street in 1852 by
Thomas Gillow, Esq., of Mexico.
On January 23, 1870, a false alarm
of fire led to a fatal panic in the
church. Six years later the building
became unsafe, and was replaced
by the present church, opened
March 19, 1878. The Bishop Goss
Memorial Schools were opened
about the same time. A handsome
marble altar was erected in the
church and consecrated December
1881. The Lady Altar, by Messrs.
Pugin, was put up in 1890 in
memory of- Fr. Robert Bridges,
who died in 1888. New altar-rails
were added to the sanctuary to
commemorate the jubilee of the
mission, April 1896.
Eev. John Murphy, 1846 ; died
Archdeacon of Cork, 1885.
„ W. Carter, 1847-53.
„ Maurice Duggan, 1853 -Octo
ber 1879.
„ Iiobt. Bridges, 1878 ; Professor
of Moral Philosophy at St.
Joseph's College, 1885; died
„ T. B. Allen, 1885.
„ H. Roberts, 1885; appointed
M.E. 1891.
„ Joseph Rigby, 1896.
LIVEKPOOL (Liverpool). Holy
Cross, Great Crosshall Street.
This mission was founded in 1842
by Fr. F. McDonnell, whose first
chapel was a room over a cow
house in Standish Street, The
Oblate Fathers took over the mis
sion in 1850, and shortly after this
the schools were erected by Fr.
Noble. Bishop Jolivet, of Natal,
was one of the priests here till
about 1867. Dr. Jolivet built the
church, which was opened Octo
ber 30, 1860, by Bishop Goss, the
sermon being preached by Cardinal
Wiseman. The new chancel was
opened August 31, 1875. A new
altar was erected in 1882. The
schools underwent extensive altera
tions in 1895.
Priests since 1875.
Rev. F. M. Gaughren, now bishop.
T. G. Roche, 1876.
D. Madden, 1883.
B. O'Dwyer, 1883.
L. G. Roche, 1887.
A. Coyle, 1890.
J. McSherry, 1895.
C. Byrne, 1904.
LIVEEPOOL (Liverpool). St. An
thony, Scotland Road, N.
Fr. Jean Baptist Girardot, an
emigre, erected a chapel in the
Scotland Road about 1804. The
chapel was afterwards sold, and a
new church erected by Fr. P. Wil-
cock, and opened September 29,
1833. The Abbe Girardot was
greatly esteemed in Liverpool for
his amiable qualities and for his
skill in curing the dropsy. He died
at Liverpool in October 1825, aged
seventy- five years. Since then the
rectors of the mission have been : —
Fr. P. Wilcock, 1825. His assist
ants in 1837 were Frs. A.
Lennon and J. Peduzzi.
„ J. Dawber, for public institu
tions, 1840.
T. Newsham (rector), 1844.
P. Power, 1860 (?).
P. Murphy, 1875.
J. Dowling, 1884.
Wm. Newsham, 1894 to date.
LIVERPOOL (Liverpool). St.
Peter's, Seel Street.
This church was founded from
St. Mary's, then the only Catholic
place of worship in Liverpool, in
1788 by Fr. Archibald Macdonald,
O.S.B. The building was opened
on September 7 of the above-
named year. The baptismal regis
ter dates from 1789, during which
year fifty children were baptised.
A school in connection with the
church was not started till 1817.
In 1843 the old presbytery was
added to the church to form the
sanctuary and sacristy. New
schools for girls and infants were
erected about 1870 ; they were en
larged in 1889. The interior of
the church was renovated and re
decorated in 1902 at a cost of £'300.
Priests of the Mission.
Rev. A. Macdonald, 1788-1814.
„ Dunstan Tarlfcon, 1814-16.
,, Gregory Kobinson, 1816-35.
„ Vincent Glover, 1835-38.
„ Ephraim Platt, 1838-41.
„ J. F. Appleton, D.D., 1842;
died of typhus caught during
his sacred ministrations,
„ Thomas Bonney, 1847-64.
„ — Davey, 1864-67.
„ W. B. Scarisbrick, 1867, con
secrated Archbishop of
Mauritius, 1871.
„ J. Brown, 1872-74.
„ P. M. Anderson, 1874-1903.
„ Robert Corlett, 1901.
The church has always been
under the care of Benedictines.
LIVERPOOL (Liverpool). St.
Sylvester, Scotland Eoad.
On March 11, 1888, the founda
tion of the present Gothic church
was laid by the Bishop of Liverpool,
and the building was opened Sep
tember 2, 1889. The seating capa
city is for about seven hundred.
The old chapel was opened in a
* converted wooden shed ' in 1875.
The schools were built, 1872-73.
In May 1896 a new Lady Altar, by
Pugin, was erected, and two years
later the church was cleaned and
decorated. The congregation is
estimated at about 7,200.
LIVEEPOOL. Our Lady of
Lourdes and St. Bernard, Kingsley
Cardinal Manning preached on
behalf of this, then recently founded,
mission, Sunday, September 9,
1882. A chapel was erected 1884. [
The new church was opened by J
the Bishop of Liverpool on Whit
Sunday, 1901. The building cost
about '£8,000. Messrs. Pugin, of
London, were the architects. The
first rector of the church was Fr.
Billington, afterwards Dean of Lan
caster. His curate, Fr. James
Hayes, succeeded in 1885. The
rector in 1901 was Fr. Harris.
Catholic population about 1,800.
LIVERPOOL. St. Vincent of Paul.
On February 5, 1843, Mass was
celebrated in an upper room in
Blundell Street ; and on the 7th of the
same month a boys' school, taught
by a Christian Brother, was opened
in the same room. This arrange
ment continued till January 1848.
Fr. Edward Walmesley was the first
priest. St. Vincent's was served
from St. Patrick's till it became an
independent mission, August 1852.
On January 23, 1849, a large wooden
shed was hired for a chapel, and in
April 1856 the first stone of the
new church was laid by the Bishop
of Liverpool. E. AVelby-Pugin de
signed the building, which is in
' the purest style of Geometrical
Gothic.' The opening by Bishop
Goss took place in August 1857.
The sciools, presented by E. Chal-
loner, Esq., were opened 1862,
and greatly enlarged 1893. Bishop
O'Reilly, of Liverpool, was rector
of the mission 1852-73. He was
consecrated in St. Vincent's Church
March 19 of the last-named year.
LIVERPOOL. The Sacred Heart,
Mount Vernon.
Till 1885, a small convent chapel
did duty for missionary purposes,
but by that year the vast increase
of the congregation made a new
church absolutely necessary. A
church in the Early Decorated
style was commenced that year,
and opened in December 1886.
The accommodation is for 800.
The imposing character of the front
is enhanced by an octagonal turret.
The handsome stone pulpit of the
church was presented by Mr. T.
Poulton, the large bell by Mr.
Michael Byrne, and the carved oak
tabernacle with silver embossed
door by Mr. J. Collier. The silver-
plated lamps in the sanctuary were
the gift of W. Yates, Esq. The
marble high altar, by Messrs. Pugin,
was unveiled by the Bishop of
Liverpool, Sunday, October 11, 1891.
New schools for 400 children were
erected 1898.
LIVERPOOL. Our Lady of Recon
ciliation, Eldon Street.
Foundation stone laid by Bishop
Goss, Wednesday, February 2, 1859.
The old chapel in Blackstock Street
was opened in 1854 by Fr. R. Vande-
pitte, a missionary from Flanders.
The building was merely a wooden
shed. The Catholics of the district
then numbered about eleven thou
sand. The new church, opened in
1860, is in the French style of
Gothic. The presbytery and schools,
erected about 1886, cost upwards of
£10,000. There are many Poles in
the neighbourhood, and a ' Polish
service ' is given on the first and
third Sunday of each month. A
new altar to Our Lady of Wilna
was opened September 17, 1893,
and the organ February 4, 1894.
LIVERPOOL. St. Mary's, Hadficld
The old chapel was founded in
1736. In 1701, Fr. W. Gillibrand,
S.J., served the Liverpool mis
sion, which had then no regular
chapel. In 1736, Fr. John Har-
vesty, S.J., built St. Mary's.
In December 1745, when Prince
Charles Edward Stuart and the
Highlanders retreated from Derby,
the mob burnt the chapel to the
ground. They behaved ' with the
greatest respect ' to the priests —
Fr. Hermengild Carpenter, S.J.,
and Fr. Thos. Stanley, allowing
them to remove the ciborium and
other consecrated vessels. Henry
Pippard, Esq., a Catholic, and one
of the chief merchants of the town,
rebuilt the chapel 1758, in a secluded
part of the city. The new building
looked exactly like a warehouse.
In spite of this safeguard, the Catho
lics could only enter the chapel
with the greatest caution. In 1783
the mission was transferred to the
Benedictines. In 1844 a fine new
church, designed by A. W. Pugin,
was commenced to take the place
of the old ugly chapel. The opening
took place July 1, 1845. The ser
mon was preached by Bishop Morris.
The church, ' a new and spacious
building,' occupied the site of the
old chapel, and accommodated
3,000. In 1883-84 the site of
the building was bought by the
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway
Company, and a new church —
a reproduction of the old one —
was built in Hadfield Street. P. P.
Pugin was the architect. The
solemn opening took place July 7,
1885. In 1895 the sanctuary was
beautifully decorated by Mr. Pippet.
The schools were enlarged 1898.
Rev. — Williams and — Harris,
S.J., 1773.
„ A. Macdonald, 1773.
„ E. Pennington, 1788.
„ Jos. Collins, 1794.
Rev. Alexis Pope. 1797.
„ Wilfrid Fisher, 1802.
„ James Wilkinson, 1847.
„ S. Giles, 1850.
„ Jos. Sheridan, 1850.
„ Bede Almond, 18GO.
„ P. O'Brien, 1873.
„ Benedict Snow, 1878.
„ George Bede Cox, 1894.
SEA, YOEKS (Middlesbrough}. SS.
Joseph and Cuthbert.
The Catholics of Loftus, after
having worshipped for some years
' in a small room over a shop,'
acquired a site for a school- chapel
near the market-place. The build
ing, to hold some three hundred
persons, was erected from designs
by Mr. Martin Carr. Fr. W. Sul
livan was the priest at the time the
chapel was built. The opening took
place on March 8, 1883. The build
ing will hold over three hundred.
The altar, of Corinthian design, was
decorated by Dominic Mazzotti, of
Saltburn. The stone baptismal font
was carved by Mr. Robt. Moody,
of Loftus. Before the opening of
this mission the nearest chapel
was at Ugthorpe, eight miles dis
(Nottingham). St. Francis of
Mission established 1884.
Rev. J. McCarthy, 1884.
(Mission served from Cathe
dral &c., 1889 et seq.)
„ Frederick Begue, 1896.
„ Emile Van Dale, 1897.
(Served from West Bridgford.
„ T. B. Birmingham, 1901 to
LAND (Hexham and Newcastle}.
St. Thomas of Canterbury.
This mission was served by the
Jesuit Fathers for many years.
Gorton in his ' Topographical Dic
tionary ' says : ' Here is a strong
ancient tower, which formerly
belonged to the Horseleys, but is
now (1833) converted into a Catholic
chapel, with a house for the priest.
It is a plain square building with a
deer park adjoining it.' In 1733
the Hon. Mrs. Widdrington endowed
the mission with .£400, which sum
was many years ago handed over
by the Jesuits to the bishop of the
district. In 1750 the following note
was made by one of the Fathers of
the Society which well expresses
the concealment required during the
existence of the penal laws :
' Horseley (Mr. Howe) no salary
from the place, but £30 from the
factory, and £5 to pay house rent.
Customers to shop about one hun
dred and twenty-five. Of my own
gaining about ten.' The ' shop '
and ' customers ' are of course the
chapel and congregation, and the
' gaining ' the number of persons
reconciled to the Church.
A new Gothic church took the
place of the tower-chapel in 1843.
Confirmation was given here on
Novernber8, 1891, for the first time
in thirty-one years, when, strange
to say, exactly thirty-one persons
received that Sacrament, from the
Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle.
Priests since 1824.
Rev. John Sharrock, 1824.
N. Brown, 1835.
W. Fletcher, 1837.
James Hubbersty, 1848.
J. Rogerson, 1854.
Thos. Clavering, 1860.
Robert Orrell, 1871.
James Smits, 1885.
W. Farmery, 1888.
Rev. Matthew C alley, 1892.
„ George Dover, 1897.
„ George Silvertop, 1899.
„ Francis Kuyte, 1904 to date.
LANGS (Salford). St. Wilfrid,
Pitt Street.
The mission was established,
1869. By 1884 the congregation
had become too large for the chapel.
The main portion of the present
church was opened Sunday, July 4,
1886, by Bishop Vaughan, of Sal-
ford. The cost of the completed
portion was about £3,000 ; style,
Early English ; seating capacity
about 500.
Eev. Charles Boardman, D.D., here
in 1871.
„ J. Wissink, 1895 to date.
ham). St. Gregory.
The mission was formerly known
as Lane End. In 1819, through
the exertions of Bishop Milner, a
site was obtained and a good chapel
erected for the benefit of the many
Catholics of these parts. Before
this time, the nearest chapel was at
Caverswall Castle (q.v.). For some
months after the opening, Longton
was attended by Frs. Thomas
Baddeley and William Wareing, but
in 1820 Fr. Edw. Daniel was ap
pointed resident priest. This zeal
ous pastor built a school and pro
vided the chapel with an organ.
The chapel itself he enlarged in
1834. In 1850 the building was
enlarged by transepts added at the
expense of Messrs. Hamilton and
Moore, two members of the congre
gation. The old chapel having long
become inadequate for the largely
increasing congregation, the pre
sent church (140 ft. x 50 ft.) was
erected, and opened by Bishop
Ullathorne, July 20, 1869. His
Lordship referred to the new struc
ture as likely to prove ' a great
boon to the poor Catholics in this
dreary town of sin and mud.'
Eev. E. Daniel, 1820.
„ James Massam, M.K., 1857.
„ John Stringfellow, 1877 to
St. Paulinus.
The Hall, the ancient seat of the
Anderton family, was built 1591,
and enlarged 1702. James Ander
ton (1557-1613) appears to have
conformed to protestantism for a
time, but later is said to have
assisted his brother Koger in setting
up a secret press at the Hall.
Dingley, the apostate priest and
informer, deposed to saying Mass
at the Hall during 1592. Fr. Law
rence Anderton, S.J., nephew of
James, and author of the ' Liturgy
of the Mass,' ' Life of Luther,' &c.,
laboured in the district for several
years after 1610. The Hall was
lost to the Andertons in 1716,
owing to Francis Anderton, Esq.,
having espoused the cause of
James III. (Prince James Francis
Stuart). The mansion is now a ruin
and has passed to the Blundells
of Ince. The place, which was
originally served by the Jesuits,
was till quite recently included in
the Brownedge Mission. In 1892
a chapel was opened at Lostock
and served from St. Mary's till it
became an independent mission
under Dom Francis Turner, O.S.B.,
in 1902. Fr. Turner, by dint of
much labour, raised €450 and so
reduced the heavy debt on the
mission. He died at Ampleforth,
December 2, 1905.
Priests at LostocTt.
Rev. Henry Holland, S.J., 1610-
1643. Was tried and con
demned for his priesthood
1648, but ultimately
banished. Died at Liege,
„ John Turberville, 1700. The
district in modern times
included in the St. Mary's,
Brownedge mission. A
chapel opened at Lostock
1901 and served from the
former place 1891-1902.
,, Dom Francis Ambrose Turner,
O.S.B., appointed priest
1902. Died 1905.
SHIRE (Nottingham). St. Mary.
The opening of the Catholic
chapel at Loughborough through
the exertions of the Rev. B. Hulme
in December 1835, was made the
subject of a furious anti-Catholic
' Address ' in the Times which,
however, was ably answered by a
* Counter Address ' in the then :
widely circulated Andrews' Weekly
Orthodox Journal (March 8, 1836). ;
The Brothers of Charity opened j
their college in the town on the :
feast of the Presentation 1844,
when the ceremony was marked by
a grand Catholic procession. The
famous Fr. Gentili preached at the I
High Mass. In May 1881, Bishop j
Riddell, of Northampton, confirmed I
eighty-three "persons in the church.
Rev. B. Hulme, 1835.
„ Norbert Woolfrey, 1840,
„ Dr. Pagani, 1842.
„ Dr, Gentili, 1844.
Rev. A. Rinolfi, 1846.
,, Bartholomew Crosbie, 1848.
„ Andrew Egan, 1851.
„ Andrew McGuire, here in 1888
and to date.
tingham). St. Mary.
This mission is one of consider
able antiquity. Fr. R. Stuthard suc
ceeded Fr. Fromont here 1795, and
remained till January 1806, when
Fr. F. Martyn was appointed. The
Abbe L. Bertrand was incumbent
in 1824 and till 1831. The mission
was marked vacant 1832, but by
1833 Fr. H. Hall had been ap
pointed. This worthy priest was
rector of the mission till after 1875.
The church in Upgate was altered
and redecorated in August and Sep
tember 1882, the chancel roof being
adorned with emblems of the
Passion, and the north wall deco
rated by a full-length picture of St.
Hugh of Lincoln. Fr. A. Rowley
was rector in 1883, and to date
(Westminster). Church of the
Most Precious Blood.
The mission was opened in the
summer of 1903, Fr. Mac Mullen
being the first priest.
ampton). Our Lady Star of the
In August 1881, Mass was said
in a house in Upper Raglan Street
by a priest from Yarmouth. Fr.
Geoffrey Brennan was the first
resident missioner, 1882-84. His
successor, Fr. Alex. Scott, pur
chased a site in the Gordon Eoad,
and the first stone of the new build
ing was laid by Bishop Eiddell,
August 23, 1900. The structure,
which accommodates about six hun
dred, was opened in the course of
1902. The cost of erection — or a
considerable portion of it — was
defrayed by an anonymous bene
(Hexham and Newcastle). St.
The mission was established here,
1862, in a temporary chapel, served
every alternate Sunday from St.
Ninian's, Wooler.
Eev. C. Dunn, 1863.
Jeremiah Connolly, 1873.
James Stark, 1877.
Joseph Wilhelm, 1882.
C. Hergenroether, 1885.
Edward Eigby, 1888.
Alex. Gerry, 1901 to date.
(Plymouth). St. Mary.
The ancestral seat of the Weld
family. A chaplain has been main
tained here since 1641, when Hum
phrey Weld, Esq., of Holdwell,
bought the estate. St. Mary's
Chapel was erected in 1786. The
style is Classical. King George III.
and his consort, Queen Charlotte,
visited the Castle in 1789, when his
Majesty began that warm friendship
for the Weld family which has be
come one of the matters of history.
In 1790 Fr. James Carroll was con
secrated first Bishop of Baltimore,
U.S.A., in the chapel of Lulworth
Castle (August 15, 1790). Thomas
(afterwards Cardinal) Weld (1773-
1837) was one of the acolytes on
this occasion. The consecrating pre
late was Bishop Walmesley, V.A.
of the Western District. The Trap-
pist monks of Mount Melleraye
occupied a house at Lulworth from
about 1794 till 1815, when they re
turned to France. Owing to the
recent expulsion of the French
religious orders, the Fathers have
again settled in England, at Kings-
bridge, Devon (q.v.).
ampton). Our Lady Help of
For several years Luton was
served on Sundays from Bedford.
In December 1883, the Bishop of
Northampton secured a house in
Eothsay Eoad as temporary presby
tery and chapel. In January 1884,
Fr. Joseph O'Connor was appointed
to the mission as resident priest. In
1892 Fr. John Hy. Ashmole became
rector. Fr. Hy. O'Connor is the
present incumbent.
SHIRE (Nottingham). Our Lady
of Victories and St. Alphonsus.
The mission is described as being
started by Fr. Martin, chaplain to
Lord Denbigh, 1874, and for some
time was served from Monks Kirby.
After this Fr. Hazeland, chaplain to
Lord Braye, and the present incum
bent, fitted up a temporary chapel
near the Denbigh Arms Hotel. Tho
site of the present church was pre
sented by Lord Denbigh, who also
gave £200 towards the cost of build
ing (£1,200). The opening, by the
Bishop of Nottingham, took place in
August 1881.
LYDD, KENT (Southwark).
An ancient town near Romney.
It is famous of late years for its
artillery range and also for the
fearful explosive lyddite which was
first experimented upon here. The
chapel of wood and iron, dedicated
to St. Martin of Tours, was erected
in 1890 for the accommodation of
the many Catholic soldiers of the
garrison. It was long served by
the Rev. E. St. John of St. George's
Cathedral, but since 1898 the
Canons Regular of St. Augustine
have been in charge of the mission.
LANCS (Liverpool). Our Lady.
The foundation of the new church
of Our Lady was laid on the Thurs
day of Easter week 1854 by Francis
Weld Blundell, Esq., of Ince Blun-
dell Hall, who generously presented
the site. The endowment of the
church was left in the form of be
quest by Charles Robt. Blundell,
Esq. The church — designed by
J. Scoles — is provided with a tower
and steeple. The building was
opened in 1854. The schools were
erected 1862, and enlarged 1887. The
church was consecrated October 11,
1892. Lydiate Hall, in the parish
of Halsall, is situated about ten
miles from Liverpool, on the South-
port Road. It was built between
1451 and 1485, and subsequently
came into the possession of the
Andertons, and after them the
Blundells. The old chapel was
disused after the opening of the
church in 1854. During some altera
tions made in the place in 1841 a
secret hiding-place behind a sliding
panel was discovered by a work
man. An old pewter chalice and
paten are still preserved at the Hall.
This species of altar plate was per
mitted during the penal times ' as
less likely to attract the cupidity of
pursuivants.' The priests at Lydiate
for nearly two centuries were Jesuits.
Some of them were as follows : —
F. Waldegrave, cousin or brother
of Lord Waldegrave (flTOl) ; J.
Draper (fl703); Rev. J. Mostyn
(tl721); J. Blackbourne (t!728).
The mission of Lydiate was made
over to the Bishop of Liverpool by
the Society of Jesus in 1860. Fr.
Thos. S. Gibson was the first priest
appointed after the transference.
Recent Priests.
Rev. Thos. Gibson, 1860.
„ Wm. Johnson, 1879.
„ Edward Powell, 1885.
5, John Hanly, here in 1904.
mouth}. St. George.
The church was built 1835-37
during the rectorate of Fr. C.
Fisher. E.Goodridge was the archi
tect. Fr. William Vaughan, after
wards Bishop of Plymouth (1855-
1902), completed the church and
built the presbytery. The Lady
chapel, described as a ' bijou,' was
finished 1851. The style of the
church is Gothic. In 1882 the
whole interior of the edifice was
completely transformed by Messrs.
Westlake & Co. The high altar
was lighted by a handsome stained-
glass window, the gift of a vener
able member of the congregation.
Some idea of the growth of Catho
licity in Lyme Regis over sixty
years ago may be gathered from
the early confirmation returns. In
1836 it was ten, and in 1849 twenty-
three. Fr. J. Hurst, founder of
Sedgley Park School, is said to
have been here in 1771, but pro
bably only as a visitor, as prior to
1830 the few Catholics of the dis
trict ' were in the habit of attending
Axminster for prayers.'
Kev. Chas. Fisher, 1835.
W. Swarbrick, 1837.
Wm. Vaughan, 1840.
W. Agar, 1845.
J. Conolly, 1854.
Joseph Bunn, 1855.
Joseph O'Dwyer, 1857.
James Canon Dawson, 1860.
Eichard Meagar, 1863.
Wm. Walsh, 1867.
W. Downing, here 1871.
L. Croutelle, 1882 to date.
mouth). Our Lady of Mercy and
St. Joseph.
The mission was established in
1800, mainly, it appears, for the
benefit of the many French emi
grants who settled in and around
this old seaport town at the time
of the Revolution. The chapel was
at Pylewell House, the residence
of a branch of the Weld family of
Lulworth Castle. The old chapel
was superseded by the present
church, opened May 18, 1859. The
Pylewell property afterwards passed
to Wm. Ingham Whitaker, Esq., the
millionaire. The baptismal registers
date from about 1803.
Priests since 1800.
Eev. J. Blot, 1800.
„ John Alleway, — .
Thos. Tilbury, 1807.
Abbe Le Tcllier, 1809.
John Brown, — .
John Leadbetter, — .
Wm. Waterton, S.J., 1823.
Richard Norris, S.J., 1824.
J. Leadbetter, 1827.
W. Waterton, 1833.
J. Clough, 1841.
Wm. O'Brien, 1846,
Rev. Ralph Cooper, 1853.
„ Joseph Holden, 1856.
„ Jn. Milner, 1858.
„ Patrick O'Connell, 1866.
„ Cuthbert Winder, 1904 to
mouth) . Our Lady of the Assump
In November 1886, Fr. P. O'Con
nell, of Lyrnington, established a
chapel at Wellands Hall where
Mass might be said on Sundays.
In this work he was ably seconded
by Mr. J. Maxwell, the well-known
publisher. According to one account
there have long been a number of
Catholics in the vicinity. The new
church, capable of accommodating
• about one hundred persons, was
| built at the expense of M. Edward
: de Souberbielle in memory of his
i wife Marie Louise. The style is
1 of the eleventh and twelfth cen-
| turies ; the architect was Sir
Arthur Blomfield. The building,
| a gem of its kind, was consecrated
I by the Bishop of Portsmouth
July 28, 1896.
ampton). Our Lady of Consolation
and St. Stephen.
This church, erected by the
'pious munificence ' of Mrs. Lyne-
Stephens, was commenced in 1878
and consecrated Tuesday, October 7,
1884, by the Bishop of Northampton,
Dr. Biddell.
Rev. Michael Canon Dwane, 188J
and to date.
Prospect House was opened as
a convent of the Poor Clare nuns
August 1904. Rev. Anatole Durand,
O.F.M., is the chaplain.
LYNN, NORFOLK (Northampton).
St. Mary's.
The mission was founded in 1810
by the Abbe P. Dacheux, an emigre.
At his death, May 12, 1843, aged
eighty-three, he left his property to
the poor of the district. Two years
later (May 8, 1845) the present
church was opened by Bishop
Waremg. Only the chancel and
nave (costing £650) were complete
at this time ; the rest was added
later. The fine east window was
designed by Wailes. In 1847 the
congregation presented the rector,
Fr. Dallas, with a silver chalice of
antique pattern for the use of the
Eev. Abbe P. Dacheux, 1810.
John Dalton, 1843.
Geo. Canon Rigby, 1847.
T. McDonald, 1860.
Wm. Poole, 1863.
Andrew Walshe, 1866.
Stodart Macdonald, 1877.
Geo. Wrigglesworth, 1888.
Chas. Eeles, 1901 to date.
A recently established mission
served from Lynmouth,
LYTHAM, LANCS (Liverpool).
St. Peter.
The handsome church was re
opened after redecoration, Sunday,
September 9, 1888. The Lady and
St. Joseph chapels were adorned
after the Gothic style, and the entire
church wainscoted in oak. New
stations of the Cross and an oak
pulpit were given by the congrega
tion. Mass was formerly said at
Clifton Hall, where a regular chapel
was built 1764 and used till 1800.
A tithe -barn was then fitted up for
worship, and used till the opening
of the church in 1839. The tower
was added in 1878 by the late Jn.
Talbot Clifton, Esq., who also pre
sented the present rectory. The
church was newly benched in 1893,
and a peal of bells hung 1894. The
congregation is about 1,000.
Rev. W. Westby, 1712.
C. Burton, S.J., 1740.
— Mansell, S.J., 1750.
— Blacow, O.S.B., 1790.
- Pope, O.S.B., 1802.
Thos. Dawson, 1804.
Jos. Walmesley, 1829.
Roger Taylor, 1873.
James Canon Taylor, 1885.
(Shrewsbury). St. Alban's.
From 1716 till the apostasy of
Viscount Fauconberg in 1732, Mass
was said at his residence of Sutton
Hall. After this time a chapel
was opened at Lane Ends. In
1792, a larger chapel was erected
at Blackwall Gate. Another and
still larger chapel, dedicated to
St. Michael, was built in Chester
Road 1810, a room partitioned off
serving as the priest's residence !
Fr. J. Hall, D.D., came here in
1821, at which time the congrega
tion numbered about 300. He did
much for the Catholicity of the
place, and also attended one or two
other missions besides. In 1839
he commenced the present fine ex
ample of ' an old English parochial
church,' designed by Pugin, and
opened in May 1841. The splendid
east window was the gift of the
Earl of Shrewsbury. A Catholic
cemetery was blessed in 1866.
Eev. Edw. Kenyon, 1792.
„ Abbe Louis Robin, 1796 (?).
„ J. Provost Hall, D.D., 1821.
Hy. Alcock, 1857.
Wm. Walton, 1858.
Geo. Clegg, 1862.
M. Rogerson, 1863.
Hy. Canon Walker, 1872.
Ja's. Robinson, 1889.
pool). St. George.
The mission was founded in
1887, and was served from the
Bishops' House till 1892, when
Canon Charles Green was ap
pointed rector. He was succeeded
by the present incumbent, Fr. Wni.
Dennet, in 1902.
mouth). St. Joseph, Marketplace.
The mission was started in 1867
by Fr. J. C. Robertson, who opened
a temporary chapel in St. Ives
Place. In March 1879, a fine site
was procured for £1,116, and in
August 1884 the first stone was
laid. The church is cruciform, of
flint and brick. The style is of the
Transition period. The cost of the
building was £1,500. Fr. J. Scan-
nell was the priest at the time the
new church was built. The build
ing was opened in December 1884.
Eecent Priests.
Rev. Jn. Watson, here in 1891.
„ Louis Canon Hall, 1893.
„ Jn. Watson, here (second time)
„ P. Curtin, 1903 to date.
DON, W.C. (Westminster).
The Church of Corpus Christi '
was commenced August 1874 by
the late Canon Keens. The site of
the building is on that of the ' Cyder
Cellars ' music-hall, made famous
by Thackeray and Sam Hall's grue
some song. The building, which
is of red brick and Gothic in style,
was opened by Cardinal Manning
in 1875. Present rector, Fr. Jn.
MAIDSTONE, KENT (Southward}.
St. Francis of Assisi.
At the initiation of Bishop Grant
a mission was opened here in 1859,
Mass being said in ' a poor dwelling-
house in an obscure street.' A large
mansion, known as Grove House,
was purchased in 1860, where a
temporary chapel was fitted up.
The schools, designed by E. W.
Pugin, were opened by Bishop
Grant in March 1863. On Octo
ber 4, 1880, the present church,
designed by C. Wray, was opened
by Bishop Danell. The style is Geo
metric Gothic ; dimensions, 60 ft.
by 40 ft.
Eev. E. Emanuele, 1859.
James Purdon, 1866.
A. Cumberlege, 1869.
M. Duggan, 1877.
J. Warner, 1885.
James Duggan. 1893.
Geo. Le Bosquet, 1899 to date.
MALDON, ESSEX (Westminster).
Our Lady.
The mission was commenced in
1890, and served on Sundays from
Witham till 1901. The first chapel
(temporary) was in Silver Street,
and was replaced by the present
one in the Victoria Eoad 1898.
Catholic population about seventy.
Rev. M. Fitzpatrick.
„ A. Fortescue, D.D.
St. Aldhelm, Cross Hays.
The mission was started in 1867,
' with just means sufficient to sup
port the missionary priest-in-charge
and a lay brother.' In 1868, a
school was opened; the attendance
in 1880 was about fifty. The church,
a Gothic stone -faced brick struc
ture, was built in 1875. Fr. F.
Larive, of the Congregation of St.
Francis of Sales, who was priest
here in 1881, did much to spread
the Faith in and around Malmes-
bury. The wealthy silk manufac
turer, Mr. Davenport, ' a good
Catholic proprietor,' was a great
benefactor to the mission. Fr. F.
Decompoix, here since 1891, is the
present rector.
brough). St. Mary.
Fr. John Taylor, S.J., who la
boured in the Yorkshire district,
was arrested here June 7, 1642,
and in March following was in
dicted at the York assizes for his
priesthood. He was sentenced to
death, but subsequently released.
After a long life spent on the mis
sion he died in Hampshire 1675.
The present mission dates from
1837, in which year the chapel was
Eev. Eobert Garstang, 1837.
„ Thos. Middlehurst, 1851.
„ Stephen AVells, 1857.
,, Thos. Middlehurst (second
time), 1860.
,, James Eedding, 1881.
„ Patrick Clarke, 1885.
„ Wm. Murray, 1888.
„ James Coghlan, 1890,
Eev. Edmund Hickey, 1893.
„ Augustine D'Hooghe, 1902 to
ham). St. Joseph's.
The church, in the Early English
style, was opened October 26, 1876.
The site was given by Mr. Hornyold,
of Blackmore Park ; T. E. Donelly,
architect. Although so compara
tively long established, the church
is still served from the Benedictine
monastery at Great Malvern.
SHIRE. Our Lady and St. Edmund.
The Benedictine monastery was
established here in 1891, but by
1904 the chapel had become so
dilapidated that it was resolved to
erect a new church. The founda
tion stone of the building was laid
Tuesday, September 6, 1904, by the
Bishop of Birmingham. A statue
of St. Edmund, king and martyr,
the secondary patron, stands on a
niche to the left of the porch. The
seating accommodation is for about
300. This church was one of the
last designed by the late Peter
Paul Pugin, K.S.G. The opening
took place in the summer of 1905.
The mission of Great Malvern
was established in 1871 by Fr.
Henry Bernard Bulbeck at Aldwyri
Tower. He died in 1901.
(Salford). St. Alban's, Fawcett
Street, Ancoats.
The first chapel was opened
November 15, 1863, the present
church in 1878. Before the erec
tion of a separate mission the dis
trict was served from St. Anne's.
llev, John Gornall, 1863,
Eev. P. Hennebery, 1884.
„ F. Timony, 1888 to date.
MANCHESTER. St. Aloysius.
As the congregation, between
four and five hundred in number,
was leaving the church after the
last Mass on Sunday, October 2,
1880, the floor gave way, with
the result that one person was
killed and six injured. The acci
dent was caused by a subsidence of
the foundations. The new church,
in Park Place, Ardwick Green, was
opened March 15, 1884, by Bishop
Vaughan, of Salford. The building
is Gothic and cruciform. The ac
commodation is for 800, the cost
of the building, of which Mr.
Healy, of Manchester, was the archi
tect, being about £'3,200. Fr. J.
M. O'Callaghan was priest at the
time the church was built. The
mission was established 1852, and
for some years was served from St.
The church was opened August
31, 1847, and completed June 7,
1848. The first priest of the mis
sion was Fr. Geo. Green, afterwards
Catholic chaplain at Dartmoor
Prison for many years. The
church debt was greatly reduced
(£5,000 to £2,000) by Canon Lip-
trott, who also made several valu
able additions to the schools and
presbytery. Congregation about
6,000 (1906).
Eev. Geo. Green, 1847.
„ Thos. Allen, 1855.
„ Peter Canon Liptrott, 1865.
,, M. Buckley (administrator),
,, Lionel Canon O'Kelly, 1895 to
MANCHESTER. St. Augustine's.
The old church was built 1818-
1820 at the suggestion of Fr.
Broomhead. The site was in
Granby Kow. The ground was
recently acquired by the Corpora
tion for £39,000. The present
church in York Street was opened
by the Bishop of Salford, Septem
ber 8, 1896. See under St. Chad's.
MANCHESTER. St. Bridget, Mill
Street, Bradford.
When, in 1877, it became neces
sary to establish a mission for the
largely increasing Catholic popula
tion here, a site was obtained by
the late Canon Liptrott, of St.
Anne's, Manchester, from Townley-
Parker, Esq., upon which a school
chapel was erected at a cost of
£2,000. The building was opened
in 1879, and by 1880 the district
served by it had become an inde
pendent mission. The estimated
congregation is over 4,000 (1906).
An iron church took the place of
the chapel in the school May 18,
Rev. Wm. Sassen, 1880 to date.
Catholics are said to have been
very numerous in Manchester dur
ing the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries, but on account of the
laws numbers were compelled to
disguise their religion. Chapels
near the town existed at Crumpsall
Hall, Trafford, &c., and Catholics
were frequently visited in their
own homes by peripatetic priests.
No records of baptisms were kept
till about 1772, when they num
bered seventy. In 1781, the Catholic
population was reckoned at 1,100.
Fr, Rowland Broomhead, an
alumnus of Sedgley Park and the
English College, Rome, who came
to Manchester in 1778, made the
old religion a power. The priests
immediately before him were Fr.
Edw. Helme (died 1773) and Fr.
Orrell, who in 1776 built the old
St. Chad's Chapel in Rook Street.
This place of worship supplanted an
older chapel down a passage known
as ' Roman Entry.' After sixteen
years' labour Fr. Broomhead found
it necessary to erect another chapel
(St. Mary's) in Mulberry Street.
A third, St. Augustine's, was con
secrated a few days before his
death in 1820, at which time the
Catholic population had risen from
1,000 in 1778 to over 40,000!
The old St. Chad's, in Rook
Street, was sold in February 1846,
and the foundations of the new
church commenced in York Street,
Cheetham, the following April.
The building was opened by Bishop
Browne, August 4, 1847, upon which
occasion a relic cf St. Chad was
presented to the church by Bishop
(afterwards Cardinal) Wiseman.
The church was opened in
December 1861. Style, Early Eng
lish, from design by A. W. Pugin ;
size, 90 ft. by 44ft. ; cost of erection,
about £3,000.
Rev. J. Fox, 1861.
„ Peter Vermeulen, 1874.
„ Cornelius Vcrvoort, 1877.
„ Tlios. Croskell, 1879 and to
MANCHESTER. St. Francis of
Assisi, Gorton.
The Franciscan Recollect Fathers
established a mission here in 1862,
the first church being opened Octo
ber 4, 1863, and the present struc
ture September 26, 1872. Fr. F.
Verhaegen was the first Guardian.
MANCHESTER. The Holy Name.
The mission was founded 1867
by Fr. Thos. Porter, SJ. The
church \vas built out of a legacy
loft by Miss Harriet Walton, of
Worcester. A splendid Chapel
of the Sacred Heart was added to
the church May 1888. The altar-
piece represents the vision of Our
Saviour to the Blessed Margaret
Kev. Thos. Porter, 1867.
Henry Birch, 1871.
Wm. Lawson, 1877.
Joseph Jackson, 1885.
Bernard Vaughan, 1888.
Thos. Brown, 1902 to date.
MANCHESTER. St. Mary's, Mul
berry Street.
The old chapel, as has been
already mentioned, was erected by
Fr. R. Broomhead, and was opened
November 30, 1794. The fabric
was built by subscriptions from
Catholics and Protestants, the
annual ground rent, payable to Jn.
Leaf, Esq., being £49 10s. Fr. H.
Gillow, rector 1821-37 is said to
have been the last priest in Man
chester to wear hair powder, knee
breeches, and silver buckles. The
old chapel, having long become in
adequate, was replaced by the pre
sent Gothic church, opened by
Bishop Brown October 19, 1848.
Rev. E. Kenyon, 1794-1816.
„ Henry Gillow, 1821-37.
„ J. Billington, 1837.
„ Jas. Boardman, 1844.
„ Mathias Canon Formby, 1846.
Rev Jn. Newton, 1863.
„ John Burke, M.R., 1884.
„ Edward O'Dwyer, 1888.
„ Thos. Buckley, 1897.
„ Thos. Walsh, 1898 to date.
MANCHESTER. St. Michael's.
The church (style Early English),
for 1,000, was opened August 1,
1869. Wm. Nicholson, Esq., was
the architect. The sanctuary is
lighted by a fine east window re
presenting the Crucifixion. Until
the opening of the church the
mission was served by a temporary
chapel, opened July 1859.
Mission served from St. Patrick's
from 1859 till after 1875.
Rev. Henry Hill, 1877.
„ John Bramer, 1882.
„ Thos. Canon Byrne, 1888 and
to date.
MANCHESTER. St. Patrick's,
Livesey Street.
The church was opened Feb
ruary 29, 1832, by Bishop Pens-
wick, V.A. The style is Grecian
and cruciform. In 1846, much
scandal was caused by the affair of
Fr. Daniel Hearne, the rector.
This priest did not get on well
with his curates, and to prevent
further difficulty Bishop Brown
replaced him by Fr. (afterwards
Bishop) Roskell. The largely Irish
congregation made a great disturb
ance at this, denouncing the
Bishop and English clergy, and
even brawling in the church during
service time ! Thanks to the inter
vention of Frs . Gentili and Fur
long, the deplorable state of things
ended November 12, 1846. Fr.
Hearne died on the mission in the
United States some time after 1851.
In 1854, the mission had two
flourishing elementary schools, with
an average attendance of 900
pupils. The Sunday -school attend
ance was upwards of 1,000.
Priests after Fr. Roskell.
Rev. Edmund Cantwell, 1851 to
after 1875.
,, Bishop Vaughan (administra
tor), 1877.
,, D. Forbes (administrator,
„ J. Canon Mussely (rector),
1894 and to date.
MANCHESTER. St. William.
This chapel is in Simpson Street,
close to Rochdale Road. The style
is plain Gothic, and the building
will accommodate about 750. The
cost, £1,200, was almost entirely
contributed by the congregation of
St. Chad's. The architect of the
chapel — opened in December 1865
— was Mr. E. Tijou. The mission
was served from St. Chad's till
1895, and again from 1903-5.
Rev. James Thomson, 1895.
„ M. Holohan, 1899.
mingham). St. Michael.
The place is associated with the
ancestral seat of the ancient Catho
lic family of Blount, who have
been resident here since 1489. Fr.
Richard Blount, first Provincial of
the Jesuits in England, 1623, was a
member of this family, which has
given several members to the
Society. Mapledurham was one of
the places served by the Jesuit
Fathers of the Oxford Circuit of
St. Mary, but the records, if exist
ing, are ' now lost to memory.'
The house, like all those of the re
cusants, has ' a good specimen of
a priests' hiding-place.' In the
eighteenth century Mapledurham
would appear to have been served
for some time by Franciscans. It
is mentioned in the correspondence
! of Fr. Felix Englefield, O.S.F.
(died 1767), and in 1758 Fr. Ed
ward Madew was resident here.
In 1766 Mrs. Mary Blount, of
Mapledurham, gave a donation of
i £30 to the Order for anniversary
| and other Masses. The mission is
I at present served from Reading.
MARGATE (Southward}. SS.
Austin and Gregory, Victoria Road.
From the time of James II. to
the close of the eighteenth century,
the few Catholics 'in Margate and
Ramsgate had to resort to the.
ancient mansion of the Hales
family, near Canterbury, for ' the
ordinances and sacraments of the
Church.' About 1793, the wealthy
Lancashire Catholic family of
Gillow had Mass said privately
for them by their chaplain in a
small building in Prospect Place.
In 1800, Bishop Douglass, aided by
Mr. Kebbel- White, bought the site
of a chapel, which was erected in
Prospect Place 1801-4. The ex
ternal appearance was very much
like a Methodist meeting-house.
The chapel was 70 ft. long by 20 ft.
wide, with a gallery at one end,
and was capable of seating 250
persons. The first baptism is re
corded March 9, 1823. The Abbe
Francois Bellisant, an emigre, was
the first resident priest (1804-8).
He afterwards became chaplain to
the Benedictine nuns at Hammer
smith. Fr. Joseph Anson suc
ceeded him. He was followed by
Fr. J. Costigan, from Webb Street,
Bermondsey. From 1803-21 the
baptisms at Margate numbered
129 ; from 1822-37, 130. The old
chapel in later times was adorned
with a stone font presented' by
Pugin and a copy of Guido's pic
ture of the Crucifixion.1 This pic
ture was rescued from the old
chapel of Moorfields when it was
burnt by the Gordon rioters in
1780. Fr. Costigan opened a small
school shortly after his arrival, but
owing to lack of funds it had to be
soon closed. Upon his arrival, Fr.
Costigan found himself the only
priest upon the coast of Kent. He
had in consequence to visit from
time to time such remote districts
as St. Leonards and Hastings. He
sometimes celebrated Mass at Eye,
Eomney, Deal, Hythe, and Dover,
for such scattered congregations as
he could collect. Once when going j
on a sick call a great distance off, ;
Dr. Phillpotts, protestant Bishop of \
Exeter, kindly drove him to his !
destination in his coach, and, the I
evening being very stormy, the i
great Duke of Wellington put him j
up for the night at Walmer Castle.
In 1860, Fr. H. Whiteside, O.S.B., i
of Kamsgate, who had succeeded j
Fr. Costigan after his retirement
in 1856, started a day school for
children in his own house. In
three years the number increased
to forty, and in 1863 a school-house
was erected on a piece of ground
adjoining the church. In June
1866, the church was reopened by
Bishop Grant, after having under
gone much-needed repair. In 1878
what was practically a new church
was opened at Eamsgate by exten
sive additions to the old building.
A new pulpit of Caen stone was
1 During the French Revolution, a ship
freighted with sacred pictures and
' church stuff ' was wrecked off the coast
of Kent, and such portions of the cargo
as got ashore were sold by auction.
Hence, half a century ago, good copies
of religious pictures were common in
the neighbourhood of Ramsgate, Deal,
Sandwich, &c.
presented in October 1882, and in
November 1884 a fine new altar
was erected in the church by Cap
tain Chambers, British consul at
Guayaquil. Finally in August
1891 a new side chapel was built
in honour of St. Joseph. Fr. T.
Elphege Power, O.S.B., is the pre
sent rector.
WELLS, SUSSEX (Southwarlc).
The Holy Trinity.
The convent boarding school of
the Holy Child Jesus nuns, a fine
Gothic structure designed by A. W.
Pugin, was erected and partially
endowed by the late Dowager
Duchess of Leeds, 1866. The en
dowment is mainly for the main
tenance of a certain number of
orphans of a superior class who
hold the same status as the ' foun
dation scholars' at the public
schools. The church — a handsome
Decorated Gothic structure — was
completed 1875, and is open to the
public. Accommodation for about
Eev. J. Baron, S.J., 1866.
„ T. Maher, 1874.
„ John Warner, 1877.
Michael Cotter, 1885.
Charles Stapley, 1888.
C. Ellison, 1891.
Vincent Placid Wray, O.S.B.,
James Duggan, 1900.
A. Wright, 1906 to date.
(Shrewsbury). SS. Thomas and
The mission was founded from
Whitchurch in 1857. The new
church was opened by Bishop
Knight, of Shrewsbury, in November
1886, the cost of the building being
defrayed by Egerton Harding,
Esq., of Old Springs. Mr. Edmund
Kir by, of Liverpool, was the archi
tect. The style is Early English.
Rev. Jas. Kenny, 1857.
„ H. Walker, 1858.
„ J. Robinson, 18(54.
„ L. Levett, 1884 (first resident
„ D. Williams, 1890.
„ H. Lynch, 1894.
CESTERSHIRE (Nottingham). Our
Lady of Victories.
The mission was started in 1859,
being served from Leicester once a
fortnight. By 1874, a temporary
chapel had been erected and placed
under the care of Fr. Richard
Vandepitte, during whose rectorate
the present church was built. As
late as 1893, the ' presbytery ' was
miserably furnished, the schools
were not recognised by Govern
ment, and had only eighteen
children. By 1897, things had
greatly altered for the better. The
schools had an average attendance
of fifty-two and were ' under inspec
tion,' while the attendance at Mass
on Sundays had risen from thirty or
forty to nearly a hundred. The total
number of the congregation was
then about 300.
Rev. Fr. R. Vandepitte, 1873.
„ Fr. H. Kavanagh, 1893.
N.B. — A considerable portion of
the church and school building
fund (£D700) was bequeathed by the
Abbe Malvoisin, who died 1847.
He was chaplain to the Nevilles of
(Nottingham). Holy Rood.
The place was occasionally
visited by Fr. Johnson, S.J., prior
to the year 1782. In that year,
Fr. Richard Knight, chaplain at
Kingerby, built a commodious
edifice at Market Rasen which
served both for chapel and
presbytery. Fr. James Lesley was
here till 1793, and the Abbe
Allaine from this latter 3^ear till
1798. Fr. W. Brewster, 'the last
of the Carmelite Order in England,'
served the mission from this last
date till 1848. This worthy priest,
aided by some of the congregation,
erected the present chapel, opened
September 14, 1824. On retiring
from the mission, Fr. Brewster re
sided at an adjacent cottage till his
death in 1849, aged seventy-nine.
When Bishop Roskell visited the
place in 1849, the mission was in
a very flourishing condition, with
schools, efficient choir, &c. New
north and south aisles were opened
in September 1868, the church being
remodelled after the style of
twelfth-century Gothic by Messrs.
Hadfield. The Young family of
Kingerby, an ancient Catholic
stock, have been great benefactors
to the mission. The 122nd anni
versary of the establishment of the
mission was celebrated Sunday,
September 18, 1904.
Priests since 1848.
Rev. James Walker, 1848.
Thos. Clarke, 1851.
Thos. Canon Sing, 1860.
Algernon Moore, here 1871.
James Canon Dwyer, 1876.
Francis Hays, 1901 to date.
The Hussey family purchased
the manor of Marnhull and
established the mission 1651. The
priest of the place resided either
there or at Stour Provost. A
chapel was erected 1772, and con
tinued in use till the opening of the
present one, July 3, 1832. The
English Benedictine nuns of Paris
took refuge here at the time of the
great Revolution, but retired to
Cannington 1807.
Rev. — Smith, 1720.
„ T. Cornforth (died 1748; he
founded a fund for the
support of his successors).
„ Ed. Molyneux, 1749.
„ Jn. Englefield, 1761 (?).
„ Geo. Bishop, 1768.
,, E. Molyneux, junr., 1769.
„ Jn. Smith, 1770.
„ C. Fryer, 1774.
Edw. Hussey, O.S.B., 1785.
Abbe Chas. Primord, 1802.
Win. Casey, 1824.
Thos. Spencer, 1866 (?).
Walter Keily, 1879.
John McCarthy, 1882.
Augustine White, C.E.L., 1885.
B. Grillet, 1892.
Urban Rouviere, 1897.
Alex. C. Dodard, 1898 to date.
PORT, DERBYSHIRE (Nottingham}.
Mass was said here for the first
time in recent years on December
21, 1859. The church, which is a
neat structure, was mainly founded
by Lord Howard of Glossop and
Edward Eoss, Esq., of this locality.
Rev. James Luke, 1859.
,, Michael Canon Scully, 1876.
„ C. McSweeny, 1890.
In August 1900 Fr. McSweeny
was raised to the dignity of
missionary rector.
b rough). Most Holy Sacrament.
The mission was started in 1774
by Fr. Chas. Howard, D.D., who
ministered here till July 1815.
Fr. Hogarth, in forwarding the
registers to the Commissioners of
Records at Somerset House in
1840, implies that the mission
has a much older date of founda
tion than the one given above
(1774), but no details are forth
coming. The priest in 1816 was
Fr. Thos. Hodgson. After 1824
Canon Robert Hogarth, V.G., was
appointed. He was succeeded in
1863 by Fr. Gco. Keasley. The
mission was vacant in 1875, 1883,
and 1889. After this it was served
from Hedon till 1896. In 1897
Fr. Patrick Ryan was rector, and
till after 1900. Fr. Christopher
Flanagan is the present rector.
N.W. (Westminster}. Our Lady
of the Rosary.
In 1848, the Count de Torre
Diaz, a Spanish nobleman resident
in London, hired a hall in Cato
Street, where Fr. Hodgson, the
devoted priest-missioner, said Mass
and preached Sunday after Sun
day to a numerous congregation
drawn from the slums and alleys of
the neighbourhood. The chapel
having become unsafe, Fr. Hodg
son continued his ministry by
preaching vigorous open-air ser
mons in the courts behind Portland
Street. In .1849 the Count de
Torre Diaz and some other
Catholic gentlemen bought land
for church and schools in Homer
Row, Marylebone Road. After six
years, the church was opened in
Winchester Row, New Road, after
wards called the Marylebone Road.
The building was blessed by
Cardinal Wiseman August 9, 1855.
The Catholic population of the
district at this time was reckoned
at 2,500. For several years a
portion of the edifice was used as a
school. The church, designed by
Blount, was enlarged in 1870.
Eev. J. Bamber, 1855.
„ W. J. Fielding, 1856.
„ Alfred White, I860 (?).
In 1884 Fr. White was made
rector of the church at Brook
Green, Hammersmith, and subse
quently was created a canon of
Westminster and alderman of the
borough. He died in 1904. His
successor at Marylebone, the Very
Rev. John Canon Brennan, still
holds the incumbency.
St. Mary's.
The mission was founded about
1675 by Fr. Andrew Bromwich,
+he last priest sentenced to death
for the Faith in England. In 1794,
St. Mary's College, Oscott, was
founded in the old house at Mary-
vale built by Bishop Hornyold as a
residence for the Vicars Apostolic
of the Midlands. After the
transference of the college to the
new building in 1838 the house
was occupied by Fr. John Henry
(Cardinal) Newman and Fr. Faber,
who called the place ' Maryvale '
to distinguish it from New Oscott.
In 1850, the Sisters of Mercy opened
their orphanage within its walls.
The chapel was built in 1816 by
Bishop Milner, who placed in it a
painted window of the Sacred
Heart. In 1873, the Sisters es
tablished the Association of the
Perpetual Lamp in honour of the
Sacred Heart, and the jubilee of
the devotion was celebrated in
February 1898.
ham and Newcastle). Our Lady
and St. Patrick.
The mission was commenced in
1838, and the church built 1844-45
at a cost of £1,400. The number
of Catholics then was about 300.
The dedication of the church was
celebrated with great solemnity in
May 1846, when Bishop Br'iggs
preached at the High Mass. On
Sunday, February 4, 1882, the
church was reopened after having
undergone an enlargement of some
15 ft. in order to accommodate
the increased congregation that
had arisen owing to the commence
ment of the new docks. Fr. J. J.
Cummins, O.S.B., the incumbent,
acted as architect. Fr. Murphy
during his rectorate greatly adorned
the church, and introduced several
improvements. In 1889, the
Catholic population of Maryport
was 1,700. In January of 1889,
the jubilee of the mission was
celebrated by Fr. J. Cummins,
O.S.B., the then incumbent. A
new Lady Altar was erected in
memory of the event.
tingham). Our Lady and St.
On May 2, 1880, Mass was said
in a house in Holt Lane and the
same year a church site was ac
quired by Canon McKenria, V.G.
The church, in the Gothic style,
was opened in July 1883 ; seating
capacity for about 200. In the
church there is a chapel dedicated
to St. Dismas, ' the good thief,'
whose cultus was popular in early
Christian times. For some years
after the opening, the church was
served from St. Mary's, Derby.
The first resident priest was ap
pointed in 1890.
Kev. Kobert Browne, 1890.
„ Thomas Parkinson, 1892.
(Served from Tideswell 1894.)
„ George Le Eoy, here in 1897
and to date.
LANGS (Liverpool). SS. Peter and
The Finch family of Mawdesley
were great sufferers for the
Catholic Faith, one of them, John
Finch, being executed at Lancaster,
April 20, 1584, for affirming ' that
the Pope hath power or jurisdic
tion in the Kingdom of England.'
Another of the family, the Eev.
James Finch, was prior of a Car
thusian monastery in Austria.
After its suppression by Joseph II.,
he came to England, and died at
Fernyhalgh, March 3, 1821, aged
seventy-two. The old mansion at
Mawdesley contains many hiding-
places, and, among other relics of the
past, the skull of William Haydock,
of Whalley Abbey, martyred 1537.
The actual mission was established
1831, when the church was built
and opened by Bishop Penswick,
V .A.
Eev. J. Lawson, 1831.
„ J. Dawber, 1843 till after
„ Jn. Hardman, 1871.
„ Jn. Nixon, 1874.
„ John Irish, 1885.
„ Jules Maurus, 1902 to date.
bury}. St. Mary.
An entry in the missal used at
Mawley states that the chapel was
blessed by Bishop Thomas Talbot
October 31, 1776. Before this
time, Mass was said secretly at
the top of Mawley Hall, the resi
dence of the Blounts. The chapel,
opened in 1776, was for some time
called the ' servants' hall ' to hide
its real purpose. It was enlarged
in 1825 and 1850. The centenary
of the chapel was celebrated
November 7, 1876. The priests at
Mawley from 1763 were :
Eev. James Chester.
„ Jn. Manning.
„ E. Gibson, 1784.
„ Menard, Dodomb, Broderick,
„ J. Appleton, 1801.
„ Pierre Chardon, 1805.
Jos. Bowden, 1806.
Denis Fortin, 1807.
Ch. Blake, 1813.
W. Jones, 1815.
T. Percy, 1824.
E. Gates, 1825.
P. Vergy, 1826.
J. Egan, 1829.
B. Crosbie, 1830.
Mgr. Hulme, 1843.
J. Spencer, 1847.
L. Acquaoni, 1848.
T. Green, 1849.
W. Molloy, 1859.
Pat. Power, 1860.
J. Quin, 1864.
H. Lynch, 1865.
T. Crowther, 1870.
T. Donovan, 1875.
J. Millward, 1876.
T. Eatcliffe, 1877.
D. Williams, 1881.
J. Hackett, 1883.
D. Fitzgerald, 1885.
H. Gregson, 1887.
F. de Vos, 1895.
J. McGrath, 1898.
T 2
Bev. G. de Stoop, 1900.
„ A, Devine, 1900.
Charles Borromeo).
The chapel, erected by the
Countess of Loudoun, was opened
in December 1881. The interior
is adorned by an altar of Caen
stone and several painted windows.
Mr. C. Wray was the architect.
Bev. Hubert de Burgh, 1885.
„ Joseph Fagan, 1888.
„ W. J. Otty, 1893 and to date.
On Sunday, May 6, 1906, Mass
was said here for the first time
since the Reformation. A disused
laundry serves for a chapel at
present, and, on the occasion of the
opening, a large congregation at
tended. Lord Walter Kerr is the
patron of the mission, which is
under the care of Fr. Francis
LONDON, S.E. (Southward). Our
Lady of La Salette and St. Joseph.
This mission originated in 1847,
when Fr. Bobert Hodgson hired
an old coach-house and said Mass
there for the benefit of the poor
Catholics of the place. Such
crowds flocked there on Sundays,
that Fr. Hodgson had to rent from
Guy's Hospital an old dissecting
room in AVebb Street, Borough.
After clearing away 'nearly two
cartloads of human bones ' and dis
lodging legions of rats, Fr. Hodg
son turned the upper portion of the
building into a chapel and the
lower part into a school. Bishop
Wiseman attended the opening of
this poor place of worship in 1848.
Within three months, 4,000 persons
went to Holy Communion. The
mission being firmly established,
Fr. Wenham and Fr. McMullen
were appointed to carry on the
work. The first mention of the
mission in the ' Catholic Directory '
appears in 1858, when the resident
clergy were the Bev. F. Lawrence
and the Bev. S. McDaniel.
The humble chapel, which could
barely accommodate one-fifth of the
congregation, was replaced by the
present Gothic church, opened
May 2, 1861. A large portion of
the once very considerable Ca
tholic resident population has left
the district, owing to the pulling
down of whole streets and courts
to make way for huge warehouses
and railway offices. The present
rector of the mission is Fr, S.
SHIRE (Nottingham). St. John
the Baptist.
The foundation of this mission
is chiefly due to two generous
benefactors, Fr. Thos. P. Tempest
and John Exton, Esq. The chapel
was commenced 1840, and opened
1842 by Bishop Walsh, V.A. For
some time after the opening, the
priest had to live at two miles'
distance, but by 1844 a presbytery
was provided. At the outset a
considerable amount of protestant
opposition was aroused by the
notorious ' no Popery ' lecturer
Dr. Gumming, but the ill-will soon
subsided. A small school was
started in 1843. The mission was
served from Eastwell some time
prior to 1875, and in 1898 from
the Nottingham seminary.
Kev. A. McDermott, 1843.
„ E. Belisy, 1845.
,, Andrew Eagan, 1849.
„ Geo. Bent, 1850.
„ Jeremiah Donovan, D.D.,
„ J. Birmingham, 1860 (?).
„ Geo. Newton, 1871.
„ Kev. H. Swale, 1874.
„ A. Pol, 1877.
„ E. Van Dale, 1879.
„ J. Neligan, 1882.
„ T. O'Reilly, 1885.
„ C. Holland, 1898.
„ G. W. Hendriks, 1903.
In 1825 there was but one farm
house on the spot now covered
by a large city. In 1857, the
Catholic population in and around
Middlesbrough was 1,500. The
old church of St. Mary was opened
by Bishop Briggs, V.A., October
1847, and the church was enlarged
(February-March 1866) 'to meet
the wants of the rapidly increasing
mission.' The present fine cathe
dral was opened in August 1878 on
the site of the old building. In
December following, it became the
cathedral of the newly erected dio
cese of Middlesbrough. A fine
altar-piece of the Madonna and
Child, by Cottignola (died 1528),
was presented to the church by
H. W. Bolckow, Esq. Mr. Goldie
was the architect.
Rev. Bernard Branigan, 1847.
„ Jos. McPhillips, 1849.
,, Andrew Burns, 1854.
Rev. Richard Lacy, 1874.
In 1878 Middlesbrough became
the see of the new diocese which,
with Leeds, was formed out of
Beverley, and from that time the
bishops have been the ex-officio
rectors of St. Mary's.
St. Peter, Taylor Street.
The school chapel was opened in
1867, at which time the Catholic
population numbered 400. Fr. E.
Goetgeluck was the first priest
placed in charge of the mission.
He was rector here till after 1875.
Fr. J. Wigman, appointed prior to
1883, is still the incumbent (1904).
(Shreivsbiiry). St. Mary.
About 1847, Mass was said at
Winsford Hall, the residence of the
Waltington family, by Canon Carter,
of Bolton. The Waltingtons subse
quently left the Hall, and then
Mass was said in a cottage belong
ing to a family named McDonald
by Frs. Pope, Foster, Waltington,
Doyle, Alcock, Gibbons, Power, and
Fennelly. In August 1865, a dis
senting chapel was purchased by
Fr. Fennelly and fitted up for
Catholic worship. The building
was enlarged 1869. The present
church, designed by E. Kirby, was
opened May 31, 1891. The Catholic
population in 1903 was 300.
Rev. Jn. Moore, 1866.
„ Chas. Coelenbier, 1872.
„ Aug. Tremmery, 1876.
„ Denis Cregan, 1883.
„ Jas. O'Grady, 1891.
„ Jn. Ryan, 1898.
^va^Jf). St. Francis.
Cowdray House, near Midliurst,
was formerly the seat of the Catho
lic Lords Montague. During the
reign of Elizabeth upwards of
sixty priests are said to have been
sheltered here. In 1625, the Lord
Montague of the day gave St.
Cuthbert's ring to Bishop Smith,
V.A., who bequeathed it to the
English nuns at Paris, from whom
Cardinal Wiseman obtained it
for Ushaw College (1858). The
seventh Lord Montague ' con
formed to the Established Church '
1778, but was reconciled on his
death-bed, declaring that ' libertin
ism in theory and practice ' had
alone seduced him away. George,
the next and last Viscount, was
drowned at Schaffhausen, Swit
zerland, 1793, on the very day that
Cowdray House was destroyed by
fire. After this a chapel was
opened in the adjoining village of
Midhurst, and used by the few
local Catholics till 1861. Unfor
tunately, for some reason, the lease
was not renewed, and the building
ultimately became a club. We
have been informed that the pis
cina, in what was the sanctuary,
is now used as a receptacle for bil
liard balls. The present church
was opened, November 7, 1869, by
Bishop Brown, of Newport, on be
half of Bishop Grant. The style
is Early English; C. A. Buckler,
architect. For several years after
the opening, the church was served
from Burton Park. Confirmation
was given here in December 1888
for the first time in fifty years.
Some Priests of the Cowdroy
Eev. Dom Edward Ash, O.S.B.,
,, J. Sheppard, 1745.
Kev. J. Barnard (V.G. to Bishop
Talbot, V.A.L.D.), 1762.
„ J. Blevin, 1767.
„ Richard Antrobus, 1779.
(This priest recommenced
the registers.)
Priests at Midliurst since 1824.
Rev. Geo. Halsey.
„ Thos. Molteno, 1834.
,, Francis Bowland, 1840.
„ Peter Coop, 1857.
(Mission closed 1860-69. Mis
sion served from Burton Park
„ Mgr. James Carter, 1879 to
minster}. The Guardian Angels.
A dissenting meeting - house
known as ' Salem Chapel ' was
purchased and converted into a
Catholic church about 1870. The
' bare and comfortless ' interior was
decorated and adorned with sta
tions of the Cross in the autumn
of 1876. In May 1901, the old
church was pulled down to make
way for the present structure, the
gift of the Lady Mary Howard.
The style is Perpendicular Gothic.
During the rebuilding of the
church a temporary structure,
No. 381 Mile End Road, served as
a chapel. The cost of the church
was £11,000.
and Newcastle). St. Joseph's.
A recently established mission.
The first stone of the new church
was laid July 23, 1906, by Bishop
Collins. The design is Romanesque,
the materials used being blocks
of concrete. Accommodation for
about 700. Cost £3,000.
( Westminster).
St. Mary's Franciscan Abbey
was opened by Cardinal Manning
about 1887, and the church in Octo
ber 1889. The style is simple
Gothic. On either side of the high
altar are chapels of St. Joseph and
Our Lady. The seating capacity is
for '200.
ham and Newcastle). Our Lady
and St. James.
The chapel was opened in 1867,
and enlarged in October 1881. The
same year the Catholic schools
were sanctioned by the Education
Department after much local op
position. The church was built
between May 1886 and the early
part of 1887. A great procession
of clergy and people, headed by Fr.
Perrin, priest of the mission, in
augurated the ceremony of laying
the foundation stone. The church
is a very handsome one, in old
French Gothic, from the design of
H. V. Krolow, of Liverpool. Mil-
lom was once the seat of the Neville
family, and, by an heiress, passed
to the Huddlestones, also staunch
Catholics. Fr. Huddlestone, of this
family, reconciled Charles II. to the
Church on his death -bed in Feb
ruary 1685.
LONDON, E. (Westminster}. St.
The church in the West Ferry
Road was opened in 1846. It is
described as ' a neat Gothic building,
consisting of a nave and chancel.'
It is lighted by six lancet windows,
' deeply splayed.' Mr. Wardell was
the architect. For many years
after its erection, the mission was
served from the church of Our Lady
and St. Joseph, Poplar. Schools
were opened 1870. Average daily
attendance 1899, 270.
Rev. Joseph Biemans, here in 1871.
Geo. Smith, 1877.
Wm. Lloyd, 1879.
Nicholas Drew, 1882.
Emile Van Dale, 1892.
A. J. Egglemeers, here in 1897.
Thos. Dunphy, 1897.
Bartholomew Doherty, 1904.
I (Clifton). The Sacred Heart.
The temporary chapel in Sal-
'• borne Place was opened in Decem
ber 1890, by Bishop Brownlow, of
Clifton. Fr. Wilberforce preached
1 (Cor. iv. 1-6) on the unity of the
Church. The present church, in the
Gothic style, was opened August
I Rev. J. Davis, 1890.
„ Richard Chichester, here in
1897 and to date.
BERLAND (Hexham and New
castle). St. Elizabeth.
A chapel was opened here in 1766
by John Silvertop, Esq., the lord
of the manor. A more public one
seems to have been established in
1790. This latter continued in use
down to 1834, when ' a new Catholic
chapel ' was built by Geo. Silvertop,
Esq., and ' opened by a solemn
Mass June 22 of the same year.
On the death of this gentleman,
February 20, 1849, without issue,
j he was succeeded by his nephew,
the Hon. Charles Engle field, who
took the name of Silvertop. The
new Lord of Ministeracres proved
himself a munificent patron of the
mission, the present fine Gothic
church, designed by J. Hansom
and opened August 24, 1854, being
erected at his expense. The regis
ters of the mission date from 1795.
Priests since 1820.
Kev. T. Douthwaite, — .
T. Danson, 1838.
Edw. Browne, 1839.
J. S. Bogerson, 1843.
E. Orrell, 1854.
Joseph Watson, 1856.
Lawrence Boland, 1866.
Peter Perrin, 1876.
Michael Birgen, 1882.
Edmund Barnett, 1891.
M. P. Horgan, 1897 to date.
KENT (Soutkwark). St. Mildred.
The Catholic faith was strong
here down to the time of Charles I.
During the Civil War, Cromwell
sent down ' a religious enthusiast,'
who, after making most of the
population ' drunk with new wine,'
persuaded them to pull down the
ancient cross that stood in the
market-place. The poor people
were so ashamed of this act that
when they came to their senses
they emigrated en masse to Bel
gium as the only means of pre
serving their holy religion. In
the vicarage of Minster were long
preserved a number of Catholic
books, the property, no doubt, of
some priests who officiated there
before the Civil War. Among these
was a complete copy of Cornelius
a Lapide's ' Commentary on the
Scriptures ' (Lewis's ' History of
Thanct '). In August 1878, a com
munity of Benedictine nuns was
established at Minster by Prior
Bergh,of St. Augustine's, Ilamsgatc.
They continued to occupy the
convent till about 1891, when they
were supplanted by the Sisters of
Mercy, who have a laundry for the
maintenance of a number of poor
girls whom they supervise. The
chapel, a plain cruciform Gothic
structure, was consecrated by
Bishop Bourne, of Southwark, in
July 1901. The patron saint of
the convent is St. Mildred, Abbess
of Minster, who died A.D. 725.
MITCH AM, SURREY (SoutliwarJt).
SS. Peter and Paul.
Mass is said to have been occa
sionally offered up during the penal
times in a house in Church
Lane (Eoad). The Hon. C. Lang-
dale, whose distillery on Hoi born
Hill was burnt by the Gordon
rioters, June 1780, owned EJm-
wood House, Mitcham. His
domestic chapel here was long
served by the Abbe L. Le Grip, an
emigre, who died November 6,
1819. After this the place was
served from Croydon. About 1839,
Fr. O'Moore, of Croydon, used to
say Mass occasionally in a house
of a Mr. Kiernan, a pawnbroker.
In 1853 a disused stable belonging
to W. Simpson, Esq., was fitted up
as a chapel. It was served by Frs.
David Morel and other priests
from Croydon and Norwood. The
school chapel was opened in 1862
on a site presented by W. Simpson,
Esq. Fr. Kobt. Simpson, M.A.,
formerly Anglican rector of the
parish church, was priest-in-charge
for a few months. Fr. F. Whyte
served the mission from 1865 till
1879. The present church, erected
in 1889 on a site given by W.
Simpson, Esq., is a neat structure
in the Romanesque style. A
stained-glass window and pulpit
were presented by G. Teniple-
Layton, Esq. The seating capacity
of the church is for about 250.
The congregation numbers about
600. Fr. J. Pooley is the present
war k).
This mission was founded
through the efforts of Fr. E. du
Plerney, of Surbiton. A house
bearing the somewhat appropriate
name of ' Stonyhurst,' in the Vine
Road, was acquired for the pur
pose of a mission centre, and Mass
said here for the first time in
September 1905. The chapel was
at first served every Sunday from
Surbiton. Catholics of the district
are estimated at about 250. Rev.
H. Willacrt, rector Sept. 1906.
MONMOUTH (Newport). St.
Fr. William Dormer was at the
' Priory,' Monmouth, about 1730-32
as priest of the mission. He died
at Staplehill in June 1758. In
1737 Fr. Robt. Garbott was
chaplain. The present chapel was
built in 1795, at which time the
Catholics of the place numbered
about 120. In 1845, the congre
gation numbered about 200. Four
years later, Catholics were esti
mated at 300. A new chapel was
opened 1837. In 1864, the Catholic
population was 350.
Priests since 1824.
Rev. J. Jones.
„ T. Burgess, 1836.
„ T. Abbot, 1852.
„ James Moore, 1895.
„ Sidney Nicholls, 1897 to date.
(Hcxhani and Newcastle}. St.
The mission was established in
1864. The present church was
consecrated in July 1889 by
Bishop Wilkinson, upon which
occasion the Blessed Sacrament
was carried in procession amidst
a vast concourse of Catholics and
protestants. The style of the
church is Early Decorated ; accom
modation for about 800. New
schools, of Gothic design, were
opened September 1870.
Rev. D. Macartney, 1867.
„ Jules Du Floer, here in 1871
and till 1897.
„ Henry Canon Gillow, 1897.
(Westminster'}. St. Mary's.
In 1736— some say 1733 — there
existed a Mass-house in this neigh
bourhood, which for security's sake
was known as the ' Penny Hotel.'
This place of worship was in Rope-
makers' Alley. During the re
newed persecution of London
Catholics in 1765, ' two Romish
priests were taken out of a private
Mass-house near Moorfields to be
dealt with according to law '
(' Universal Museum,' October 21,
1765). During the Gordon riots
of 1780, the chapel or Mass-house
was among the number destroyed
by the mob. Fr. Richard Dillon,
who had been priest of the place
since 1749, was so severely mal
treated by the rioters that he
shortly afterwards died. With the
money obtained from Government
in compensation, another and
larger chapel was erected in White
Street 1781. This continued in
use till the building of the large
and imposing church, opened with
great pomp April 20, 1820, in the
presence of a large gathering of
ambassadors, nobility, and gentry.
By this time the congregation was
reckoned at over 6,000. The style
of the building was Classical, with
a Greek fa<;ade, the interior being
remarkable for a large picture of
the Crucifixion, painted on stucco
by Signor Aglio, and arranged as a
background to the high altar. The
architect of the church was Mr.
John Newman ; total cost of erection,
£26,000. Pope Pius VII. presented
a splendid gold chalice, paten, and
cruets to the church on the occasion
of the opening, the gift being
valued at 10,000 Roman crowns.
The vaults beneath the church
were a favourite burial-place with
London Catholics till 1853, when
they were closed. On the demoli
tion of the church, upwards of
5,000 coffins were reinterred at
Wembley, but the remains of
Bishops Poynter, Bramston, and
Gradwell were removed to St.
Edmund's Old Hall. It was at
St. Mary's that Dr. (afterwards
Cardinal) Wiseman delivered his
famous lectures on ' The Truths
of the Catholic Faith ' to crowds
of persons during the course of
1836. Owing to a variety of cir
cumstances, it was found necessary
to close the old church, which was
demolished during November and
December 1899. A smaller edifice
was opened in the adjoining Eldon
Street March 25, 1903, in which
most of the features of the former
imposing building have been re
Rev. R. Dillon, 1749-81.
„ Fuller, 1781.
„ Bernard, — .
,, Dunn, — .
Rev. Joseph Hunt, here 1816 et
R. Horrabin, 1839-41.
Jn. Rolfe, 1841.
Provost Robt. Whitty, 1851.
Mgr. Daniel Gilbert, 1858.
Win. Canon Fleming, 1895 to
St. Mary.
Mission started from Lancaster
Rev. John Smith, 1897.
„ Chas. Reynolds, 1901 to date.
MORLEY, YORKS (Leeds). St.
Francis of Assisi, Westfield Road.
The Oddfellows' Hall was hired
as a Catholic place of worship, and
Masses said here for the first time
Sunday, May 15, 1898, by Fr. John
Brennan, chaplain to the Marquis
of Ripon, and Fr. Dobson, of
Batley. Fr. Augustus, O.S.F.C.,
preached* in the evening to a
crowded congregation. Fr. Francis
Mitchell is the present rector.
(Hexham and Newcastle). St.
In 1768 a room in a tenement
building in Bowlers' Green was
fitted up as a chapel. Mr. Hy.
Clark, a convert, used to keep
watch while Mass was being said
to give warning to the congregation
if strangers approached. Shortly
after this, the chapel of St. Bede
was erected in Oldgate (1778). Fr.
How was the first priest. His suc
cessor, Fr. Turner, was a practical
chemist, and added to his income
by supplying the local gentry with
soda-water! He died 1802. The
next priests were Fr. Lawson (1802-
29) ; Fr. Shann and Fr. H. Flinn
(1830 and 1834); Fr. Geo. Lowe,
O.S.B. (1837). By this time the
old chapel had become quite inade
quate, and in 1849 ' a neat and
commodious church ' in the Early
English style was erected. The
opening ceremony was regarded
with much friendly sympathy in
the town. Mr. T. Gibson was the
architect. In 1850, the presbytery
and church were renamed St.
Robert's Abbey in consideration of j
the Benedictines, by whom the i
mission has since been attended.
(Southward). St. Mary Magdalen, j
For some time prior to the erec- j
tion of the present church, a disused
hayloft at the residence of Lady i
Mostyn served as a chapel for Mass. >
About 1849, Fr. Eobt. Hodgson, of
Richmond, came to Mortlake, sought
out numbers of lapsed Catholics,
and opened a school, where ' he said
Mass, preached, and heard con
fessions.' He was nobly aided in
his labours by Lady Mostyn, to
whom is largely due the fine church
of St. Mary Magdalen, opened
May 12, 1852. The style is Deco
rated Gothic, from designs by Gil
bert Blount, Esq. The priests'
residence was at first a mere cot
tage, but a good presbytery was
built not long after the opening of
the church. Adjoining the mission
is a cemetery. A tablet on one of
the walls of the nave records the
reception into the Church of Lieut, i
Augustus H. Law, R.N., afterwards I
the well-known Jesuit missioner. i
The church was consecrated 1869.
Canon Wenham, Provost of South-
wark, was priest of Mortlake from
1851 till his death in March 1895.
He was succeeded by Fr. C. Hogan,
the present incumbent.
YORKS (Leeds).
The mission was opened 1888,
there being at this time a consider
able Catholic population in the
neighbourhood. Fr. W. J. Smith
was the first priest. After his de
parture, 1892, the chapel was served
from Elsecar till 1897, when Fr.
A. McDonagh was appointed. Fr.
Julius de Baere has been incumbent
since 1899.
MOSSLEY, LANGS (Sal ford). St.
In 1863 the Ca.tholics of this dis
trict are described as 'numerous
and poor.' Thanks to the efforts
of Frs. Conway and Grymonprez,
schools were erected in the last-
named year. For several years
after the opening, the building was
used also as a chapel. In 1864 the
congregation was reckoned at 700.
Recent Priests.
Rev. P. Cardinael, here in 1871.
„ Jn. Kass, 1879.
„ Jas. Brady, 1888 and to date.
KENT (Southward).
An old mansion, known as Mot-
tingham House, was opened as a pre
paratory college for military educa
tion (Woolwich and Sandhurst) in
1883 by the Rev. E. Von Orsbach,
late tutor to the Princes of Thurn
and Taxis. After a successful
career, the school was acquired by
the diocese of Southwark as an
orphanage for little boys under the
care of the Sisters of Charity (1903).
A large stable-house adjoining the
establishment has been altered and
fitted up as a chapel for the use of
the inmates and the Catholics of
the district. For some time after
the opening the place was attended
by a priest from Sidcup. The Rev.
G. Leidig is the present rector
(January 1906).
This abbey is a filiation from
Mount Melleray, Waterford, and
was founded 1837 by the assistance
of Ambrose Phillipps-De-Lisle, Esq.,
of Grace Dieu Manor, Leicester
shire, and John sixteenth Earl of
Shrewsbury. The fine pile of
buildings was designed by A. W.
Pugin, and much of the labour of
stone-cutting, building, &c., was
done by the monks after the manner
of their predecessors during the
Middle Ages. Adjoining the abbey
is a spacious guest-house, with re
ception room, bedrooms, &c., also a
house for the entertainment of the
casual poor, regardless of creed.
The monks are engaged in prayer,
study, and manual labour, and
much of the waste land round the
monastery has been reclaimed by
them and brought under cultiva
tion. An interesting account of
the place has been published by
Llewellynn Jewitt, F.S.A., in his
* Guide to the Abbey of Mount St.
In 1832 Mass was said once a
month by Fr. J. Briggs at Beam
Heath, an old farmhouse two miles
from Nantwich. The Catholics of
the place then numbered five fami
lies and fourteen other persons. In
1843 a Methodist chapel was rented
by Fr. E. Carberry, but given up
four years later. In 1852 Fr. H.
Alcock, of Crewe, hired an old salt-
shed on the north bank of the river
Weaver at Crewe, and fitted it up
as a chapel. The 'No Popery'
feeling generated by the recent
restoration of the hierarchy was
then very strong in the town, and
Sunday after Sunday hostile crowds
assembled before the chapel yelling
and hooting. The present church
was built 1855-56, and was partly
paid for by W. Houlgrave, Esq., of
Liverpool. The presbytery was
built 1875-80.
Eev. J. Eobinson, 1868.
„ D. Williams, 1871.
„ E. Byrne, 1875.
„ P. Deery, 1880 to date.
NELSON, LANGS (Salford). St.
The foundation stone of the
school chapel was laid Saturday,
August 4, 1883, and the building
was opened early the following
Kev. Jn, Bramer, 1891.
„ Eobt. Smith, 1895 to date.
bury). St. Winifride.
The chapel was opened Novem
ber 29, 1843. A. Pugin was the
architect. A cemetery was laid
out 1851, and next year an exten
sion and gallery were added to
the church. Schools were opened
Eev. J. Kershaw, 1843.
„ Jas. Canon Pemberton, 1845.
„ Joseph Canon Daly, 1876.
„ Geo. Provost Clegg, 1890.
N.B. — For many years the
chapels of Hooton and Puddington,
belonging to the Stanley family,
were the only Catholic places of
worship in the district. Fr. Ealph
Platt, who died February 13, 1837,
bequeathed his savings for the
establishment of a mission at
LANCS. St. Benet.
This mission is an offshoot of
that at Sefton. In 1792, Fr.
Kichard Vincent Gregson, O.S.B.,
the chaplain at the last place, got
the ex-Catholic Viscount Molyneux
to grant a site for a chapel at
Netherton. Next year ' a commo
dious house and chapel ' were
erected, towards the expense of
which the Hon. Mrs. Mary Moly
neux liberally contributed. The
school was not started till 1871.
Another and larger building was
opened in August 1888.
Priests at Sefton Hall.
Kev. Thurston Anderton, O.S.B.,
1672 (?).
„ Eichard Helme, or Holme,
O.S.B., 1697.
„ — Cuerden, 1716.
„ James Kaye, 1742.
„ Richard Gregson, 1754.
Priests at Netherton.
Eev. Richard Gregson, 1792.
„ Stephen Hodgson, 1800.
„ Richard Pope, 1804.
„ Edw. Clifford, 1828.
„ Abraham Abram, 1830.
„ Geo. Caldwell, 1867.
„ Thos. Shepherd, 1870.
„ John Burchall, 1887.
(Nottingham). The Holy Trinity.
The church was erected about
1840 by the late James Provost
Waterworth, of Nottingham. The
style is Tudor ; sittings for 200.
An endowment of about £80 per
annum was settled on the mission
by the founder. The two fine
altars of the Sacred Heart and Our
Lady are the gift of Redmond
Cafferata, Esq., present occupier of
Staunton Hall, and nephew of the
Provost. The mission of Newark
was apparently founded about 1820
by Fr. J. Yvers. The old chapel in
Parliament Street was a humble
unecclesiastical building, like the
other Catholic chapels of the time,
and for some years Mass was only
said there on the first and fifth
Sunday of each month.
Rev. J. Yvers.
„ James Provost Waterworth,
D.D., 1836. (This learned
ecclesiastic was the author
of a ' History of the Refor
mation,' mainly derived
from non- Catholic sources,
and several other well-
known works. Died 1876.)
„ Edmund Smith, M.R., 1876
to date.
(Shrewsbury). SS. Peter and Paul.
In 1879 a room was hired for a
chapel in Egerton Street, and in
January 1880 the Bishop of Shrews
bury appointed Canon Frith to take
charge of the mission. There was
at that time neither church nor
school, but a site for a church had
been generously given when the
mission was started. The Catholic
population in 1880 numbered about
250. In June 1881 the present
church was opened for worship.
The late Mrs. Santa Maria gave
£500 towards the building expenses.
E. Kirby was the architect.
Rev. Randolph Canon Frith, 1879.
„ William Canon Stanton, 1887
to date.
mouth). St. Joseph's.
This mission owes its establish
ment to the apostolic zeal of
Fr. Robert Hodgson. In 1852,
when spiritual director at the
adjacent College of St. Mary,
Wolverhampton, he was struck by
the religious destitution of the few
Catholics at Newbury, and resolved
to start a mission there. He
accordingly went over to Newbury
on Sundays, said Mass for the
congregation, and catechised the
children. After a time he was
enabled to build church and schools.
He had a most enthusiastic helper
in the young Earl of Arundel and
Surrey, then residing at Dorrington
Lodge, near the town. This young
nobleman, among other things,
used to act as doorkeeper of the
chapel on Sundays ! Fr. Hodgson
laboured for about twelve years at
Newbury, when he retired to
Holloway. He died there Decem
ber 27, aged seventy-one. The
present rector of the mission is
Fr. H. L. Kelly, M.R.
UMBERLAND (Hexham and New
castle). St. Andrew's.
In the reign of James II. a Mass-
house was opened in the Flesh
Market, but closed at the Revolu
tion (1688). A chapel was then
fitted up in a room in Nuns' Lane.
This was broken up by a ' No Popery '
and anti-Jacobite mob January 28,
1746, shortly after the victory of
Prince Charles Edward Stuart at
Falkirk. A third chapel was then
established in Bell Court, Newgate
Street, by the pastor, Fr. Thos.
Gibson, uncle of Bishop Gibson,
V.A. About 1792 a second chapel
was opened in the Close, and served
by regulars. Fr. Worswick in
1797 collected funds for the erec
tion of a large church in Pilgrim
Street. Thos. Riddell, Esq., gave
£100, Sir Jn. Lawson £80, and
Bishop Gibson £80 towards the
building fund. The opening took
place February 11, 1798, when
High Mass was sung for the first
time since the Reformation. Schools
were erected near the church in
1830, at a cost of £2,000. The
Dominicans had charge of the
mission for a few years after 1860.
A new church was erected in
Worswick Street, and opened by
Bishop Chadwick September 26,
Rev. Aug. Janneson, — .
„ Thos. Maire, 1731.
„ Thos. Gibson, — .
„ C. Garden, 1765.
„ J. Jones, 1791. (N.B.— Fr. J.
Cotes died at Newcastle-on-
Tyne July 8, 1794, aged
„ H. Potts, 1792 (?) (he died
„ Jas. Worswick, 1797.
,, W. Riddell, curate to pre
ceding 1830 ; rector 1843 ;
o.shop and Vicar Apostolic
N.D. 1844; died 1847 of
typhus, contracted while
attending the sick.
Robt. Smith, 1845.
Jas. Standen, 1846.
Jos. Cullen, 1848.
Jos. Browne, 1852.
Jos. Canon Humble, 1857.
Very Rev. J. Bernard More-
wood, O.P.
Very Rev. Dominic Aylward, O.P.,
Rev. Geo. King, O.P., here 1871.
Edw. Rigby, 1874.
'Hy. Berry, 1879.
Richard Collins, 1882.
Jos. Newsham, 1896.
Rd. Vaughan, 1897 to date.
UMBERLAND. St. Mary, Clayton
Street West.
The opening of this church on
August 21, 1844, was the occasion
for a great Catholic demonstration.
The bishops present were : Dr.
BiddeH, Dr. Griffiths, Briggs, Morris
(of Mauritius), Baggs, Brown,
Sharpies, and Collier. Bishop Rid-
dell pontificated at the High Mass,
the sermon being preached by
Bishop Gilles, of Edinburgh. A
great ' mission ' was given here in
January 1846 by the Passionist
Fathers Gentili and Furlong, during
the course of which 1,800 persons
received Holy Communion and '
forty-nine were reconciled to the
Church. During the typhus pesti
lence of 1847 Bishop Riddell, who
resided at St. Mary's, exerted him
self to have a suitable temporary
hospital erected for the sufferers.
Before the end of the year this excel
lent prelate departed this life, and
his mortal remains were interred j
beneath the church. His friend \
Bishop Gilles, of Edinburgh, pro
nounced the funeral oration (No- j
vember 1847). In the autumn of !
1881 the church was completely
redecorated by Messrs. Westlake &
Co., new stations being erected,
the roof adorned with flcurs de
lys, stars, &c. The high altar was
adorned by a fine painting of the
Annunciation, the patronal title of
the church.
most of the Catholic population
had shifted to the opposite end of
the district, and in January of that
year Bishop Bewick opened the
new school chapel in Felton Street,
Byker. The cost of the building
was £1,000. The style is Early
English. The Bishop, in his open
ing discourse, referred to Dame
Dorothy Lawson, of Heaton, who
in the dark times of the penal
days did so much to keep the
Faith alive about the Tyneside.
The mission is served from St.
Lawrence, Byker.
In 1877 Bishop Chadwick, of
Hexham and Newcastle, opened !
the old school chapel. By 1884
STAFFS (Birmingham}. Holy
The church was opened May 13,
1834, by the Vicar- Apostolic (Bishop
Walsh). The priest of the mission,
Fr. Egan, erected the church ; his
congregation at this time amounted
to about three hundred. The mis
sion, which formerly formed part
of that of Cobridge (q-v>), made
great advances after the opening of
the church, so that when Bishop
Walsh visited it on November 16
there were 132 for confirmation,
while 250 received Holy Com
munion. A splendid organ was
presented to the church by the
congregation in November 1846.
Fr. Gaudentius, the Passionist,
preached on this occasion.
Priests since 1846.
Rev. James O'Donnell.
James O'Farrell, 1848.
James Massam, 1849.
Jn. O'Connor, 1857.
Jas, Terry, 1863.
Martin Maguire, here in 1882
and to date.
(Shrewsbury). St. John Evan
The mission was established
1903. A room was hired in the
Assembly Hall, and Mass said
there on Sundays at 8.30 and 10,
and on weekdays at the pres
bytery, 12 Stanley Eoad. Fr. Win.
Baines, rector.
tinghani). St. Edward.
The large Gothic chapel, erected
in this village at the expense of the
Countess of Loudoun, was opened
on the Feast of Corpus Christi
1886. Pontifical High Mass was
sung by Bishop Bagshawe. The
front gable contains a statue of
St. Edward the Confessor. The
seating accommodation of the build
ing, which cost about £1,500, is for
300 persons.
Kev. Hubert do Burgh, 1886.
„ Thos. Middleton, 1899.
„ D. Hengel, 1902.
,, Maurice Parincntier, 1903 to
minster}. Holy Sepulchre of Our
The English branch of the
Canonesses of the Holy Sepulchre
was founded at Liege in 1642 by
Miss Susanna Hawley, daughter
of Thomas Hawley, Esq., of New
Brentford, Essex, and cousin of
Francis H. Lord Donamore.
The rule, which was approved by
Pope Urban VIII., unites active
work with the contemplative. The
pious foundress died 1706, aged
eighty-three. In 1794 the com
munity, being threatened by the
French Eevolutionists, retired under
the escort of some French gentlemen
emigres to Maestricht, and from
thence proceeded to London. They
were kindly assisted by Lord Clif
ford and Sir Wm. Gerard, Bart.,
and about October of the same
year took possession of Holme
Hall, Yorkshire, at the invitation
of Lord Stourton. In 1796 the
nuns removed to Dean House,
Wilts, and finally in January 1799
to their present abode at New Hall.
The mansion on the estate had
formerly been the favourite resi
dence of Henry VIII., who called
the place Beaulieu. It afterwards
became the residence of the
Duke of Buckingham — James I.'s
' Steenie ' — and later on of Geo.
Monk, Duke of Albemarle. The
property was purchased for the nuns
by a Mr. Michael McEvoy from
the son of Baron Waltham. Since
the establishment of the Order in
England, the convent under their
direction has achieved a wide and
well- deserved reputation as an ex
cellent place of education for young
ladies. The chapel of the convent
is a handsome piece of architecture
which in former days served as
the ' great hall ' of the historic
LAND (Hexham and Newcastle}.
A recent Benedictine mission,
founded from Blyth in 1895. Fr.
Augustus Gregory Green, O.S.B.,
was appointed rector in 1902.
ward). The Sacred Heart.
The church was opened by Bishop
Bourne, January 2, 1898. The style
is Komanesque, from a design by
Mr. W. Romaine. The first Mass
was sung by Mgr. C. Coote. Mr.
Justice Day was among the con
gregation present on this occasion.
The building accommodates 120
sons, but provision has been made
for future extension. Fr. R. Col-
linson, the first resident priest, was
transferred to Putney in 1902, since
which time the Newhaven mission
has been under the Assumptionist
Fathers. From about 1895 till the
establishment of a regular mission
Canon W. McAuliffe, of Lewes, used
to come over to the town once a
month to say Mass at Albion Villa
and visit the few Catholics.
DURHAM (Hexliam and Newcastle).
Queen of Martyrs.
The Ven. John Bost, or Boast,
who suffered for the Faith at Dur
ham, July 24, 1594, laboured in
this district prior to his seizure at
Waterhouses, September 10, 1593.
He was chiefly charged with having
said ' Masse att ye Waterhouse,'
and it was probably to this ancient
chapel that the Bishop of Hexhani
and Newcastle referred when open
ing the present church, October 26,
1871. The structure was recon
stituted 1882, and opened March
1883. In August 1885, 186 persons
were confirmed here. The building
was freed from debt and consecrated
Rev. P. Fortin, 1871.
„ Edward Beech, 1902 to date.
S.E. (Southward). St. Wilfrid.
On Rosary Sunday 1904 a chapel
was opened in the Lorrimore Road
by Bishop Amigo, of Southwark.
For some time the mission was
served from St. George's Cathedral,
Southwark, but since 1905 the Rev.
Geo. Palmer has been the rector.
SHIRE (Northampton). Our Lady
and St. Etheldreda.
As late as 1859, the only Catholic
chapel at Newmarket was a room
kindly lent by a protestant gentle
man. Fr. Thomas McDonald, who
served the mission, had also to do
duty at Ely, but a site for a church
was purchased for £300 in July
1859. The same month, the Catho
lics of Newmarket and Ely per-
sented Fr. McDonald with a hand
some gold watch, ' as a tribute of
their affectionate regard.' The
church was commenced October
1861, and opened April 5, 1863.
Fr. McDonald was rector here till
1877, when he was succeeded by
Fr. Joseph Van den Dries. In
1891 it was Fr. Henry Stanley.
His successor, Rev. Patrick Grogan,
1892, is the present rector.
tingham). St. Mary.
The church was erected 1840.
Style, Gothic ; accommodation for
about 250. The congregation num
bers 235. The district served by
the church is described as ' one of
the poorest missions in England,
scattered over ten miles.'
Rev. J. Collins, 1840.
Bryan O'Donnell, 1855.
F. Pauline, 1858.
C. L. Monahan, 1861.
Albert Op Broek, 1864.
H. T. Sabela, 1877.
J. Prendergast, 1880.
Michael Kirby, 1885.
Charles Carrigy, 1888.
Win. C. McKenna, 1893 to
SHIRE (Birmingham). The Sacred
The church of the Sacred Heart
— the gift of the Earl of Denbigh —
was opened Wednesday, May 26,
1880, by Bishop Hedley. The
structure was designed by Wyatt.
On either side of the reredos are
statues of St. Augustine and St.
Clare. At the solemn procession
of the Blessed Sacrament on the
occasion of the opening the richly
adorned canopy was borne by the
Earls of Denbigh and Gainsborough
and the Lords Herries and Camp-
Rev. Jos. Sweeney, here in 1883.
„ Bernard Murphy, 1892.
„ Archibald Fleming, 1896.
„ Marmaduke Langdale, 1904.
(Portsmouth). St. Thomas of
This mission, like that of Cowes,
owes its origin to Mrs. Heneage,
relict of James Heneage, Esq., of
Cadeby, Lincoln, and Gatcombe,
Isle of Wight. The chapel at New
port was built at the suggestion of
her chaplain, Fr. Simon Lucas,
1791. Fr. Gandolphy was priest
here in 1804. The Abb'(3 de Grenthe,
an emigre, was also missioner at
Newport, either after the departure
of Fr. Lucas or Fr. Gandolphy.
He died March 31, 1842, and is
buried beneath the sanctuary of the
church. His name does not appear
in the clergy list of the ' Catholic
Directory,' 1838-43, but it does
among those of the French clergy
annually published as having signed
the ' Form of Declaration of Catho
lic Communion ' against Blanchard-
Rev. John Russell.
„ Joseph Robson, 1838.
„ Thos. Canon Fryer, 1840 (re
tired 1889).
„ J. D. Mooney, 1889.
„ James Murtough, 1892.
„ James Canon Conway, 1899
to date.
(Newport). St. Mary.
In 1790 there were four Catholics
in Newport, who used to attend
Mass at Caerleon, where there was
a small room fitted up as a chapel.
A chapel was erected at Newport
in 1812, but the priest, who had
several missions to attend to, could
only officiate there occasionally.
By 1840, the Catholic population
had increased to about 1,600.
The accommodation of the old
chapel was for 200. Assisted by the
distinguished Catholic families of
Llanarth and Clytha, Fr. E. Met-
calfe, the priest of Newport, under
took the erection of the present thir
teenth-century Gothic church (106
ft. by 42 ft.), designed by J. Scoles
and opened in November 1840. A
mission preached here in Lent
u 2
1846 by Frs. Gentili and Furlong
caused a great revival of Catholic
fervour in the town, which had
been much edified by the excel
lent conduct of the large number of
Irish soldiers of the 37th Regiment,
which left for India the same year.
Schools were erected in 1849-50,
and in the latter year 300 children
were being educated. In 1858
Catholics in and about Newport
were reckoned at 4.500.
Eectors since 1843.
Rev. A. Baldacconi, LL.D.
„ P. Hutton.
„ Dominic Cavalli, 1849.
,, Richard Richardson, here in
„ Dominic Cavalli, 1863.
„ Michael Bailey, 1892 to date.
St. Michael, High Street, Pill-
This mission was established in
1872 from St. Mary's. The fine
Gothic church was opened Septem
ber 29, 1887, by Bishop Hedley.
Among the congregation present
were the mayor and corporation,
General Sir A. Herbert, K.C.B., &c.
Exclusive of the gallery, the build
ing will accommodate about 600 ;
cost of erection, about £3,377 ; archi
tect, W. Gardner, Esq.
Rev. Michael Bailey, 1888 to date.
NEWPORT, SALOP (Shrewsbury}.
SS. Peter and Paul.
An obscure mission was esta
blished at Longford, a village one
mile from Newport, temp. James II.
The Mass-house was an old man
sion of the Talbots, and stood ' far
from the observation of passengers
along the road.' In 1785 the pro
perty of Longford Hall was sold
by Charles Earl of Shrewsbury
to a protestant gentleman named
Leekc. The priest then was Fr.
Houghton, and when the old
chapel was closed he opened an
oratory in Newport, where he went
to live. This humble place of wor
ship was afterwards exchanged for
Salters' Hall, in the High Street,
which was given by the Earl of
Shrewsbury. The baptismal regis
ters of Newport commence with
four names in 1785. Fr. J. Wilkes
(January 1796-May 1798) kept a
mission school for the sons of the
Catholic gentry. Among his pupils
were Sir H. Tichborne, Bart., Mr.
Swinburne, of Capheator,&3. When
Fr. Trovell came in 1838 he found
the congregation less than 100 ;
the Easter communions were about
forty or fifty. By 1856 the Catholics
had risen to over 600, and the Easter
communicants to between 300 and
350. The schools were formerly in
the stables of the Hall, but in 1840
a convenient school-house for about
ICO children was erected. About the
year 1828, most of the old chapel was
pulled down to make way for the
new Gothic church, the gift of the
Earl of Shrewsbury. It was opened
for worship Tuesday, July 3, 1832,
by Bishop Walsh, V.A. of the Mid
land District. Mr. Potter, of Lich-
field, was the architect. It was
' beautified internally ' about the
year 1842, and again in 1851 from
the designs of Mr. C. Hansom. In
the chancel are two stained-glass
windows by Wailes, representing
SS. Peter and Paul, the patrons of
the church. In the library of the
presbytery are preserved an old
tabernacle used at Longford Hall
in the days of persecution, por
traits of some members of the
Talbot family, and also of Fr. John
Duckett, who suffered for the Faith
at Tyburn 1644, aged thirty-one.
There is also an old ' Ordo Bap-
tizandi' containing some interesting
Catholic memoranda, as : ' His Grace
the Duke of Norfolk died 1777,
September 20, aged ninety-two.'
Eev. Jn. Wright, 1785.
Jn. Wilkes, 1795.
Wm. Goff, or Le Goff, 1800.
Jn. Reeve, 1801.
Geo. Howe, 1806.
Michael Canon Trovell, V.G.,
Eugene Canon Buquet, 1867.
Gerard Lamb, O.S.F.C., 1868.
Ambrose Canon Lennon, 1868.
Jn. Canon Rogerson, 1872.
David Williams, 1894.
St. Augustine's opened on Trinity
Sunday 1903. The site— close to
the headland — was given by Lady
Molesworth. The style is Early
English, from the design of Canon
Scoles. Like several of the other
Cornish missions, the church is
served by the Canons Regular of
St. Augustine.
NEWSHAM, LANCS (Liverpool).
St. Mary.
The mission was founded at The
Hough about 1700. Fr. F. Kirk
was priest there in 1716. The estate
known as The Hough belonged to
the Hesketh family. Fr. Roger
Brockholes succeeded Fr. Kirk.
During the march of Prince Charles
Edward Stuart into England, 1745.
! the priest of Newsham, Fr. J.
I Carter, received an assurance of
1 protection from the Prince. It was
probably this priest who built ' the
i small, ill-made chapel,' on a piece
| of ground given him by E. Fish-
wick, Esq. During the election
i riots of 1768 the Newsham mission
i was nearly destroyed. Fr. Carter
died October 18, 1789, but his
j nephew, Fr. R. Carter, succeeded
him in the mission, and erected the
| chapel near the site of the old one,
i 1806. He served the mission till
his retirement, 1818. Fr. Jos. Marsh,
the next priest, was here from 1818
to 1854. Canon R. Gillow, who
came in 1856, erected the schools.
He was a very accomplished scholar,
and served the mission till his
death on November 3, 1867.
Recent Priests.
Rev. W. Bradshaw, 1867.
„ Austin Powell, 1871.
„ J. Bilsborrow, 1874.
„ Thos. Carroll, 1882.
,, Edmund Kearney, 1895 and to
The Holy Family.
Mission established and chapel
opened 1898 by Fr. Owen McNulty,
the present rector. Catholic popu
lation of the district, 550.
mouth). St. Joseph's.
The mission was established 1871.
Fr. Thos. Reekie was priest in 1875 ;
Fr. J. Higgins, 1883 ; Jos. Atkins,
1891 and to date.
Augustine's Priory.
The church was consecrated by
Bishop Clifford September 9, 1863.
The building is Gothic, from design
by J. Hansom ; accommodation for
about sixty. The English Augus-
tinian Canonesses of the Lateran
formed a convent at Louvain, Bel
gium, in 1609. At the time of the
Revolution, 1794, they returned to
England, settling first at Hammer
smith, and next at Amesbury, Wilts,
and Spetisbury House, Dorset. On
October 2, 1861, they commenced
residence at Newton Abbot. Until
1860 the Canonesses carried on a
school for young ladies, but since
that time the principal object of the
rule has been the Perpetual Adora
tion of the Blessed Sacrament.
(Liverpool). SS. Mary and John.
Mission opened November 1861.
By August 1862, many lapsed
Catholics had returned to their
duties. Fr. J. Lennon was the first
priest, the chapel at the outset
being a hired room in the glass
works. Assisted by Sir Robt.
Gerrard, Bart., Fr. Lennon in
1863 64 built the church, to ac
commodate about 600 persons.
The style is Gothic. In 1903 the
Catholic population was about
Eev. J. Lennon, 1861.
„ Wm. O'Reilly, 1898 to date
BEIKE> (Nottingham). St. Patrick.
The church was opened March 17,
1906. The style is Gothic, com
prising nave, chance], and sacristy;
accommodation for 300. The
opening ceremony was marked
by a great procession, over 1,000
strong, through the streets of the
town. During the afternoon, the
architect was presented by the clergy
and congregation with a handsome
silver crucifix in appreciation of
his work. Fr. J. McKearney, of
Staveley, is at present in charge
of the mission.
NORDEN, LANCS (Salford). St.
The mission was established by
the Eedemptorists, and the church
opened 1904. The Catholic popu
lation is about fifty. Rev. Chas.
McNeiry, superior.
dlesbrough). The Sacred Heart.
Until the school chapel was
opened, May 23, 1870, the nearest
mission was at Thirsk. The style
is Gothic ; architect, G. Goldie.
Till 1890 the chapel was served
from Aiskew.
Rev. James Butler, 1890.
(From 1895 to 1904 served
from Aiskew.)
„ L. Tills rector 1904, to date.
NORTHAMPTON. Cathedral of
St. Mary and St. Thomas.
In 1820, there was no Catholic
chapel in the whole of Northamp
tonshire. Bishop Milncr, who was
anxious to establish one, sent Fr.
W. Foley from Oscott to North
ampton on October 22, 182'3. The
number of Catholics in the town
was then about eighty, visited occa
sionally by the chaplain from
Weston Underwood. Bishop Milner
and Fr. Foley gave £600 for the
erection of presbytery and chapel,
opened October 25, 1825. A small
boys' school was started shortly
afterwards. Bishop Wareing, at his
own expense, added a gallery to
the church in 1849. Next year
Northampton became the cathedral
town of the newly erected see. The
present cathedral was commenced
on October 1, 1862. Mgr. Husen-
beth preached at the inaugural
ceremony, which was attended by
a large concourse, including a num
ber of the 5th Lancers. In 1881
the high altar was enlarged, and
a fine pulpit of Caen stone erected
in memory of Mgr. Oleron, V.G.
The old building on the east side
of Bridge Street, Northampton,
known as St. John's Hospital, was
opened as a Catholic chapel on
Saturday, August 18, 1882. The
' Hospital ' was built in the twelfth
century, and at the Reformation
was among the few charitable in
stitutions allowed to retain its en
dowments. It ultimately came into
the possession of the Midland
Railway Company, who let it to a
Mr. Mold for use as a timber store.
In 1882 it was purchased by Catho
lics, on the sale of the property,
pursuant to an order in Chan
cery. The church was restored
at a cost of £600, and opened for
worship by Canon Scott, V.G.
Bishop Riddell, of Northampton,
sang the Mass, and Cardinal Man
ning preached on St. Thomas of
Canterbury and the ancient fidelity
of England to the Holy See. The
mayor and corporation attended
the inauural service in state.
ivark). Our Lady and St. Joseph.
The establishment of this mis
sion dates from August 15, 1867,
when Fr. M. O' Sullivan, of Graves-
end, said Mass in a house which
served as presbytery and chapel.
The number of Catholics in North-
fleet was about 143. In 1875 it
was served by Capuchins, Fr. An
thony being superior. The mission
was served from Greenhithe from
1885 till after 1898. Fr. John
Fletcher then became incumbent.
In 1906 he went to Tulse Hill as
priest. Fr. S. Wray is the pre
sent rector of Northfleet.
BERLAND (Hexliain and New
castle). St. Cuthbert's.
On July 15, 1784, Fr. Jas. John
son, of Pontop, Durham, opened a
chapel in a room in Milburn Place.
Mass was said here once a month
for the Catholics, who numbered
at the most thirty. The next priest
was Fr. P. Willcox. About 1793,
the Abbe Duboison hired a room
in Norfolk Street, and officiated as
priest of the place till his return to
France about 1803. Before leaving
he publicly thanked the inhabitants
of the town for their kindness to
him during his stay among them.
In 1796 an Irish regiment was
quartered in the town, and Fr. J.
Worswick, of Newcastle, opened a
chapel, mainly for the accommoda
tion of the men, in Union Street.
Crowds of protestants used to at
tend the soldiers to Mass, and nurses
would promise to take their charges
to ' the Catholic chapel for a treat ' !
After the military left, the chapel
was moved, first to Camden Street,
and then to Perry Street. In 1817,
mainly owing to the energy of Fr.
Thos. Gillow, the present fine
church was commenced, and opened
June 14, 1821, by Bishop Smith,
V.A. Among the notable bene
factors to the church were Lady
Clifford (£500), Geo. Silvertop, Esq.
(£200), Geo. Dunn, Esq. (£200).
Great numbers of persons attended
the inaugural ceremony, and the
whole day after the service was
spent by them in inspecting the
building. Commodious schools were
opened in 1842, and six years later
the church was decorated by Bul-
mer. Next year (1847) 147 persons
were confirmed here by Bishop
Riddell, V.A.
Priests since 1817.
Rev. T. Gillow (died March 1857,
aged eighty -eight).
,, J. Bewick. Bishop of Hex-
ham, 1882.
„ Wm. Gillow, 1871 (?).
„ Eobt. Franklin, 1874.
„ Jn. Nolan, 1879.
,, Jas. Canon Stark, 1885.
„ Michael Haggarty, 1903.
(Shrewsbury}. St. Wilfrid.
About 1856, a Methodist chapel,
capable of holding some 500 per
sons, was rented as a Catholic place
of worship, and so continued till
March 1865, when it was turned
into a co-operative store. Alter
much difficulty, the priest of the
place., Fr. Joseph Fennelly, secured
a site for a church and presbytery,
the services being meanwhile per
formed in a hired building in Wit-
ton Street. The estimated Catholic
population in 1862 was about 900.
The present church was built be
tween September 1864 and August 8,
1866. The style is Early English
Gothic. The sitting accommoda
tion is for 400. E. Kirby was the
architect. The mission dates from
1840, when Mass was occasionally
said in a cottage near Pump Stile.
Eev. Jos. Fennelly, 1854.
Michael Power, 1855.
John Gibbon, 1857.
Jos. Fennelly, 1859.
WTm. Stanton, 1868.
Jn. Barry, 1878.
Gerard Boen, 1885.
Denis Cregan, 1891.
ampton). St. John.
The palace of the Duke of Nor
folk, built in 1602, was abandoned
by Thomas Earl of Arundel and
Surrey about the time of Charles I.,
because the mayor, T. Havers, Esq.,
would not allow him to have a pri
vate theatre. The palace fell into
decay, and part of it was ultimately
let as a workhouse. A priests' resi
dence and chapel were attached to
the building, and when the place
was sold in 1801 these portions
were cxcepted from the sale. The
chapel attached to the Duke's resi
dence was served by several eminent
priests, notably Fr. Alban Butler,
author of the ' Lives of the Saints,'
and Fr. Edward Beaumont, a de
scendant of Beaumont the poet and
colleague of Fletcher. He was at
Norwich in 1758. In 1791 the old
chapel mentioned above was closed,
and another erected in the Madder-
market. Among the contributors
to the building fund were Sir W.
Jerningham, Bart., of Cossy Hall,
Norris Suftield, and Pitchf ord Boken-
ham, Esqrs. The altar plate, vest
ments, furniture, &c., were removed
from the old chapel. Fr. Beaumont
died August 1, 1820, aged eighty-
eight. He was buried beneath the
chapel of St. John, where a marble
tablet recalls his memory. The
fine church which took the place
of the old chapel, founded in 1791,
was commenced in July 1884, and
consecrated ten years later. It is
one of the largest erected in England
since the Reformation. The central
tower can be seen from the Yar
mouth Roads, over twenty miles
off. The Duke of Norfolk, E.M.,
was the munificent founder. A
new guild-room was opened in
November 1896.
George's, Fishergate.
The Jesuit Fathers had a mission
at Norwich ' very early.' Fr. F.
Sankey, S.J., was priest here in
1647, and Fr. J. Mumford, S.J., in
1650. In the reign of James II.
Fr. C. Gage, S.J., ' effected wonder
ful conversions by his sermons.'
The chapel was attacked by an
' insolent rabble ' at the Revolution
(1688), but, thanks to the courage
of the sheriffs, very little damage
appears to have been done. The
old Mass-house, which stood ori
ginally in Chapelfield, was removed
to St. Swithin's Lane about 1775
by Fr. Galloway, S. J. The Catholic
school was also carried on there,
and was attended by the sons of
the first Catholic families in the
vicinity, as the Gages of Hcngrave,
Mannocks, &c. Fr. T. Angier, S.J.,
succeeded Fr. Galloway in 1775,
and served the mission till his
death in 1788. The chapel of the
Holy Apostles was opened in August
1829. The bells of the protestant
church of St. Giles were rung in
honour of the event, most likely at
the instigation of the liberal-minded
Bishop Bathurst, of Norwich, whose
descendants are now Catholics. The
mission was served by the Jesuit
Fathers down to January 1881,
when it was handed over to the
Bishop of Northampton. The re
tiring priests, Fr. Williams, S.J.,
and Fr. Perrin, S.J., were presented
with a gold chalice and silver pyx
by the congregation as a mark of
gratitude for their zealous minis
Secular Priests since 1881.
Rev. Thos. Fitzgerald.
„ Henry Long, 1899.
war Jf).
A dissenting chapel was hired and
opened for Catholic worship July 10,
1842. On the first day that Mass
was said there, a number of persons
walked over from St. George's
Chapel, Southwark, and, on ap
proaching the temporary mission-
house, formed a sort of procession,
with banners &c. At first, Mass
was only said once a month, but a
Mass was promised every Sunday
' if many Catholic families settled
in the neighbourhood.' The Nor
wood chapel first appears as an in
dependent mission in 1849, when
Fr. Quiblier was incumbent. The
convent of the ' Daughters of the
Faithful Virgin ' was founded here
in 1848. The Sisters conduct a
high-class boarding school for girls,
and also a large and flourishing
orphanage, which is certified for
the reception of Poor Law children.
In 1851 no mention is made in the
' Catholic Directory ' of the Nor
wood mission as such, but the
Abbe Vesque is given as chaplain
to the convent. In 1852 Fr. (after
wards Canon) David came as as-
sistant priest, and for some five
years had to serve the neighbouring
mission of Croydon. In 1857 Fr.
David went to Croydon perma
nently. The priests at Norwood
that year were Frs. J. B. Morel, F.
Maillard, and P. Rouelle. Finally
the present fine church, in the
Middle Gothic style, was opened
June 1, 1871, as a memorial of
Bishop Grant, of South wark, who
had always shown a keen interest
in the welfare of the Norwood con
vent, within the precincts of which
he is buried. The rectors of the
mission in late years have been the
before-mentioned Fr. J. B. Morel
(died 1881), Francis O'Callaghan
(1881-96), John Warner (1896), F.
Wilderspin (1900), Joseph Haynes
(1903 to date).
(Southward). St. Matthew.
This plain church, in the Roman
esque style, was opened March 30,
1905. The accommodation is for
about 200. Fr. W. Fichter is the
first and present rector.
NOTTINGHAM (Nottingham).
Cathedral of St. Barnabas.
The first public place of Catholic
worship in Nottingham was a plain,
unecclesiastical building, in King's
Place, Stoney Street, In 1831
another chapel, in George Street,
dedicated to St. John, was opened.
It was at the time thought ' pre
posterously large,' but a few years
proved it to be quite insufficient,
and on May 10, 1842, the first stone
of the present cathedral was laid
by Bishop Wiseman. The building,
which was consecrated August 27,
1844, is a Gothic cruciform struc
ture some 200 ft. in length. A
large sum towards the build
ing expenses was contributed by
John sixteenth Earl of Shrews
bury, who also greatly assisted in
the foundation of the Catholic
schools, opened 1832. A. W. Pugin
was the architect both of the cathe
dral and the adjoining house, the
residence of the Bishops of Notting
ham since the restoration of the
hierarchy in 1850. Fr. Eobt. Wil
son, for many years priest of the
Nottingham mission, was mainly
instrumental in the erection of what
a contemporary journal described
as ' this stately Gothic fane.'
The Lord Bishops of Nottingham.
(1) Rt. Rev. Joseph Hendren,O.S.F.
Born at Birmingham October 19,
1791; educated at the Fran
ciscan academy of Baddesley
Clinton ; a zealous missioner
at Courtfield, Aston, Swynner-
ton, &c., 1816 39; Vicar-Apo
stolic, Western District, 1848 ;
translated to Clifton 1850; to
Nottingham 1851 ; resigned
1852 ; died 1866.
(2) Richard Roskell. Born 1817;
D.D. Rome 1842 ; rector of St.
Patrick's, Manchester, 1842;
V.G. of Salford 1851 ; Bishop
of Nottingham September 21,
1853 ; resigned 1874 ; died at
Whitewell, near Clitheroe,
January 27, 1883.
(3) Edward Bagshawe. Born Janu
ary 12, 1829 ; Bishop of Notting
ham November 12, 1874 ; re
signed 1901 ; Archbishop of
Seleucia, 1904.
(4) Robt. Brindle, D.S.O. Born in
Liverpool, November 4, 1837 ;
educated at the English Col
lege, Lisbon; for many years
an Army chaplain of great dis
tinction, and as such took part
in the Egyptian and Soudan
campaigns ; consecrated by
Cardinal Satolli March 12,
1899, as Bishop Auxiliary for
Westminster ; translated to
Nottingham December 6, 1901 ;
received Princess Ena — Queen
Victoria Eugenie of Spain —
into the Catholic Church 1906.
NOTTINGHAM, Our Lady and
St. Patrick.
This handsome church, in the
London Road, was opened Monday,
September 24, 1883, by Bishop
Bagshawe. It took the place of
the old chapel, opened in 1867. The
building is in the Early English
style of Gothic of the Lancet period.
The accommodation is for 600
people. The reredos, which is of
oak, handsomely carved, contains
figures of Our Lady, St. Joseph,
and St. Patrick. Mgr. Provost Har-
nett, the incumbent of the church
at the time of opening, is still the
rector (1905).
NOTTINGHAM. St. Edward's,
Blue Bell Hill.
When the mission was erected in
1886, the once rural district had
become a region of streets and
houses. Two years earlier St.
Joseph's Convent was opened, and,
as the chapel was semi-public, a
congregation was quickly formed.
The present church was opened in
July 1886 by Cardinal Manning ;
cost of erection, about £1,200. A
portion of the building serves, or
served, the mission for a school,
the sanctuary being ingeniously
screened off. The erection of St.
Edward's is largely due to Canon
Monahan, the first rector. Fr. Ig.
Beale has been incumbent since
about 1896.
(Birmingham}. Our Lady of the
The chapel was opened July 25,
1838, and completed 1840. Fr. W.
Nickolds was the first resident
priest. Before this, the mission was
served on Sundays from Hinckley.
Fr. Alwyrd was priest in 1847, Fr.
P. Sablon in 1855, and Fr. W.
Hilton in 1872. Fr. William,
O.S.F.C., celebrated his silver
jubilee here in June 1886. He
improved the interior of the church,
' making it perfect of its kind,' and
also founded the neighbouring mis
sion of Bedworth. The schools
and presbytery were built by Fr.
Sablon, who subsequently acted as
chaplain to the Dominican nuns at
Hurst Green and Carisbrooke.
ward). St. Thomas the Apostle,
Hollydale Road.
The present church was opened
for Mass, November 5, 1905. Fr.
P. Ryan, D.D., rector. The sanc
tuary has recently been fully deco
rated, and altars of brass and bronze
erected. During Passion WTeek 1906
the first mission was conducted
by Fr. Athanasius Ryan, C.P., both
morning and evening services being
well attended.
St. Joseph.
The mission was anciently esta
blished at Linton-on-Ousc 1700, but
its history is said to have been un
eventful. The register dates from
1771. In 1856 the lease of the old
chapel expired, and efforts to get
another site in the district were
frustrated by anti-Catholic preju
dice. The mission was consequently
removed to Nun Monkton in 1862.
During the interval, 1856-62, Mass
was said at Linton in a private
house by a priest who came from
York on Sundays. The present
church at Nun Monkton was opened
in October 1870. The style is
Gothic ; with seating for about 160.
Priests since 1810.
Eev. Peter Thebault (emigre), 1810.
,, P. Chatelais (emigre), 1813.
,, Louis de Henne, 1816.
(No mention of mission till
„ James Wrennall, 1829.
„ Arthur Wilson, 1852.
„ Henry Walker, 1854.
At Nun Monkton.
Rev. Robt. Canon Thompson, 1862
and till after 1875.
„ Wm. Wilson, 1877.
„ Charles Burke, 1891.
„ Joseph Locke, 1899.
ham}. St. Wilfrid's College.
This is the lineal descendant of
Sedgeley Park School, founded in
1763 in an old mansion rented from
Viscount Dudley and Ward. This
nobleman was a firm friend of the
long-persecuted Catholics, and more
than once defended in Parliament
his conduct in letting his mansion
' for a Popish school.' The school
flourished, and by 1770 there were
about one hundred pupils, most of
them destined for mercantile and
commercial pursuits and living
under a regime of Spartan sim
plicity. Various additions were
made to the building from time to
time, notably in 1793 and 1794.
A new chapel, of Classical design,
was erected (1800-1) from plans
by Dadford. The altar-piece was
a copy of West's ' Last Supper,'
and the altar an ' oblong square,'
with 'an antependium of painted
and gilt leather.' High Mass up to
this time seems to have been con
spicuous by its absence, and Bene
diction only given on the greater
festivals. Even then the priest
wore no cope — a